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It is impossible to turn a blind eye to the fact that Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Praise and Peace be upon Him) is by far the most worthy and the greatest of all mankind, and that he is the most perfect of all, adorned with the most excellent virtues and qualities.

وأحسن منك لم تر قط عيني
I haven’t seen the lovely personality like you

وأجمل منك لم تلد النساء
And no mother have given birth to such a wonderful personality

خُلِقْتَ مبرءاً من كل عيب
You are created free from every fault

كأنك قد خُلِقْتَ كما تشاء
You were created, as you wanted to be

His physical description and character have been reported by many of his Companions and we are told that he was the most handsome man ever created, surpassing Prophet Yousuf Alaihis Salam for whom the women of the city cut their hands,

When she heard of their sly whispers, she sent for them and prepared a banquet. To each she gave a knife, (then called Joseph saying,) ‘Come and attend to them.’ When they saw him, they were so taken with him that they cut their hands, and said, ‘Allah save us! This is no mortal, he is no other but a noble angel!’ [12:21]

Beloved Prophet’s Physical Description
  • His complexion was radiant.
  • His eyes were black… deep… widely set and naturally mascaraed with a slight tinge of pink… accentuated by long eyelashes.
  • His nose was distinctive.
  • His teeth evenly spaced.
  • His face was round with a broad forehead.
  • His beard was thick and reached his chest.
  • As for his chest and abdomen they were equal in size.
  • His shoulders were broad as was his chest.
  • His bones were large as were his arms.
  • The palms of his hands were thick as were the soles of his feet.
  • His fingers were long and his skin tone fair.
  • The hair between his chest and navel was fine.
  • He was of medium stature… however, when a tall person walked by his side the Prophet (Praise and Peace be upon Him) appeared to be the taller.
  • As for his hair it was neither curly nor straight.
  • When he laughed his teeth were visible like a flash of lightning or they have been described as white as hailstones.
  • His neck was balanced, neither broad nor fat, as for his body it was firm and did not lack firmness.
Sayings of the Exalted Companions about Prophet’s Blessed Physic:

The following sayings are but a fraction of the multi narrations of the Companion’s description of the Prophet (Praise and Peace be upon Him) although they are but a sampling, they are sufficient to convey the perception of his handsomeness. Everyone who met him said they had never seen anyone like him.

When the Companion Al Bar’a Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho saw a lock of the Prophet’s hair resting on his red robe he commented,

“I have never seen anyone with a more beautiful lock of hair than his resting on a red robe.”

Sunan Darimi, Vol 1, Page 35
Dalail an-Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqi, Vol 1, Page 315
Shamail Tirmidhi, Page 3

Abu Hurayrah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho said,

“I have never seen anyone more handsome than the Messenger of Allah, it was as though the sun was shining upon his face and when he laughed it reflected from the wall.”

Musnad Imam Ahmad, Vol 2, Page 350
Ibne Hibban, Vol 8, Page 74
Muwahibul Ladaniyah, Vol 1, Page 271
Anwaarul Muhammadiyah, Page 133
Shifa Shareef, Page 39
Hashia Shamail Tirmizi, Page 16
Sharha Shifa Mula Ali Qari, Hashia Naeemur Riyadh. Vol 1 Page 338
Madarijun Nabuiwah (Persian) Page 12
Hujatullahi Alal Alameen, Page 689
The beloved companion of the Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) Hadrat Anas (Radi Allahu Anhu) states,

“The day on which Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) arrived in Madinatul Munawwara. It was His Noor through which every thing in Madinatul Munawwara became bright.”

Tirmidhi Shareef, Vol 2, Page 202
Mishkaatul Masabih, Page 547
Ibn Majah Shareef, Page 119
Tabqaate ibn Sa’ad, Vol 1, Page 221
Muwahibul ladaniyah, Vol 1, Page 68
Anwaarul Muhammadiyah, Page 38
Seerate Halbia, Vol 2, Page 234
Jawahir al Bihar, Page 60
Khasaisul Kubra, Vol 1, Page 471
Madarijun Nabuiwah, Vol 2, Page 81
Mustadrik, Vol 3, Page 12

Umm al Mu’mineen, Sayyida Aisha Siddiqa (Radi Allahu Anha) is recorded to have said:

“In total dark nights, I used to put the thread into a needle with the help of the Noor of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).” [Shara Shifa Hashia Naseem ar-Riyadh)

Someone asked Jabir Ibn Samura Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, “Was his face like a sword?” He replied, “No, it was like the sun and the moon, and round.” [Sahih Muslim, Vol 4, Page 1823]

Your face is as bright as the full moon
Let your grace and light fall on me soon

Umm Ma’bad Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anha, the lady from whom the description of the Prophet (Praise and Peace be upon Him) was more profuse, said,

“Even from a distance he was the most beautiful of people, and as he drew near it was apparent that he was the most handsome.” [Dalail an-Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqi, Vol 1, Page 279]

Abi Hala’s son said,

“His face glowed like the full moon.” [Shamail Tirmidhi, Page 21]

AsSalatu wasSalamu Alaiku Ya Syedi Ya Habeebi Ya RasoolALLAH SallAllahu Alaihi wa Aalihi wa SaHbihi wa Baraaka wa Sallam

The fourth khalifa of Islam, The true khalifa of Islam Hadrat Ali Murtuza (radi Allahu anhu) states,

“When the Beloved of Allah (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) used to speak then noor could be seen emerging from between his blessed teeth.”

Muwahibul Ladaniyah pg 27 vol 1
Anwaar al Muhammadiyah page 132

Imam Ali Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho may Allah honor his face, said at the end of his description of the Prophet (Praise and Peace be upon Him)

“Anyone who came upon him by chance became filled with timidity towards of him and those who kept company with him loved him.” [Shamail Tirmidhi, Page 21]

None like you was ever seen or created;
Authority stands in your person consummated.

May Allah illumine my heart and yours, and increase our love for this Noble Prophet Praise and Peace be upon Him and keep us firm on the Maslak-e-Haqq AhleSunnat wal Jama’at… Aameen!

The Ahl as-Sunnah wal Jama’ah holds that the life of Prophets in their graves is firmly established through authentic and explicit proofs. The great Hadith Master, Imam Bayhaqi compiled them in a separate book. Imam Jalal Al-Suyuti, Master of Hadith, also authored a book on this topic. May Allah Most High have mercy on them both. Master of Hadith Ibn Hajar says:

“Al-Bayhaqi compiled a brilliant book regarding the life of prophets in their graves in which he mentions the hadith of Anas, ‘The prophets are alive in their graves praying’, which he transmits from the channel of Yahya Ibn Abu Katheer, who is a rigorously authenticated transmitter, on the authority of Al-Mustalim Ibn Sa’eed, whom Ahmad and Ibn Hibban deem reliable, on the authority of Al-Hajjaj Al-Aswad (a.k.a. Ibn Abu Ziyad Al-Basri), whom Ahmad and Ibn Ma’een deem reliable, on the authority of Thabit, on the authority of him.”

Abu Ya’la also transmits it in his Musnad from this avenue. Al-Bazzar transmits it, but it appears with him on the authority of Hajjaj Al-Sawwaf, which is an error. Al-Hajjaj Al-Aswad is the correct name, as is explicitly mentioned in the narration of Al-Bayhaqi, which he rigorously authenticates.

Witness from Qur’an al Kareem:

ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala says in the Holy Qur’an:

ولا تحسبن الذين قتلوا في سبيل الله أمواتا بل أحياء عند ربهم يرزقون
And do not ever assume that those who are slain in Allah’s cause, are dead; in fact they are alive with their Lord, receiving sustenance. [Aal Imran 3:169]

Qadi Thana’Allah Pani Patti writes under this verse:

“One group of scholars believes that this life is specific to martyrs. I believe that it is not specific to them, rather, the life of the Prophets is superior to theirs and the effects of this are more apparent such as marriage being prohibited for the wives of the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam after his demise whereas the widow of a martyr can remarry. The Siddiqin hold a higher rank than martyrs and the Salihin, meaning the Awliya, are adjoined to them as is the order in the verse, Of the Prophets and the truthful and the martyrs and the righteous. This is why the gnostics says that our souls are our bodies and our bodies are our souls. It is mass transmitted from many Awliya that they help their friends and damage their enemies. Allah guides whom He wills.” [Tafsir Mazhari, Vol 1, Page 151]

Qadi Thana’Allah has proven the life of Prophets, Siddiqin and Awliya after their demise and also that they help and assist by the will of Allah.

Qadi Shawkani writes:

There is a verse of the Qur’an that martyrs are alive, are given sustenance and that their life is physical. What will be the state of Prophets and Messengers? The hadith proves that Prophets are alive in their graves and has been narrated by Imam Munziri and graded Sahih by Imam Bayhaqi. [Nayl al-Awtar, Vol 3, Page 282]

Imam Jalal al-Din Suyuti writes:

The Prophet SallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam is alive in his blessed grave. This is proven from either the generality of the verse or the meaning that is derived from it. [al-Hawi lil Fatawa, Vol 2, Page 149]

 Ahadith on the Life of the Prophets:

1. Hadrat Abu al-Darda’ reported that the Messenger of Allah said,

إن الله حرم على الأرض أن تأكل أجساد الأنبياء فنبي الله حي يرزق
“Indeed Allah has made it Haram (forbidden) upon the earth to eat the bodies of the Prophets. Thus, the Prophets of Allah are alive and are given their sustenance.”

Sunan Ibn Maja, Vol 5, Page 207, Hadith 1706
Mishkat al-Masabih, Vol 1, Page 304, Hadith 1366

Hadrat Sheikh ‘Abd al-Haq “Muhaddith-e-Dehwli” states under the commentary of this Hadith:

“The Prophets of Allah are alive in their graves, just as they were alive in this world.” [Ashi’ah al-Lam’at – Vol. 1 Pg. 576]

Imam Mulla ‘Ali al-Qari states under the commentary of this Hadith:

“There is no difference between the life of the Prophets after their demise and the life of them in this world. This is why it has been stated that the Awliyah (pious friends of Allah, the Most Exalted) do not die, but in fact, move from one place (the world) to another (the Hereafter). ” [Mirqat – Vol. 2 Pg. 212]

2. Hadrat Aws ibn Aws narrated that the Messenger of Allah said,

إن الله حرم على الأرض أجساد الأنبياء
“Allah has made the (eating of the) bodies of the Prophets Haram (unlawful) on the earth.

Sunan Abi Dawood, Vol 3, Page 404, Hadith 1049
Sunan Nisa’ee, Vol 5, Page 238, Hadith 1385
Sunan Ibn Maja, Vol 3, Page 447, Hadith 1138
Mishkat al-Masabih, Vol 1, Page 304, Hadith 1361

A sound (sahih) tradition related on the authority of Aws ibn Aws al-Thaqafi by Ahmad in his Musnad, Ibn Abi Shaybah in the Musannaf, Abu Dawud in the Sunan, Nisa’i in his Sunan, Ibn Majah in his Sunan, Darimi in his Musnad, Ibn Khuzaymah in his Sahih, ibn Hibban in his Sahih, Hakim in the Mustadrak, Tabarani in his Kabir, Bayhaqi in Hayat al-anbiya’, Suyuti in Anba’ al-adkhiya, Dhahabi who confirmed Hakim’s grading, and Nawawi in the Adhkar.

Hadrat Mulla ‘Ali al-Qari states under the commentary of this Hadith:

“Indeed the Prophets are alive in their graves.” [Mirqat – Vol. 2 Pg. 209]

Hadrat Sheikh ‘Abd al-Haq “Muhaddith-e-Dehlwi” states under the commentary of this Hadith:

“The Prophets are alive and everyone believes that they are alive; there is no disagreement in this. Their life (in their graves) is the real, physical life (which they possessed in this world); not like the martyrs whose life is only spiritual.” [Ashi’ah al-Lam’at – Vol. 1 Pg. 574]

3. Hadrat Anas Ibn Malik narrated that the Messenger of Allah said,

الأنبياء أحياء في قبورهم يصلون
“The Prophets are alive in their graves, praying to their Lord”.

A sound (sahih) tradition related on the authority of Anas ibn Malik Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho by: al-Bazzar in his Musnad, Abu Ya`la in his Musnad (7:445), Ibn `Adi in al-Kamil fi al-du`afa’, Tammam al-Razi in al-Fawa’id, al-Bayhaqi in Hayat al-anbiya’ fi quburihim, Abu Nu`aym in Akhbar Asbahan, Ibn `Asakir in Târeekh Dimashq, al-Haythami in Majma` al-zawa’id (8:144), al-Suyuti in Anbâ’ al-adhkiya’ bi-hayat al-anbiya’, and al-Albani, in Silsilat al-ahadith al-sahihah.

Imam Jalal al-Din Suyuti comments: “The life of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and give him peace, in his grave, and that of the rest of the prophets is known to us as definitive knowledge (`ilman qat`iyyan).”

4. Hadrat Anas Ibn Malik narrated that the Messenger of Allah said,

ليلة أسري بي مررت على موسى وهو يصلي في قبره
“The night I was enraptured to my Lord I saw Mûsa standing in prayer in his grave”.

A sound (sahih) tradition related on the authority of Anas and others by Muslim (4:1845), Nasa’i (3:216), and Bayhaqi in the dala’il al-nubuwwa (2:247) and the Hayât. Some mention the beginning (in parentheses), while others omit it.

5. Hadrat Abu Harayra narrated that the Messenger of Allah said,

ما من أحد يسلم على إلا رد الله على روحى حتى أرد عليه السلام
“No-one greets me except Allah has returned my soul to me so that I can return his salâm”.

From Abu Hurayra, in Abu Dawud (6:214) with a sound (SaHeeH) chain. This hadith has been adduced by the scholars as the legal proof for the validity and modality of visiting and greeting the Prophet Peace and Blessings be Upon Him.

Imam Jala al-Din Suyuti said that “radda” means “`ala al-dawâm,” i.e. permanently, and not temporarily. In other words, Allah does not return the rûH and take it back, then return it again and then take it back again, but He returned it to the Prophet permanently, and the Prophet is alive permanently.

Sakhawi, Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalâni’s student, said: “As for us (Muslims) we believe and we confirm that he is alive and provided for in his Grave” [al Qawl al Badee` Page 161].

Ibn al-Qayyim said: “It is obligatory knowledge to know that his body is in the earth tender and humid (i.e. as in life), and when the Companions asked him: ‘How is our greeting presented to you after you have turned to dust’ he replied: ‘Allah has defended the earth from consuming the flesh of Prophets,’ and if his body was not in his grave he would not have given this answer.” [al-RûH Page 58]

Ibn Hajar al-Haythami wrote in al-Jawhar al-Munazzam:

“The proofs and the transmitted texts have been established as authentic in the highest degree that the Prophet is alive and tender… that he fasts and performs pilgrimage every year, and that he purifies himself with water which rains on him.”

6. Hadrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood narrated that the Messenger of Allah said,

حياتى خير لكم تحدثون ويحدث لكم فإذا أنا مت كانت وفاتى خيرًا لكم تعرض على أعمالكم فإذا رأيت خيرًا حمدت الله وإن رأيت شرًّا استغفرت لكم
“My life is a great good for you, you will relate about me and it will be related to you, and my death is a great good for you, your actions will be presented to me (in my grave) and if I see goodness I will praise Allah, and if see other than that I will ask forgiveness of him (for you).”

Qadi `Iyad cites it in “al-Shifa” (1:56 of the Amman edition) and Suyuti said in his “Manahil al-Safa fi Takhrij Ahadith al-Shifa” (Page 31 – Beirut 1988/1408). Ibn Abi Usama cites it in his Musnad from the hadith of Bakr ibn `Abd Allah al-Mazni, and al-Bazzar from the hadith of Ibn Mas`ud with a sound (sahih) chain.

It is cited in Subki’s Shifa’ al-Siqâm fi ziyarat Khayr al-Anâm , where he mentions that Bakr ibn Abd Allah al-Mazini reported it, and Ibn al-Jawzi mentions it through Bakr and then again through Anas ibn Malik in the penultimate chapter of the penultimate section of al-Wafa, both huffaz without giving the isnad. However, Ibn al-Jawzi specifies in the introduction of al-Wafa that he only included sound traditions in his book. He also mentions the version through Aws ibn Aws: “The actions of human beings are shown to me every Thursday on the night of (i.e. preceding) Friday.” See also FatH al-Bâri 10:415, al-Mundhiri’s Targheeb wa al-Tarheeb 3:343, and Ahmad 4:484.

Sayings of the Exalted Scholars:

Sayings of the scholars regarding the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam being alive are so numerous that they cannot be estimated. Only a few are mentioned here.

1. Imam ibn al-Haj writes:

Our scholars say that those who visit the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam should believe that he is alive and they are present before him because there is no difference between his life and demise in that he sees the nation and knows their states, intentions and thoughts. All of this is apparent to him and none of it is hidden. [al-Madkhal, Vol 1, Page 282]

2. Imam ‘Ali Qari commentates on the hadith, When a believer sends salutations upon me:

It means that the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam is occupied in seeing the light of Allah. Allah turns the attention of the Prophet’s soul so that he may reply to the salam of people. Otherwise, the relied upon creed is that the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam is alive in his blessed grave like the other Prophets are alive in their graves in the presence of their Lord. Their souls are connected to the upper realm like they were in this world. Their hearts are associated with the upper realm and their bodies are in this world. [Sharh Shifa’, Vol 3, Page 499]

3. Imam Sayyid Mahmood Alusi writes:

Imam Tabrani has narrated the whole hadith that whichever Prophet passes away, they spend forty days in their grave until their soul is returned to them. I passed by the grave of Musa ‘alaihis salam on the night of Mi’raj and he was standing in his grave offering salah. This hadith does not mean that they do no stay in their graves and go elsewhere, rather, it means that unlike other dead people, Prophets do not remain dead for more than forty days and their souls are returned to them and they are alive. What does this meaning have to do with the claim that they come out of their graves after forty days? Being alive in the grave does not necessitate coming out of it. I am a believer in the life of the Prophets. [Tafsir Ruh al-Ma’ani, Vol 22, Page 36]

4. Imam Fakhr al-Din Razi writes:

One miracle of Abu Bakr Siddiq radiyAllahu ‘anhu is that when his body was bought to the blessed grave of the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam, it was said: Peace be upon you. This is Abu Bakr present at your door. Suddenly, the door opened and a voice came from the blessed grave saying: Bring the beloved to the beloved. [al-Tafsir al-Kabir, Vol 21, Page 86]

5. Shaykh ‘Abdul Haq Dihlawi writes:

The last companion to come out of the grave of the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam was Qasham radiyAllahu ‘anhu who said: I saw the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam in his grave and his lips were moving. I moved closer to hear and heard him saying: Oh Allah, forgive my nation. [Madarij al-Nubuwwah, Vol 2, Page 442]

6. Shaykh ‘Abdul Haq Dihlawi writes:

There is agreement on the Prophets being alive and no one disagrees that this life is physical, worldly and real. It is not like the life of martyrs which is spiritual and figurative. [Ashi’at al-Lum’at, Vol 1, Page 574]

7. It has been stated in Nasim al-Riyadh sharh al-Shifa Qadi ‘Iyadh:

The prophets are alive in their graves living the ‘real’ life which they had in this world. [Nasim al-Riyadh sharh al-Shifa Qadi ‘Iyadh, Vol. 1 Pg. 196]

8. In al-Mirqat sharh Mishkat, Imam Mulla ‘Ali al-Qari states:

Undoubtedly, the Messenger of Allah is alive; presented with sustenance; and one can ask from him any kind of assistance whatsoever. [al-Mirqat sharh Mishkat – Vol. 1 Pg. 284]

9. Hadrat Sheikh ‘Abd al-Haq Muhaddith-e-Dehlwi states in his book Suluk Aqrab al-Subuli bi al-Tawajjuh ila Sayyid al-Rusuli:

Despite the increasing disagreement and disputes amongst the scholars of this Ummah, there is no disagreement in this fact that the Messenger of Allah is alive in his grave; he is present there. There is not even a slightest thought of saying that this life is not real (but majaz – metaphoric). The Holy Prophet is Hadhir-o-Nadhir (present and witnessing) seeing the actions of his Ummah and being presented with them. Those who seek assistance from the Messenger of Allah, and those who draw close to him, he blesses them and is their mentor. The Holy Qur’an states: ‘surely you are to die, and they too are to die.’ [Surah:39 – al-Zumar, Verse:30]. This means moving away from this world (to the Hereafter). The meaning of the word hayat (life) is the real physcial life after death. [Suluk Aqrab al-Subuli bi al-Tawajjuh ila Sayyid al-Rusuli, Published by Rahimiyah – Deoband – India Pg. 161]

10. Shah WaliAllah Dihlawi writes:

I have felt that it is unique to the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam that he can make his soul take the form of his body. This is what he indicated towards when he said Prophets do not encounter real death; they offer prayers in their graves, perform pilgrimage and are alive. [Fuyuz al-Haramayn, Page 84]

11. The Muhaddith of Makkah, Sayyid Muhammad ‘Alawi Maliki writes:

We have mentioned that the life of Barzakh is real and it proven from established texts that the dead – whether Muslim or not – hears, feels and knows. Life, sustenance and entering paradise is not specific to martyrs. This is the true creed which is followed by the Imams of Islam and the majority of Ahlu’s Sunnah. This is why it is not necessary to prove the life of the Prophets because it is more apparent than the Sun and not needy of verification. Moreover, the correct path is to speak of how their lives are superior and perfected. Like the ranks of people in this world differ, so too is the living of the Prophets superior. [Mafahim Yajibu ‘an Tusahhaha, p.165]

12. After quoting several hadiths that prove the life of Prophets ‘Alaihimus Salam, he writes:

The mentioned hadiths and others prove definitively [Qat’i] that the meaning of Prophets passing away is that they are veiled from us and we cannot sense them even though they are present and alive. Such as angels are alive and present but we cannot see them. [Mafahim Yajibu ‘an Tusahhaha, Page 171]

Verification from the Opposition:

1. al-Muhannad is a short monograph that has signatures of attestation from 24 Deobandi Molvis including Ashraf ‘Ali Thanwi and Mahmud Hasan. In it, Khalil Ahmad Anbethwi writes:

According to us and our elders, the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam is alive in his blessed grave and his life is like that of this world but worship is not obligatory upon him. This life is specific to the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam and all other Prophets and martyrs and is not of Barzakh which all believers and even non believers share. [al-Muhannad, Page 13]

2. The founder of Darul ‘Uloom Deoband, Qasim Nanotwi, writes:

The life of the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam cannot diminish and the life of believers can. This is why at the time of demise, the life of the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam will not finish, yes, it will be veiled and the life of believers will totally finish or half of it or a third will. Hence, this veiling of the life of the Prophet sallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam can be compared to the Sun, which, at the time of solar eclipse, is veiled and its light is obscured but not defunct. [Aab-e-Hayat, Page 208 / 209]


1. The Prophets are alive in their graves living their ‘real’ and physcial life which they used to live in this world. This is why on the Night of Ascension when the Messenger of Allah reached Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), he lead the prayer in which all the Prophets stood behind him. If the prophets were not alive after their death, then how would have they come to perform salaah in Bayt al-Maqdis behind the Final Messenger?!

2. The life of the Prophets in their graves is the real, physical life which they used to live in this world. It is not merely a ‘spiritual’ life like that of the martyrs. This is why the wealth left in inheritance by the Prophets is not distributed; nor can their wives marry anyone else after them. Contrary to this, the wealth left in inheritance by the martyrs can be distributed and their wives can marry anyone after their death.

3. The life of the Prophets in their graves is not barzakhi (interspatial life) but it is the ‘real’, ‘physical’ life they used to spend in this world. The only matter of the fact is that we are not able to see them. This has been stated by the great Imam al-Shiekh Hasan ibn ‘Ammar Shurunbulali in the commentary of his famous book “Noor al-Idah” entitled “Maraqiy al-Falah”

It is well known fact among the great scholars that the Mesenger of Allah is alive in his blessed grave (the life which he used to spend in this world). The Messenger of Allah is given sustenance; takes benefit from everything which he desires; and gains the pleasure and joy of worshipping (as he had in this world). However, those who have not reached close proximity to Allah are unable to see him. [Noor al-Idah entitled Maraqiy al-Falah, Page 447]


Some detractors propagandise that Ahlu’s Sunnah wa’l Jama’ah do not believe that Prophets encounter death at all. This is blatant slander and nothing to do with reality. Whoever totally denies that Prophets ‘Alaihim Assalam pass away and their souls are taken out; such a person is a denier of Qur’anic verses and mass transmitted hadiths and therefore out of the fold of Islam.

The Prophets also have to face death
But it is simply just a nominal death

After that moment they start living once more
Just as they had lived a physical life before

..:: What Does SAHABA-E-KIRAM Believe? ::..

  هاجرت إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقدمت عليه منصرفه من تبوك، فأسلمت، فسمعت العباس بن عبد المطلب يقول: يا رسول الله إنى أريد أن أمتدحك، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: قل، لا يفضض الله فاك
After gaining victory and success in Ghazwa Tabook when Rasoolullah (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) arrived in Madinatul Munawwara, Hadrat Sayyiduna Abbas (radi Allahu anhu) requested permission of the Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) to read a few stanzas in his praise then Rahmate Alam (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) said, ” My dear Uncle! Go ahead. May Almighty Allah keep your mouth well.”

This is what al-`Abbas ibn `Abd al-Muttalib said:

من قبلها طبت في الظلال وفى مستودع حيث يخصف الورق
ثم هبطت البلاد لا بشر أنت ولا مضغة ولا علق
بل نطفة تركب السفين وقد ألجم نسرا وأهله الغرق
تنقل من صلب إلى رحم إذا مضى عالم بدا طبق
وردت نارا لخليل مستترا في صلبه أنت كيف يحترق
ثم احتوى بيتك المهيمن خندف علياء تحتها النطق
وأنت لما ولدت أشرقت الارض ونارت بنورك الافق
فنحن في ذلك الضياء وفى النور وسبل الرشاد نخترق

… Before you came to this world,
you were excellent in the shadows and in the repository (i.e. loins)
in the time when they (Adam and Eve) covered themselves with leaves.
Then you descended through the ages…
When you were born, the earth shone
and your light illuminated the horizon.
We travel in that illumination and in the light and in the paths of right guidance.�

Mullah Ali al-Qari in his �Sharh al-Shifa� (1:364) says it is related by Abu Bakr al-Shafi`i and Tabarani, and cited by Ibn `Abd al-Barr and Ibn al-Qayyim respectively in �al-Isti`ab� and �Huda Nabiyy Allah (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam)�.

This has been stated in distinguished works of great Muhaditheen such as Imam Jalaluddeen Suyuti, Muhadith ibn Jauzi, Allamah Ibn Hajr, Allamah Halbi, Allamah Dahlaan Makki, Allamah Nibhaani, Allamah ibn Abdul Birr, Allamah Haakim, Allamah Ibn Kathir and Allamah Sharistaani (radi Allahu Anhumul Ajmaeen).

1. Kitaabul Wafa pg 35 vol 1
2. khasais ul kubra pg 97 vol 1
3. Insaanul Uyoon page 96 vol 1
4. Seeratun Nauwiya pg 37
5. Jawahirul Bihaar pg 40
6. Anwaarul Muhammadiyah pg 62-84
7. Hujjatulahi Alal Alameen pg 222
8. Muwahibul Ladaniyah pg 23
9. Al Istiaab Mustadrik pg 327 vol 3
10. Albidaya Wan Nihaya pg 258 vol 2
11. Kitaabul Mallal wan Nahal pg 240 Vol 2
12. Majma’i Zawahid pg 217 vol 8
13. Talkheesul Mustadrik pg 327 vol 3
14. Subl al Huda war-Rishaad, Vol 5, Page 469
15. Ibn-e-Kaseer�s Meelad-e-Mustafa, Pg 29-30, Published in Lahore 1958.

Sayyidatuna Aamina Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anha states,

ورأيت ثلاثة أعلام مضروبات علما في المشرق وعلما في المغرب وعلما على ظهر الكعبة فأخذني المخاض فولدت محمدا صلى الله عليه وسلم
�I saw that three flags are sited, One in East, One in West and the third on roof of Ka�ba Shareef and Prophet�s Peace Be Uon Him birth took place.� (Khasaisul Kubra, Vol1, Pg 82, Published from Darul Kutub Ilmia � Berut)


Hadrat Hassan Bin Thaabit (Radi ALLAH Anho) said:

وأحسن منك لم تر قط عيني
Wa Ah’sanu Minka Lum taraqattu Aienee
I haven�t seen the lovely personality like you

وأجمل منك لم تلد النساء
Wa Ajmalu Minka Lum Talidin Nisa’u
And no mother have given birth to such a wonderful personality


خُلِقْتَ مبرءاً من كل عيب
Khuliqta Mubarra’am Min Kulli Aie’bin
You are created free from every fault

كأنك قد خُلِقْتَ كما تشاء
Ka’Annaka Qud Khuliqta Kama Tasha’u
You were created, as you wanted to be

And look what Sarkar Awarded him; Hadrat Aaisha (Radi ALLAH Anha) narrates that Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) built a pulpit for Hadrat Hassan (Radi ALLAH Anho) in Masjid-e-Nabawi Shareef, and Hadrat Hassan use to Recite Naats standing on that pulpit and also use to give answers to mushriqeen on behalf of Syyeduna Muhammadur Rasoolullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam). For this act of Hadrat Hassan, Holy Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam) said

 إن روح القدس لا يزال يؤيدك ما نافحت عن الله ورسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم
“Jibril al Ameen (RooH al Quds) assists Hassan while He recites and refutes mushrikeen on there accusations on ALLAH and His Prophet Peace and Blessings be upon Him”

1. Sunan al Kubra lil Bayhaqi, Vol 10, Page 238
2. Al Mau’jam al Kabir lil Tibrani, Vol 4, Page 35
3. Musannaf Abi Shayba, Vol 6, Page 173
4. Dalail al Nabuwwah, Vol 5, Page 75
5. SaHiH Muslim, Vol 16, Page 226
6. Sunan Abi Dawood, Vol 14, Page 357

An Incident with Hadrat Burayda al-Aslami (radi Allahu anhu)

Beloved Prophet Peace Be Upon Him Migrated to Madinah Munawwarah, when he reached MoDa-e-Gameem near Madina; at that time Burayda Aslami along with 70 Horse riders of Qabeela Bani Saham came to Prophet Peace Be Upon Him to arrest him (Ma�aaz ALLAH) but because of Prophet�s blessed and wonderful personality, he got highly admire with the Prophet Peace be Upon Him and accepted Islam along with his group. Then he requested Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

لا تدخل المدینة الا ومعك لواء، فحل عمامة ثم شدھا في رمح ثم مشی بین یدیه صلی الله علیه وسلم
Please not enter Madinah Munawwarah until we have a Flag. So, he tied his Turban on his arc and entered in Madinah Munawwarah with Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam carrying that FLAG. (Wafa-ul-Wafa, Vol1, Pg 243, published from Dar aHya�at Tarasal Arabi � Berut)

Hadrat Sayyeduna Hasan Basri (radi Allahu anhu) said,

قال حسن البصري رضي الله تعالی عنه وددت لو کان لی مثل جبل احد ذھبا فانفقته علی قراءۃ مولد النبي صلی الله علیه وسلم
“I would like have gold equivalent to the Mountain of Uhud so that I should be able to spend it on the Milad Shareef of the Holy Prophet (SallAllaho Alaihi Wa Sallam).” (Ne’matul Kubra Page 6, Published Istanbul – Turkey)

Another trick (Irony) that opposition use to attain is saying that some ignorant people have invent this all and It was never ever celebrated before in previous ages and etc. Let them have some glimpses of facts from the very true history.

1. Hadrat Allama Mulla Ali Qari saying the routine of the people of Madina Munawwarah writes,

“The people of Madina Munawwarah (May ALLLAH have Mercy on them) used to arrange and attend mawlid gatherings with enthusiasm and sincerity on the occasion of Mawlid Sharif.” (Mawrid ar-Riwa Fi Mawlid an-Nabawi, Page 29)

2. Ibne Jauzi says:

“Fala Zaala Ahlul Haramain ash-Shareefain Wal Misr, Wal Yemen, Wash Shaam Wa Saa’iri Bilaadil Arabi Minal Mashriqi Wal Maghribi Yahtafiloona Bimajlisi Maulidin Nabiyyi Alaihis Salaatu Was Salaam Wa Yafrahoona Biqudoomi Hilaali Rabi’il Awwali Biharkati Maulidin Nabiyyi (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)”.

“People of Haramain Shareefain (Makkah and Madinah) and Egypt and Yemen and Syria and of the eastern and western cities of Arabia hold functions in celebration of the birth of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam), rejoice at the sighting of the Rabi-ul-Awwal moon, bathe and put on their best dresses adorn themselves in various ways, put on scent, and give alms with great joy, and exert themselves in listening to the Milad of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). By doing so, they themselves attain to success, as it has been proved that by celebrating the Milad of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) much good accrues the whole year round: security and comfort, greater means of livelihood, increase in children and in wealth, peace in cities and contentment and peace in homes”

1. Tafseer Ruhul Bayan by Shiekh Ismael Haqqi, Vol 9, Page 56
2. Miladul Uroos – Urdu “Bayan-e-Miladun Nabi”, Page 34-35, Published in Lahore.
3. Addurrul Munazzam, page. 100, 101
4. Al-Miladun Nabawi, Page 58

3. Gatherings of Miladun Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was switched to Prose in 3rd-4th Hijri then 700 years back from today, A pious and virtuous person named Umer bin Mullah Muhammad Mousli Alaihir RaHma established it on regular basis. Following him the great commander Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi’s dearly loved Sultan Arbal Malik Abu Saeed Muzaffaruddin celebrated Miladun Nabi officially. Ibn-e-Khalqaan Arabali Sha’fai was eyewitness of that festival. According to “Tareekh-e-Mar’atuz Zaman” billion of rupees were used to spend on those fastvities. In the Starting of 7th Century of Hijri Calender; Great Scholar named Abul Khattab Umer Bin Hasan wah’hia Qalbi Undlasi Balansi wrote a book on the topic Meeladun Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam named “At-Tanveer Fee Mawlidis Sirajal Muneer”. In 1207, He went to Sultan Arbal’s castle and presented his book on Mawlid to him, for which he was awarded thousand Gold Coins from Sultan. This was the status and respect of Mawlid Shareef in hearts of earlier leaders of Islam. Not only Sultan Arbal, King of Egypt celebrated the Mawlid Shareef; Allama Ibne Juzri Alaihir RaHma is one the eyewitnesses. For the celebration of this festival 1000 Mithqal of Gold was spent on it. Sultan Abu Hamu Musa Talamsani and earlier rulers of Aqsa and Undalas used to Celebrate Miladun Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Abdullah Tonsi Sum Talamsani has written the details of these festivals in his book “Rahal Arwah”.

1. Sublul Huda Warrishaad Fee Seerah Khairal Ibaad by Muhammad Bin Ali Yusuf Damishqi
2. Addurul Munazzam Fee Hukmi Mawlidin Nabi Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam
3. Wafyatud Da’yaan Anba’a Abnauz Zaman, Published in Cairo
4. Allama Muhammad Raza Misri’s Muhammadur Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam, Published in Lahore, Page 33
5. Ahsanul Maqsad Fee Amilil Mawlid
6. Anwarus Sati’aa (1307 H), Pg 261, Published from Murad Abadi

4. Muslims use to celebrate gatherings of Meelad Shareef in large cities for-long (Seerah al-Halabiyah, Pg 80)

5. Dwellers of Makkah visits Birthplace of Prophet Peace be Upon him on eve of Meeladun Nabi every year and arrange great gatherings.
(Jawahir al-BiHar, pg 1222)

6. In “Fuyozal Haramain”, Hazrat Shah Waliyullah has pointed out,

“The birth of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) was celebrated by the people of Makkah who received blessings on account of it.”

7. On the eve of Miladun Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam celebrations are observed in Makkah and dwellers of Makkah name this day as Youm al Eid Mawlid ar Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam. People use to cook food. Minister of Makkah and Commander of Hijaz with their army use to visit birthplace of Prophet Peace be Upon Him and recites Qasida there. Rows of shining candles are positioned from Haram al Makki to Birthplace and Shops and Houses in the way are also decorated. People use to recite Qasaid whole day at Birthplace. On the night of 11th Rabiul Awwal after Isha, Mehfil-e-Milad is organized. From Maghrib prayer of 11th Rabiul Awwal to Asar Prayer of 12th Rabiul Awwal, after every prayer Salutations of 21 tanks is presented.

1. Al-Qibla – Makkah Mukarramah
2. Monthly Tareeqat – Lahore, January 1917, Pg 2/3

8. On the Eve of Miladun Nabi; whole Islamic world is observed to be delight and celebrating it. And it is celebrated till now with enthusiasm and integrity (Encyclopedia of Islam, Vol21, Page 824, Published By: Punjab University, Lahore)

9. Ibn Jawzi also wrote a complete book on Mawlid where he said:

In Haramayn (i.e. Makkah Mukarrama and Madina Munawwarah), in Egypt, Yemen rather all people of Arab world have been celebrating Mawlid for long. Upon sight of the moon in Rabi ul Awwal their happiness touches the limits and hence they make specific gatherings for Dhikr of Mawlid due to which they earn immense Ajr and Success. (Biyan al Milaad an Nabwi, Page No. 58)

10. Shah Waliullah Muhadith Dhelvi mentions one of his all time wonderful experiences as:

I took part in a gathering of Mawlid inside Makkah where people were sending Darood and Slaam upon Prophet (Peace be upon him) and mentioning the incidents which took place during the time of your birth (before and after) and those which were witnessed before you were appointed as a Nabi (such as Noor eliminating from Bibi Amina Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anha, she seeing Noor, woman proposing to Syeduna Abdullah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho on sight of Noor on his forhead etc…) suddeny I saw Noor to have enveloped one group of people, I don’t claim that I saw this with my bodlily eyes, nor do I claim that it was spiritual and Allah knows the best regarding these two, however upon concentration on these Anwaar a reality opened upon me that these Anwaar are of those Angels who take part in such gatherings, I also saw Mercy to be decending along with Anwaar of Angels. (Fayudh al Haramayn, Pages 80-81)

11. Sheikh ul Islam Imam Ibn Hajr al Haytami (Rahimuhullah) writes:

The gatherings of Mawlid and Adhkaar which take place during our time, they are mostly confined to good deeds, for example in them Sadaqat are given, Dhikr is done, Darud and Salam is sent upon the Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) and he is praised. (Fatawa al Hadithiyyah, Page No. 202)

All good is from Allah Ta’ala whereas mistakes are from this humble speck. May Allah Ta’ala Bless all readers, bringing you all closer to Him and His Rasul SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam.  May He accept our humble efforts and grant us the capacity to be good and do good. Ameen!

Daeef (Weak) is a type of Hadith that has a narrator who either doesn’t have a strong memory or isn’t virtuous.

Weak (Daeef) Hadith is only reliable in excellence, not in rulings (permissibility or prohibition will not be proven for it. Yes, good deeds or the prominence of an individual can be).

The result of this is that a weak Hadith is not a lie, false or fabricated (contrary to the propaganda of Ghair-Muqallids). The Muhadditheen have kept its rank less than Sahih and Hasan merely for caution.

If a weak Hadith becomes a Hasan Hadith for some reason, it also becomes completely credible, with both excellence and rulings able to be proven from it.

A weak narration sometimes becomes Hasan in the following situations:

1. If it is reported by two or more chains of narration, even if all are weak. In other words, if a Hadith is reported through a few weak narrations, it becomes Hasan. (Mirqaat, Mauzuaat-e-Kabeer, Shaami, Introduction to Mishkaat by Shaikh Abdul-Haqq Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho Risaala Usool-e-Hadith by Imam Jurjaani Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho).

2. The practice of true Ulama also causes a weak Hadith to become Hasan. Thus, if the Learned Ulama-e-Deen begin to bring practice on a weak Hadith, it doesn’t remain so, but becomes Hasan. It was for is reason that Imam Tirrnidhi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho once said, As this Hadith is Ghareeb or weak (Daeef), but the learned practice It.”

This saying of Imam Tirmidhi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho doesn’t mean that this Hadith is weak and unworthy of practice and that the Ulama of Islam have practiced on it out of stupidity or have become astray. No. It means that the Hadith is weak in regards to its narrators, but through the practice of Ulama, it has been strengthened.

3. Through the experience of the Ulama and inspiration (Kashf) of the Friends of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala (Auliya), a weak Hadith can become strong. Shaikh Muhayuddin Ibn Arabi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho knew of a Hadith,

‘The person who recites the Kalima Tayyiba 70,000 times attains forgiveness.”

Once, a young map said to him,

“I see my deceased mother in Jahannam.”

At that point, Shaikh Ibn Arabi had already recited the Kaliina Tayyiba 70,000 times, so (in his heart) he passed on the recital of the Kalima Sharif to that young man’s mother. The man smiled and said,

“I now see my mother in Jannat.”

Shaikh Ibn Arabi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho later said,

“I understood this Hadith’s correctness (Sehat) through the inspiration (Kashf) of this Wali.” (Sahih-ul­Bihaari)

4. Qaasim Nanautwi has recorded this incident regarding Hadrat Junaid Baghdadi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho in his book, Tahzeer-un-Naas.

5. The weakness of the chains of narration (Isnaad) doesn’t necessitate the text of the Hadith to also be weak. Thus, it is possible for a single Hadith to be weak in one chain, Hasan in a second and Sahih in a third. This is why Imam Tirmidhi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho once said regarding a single Hadith, “This Hadith is Hasan, Sahih and Ghareeb as well”

This saying of the Imam can only mean that this Hadith is reported through a few chains: Hasan in the first, Sahih in the second and Ghareeb in the third.

6. Also, the weakness doesn’t negatively affect the Muhaddith or Mujtahid of former times. Therefore, if Imam Bukhari Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho or Imam Tirmidhi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho attained a Hadith as weak (Daeef) due to a weak narrator being included in it, it is possible for Imam Abu Hanifa Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho to have attained that same Hadith while it had a Sahih chain of narrators (i.e. in his time, that weak narrator was not a part of the chain of Hadith). Thus, it wouldn’t be easy for a Wahabi to prove that a Hadith was attained by Imam Abu Hanifa Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho as weak.

As a result, our Sunni Ulama should bear this in mind. When any Wahabi calls a Hadith “weak”, stop him, request its reason of weakness and then clarify whether this was before or after Imam Abu Hanifa’s Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho time. Insha-Allah, this will silence them. Imam Abu Hanifa’s Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho time is extremely close to the Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam’s. At that time, very few Ahadith were weak. Imam Sahib was even a Taba’ee (one who has met at least one Companion of Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam).

7. Jarah-e-Mubham (ambiguous impugnment) is not worthy of acceptance. In other words, the mere statement of one who contests a Hadith, especially Ibn Jauzi, etc. (saying “This Hadith is weak” or “That narrator is weak”) is not credible unless they explain the reason of the Hadith’s weakness or narrator’s defect, because Imams differ in the reasons of weakness. Some deem something to be a defect while others do not. Tadlees, lrsaal, immaturity, being busy in Fiqh, etc. have been accepted as defects for a narrator. However, according to the Hanafi muzhab, none of these reasons qualify. (Noorul-Anwaar. Discussion on Ta’an alal-Hadith)

8. When there is a clash between impingement (Jarh) and placing in order (Tadeel), Tadeel will be accepted, not Jarh. Meaning, if a Muhaddith (Commentator on Hadith) has called a certain narrator weak while another has called him strong (in a case where his transgression is seen in some events yet he is still labeled by some as pious and virtuous), he will be accepted as pious and his narration will not be considered weak, because piety is the original state ofa Mu’min.

9. It should be remembered that if a Hadith is not sound (Sahih), it doesn’t mean it’s weak. Thus, if a Muhaddith says about a certain Hadith, “It’s not Sahih”, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the Hadith is considered weak (there is a possibility of it being classified as Hasan). There are several categories of Hadith between sound and weak (Sahih & Daeef).

10. The basis of Sahih Ahadith is not Muslim, Bukhari or the rest of the Sihah Sita (Six Famous Books of Hadith).

The latter’s namesake doesn’t mean that all the Ahadith in these books are Sahih whilst every narration in other books aren’t.

Rather, it means that there are many Sahih Ahadith in them. Our Imaan is on the Prophet, not on Bukhari, Muslim, etc. Wherever the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam is found, it is a treasure for us irrespective of whether it is in Bukhari Sharif or not.

It’s really surprising that Ghair-Muqallids label the Taqleed of Imam Abu Hanifa Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and other Imams as polytheism (shirk) yet blindly bring Imaan on Bukhari and Muslim as if they were making Taqleed of these books.

11. The accepting of a Hadith without any query by a Faqih Aalim is proof of it being strong. Thus, if any Mujtahid, Faqih Aalim accepts a weak Hadith, it becomes strong. Imam Waliuddin Tabrezi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho the compiler of Mishkaat, states, “When I ascribe the Hadith to these Commentators of Hadith (Muhadditheen), it is as if I have attributed it to the Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam himself.” (Introduction to Mishkaat)

From these principles, you have understood that none of the Ahadith which Imam Abu Hanifa Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho has used as proof can be weak because the Ummah acts upon them and the Ulama and Fuqahaa have also accepted them. Every Hadith has been reported by several chains of narration.

12. If a conflict between the Hadith and Quran is seen the Hadith should be interpreted and given a meaning that causes conformity between the two and the clash to be lifted. Similarly, if the Ahadith are seemingly conflicting, it is necessary to give a meaning to them so that the conflict is erased and practice can be made on all. Examples of this follow,

AllahSubHanuhu wa Ta’ala states, “Read the amount of the Quran which is easy in namaaz,” However, a Hadith states, “The Salaah of he who doesn’t read Surah Fatiha in it is not done.”

Visibly, the Hadith contradicts the ayat. For this reason, the Hadith’s meaning is taken that without reciting Surah Fatiha, Salaah is not perfected. Qirat (recitation) is absolutely Fardh in namaaz and reciting Surah Fatiha is Waajib. The conflict is lifted and both the Quran and Hadith have now been acted upon.

The above Hadith also seems to go against the following ayat, “When the Quran is recited, listen to it attentively and remain silent.” (Surah Aaraal, Verse 204)

Here, the Quran orders complete silence, while the muqtadi (person following the Imam in namaaz) is told to recite Surah Fatiha. Thus, we shall have to conclude that the Quran’s command is absolute while the order of the Hadith concerns someone reading namaaz alone or is addressing the Imam who is leading the Salaah. The recitation of the Imam is sufficient for the muqtadi. This principle is very important.

Also, if any Hadith clashes with a Quranic verse or a stronger Hadith than itself and there is no way of conformity occurring, the Quranic ayat or superior Hadith will be given preference and the Hadith will be regarded as unacceptable for practice (being termed as either inapplicable (mansookh) or only for the uniqueness of the Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam). There are examples of this.

13. A Hadith being proven to have weak narration is Qiyaamat for Ghair Muqallids because the basis of their muzhab is these narrations alone. If a narration becomes weak, their ruling is revoked. However, this does not affect Hanafis, etc. because our proofs are not these narrations but only the verdict of the Imam (the Hadith corroborates his verdict). Yes, the proof of the Imam is Quran and Hadith, but when Imam Abu Hanifa Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho attained the Ahadith he issued verdicts from. They were all sound (i.e. their chains of narration were not those which are found in Bukhari and Muslim today).

Likewise, if the police throw a criminal in jail, their proof is the judgement of the judge, not the articles of the government’s law. The articles are the proof of the judge or ruler. This is important to remember. Taqleed (i.e. following the Four Imams) is Allah’s SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala mercy and Ghair­Muqallids (i.e. those who reject it) are His punishment.

Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and His Beloved Rasool Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam knows the best!

A question was sent to Syeduna AlaHadrat Ash-Shah Imam Ahmad Rida Khan al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho by Syed Muhammad Shah Sahib of Amroha on 22nd Sha’ban al Mu’azzam 1311H regarding the ruling on Referring to Madina Sharif as ‘Yathrib’ according to Shari’ah al Mutahhara… Following is the Question and the remarkable Answer given by the Great Imam and Mujaddid Alaihir RaHmatu war-Ridwan!!

Question: Is it permissible in the Shari’ah to call Madina Sharif ‘Yathrib’? What is the ruling for the person who does? Bayyinu Tujiru.

Answer: It is impermissible and forbidden to call Madina Tayyiba as Yathrib. It is a sin and the one who says it a sinner. RasoolAllah SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam said:

من سمی المدینة یثرب فلیستغفر اﷲ ھی طابة ھی طابة، رواه الامام احمد بسند صحیح عن البراء ان عازب رضی اﷲ تعالٰی عنه

“Whoever calls Madina Yathrib, it is necessary for him to repent. Madina is Taabah, Madina is Taabah. [Narrated by Bara’ bin ‘Azin, Musnad Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Maktaba al Islami (Berut), Vol 4, Page 285]

‘Allama Manawi writes in al-Taysir Sharh al-Jami’ al-Saghir:

فتسمیتھا بذٰلک حرام لان الاستغفار انما ھو عن خطیئة

From this hadith we learn that it is Haram to name Madina Tayyiba as Yathrib. We are told to repent after calling it so and repentance is only after a sin. [al-Taysir Sharh al-Jami’ al-Saghir, Maktaba Imam Shafa’ee (Riyadh), Vol 2, Page 424]

Mulla ‘Ali Qari rahimahu’l Bari writes in al-Mirqat Sharh Mishkat:

قد حکی عن بعض السلف تحریم تسمیة المدینة بیثرب ویؤیده مارواه احمد لافذکر الحدیث المذکور ثم قال قال الطیبی رحمه اﷲ تعالٰی فظهران من یحقر شان ما عظمه اﷲ تعالٰی ومن وصف ماسماه اﷲ تعالٰی بالایمان بمالایلیق به یستحق ان یسمی عاصیا

It is reported from some of the predecessors that calling Madina as Yathrib is Haram. This is supported by the hadith which is recorded by Imam Ahmad [then he mentioned the hadith]. ‘Allama Tayyibi rahimahullah said that it is evident from this that whoever disrespects anything that Allah has honoured and has given the name Iman and this person talks about it in a way that is unbefitting, then he is worthy of being names ‘Aasi (sinner). [al-Mirqat Sharh Mishkat, Maktaba Habibiya (Quetta), Vol 5, Page 622]

When the Qur’an mentions the word Yathrib, it is to inform us what the hypocrites would say:

واذاقالت طائفة مهنم یااھل یثرب لامقام لکم
And when a party of them said: O folk of Yathrib! There is no stand (possible) for you, therefore turn back. [33:13]

The word Yathrib means fighting and censure. This is why these filthy people referred to it as such. Allah refuted them by naming it Taabah. RasoolAllah SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam said:

یقولون یثرب وھی المدینة
They call it Yathrib but it is Madina. [Bukhari, 1:252]

He SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam also said:

ان اﷲ تعالٰی سمی المدینة طابة
Indeed Allah has named Madina as Taabah. [Narrated by Jabir bin Sumrah]

Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Maktaba al Islami [Berut], Vol 5, Page89
Sahih Muslim, Qadeemi Kutb Khana [Karachi], Vo 1, Page 445

Mulla ‘Ali Qari writes in al-Mirqat Sharh Mishkat:

المعنی ان اﷲ تعالٰی سماھا فی اللوح المحفوظ او امرنبیه ان یسمیھا بها ردا علی المنافقین فی تسمیتھا بیثرب ایماء الی تثریبهم فی الرجوع الیها
It means that Allah had names Madina Munawwara as Taabah on the preserved tablet or He ordered his beloved Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam to name it such. Allah has castigated the hypocrites for reverting to the disreputable name Yathrib. [al-Mirqat Sharh Mishkat, Maktaba Habibiya (Quetta), Vol 5, Page 622]

He also writes:

قال النووی رحمه اﷲ تعالٰی قد حکی عیسٰی بن دینار ان من سماھا یثرب کتب علیه خطیئة واما تسمیتھا فی القراٰن بیثرب فهی حکایة قول المنافقین الذین فی قلوبهم مرض

Imam Nawawi rahimahullah states that it is reported regarding ‘Isa bin Dinar that whoever calls Madina as Yathrib, he is a sinner. When the Qur’an refers to Yathrib, it is only to let us know of the illness present in the hearts of the hypocrites. [al-Mirqat Sharh Mishkat, Maktaba Habibiya (Quetta), Vol 5, Page 622]

Some verses of poetry from the scholars contain this word. Our excuse for them is that they did not know of this hadith and ruling. He who knows the ruling and persists has no excuse, whether it is poetry or otherwise. The Shari’ah governs the poetry, not vice versa. Mawlana Shaykh MuHaqqiq ‘Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlawi Quddassa Sirrahu writes:

حضرت محمد صلی الله تعالٰی علیه وسلم او رامدینه نام نهاد از جهت تمدن واجتماعی مردم واستیناس و ایتلاف ایشاں دردے ونهی کرد از خواندن یثرب یا از جهت آنکه نام جاهلیت است یا سبب آنکه مشتق از یثرب بمعنی هلاک وفساد وتثریب بمعنی توبیخ وملامت ست یا بتقریب آنکه دراصل نام صنمے یا یکے از جبابره بود، بخاری درتاریخ خود حدیثے آورده که یکبار یثرب گوید باید که ده بار مدینه گوید تاتدارک و تلافی آں کند ودر روایتے دیگر آمده باید که استغفار کند و بعضے گفته اند که تعزیر باید کرد قائل آں را وآنکه درقرآن مجید آمده است یا اهل یثرب از زباں منافقان ست که بذکر آں قصد اهانت آن می کردند عجب که برزبان بعضے اکابر دراشعار لفظ یثرب آمده۔ والله تعالٰی اعلم وعلمه جل مجده

The Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam names it Madina. This is because people lived and gathered there and loved the city. He warned against calling it Yathrib because this is the name from the days of ignorance or because it is derived from either Tharb which means destruction and fighting or Tathrib which means reprimand and censure or because Yathrib was the name of an idol or an oppressive and rebellious person. Imam Bukhari narrates a hadith in his Tareekh that whoever says Yathrib once, he should say Madina ten times so that he compensates for it. When the Qur’an says, “Ya ahla yathrib”, it is from the tongues of the hypocrites and by saying Yathrib, they wanted to disrespect Madina. Another narration mentions that whoever says Yathrib should repent towards Allah and seek forgiveness. And some have said that he be punished. Amazing is the fact that some leading people have used Yathrib in their poems. And Allah knows well, the knowledge of the glorious is complete and strong. [Ashi’atul Lum’aat Sharh Mishkat, Maktaba Noori Razavi (Sukkar), Vol 2, Page 393-394]

Taken From
Fatawa Radawiyyah, Vol 21, Page 116 to 119

All praise is to Allah, the Lord Of The Creation. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Owner of the Day of Recompense. Who blessed us being the Ummah of His Beloved Rasool Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam. Who sanctified our hearts with the Love and Affection towards His Beloved Rasool Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam. Who blessed us the with the most precious treasure of Iman (Faith)… Countless Salutations, Peace and Blessings be upon the Cream of the Creation… Mercy for all Worlds… Seal of the Prophets Sayyiduna wa Maulana MuHammadur RasoolALLAH Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam, His Blessed Parents, His entire Family, His Progeny, His Companions and all those who Follow Him!!

In the present era… It is really being felt that people must get aware of the Value of Iman and to know what Iman really is? Specially when the Thieves and Robbers of Iman are everywhere putting the garb (attire) of the Scholars of Islam, Aalim, Mufti, Hafiz, Teacher, Imam, Doctor, Professor etc. Who are continuously cropping the deviations and confusions in the minds of a common Muslims who in there ignorance get deceived by the Insolent and Corrupt Creeds. May ALLAH Guide us on the Straight Path!

Following are few lines said by the Great Mujaddid AlaHadrat Ash-Shah Imam Ahmad Rida Khan al-Qadiri that will surely help us to understand the True meaning of Iman inshaALLAH!

What is Imaan (Faith)?

Iman is to accept every word of Sayyiduna RasoolAllah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam as absolute and nothing else but truth and to testify whole-heartedly the reality and truth of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam.

One who observes the above would be called a Muslim, that is, if any of his words, actions or conditions does not reject, insult or falsify Almighty Allah and His Rasool SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam. His relationship with Almighty Allah and His Rasool SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam must be above all other relationships. He must love and respect all those who are the beloved of Almighty Allah and His Rasool SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam even though that person may be his enemy. He must disrespect and hate all those who disrespect and hate Almighty Allah and His Rasool SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam even if that person may be his beloved son. Whatever he gives should be for Almighty Allah and whatever he abstains from must be for Almighty Allah. Such a persons Iman is known as “Kamil” or “Complete”.

Sayyiduna RasoolAllah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam states:

من أحب لله وأبغض لله وأعطى لله ومنع لله فقد استكمل الإيمان
“One who loves for Allah, hates anyone because of Allah, spends for Allah and holds back for Allah, then, indeed, he has completed his Iman.” [Sunan Abi Dawood, Vol 2, Page 632 – Hadith 4681]

 The Value of Iman

Until such a time a person does not love and respect the exalted Nabi SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam, even though that person worships all his life, his worship is fruitless and rejected. Numerous Jogees, Monks and Hermits take to seclusion and spend their lives in the Remembrance of Almighty Allah. Some of them even indulge in the Zikr of “La ilaha illal lah” (There is no god but Allah), but they do not respect and love Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam. What benefit is such Ibadah? Almighty Allah states in the Holy Quran:

وَقَدِمْنَا إِلَى مَا عَمِلُوا مِنْ عَمَلٍ فَجَعَلْنَاهُ هَبَاءً مَّنثُورًا
“And We turned all the deeds they had performed into scattered floating specks of dust. [Furqan 25:23]

In another verse concerning such worshipers, Almighty Allah states:

عَامِلَةٌ نَّاصِبَةٌ تَصْلَى نَارًا حَامِيَةً
“Laboring, striving hard. (Yet) Going into the blazing fire.” [Ghashiyah 88:3/4]

Say, O Muslims! Does the dependence of Iman, serenity, survival and acceptance of deeds depends on the love and respect for the glorious Prophet of Allah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam or not? Say “YES” and certainly, YES!

The Validity of Iman on Two Important Points

(A) Respect for Sayyiduna Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam, and
(B) To love him above all creation within the universe.

The correct method to put this to test is to see that all those whom you love and respect, for example, Father, Teacher, Children, Brother, Murshid, Molvi, Mufti, Hafiz, Lecturer, Imam, or Friends, etc., if they at any time show the slightest disrespect for the Station of Sayyiduna Muhammadur Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam, then there must not remain an atom of love and respect for that person in your heart. Such an insolent person should be totally severed from family and community. His name should cause great discomfort to you. His knowledge or status should be absolutely rejected and discarded. After all, your respect and connection with him was due to his respect for Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam. Now that he insults the very reason of respect what more is left to have any reasons to respect such an audacious person.

On the other hand, if you accepted or observed silence to his insult to Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam, kept good friends with him, did not regard him as wretched, shameless and mean-spirited and liked his condemnation, the, by Allah, with great justice, analyze where do you stand in the test of Iman!

Dear Muslims! Is it possible that the heart that contains the love and honour of the master of the universe, Sayyiduna Muhammad SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam, could ever tolerate insults to him, though it may be his Ustaz, Murshid or father? Would the heart that extremely loves the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam above all creation, ever respect or love one who belittles the unique and faultless Prophet of Allah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam, even though it may be his own child or intimate friend?

Brothers and Sisters in Islam! The reason for showing respect to a learned scholar or alim is that he is a Waris (Inheritor) to the Knowledge of Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam. Is that person the Waris of Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam or is that person a Shaitan who goes astray from the path of righteousness? In the former, his respect was the respect of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam, and, in the latter, his respect was for Shaitan. This is the case when an ‘Aalim goes astray, like the Ulama of un-Islamic belief. Then, what can be said about that person who commits Kufr? To regard such a person as ‘Aalim-e-Deen is Kufr itself!

A million regrets on him who claims to be a Muslim but respects and regards his Ustaz greater than Almighty Allah and His Rasool SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam. O Allah! With the true respect and mercy of your beloved Habeeb SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam, grant us true Iman. Ameen!

Steadfastness in Belief

Salvation depends on the fact that every single belief of the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamah be so firm that one will remain firm even is the sky and the earth vanishes. One must have great fear for his belief at all times. The Ulama of Islam state that:

“One who does not fear that his Iman may be taken away, would be stripped of his Iman at the time of death.”

Sayyiduna Umar Farooq (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu) states:

“If a voice calls out from the sky that all the people of the earth are forgiven but one, I would fear that the one would be me, and if the voice calls out that all the people on earth are dwellers of Hell but one, I will hope that the one be me.”

The status of “Khouf” (Fear) and “Raja” (Hope) must have a balance as displayed by Sayyiduna Umar Faruq (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu).

All good is from Allah Ta’ala whereas mistakes are from this humble speck. May Allah Ta’ala Bless all readers, bringing you all closer to Him and His Rasul SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam. May He accept our humble efforts and grant us the capacity to be good and do good. May we live in this World with extreme protection of Iman and leave this world having our Iman safe and sound!!

May ALLAH keep us away from the tricks and hypocrisy of hypocrites; May ALLAH guide to the path of those whom HE have favored. Keep us safe and away from those who have earned HIS anger and of those who have gone astray. – Aameen!!

A question was asked to the Great Mujaddid A’laHadrat Ash-Shah Imam Ahmad Rida Khan Al-Qadiri (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu) regarding the Duties of Children towards deceased Parents… Over which HE stated the following points:

1. The first and foremost duty of the children after the death of the parent is that he should immediately arrange and take part in Ghusl, Salatul Janaza and Burial which should be done in accordance with the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam, and hope for them to receive the Mercy of Almighty Allah.

2. He should always make Dua and Istigfar for them at all times and never be unconscious about it.

3. He should give out Sadaqah and Khayrat (Charity) and always send the rewards of good deeds (Aa’mal-e-Sawleh) to them in accordance to his personal capacity. When performing Salah and keeping Fast (Roza), do likewise for them. Actually, for any good deed performed, the Sawab should be forwarded to them and all deceased Muslims and this will not affect the benefits one will receive, in any way. On the contrary, the Sawab of such acts will be beneficial to himself, his parents and all the deceased of the Ummah.

4. If the parents left behind any kind of debts or credits it should be paid in full immediately from one’s personal wealth, which should be regarded as blessings of this Duniya and akhirah. If you cannot afford to pay, assistance should be taken from the family, close friends or charitable Muslims.

5. If he has not performed Hajj, firstly, try to perform his Hajj-e-Badal for him personally, or send someone as a representative to do so. If he has any previous Zakah to be paid, do so immediately. If he has any Qada of Salat or Roza (Fasting) perform the Kaffarah for him. The children should, in all aspects, try their best to execute the duties of their parents which were left undone.

6. Whatever desires and wishes were made by the parent should be carried out even though it may displease you and the Shariah does not compel you to. For example, if he has made a Wasiyat (Wish) to give half of his wealth or belongings to a dear friend, non-inheritor or total outsider, even though in accordance to the Law of the Shariah, one-third of the wealth or belongings cannot be given to anyone without the consent of the heirs, it is best for the heirs to execute the Wasiyat and priority to the wishes and happiness of the deceased.

7. If he has taken an oath, carry it out after his death.If the parents had sworn an oath that their child must not do a certain thing or not meet with a certain person or must not go to a certain place, it must not be discarded after the death, saying :”Well, they are not alive so I can do certain things.” Wrong! One should abide by it as he did while they were alive, as long as it does not conflict with the Shariah.

8. Visit their graves every Friday and recite Sura Yaseen at the graveside loudly and pass the Sawab of recitation to them. While travelling, never pass their graves without greeting and performing Fateha.

9. As long as you live, be kind to their relatives.

10. Maintain friendship and respect for all their relatives.

11. Never, at any time, insult anyone’s parents, so that they may not insult yours.

12. The most difficult duty is never to commit any sin and inflict harm to them in their graves. All deeds of the children are taken to their parents in the grave. On seeing the good deeds they are very pleased and their faces glitter with happiness. On the contrary, if they see the bad deeds or sins, they become very sad.

O! Merciful and Most Forgiving Allah! The Almighty and All Powerful! On behalf of your most Beloved Prophet, Mercy of the Universe (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam), protect us from sins and grant us the guidance and courage to always do good. Fill the graves of our elders and deceased with Light and happiness. O Allah! You are the All Powerful, we are the weak. You are the Wealthy and we are the poor. Protect us… Aameen!!


The meaning of Bay’at or pledging spiritual allegiance is to be totally sold, which means to surrender yourself totally to a Spiritual Master (Murshid) to guide you to Allah.

Bay’at should be done on the hands of that person who possesses the following e attributes or else Bay’at will not be permissable. These are:

1. First and foremost, he must be a Sunni Muslim holding correct Islamic beliefs.
2. He should at least have that amount of knowledge which will enable him, without the assistance of anyone, to extract questions relating to Islamic Jurisprudence from Islamic books.
3. His Silsila (Chain of Spiritual Order) must be directly linked to the Holy Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) without a break in the sequence.
4. He must not be a Fasiq-e-Mo’lin (One who openly commits transgression and sin).

People, today, consider Bay’at to be some kind of fashion. They are ignorant of the reality of Bay’at. An example is given here to give you an idea of what Bay’at really is. Once a Murid (Disciple) of the great Shaykh Sayyiduna Yahya Maneri (Radi ALLAHu’ Ta’ala Anho) was drowning. Sayyiduna Khidr (alaihis salam) appeared and said the Murid, “Give me your hand and I will save you”. The Murid replied, “This hand has already been given in the hands of Sayyiduna Yahya Maneri Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and since it belongs to him I cannot give it to anyone else”. Sayyiduna Khidr Alaihis Salam disappeared and, instantly, Sayyiduna Yahya Maneri Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho appeared and saved him.


Tajdid or renewal of Bay’at used to take place in the time of the Holy Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam. Once the Holy Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam personally took Bay’at thrice from Sayyiduna Salmah bin Akwah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho who was preparing to leave for Jihad. In the first instance, Rasoolullah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam asked, “Did Salmah take Bay’at?” After a while the Holy Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam asked, “Salmah, are you not going to take Bay’at?” Sayyiduna Salmah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho said, “Ya Rasoolullah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam! I had already taken Bay’at”. After all the Ashabs had taken Bay’at, the Prophet of Islam SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam repeated for the third time, “Salmah are you not going to take Bay’at?” Sayyiduna Salmah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho said, “Ya Rasoolullah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam! I have already taken Bay’at twice”. The Prophet of Islam SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam said, “Repeat the Bay’at”. So, Sayyiduna Salmah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, in a single sitting took Bay’at (Tajdid) thrice.

The secret and wisdom of the emphasis of Bay’at made on him was that he always made Jihad with the Kufar by foot. For him to now dash into the army of the enemy and confront them alone meant nothing to him.


There are two types of Bay’at:


This is to initiate one’s self for the mere Barakah (Blessing) of joining a Silsila and this is the general idea or reason of today’s Bay’ats. This should, at least, be done with a good intention. If Bay’at is taken for mere worldly gain or any reason other than spiritual upliftment, then such Bay’at is Batil (null and void). For Bay’at-e-Barakah it is sufficient if the Shaykh you take Bay’at from is Shaykh-e-Ittisal, which means that his Silsila is linked to the King of the Prophets, Sayyiduna Muhammad SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam without a break in sequence and that the Shaykh possesses the four mentioned pre-requisites mentioned.

A’la Hazrat (Radi ALLAHu’ Ta’ala Anho) states: “The above Bay’at is not useless, but beneficial, in fact, very beneficial and profitable in Deen and Dunya. At least, his name would be recorded in the books of the Beloved of Allah (Mehbooban-e-Khuda). By just having a link with a spiritual order (Silsila) is by itself a great fortune and blessing of which three are mentioned below:

1. Emulation or imitation of the elite and Beloved ones of Allah (Khasan-e-Khuda) in the field of Tariqah or Sufism. Rasoolullah (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said:

“One who imitates a nation is among them”.

Sayyiduna Shaykh-ush-Shuyuk Shahabud Din Suhrwardi (Radi ALLAHu’ Ta’ala Anho) states in his book, “Awariful Ma’ahrif”:

“Be it known that there are two types of Bay’at – Bay’at-e-Tabaruk (Barakah) and Bay’at-e-Iradah (Devotion). The actual intention of the Murids of a Masha’ikh is Bay’at-e-Iradah and Bay’at-e-Tabaruk has similarity with it. So for the real and true Murid there is Bay’at-e-Iradah and, for those who desire imitation there is Bay’at-e-Tabaruk because those who imitate a nation is amongst them”.

2. A divine link is connected with the Awliya and Sualihin. Rasoolullah (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) says that His Rabb, the All Powerful and Almighty Allah says.

“There are those people who, by merely sitting with them, one will never become a Kafir”. (This refers to the Awliya)

3. The Beloved of Allah are Ayat Rahmah (Signs of Mercy). They take into their fold of mercy all those who remember and honour them and also focus their beams of mercy on them. Someone asked the King of the Awliya, Sayyiduna Ghousul Azam (Radi ALLAHu’ Ta’ala Anho):

“If any person takes your name in respect and honour though he may not be your Murid or not initiated by you personally, would he be counted as your Murid?”

The great Ghawth replied:

“Allah will accept those who have any form of relation or connection with me and notes his name in my spiritual office. If such a person adopts any desired path, Allah will bless him with guidance and repentance. He will be under my spiritual banner. Verily, my Rabb, the All Powerful and Almighty, has promised me that all my Murids, all those who love me and all those who follow the path I am on, will enter Jannah (Paradise)”. (Extracted from “Bahjatul Asrar”)


This means to totally abolish ones desires and intentions and surrender on’s self at the hands of a true Guide or Spiritual Master who has entered the Kingdom of the Heavens. You have totally empower him as your commander and ruler. You have to sincerely obey and execute all his orders and methods entrusted on you by him concerning the path to the spiritual domain. Never take a step without his consent even though some laws and orders may not suit you or make sense to you. Remember the example of Khidr (Alaihis Salam) when Sayyiduna Moosa (alaihis salam) met him and they both travelled together. The Murshid’s commands may cause great discomfort to you and at such moments the Murid must regard this as the interference of the Cursed Shaitan. Your every hardship and difficulty must be presented to him. In conclusion, the Murid must totally hand himself over to the Shaykh like a corpse in the hands of a person performing Ghusal. This is known as Bay’at-e-Salikin. Such Bay’at is regarded as being the aim and object of the grand Spiritual Masters. Such Bay’at leads one to Allah the Almighty. It was Bay’at-e-Salikin that was taken by the Ashabs at the hands of the Holy Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam).

Sayyiduna Obadah bin Samat (Radi ALLAHu’ Ta’ala Anho) states:

“We had taken Bay’at (at the hands of Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) on the following principles:

We will await his command and execute it in times of every ease and difficulty, every form of ecstasy or displeasure. And when the Master commands us we will never disobey or cross question him”.

The command of the Murshid is the command of Rasoolullah (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) and his command is the Command of Allah, the All Powerful, Who nobody dares disobey. Allah states in the Holy Quran:

“And it is not appropriate for faithful men and women; when and His Messenger have judged a matter, to consider it a matter of choice for themselves; and one who does not accept the judgement of and His Messenger has indeed clearly entered darkness.” (Sura Ahzab: 36)

In “Awariful Ma’arif” Shaykh Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho sates:

“To be under the command of the Shaykh is to be under the Command of Allah and His Rasool SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam and is the revival of a Sunnah – Bay’at. This is only applicable on those persons who imprison themselves in the hands of the Shaykh, discard all desires and dissolve themselves in the Shaykh (Fana-fish-Shaykh)”.

Shaykh Suhrawardi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho also states:

“Abstain from criticizing the Shaykh for it is a deadly poison for the Murid. It is extremely rare for a Murid who criticise his Shaykh to find serenity and success. In any action of the Shaykh which does not seem correct to the Murid, he should remember the events of Sayyiduna Khidar. This is because the actions performed by Sayyiduna Khidar Alaihis Salam were apparently questionable (e.g. making a hole in the boat of the poor and killing an innocent child), but when the reasons for these actions were explained then it became obvious that the Shaykh should not be questioned”.

Sayyiduna Imam Abul-Qasim Qushayri Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho states in his Kitab, “Risalah”, that Sayyiduna Abu Sahal Sahlooki Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho states,

“Any person who says ‘why’ to any word of his Shaykh will never achieve success.”

May Allah Azza wa Jal grant us peace and success. Aameen!!


There are many virtues in reciting one’s Sajrah of which a few are mentioned below:

1. Memorising the chain of Awliya up to Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam.
2. The Zikr and Remembrance of Swalihin (Awliya) is the means of receiving Allah’s Rahmah (Mercy)
3. Performing the Esal-e-Sawab for all the Spiritual Masters which is a cause of receiving their spiritual guidance.
4. When the Murid remembers them in times of ease the Awliya of the Silsila will remember him in times of hardship and will also be of assistance to him.

All Praises is due to Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala, Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. Peace and Blessings upon our Master, Hadrat Nabī Muhammad SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam, and upon his blessed family Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. May they enjoy the countless benefits and gracious favours of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala.

Love for the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam is the essence of Iman. A decrease in it weakens Iman and an increase strengthens it. Hence, it is an obligation upon every Muslim to hold beliefs that increase this love and affection and this can be done through respect and reverence. The more a person respects and reveres, the greater the mercy of Allah upon him. Also, one must not only respect the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam but also every connecting with him, for example, his family, companions and relatives and in particular his parents.

Some people, due to weakness in faith, revile the parents of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam and say – we seek the refuge of Allah – that they were not believers. To say this is endangering one’s Iman. What should have happened due to respect and reverence was to adopt silence on the matter but some people have used this issue to disrespect the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam.

Hence, it was necessary to write on the issue in detail to safeguard the Iman of People. In every era, scholars wrote regarding it, in particular, Imam Jalal al-Din Suyuti, who wrote seven monographs on it and the Great Mujaddid AlaHadrat Imam Ahmad Rida Khan al-Qadiri wrote Shumool al Islam Li Usoolir Rasoolil Kiram is surely a Master-Piece

This writing concerns the question of the ruling (Hukm) that the Father and Mother of The Prophet (SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) are (believed to be) saved and not in Hellfire as many points have been enumerated upon the belief of the parents of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  (SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam) – whether they were Believers or not, and whether they believed in the Oneness of Allah or not. Some theologians, basing their evidence on superficial meanings, have gone to the extent of even quoting Quranic injunctions to refer to them as “People of Hell.” (Ma’az-Allah) However, there are four main points of view on this subject, which are:

1. Some state that they were not Muslims in their own lifetime, neither were they Muslims after passing away.
2. Some say that one should remain silent on this matter and that Almighty Allah knows best.
3. Some hold the view that they were not Muslims in their own life times, but they are now Muslims.
4. Others are of the opinion that they were Muslims during their life in this world and even after passing away and that they believed in the Oneness of Allah.

The last opinion is without doubt correct and accepted by the majority of scholars and Jurists and This has been declared by the majority of the scholars, and in reaching that declaration they have several methods (masalik).

The ones who prefer to remain silent mention that are proofs substantiating their belief as well as proofs refuting their belief and it is because of this, they say, that one should remain silent.

The ones who say that during their life on this world they were disbelievers and that they became Muslims after death, also bring forth their proof in form of a famous tradition reported by Hadrat Ayesha Siddiqah (Radi Allahu Anha). She was reported to have stated that on Hujjatul Wida (Farewell Pilgrimage), the parents of Rasoolullah (SallAllaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) were made to rise from their graves and recite the Kalima. This Tradition has been quoted by Jami, reported from Imam Qurtabi and Imam Naseerudin.
Justice of al-Qur’an al-Kareem:

1. Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala the Most Exalted, states in the Holy Qur’ān:

وتوکل علی العزیز الرحیم الذی یرٰک حین تقوم وتقلبک فی السٰجدین
And put your trust in the Exalted in Might, the Merciful. Who sees you standing forth (in Salāh). And sees your movements among those who fall prostrate (do Sajdah) . [Ash-Shu’ara, verse 217-219]

Imām Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho states

“The meaning of this Ayah proves that the entire ancestors of the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam are Muslimīn and Imām al-Suyootī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, Imām Ibn H ajr Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and ‘Allāmah Zarqānī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho etc. have all confirmed and acknowledged this argument.” [MafatiH al Gayb, 26:219 – Sharha Zarqani, 1:174]

It is in Tafsir Jamal:

Oh Prophet, whichever believing men and women’s wombs and generations you passed through from Adam and Hawwa to ‘AbdAllah and Amina, Allah is watching all of them. All of your ancestors, whether men or women, are believers. [al-Jumal, 3:396]

It is in Sawi ‘ala al-Jalalayn:

‘Sajidin’ refers to believing people and the verse means that from Adam to ‘AbdAllah, whichever wombs and generation of believers that the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam passed through, Allah saw them. This verse proves that all of his ancestors were believers. [Sawi, 3:287]

2. The Sublime Lord Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala states:

ولعبد مؤمن خیر من مشرک
And a slave man who believes is better than an Unbeliever. [Al-Baqarah, Verse 221]

Sayyidunā Rasoolullāh SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam states:

بُعِثْتُ مِنْ خَيْرِ قُرُونِ بَنِي آدَمَ قَرْنًا فَقَرْنًا حَتَّى كُنْتُ مِنْ الْقَرْنِ الَّذِي كُنْتُ فِيهِ
I was sent from amongst the best of families in every generation until the generation I was born in. [Bukhari, 1:503]

Amīr al-Mu‘minīn Sayyidunā ‘Alī al-Murtudāh Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho states in a SaHīH Hadīth:

لم يزل على وجه الدهر (الارض) سبعة مسلمين فصاعد أفلولا ذالك هلكت الارض و من عليها
In every generation there are always present at least seven Muslims and if they are not present then all the dwellers of the earth would perish. [Sharha Zarqani, 1:174]

It is recorded in the SaHīH Hadīth of the ‘Alim of al-Qur’ān, the Power of this Ummah, Sayyidunā ‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Abbās Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho:

مَا خَلَت الاَرْض مِن بَعدَ نُوحٍ مِن سَبعَةَ يَدفَعُ الله لَهُم عَن اَهلِ الاَرضِ
After Sayyidunā Nabī Nooh Alaihis Salam, this earth was never empty of at least seven sincere servants of Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala (Mu‘min) and it is due to them that Almighty Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala protects the dwellers of the earth. [Sharha Zarqani, 1:174 – al-Hawi lil Fatawa, 2:212]

When it is clearly established from the SaHīH Hadith that certainly there always exist on earth at least ‘seven’ pious believers in every generation and it is also proven from a SaHīH Hadith of al-Bukhārī that the lineage from which the Beloved Habīb SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam was born, was indeed in all generations and families, the best and most excellent. Accordingly, the Holy Qur’ān also testifies that a Kāfir born from no matter how pious a family will never be better than a believing servant (Muslim). Hence, it is incumbent that the lineage from which the beloved Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam was born had to be in every generation from amongst those seven pious and beloved servants of Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala or else it would be contradicting the SaHīH Hadith and the command of Almighty Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala.

Imām AHmad Rīdā Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho comments

أقول و المعنى ان الكافر لايستأهل شرعاً ان يطلق عليه انه من خيار القرن لاسيماوهناك المسلمون صالحون و ان لم ير الخيرية الاّ بحسب النسب فافهم
So I say; according to the Divine Law, a Kāfir does not deserve any credibility attributed to him especially amongst the noble of the time. This is so because in that golden age, verily there were also pious believers present whose piety was not apparent except for those who were recognized by the virtue of their ancestry. Now you decide.

The illustrious Imām and seal of the Huffāz, Allāmah Jalāl al-Millat wad-Dīn al-Suyootī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho also uses the same proof in his argument on this subject.

3. The Lord of the Universe SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala states:

انما المشرکون نجس
Truly the Pagans are impure. [At-Tawbah, verse 28]

And, in a Sahīh Hadīth Sharīf the Prophet of Allāh SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam states:

لم يزل الله ينقلني من الاصلاب الطيبة الطاهرة مصفى مهذباً لاينشعب الا كنت في خيرهما
Almighty Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala always transferred me from one pure and sacred progenitor to another. When this pure and sacred generation gave birth to two branches, I was born from the best amongst the two. [Dalail an Nabuwwah, 1:11/12]

Another Prophetic narration states:

لم ازل انفل من اصلاب الطاهر ين الى ارحام الطاهرات
I was always transferred from the backs of pure males to the backs of pure females. [Sharha Zarqani, 1:174]

The Hadīth Sharīf reports:

لم ازل انفل من اصلاب لاكر يمة و الارحام الطاهرة حتى اخرجني من بين ابوى
Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala always transferred me from pious backs to pure wombs until I was from my parents. [Ash-Shifa, 1:63]

It is therefore necessary that the ancestors of the Sayyidunā Rasoolullāh SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam all be pure, pious and certainly be believers (Mu‘min) subscribing to the highest form of Imān and TawHīd because the Holy Qur’ān is explicit that no Mushrik or Kāfir has a share in purity and piety. This proof is documented by the great Imām and pride of the Ummah, ‘Allāmah al-Warā, Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and great luminaries like Imām Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyootī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, also MuHaqqiq Sanusī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, ‘Allāmah Tilmisānī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho the commentator of “Shifā of Qādī al-‘Ayād”, Imām Ibn H ajr al Makkī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and Imām Sayyid MuHammad ibn ‘Abd al-Baqi Zarqānī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho have all verified and acknowledged this fact.

4. The Compassionate Lord SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala states:

اللہ اعلم حیث یجعل رسالته
Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala knows best where (and how) to carry out His mission. [Al-An‘’aam, Verse 124]

The above Ayah clearly advocates the fact that Almighty Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala selects the most appropriate and exalted of His creation to bestow the Risālah (Prophethood). Therefore, Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala has not blessed any undignified nation or person with the Amānah of Prophethood. Furthermore, what can be more undignified or filthy than Kufr and Shirk and why should He SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala entrust the stately station of Risālah on them? The Kuffār and Mushrikīn are worthy of Divine Anger and Wrath while the station of Prophethood demands Mercy and Compassion.

Witness from Ahadith ash-Sharif:

1. In the narration of Al-Zahrī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho from Sayyidunā Anas ibn Mālik Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho by Imām Bayhaqī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and Imām Ibn ‘Asākir Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho that the beloved of Allāh SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam said:

انا محمد بن عبدالله بن عبدالمطلب بن هاشم بن عبدالمناف بن قصى بن كلاب بن مرّة بن كعب بن لوى بن غالب بن فهر بن مالك بن النضر بن كنانه بن خز يمه بن مدركه بن نزار معد بن عدنان ما افترق الناس فرقتين الا جعلنى الله في خيرهما فاخر جت من بين ابوي فلم يصيني شئ من عهد الجاهلية و خرجت من نكاح و لم اخر ج من سفاح من لدن آدم حتى انتهيت الى ابي و امي فانا خيركم آباء و في لفظ فانا خيركم نسباً و خيركم اباً
I am MuHammad s/o ‘Abd Allāh s/o’Abd al-Muttalib s/o Hāshim s/o ‘Abd al-Munāf s/o Qusayy s/o Kilāb s/o Marrā s/o Ka‘b s/o Lawī s/o Ghālib s/o Fahar s/o Mālik s/o al-Nadar s/o Kinānā s/o Khuzaymā s/o Mudrakā s/o Nazār s/o Ma ‘d s/o Adnān [after relating 21 pious generations, he said], never at any time when people were divided into two groups that Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala made me of the best of them. So I was born from my parents in a state that was pure of all evils of the years of ignorance and I was born from a pure valid NikaH . All my ancestors from Nabī Ādam till my parents were the pure and best of people on earth and my father was the best of father amongst you. [Dalail an Nabuwwah, 1:174-179 / Tarikh-e-Damishq, 3:30]

This Hadīth Sharīf mentions 3 important points:

– Firstly, the negation of all corruption and its infiltration or impact on his pure ancestors in the years of Jahiliyyah which is a sound proof on its own because the most common of sins was Zinā (adultery).
– Secondly, immorality amongst which Zinā is top of the list and this was out rightly refuted.
– Thirdly, the H abīb SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam said that his father is the best amongst the father of all generations and Sayyidunā Zayd bin ‘Amr Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was certainly amongst the forefather who were pure Muwahhids.

2. The Intercessor of the Day of Reckoning SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam states:

ان الله ابي لى ان اتز و ج الامن اهل الجنة
Verily, Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala has ordained for my NikaH only women from Ahle Jannah. [Tarikh-e-Damishq, 73:110]

If Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala disliked His Beloved H abīb SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam to have a Kāfirah or Mushrikah as a wife, then how would He SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala allow his birth from the blood of a Kāfirah or Mushrikah?

3. Umm al-Mu‘minīn Sayyidah ‘A’yeshā Siddiqah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho narrates:

اخر ج الخطيب عن عائشة رضى الله تعالى عنها قالت حج بنا رسول الله صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلم فمرّ بى عقبة الحجون و هو باك حزين مغتم ثم ذهب و عاد و هو فرح متنسم فسألته فقال ذهت الى قبر امي فسألت الله ان يحيها فأمنت بي و ردها الله
We were present with the Prophet of Allāh SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam on the journey to H ajjat al-Widā when we passed by ‘Uqbat al- Hajoon, the Nabī SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam visited the Grave of his Beloved Mother Sayyidah Ā’minah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. He stood very sad, crying at her graveside and looked very depressed. Tears rolled down his cheeks but when he departed from there he looked exceptionally happy, delighted and full of smiles. Sayyidah ‘A’ieshah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho asked him the reason for both these extreme diverse moods. He replied; “When I visited the grave of my Mother, I pleaded to Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala to resurrect her. Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala accepted my Du‘a and resurrected her. She read the Kalīmah and brought Imān on me. Thereafter, Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala returned her to her grave where she now peacefully sleeps.” [Khasais al-Kubra, 2:104]

4. Umm Samā’ah Asmā bint Abi-RaHm Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho narrates from her mother who was present with Sayyidah Āminah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho before she passed away: Sayyidunā MuHammad SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam was about 5 or 6 years old sitting at his mother’s head side. The compassionate mother looked at her beloved son and said these words:

بارك فيك الله من غلام يا ابن الذي من حومة الحمام
نخابعون الملك المنعام فودى غداة الصرب باسهام
بمائة من الابل السوام و ان صح ماانصرت في المنام
فانت مبعوث الى الانام تبعث في الحل و في الحرم
تبعث في التحقيق و الاسلام دين ابيك البرابر اهام
فالله اناهك عن الاصنام ان لا تواليها مع الاقوام
O Pure Son! My Allāh keep Barakāt in you
O Beloved Son! By him, who is saved from the house of death.
By the help of the generous King, Allāh
The morning in which a ballot was put,
A hundred tall camels sacrificed in thanksgiving
If it is correct according to what I dreamt,
Then you will be made the Prophet of the Universe
which is the Religion of your pious Father Ibrā’hīm.
I give you the oath of Allāh and forbid you from the Idols
And do not have friendship with such nations.

[Mawahib al Laduniya, 1:169 / Dalail an-Nabuwwah]

This final testimony and advice of Hadrat Sayyidah Āminah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho to her Karīm and Darling Son just moments before departing from this mundane world, AlHamdulillāh, is about TawHīd and refutation of Shirk. Her golden words are as radiant as the mid-day sun which clearly announces her declaration of steadfastness on Islām’ and the ‘Pure Dīn’ of Sayyidunā Nabī Ibrā’hīm Alaihis Salam. Besides this, what else is known as Īmān al- Kāmil ?

And furthermore, there is full confirmation of the declaration of the Risālah of Sayyidunā Rasoolullāh SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam which he later made in his general public announcement of Prophethood. [This certainly completes the required verification of both, the TawHīd of Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and the Risālah of the Nabī SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam. What more is now required to qualify for Īmān al-Kāmil ?]

5. Thereafter, Sayyidah Āminah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho said:

كلّ حى ميت ، و كلّ جديد بال ، و كلّ كبير لفينى و انا متينه و ذكرى باق و قد تركت خير و ولدت طهرا
Every life has to die, every new thing will eventually get old and no matter how big a thing may be, it will one day perish. I am dying but my remembrance will always remain. And what a great gift am I leaving behind and what exceptional purity was born from me. [Mawahib al Laduniya, 1:70]

These were her last words and she passed away after uttering them.

انا لله و انا اليه راجعون ، رضى الله تعالى عنها و صلى الله تعالى على ابنها الكر يم و ذويه و بارك و سلم

The Perception of her Imān and Prediction is worthy of deliberation! She predicts; “I will die but my remembrance will always remain.” In this world, thousands of princesses with crowns and kingdoms came and went with great spectacle, but they eventually became unknown dust and patches of the earth. Who remembers them and how many people know their names? On the contrary, who does not know the name of the chaste and honourable mother of the beloved Nabī SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam? She is remembered with admiration and dignity in all four corners of the world and even in the serene Heavens of the arcane territories. The skies and earths echo with her praises sung by both man and Angels. These echoes will be heard till Eternity.

6. Hadrat ‘Ayesha Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha narrates that the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam once asked Jibril ‘Alaihis Salam about the superiority of his family. So, Jibril ‘Alaihis Salaam replied:

“I saw the whole world – the east and the west – I did not find one person greater than you and no family greater than Bani Hashim.” [Mishkat al-MasabiH, Page 511]

Belief of the Illustrious A‘immah and Exalted ‘Ulamāh of Dīn:

It is important to present the views of relied upon the Illustrious A‘immah and Exalted ‘Ulamāh of Dīn so that it becomes clear that one should consider the Parents of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam as Muslims.

1. Imam Fakhr al-Din Razi writes regarding the mentioned verse:

This verse proves that all the ancestors of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam were Muslims. [Tafsir al-Kabir]

2. Imam ibn Hajar al-Makki writes:

All the fathers and mothers of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam up to Adam and Hawwa are Muslims, not Kafirs. This is because Kafirs are impure, not clean (and the Qur’an and hadiths have declared his ancestors to be pure). [Afdal al-Qura]

3. Imam Qurtubi writes about the specialities of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam:

Being made alive and declaring their Islam is impossible neither rationally nor in the Shari’ah because at many places, the Qur’an has talked of making the dead alive. Such as the murdered man from Bani Isra’il becoming alive and informing of his murderer. ‘Isa ‘alaihis salam too made the dead alive miraculously and also the hadiths mention our Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam giving life to the dead on numerous occasions. When all this is proven, then the parents of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam being made alive and embracing Iman should be accepted. Moreover, this is a miracle of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam. [al-Tadhkirah, 1:25]

4. Imam Zarqani offers some advice:

Oh Muslim, when someone asks you about the parents of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam, then reply that they are from the people of paradise. [Zarqani ‘ala al-Mawahib, 1:186]

5. Imam Jalal al-Din Suyuti has written 7 different works on this topic in which he has proven that the parents of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam are people of paradise. His books include:

1. Masalik al-Hunafa fi Walidi al-Mustafa
2. al-Duruj al-Manifa fi al-Aba’ al-Sharifa
3. al-Maqal al-Sundusiya fi al-Nisbat al-Mustafawiya
4. al-Ta’dhim wa al-Mannah fi An Abawi RasulAllah fi al-Jannah
5. Nashr al-‘Alamin al-Manifin fi Ihya’ al-Abawayn al-Sharifayn
6. al-Subul al-Jaliyah fi al-Aba’ al-‘Aliyah
7. al-Fawa’id al-Kaminah fi Iman al-Sayyidah Amina

6. Imam Shami writes:

It is in the hadith that the parents of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam embraced Iman miraculously. Relied upon scholars such Imam Qurtubi and Hafidh Nasir al-Din Dimashqi have graded the hadith as Sahih. All this happened miraculously to show the honour of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam. [Fatawa Shami, 1:298]

7. Imam ibn Nujaym writes:

It is permissible to send damnation upon every dead person but because the parents of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam professed Islam after being made alive; hence, it is not allowed upon them. [al-Ashbah wa al-Nadha’ir, Page 453]

8. Qadi Abu Bakr ibn al-‘Arabi was asked about a person who says the parents of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam are in hell. The Qadi replied:

Such a person is damned according to the verse: Those who malign Allah and His Messenger – Allah has cursed them in this world and in the hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating punishment [33:57]. There can be nothing more maligning than saying that someone’s parents are in the fire. [Ruh al-Ma’ani]

9. Imam Alusi writes in the commentary of ‘And your movements among those who prostrate themselves before Allah’ [26:219]:

Most leading Sunni scholars have used this verse to prove the Iman of the parents of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam. [Ibid, 2:442]

10. Imam Nasir al-Din ibn al-Munir Maliki writes in his al-Muqtafa fi Sharaf al-Mustafa:

It is in the hadith that the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam prayed to Allah and his parents became alive and believed in him. They both affirmed and returned in the state of Iman. [Nashr al-‘Alamin, Page 57]

11. Imam Dayar bakri has stated this is the opinion of most of the scholars of the nation. He writes:

It is the opinion of most scholars and leaders that the parents of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam will be saved in the hereafter and if there is an opinion apart from this, these people know it better. [Tarikh al-Khamis, Page 301]

12. It is documented in Kitāb al-Khamīs:

مذهب جمع كثير من الائمة الاعلام الى ام ابوى النبي صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلم ناجيان محكوم لهما بالنجاة في الآخرة دهم اعلم الناس باقوال من خالفهم قال بغير ذلك ولايقصرون عنهم في الدرجة و من احفظ الناس للاحاديث و اللآثار و انقد الناس بالاولة التى استدل بها اولئك فانهم جامعون لانواع العلوم متضلعون من الفتون خصوصا الار بعة التى استمد منها هذه المسألة فلا نظن بهم انهم لم يقفوا على الاحاديث التى اسدل بها اولئك معاذ الله بل وقفوا عليها و خاضو عمرتها و اجالوا عنها بالاجوبة المرضيه التى لايردها منصف و اقام الماذ هيو اليه ادلة قاطعة كالجبال الرواسى اه مختصرا

A big Jamā’at of senior renowned A‘immah and Huffāz of Hadīth who were not only masters of Hadīth but also ‘Ālims of all sciences of Knowledge, unanimously agree that the Parents of the Nabī SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam are Nājī and it cannot be imagined that these luminaries were unaware of those Ahādith which was used in this subject by the objectors to prove otherwise. [Ma‘āz-Allāh!] This was not so, but they were definitely aware and also intensely pondered over them thoroughly and then issued such appealing rulings that no individual with justice would reject them. They formulated powerful and irrefutable proofs acknowledging the Imān of the August Parents that stands as immovable mountains. [Kitāb al-Khamīs, 1:230]

13. Shaykh ‘Abdul Haq MuHaddith Dehlawi has written on the issue extensively. He writes:

The issue of the Islam of the parents of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam was veiled from the earlier scholars and became apparent to the latter scholars. However, the latter scholars proved their Islam using evidences. Not only this, they proved the Islam of all fathers and mothers until Adam ‘Alaihis Salam. This was concealed from the earlier scholars and Allah made it apparent upon the latter scholars and Allah chooses whom He wills for His mercy and grants from His grace what He wills. [Ashi’at al-Lum’at, 1:717-718]

14. Imām Ibn Hajar Makkī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho states that numerous Huffāz [MuHaddithīn] have authenticated this. It is recorded in “Umm al-Qurah”:

ان ابآء النبي صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلّم غير الا نبيآء و امّهاته الى آدم و حوا ليس فيهم كافر لان الكافر لايقال في حقه انه مختار و لاكر يم و لاطاهر بل نجس و قد صرحت الاحاديث بانهم مختارون و ان ابآء كرام و الامهات طاهرات و ايضا قال الله تعالى و تقبلك في الساجدين على احد التفاسير فيه ان المراد منتقل نوره من ساجد و حينئذ فهذا صر يح في ان ابوى النبي صلى الله تعالى عليه وسلم آمنة و عبدالله من اهل الجنة لانهما اقرب المختارين له صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلم هذا هو الحق بل في حديث صحيحه غير واحد من الحفّاظ و لم يلتفتوا لمن طعن فيه ان الله تعالى احياهما فامنا به الخ مختصر او فيه طول

All the Prophets in the geneology of Sayyidunā Rasoolullāh SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam are Prophets (pure), besides them, not a single forefather (of the H abīb e) traced up till Sayyidunā Ādam Alaihis Salam was a Kāfir. No Kāfir is regarded pure or honourable or beloved while numerous AHādith explicitly state that the forefather and foremothers of the H abīb SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam were all Believers, honourable and beloved in the Divine Court of Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala. Another Tafsīr of the Āyah [ و تقبلك في الساجدين ] is that the Noor of the Nabī SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam was transferred from one Sājid to another. Hence it is clear that the noble Parents of the Nabī SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam, i.e. Sayyidunā ‘Abdullāh Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and Sayyidah Āminah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho are Ahle Jannah because they are amongst those fortunate servants whom Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala chose to be the parents of, and the closest to His August Rasool SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam.This is the correct concept, in fact, another Hadīth Sharīf which is accepted by numerous MuHHadithīn as SaHīH in which it orders one to turn a deaf ear to all the objectors [i.e. those who regard the noble Parent as non-Muslims or Mushriks]. Almighty Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala resurrected the noble Parents of the Nabī SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam and they brought Imān on him. This is the fact and reality and Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala knows best. [Afdal al Qurah, 1:151]

15. Imām Ibn Hajar Makkī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho states in his ‘SharH:

ما احسن قول المتوقفين في هذه المسألة الحذر الحذر من ذكرهما بنقص فان ذلك قد يوذيه صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلم بخير الطبراني لاتؤذو الاحياء بسبب الاموات

How beautifully some ‘Ulamāh of Dīn commented that if anyone who hesitates on this topic, beware and control your tongue by speaking any ill about the noble Parents of the Nabī SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam because this may result in hurting the feelings of the Holy Prophet of Allāh SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam. It is reported in the Hadīth Sharīf of Imām Tabrānī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho that Sayyidunā Rasoolullāh SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam stated: ‘Do not insult the dead and hurt the living’. [Afdal al Qurah, 1:154]

16. Hujjat al-Islām Imām MuHammad al-Ghazālī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho states in his Ihyā al- ‘Uloom al-Dīn:

It is not permissible to attribute a Kabīrah (major sin) to a Muslim until it can be proven with Tawātur. [Ihyā al- ‘Uloom al-Dīn, 3:125]

Then what Tawātur proves that the beloved Rasool of Allāh SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam is a progeny of Kāfir Parents and why will not the condition of Tawātur apply to this issue?

17. Imām Abu Bakr Ibn al-‘Arabī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho states:

لم ترضعته الا اسلمت

All the chaste women that fed milk to the beloved Nabī of Allāh SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam embraced Islam and became SaHābiyāt. [Sirāj al-Murīdīn.]

Remarkably! This was the result of only breastfeeding which is just partial-care and nursing which manifested as the Barakāt of the sacred name of the exalted Rasool SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam.

18. Imām Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyootī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho states in Subul al-Najāt:

مال الى ان الله تعالى احياهما حتى آمنا به طائفة من الائمة و حفّاظ الحديث

As far as the illustrious Imams and Hadith Masters are concerned, they believe that Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala raised the August Parents after their death and they brought Iman on the Prophet of Allah. [Sharah Zarqani, 1:168]

19. Sayyid Mehr ‘Ali Shah was asked about the parents of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam thusly:

Question: Did the parents of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam demise on Islam or not? If not, then which Messengers religion were they on?

Sayyid Mehr ‘Ali proved their Iman by writing:

Answer: There are 3 ways to prove their Islam. Firstly, that they were on the religion on Ibrahim ‘alaihis salam. Secondly, they were in the age of Fatrah and not the age of Prophethood, that is, they did not receive any invitation from a Prophet. Thirdly, Allah made them alive due to the supplication of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam. Hence, it is narrated in the hadith that the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam asked Allah: Oh Allah, make my parents alive and ennoble them with Islam. Allah accepted this supplication and made them alive and ennobled them with Islam. This hadith has been declared weak by the earlier scholars but the latter research scholars have authenticated and praised the hadith in various ways. We also know that the hadith came after those that were narrated by earlier hadith scholars. Hence, this knowledge was mostly hidden from them but Allah made it apparent to the latter scholars. Allah chooses whom He wills for His mercy and grace. [Fatawa Mehriya, Page 12]

20. ‘Allāmah Sayyid Sharīf AHmad Misrī TaHtāwī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho in his marginal-notes of Durr-e-Mukhtār writes

that once an ‘Ālim spent the entire  night pondering over the Īmān of the Parents of the Nabī SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam. He was deeply engrossed in examining various views to determine their Īmān. In this state of engrossment, he bent on the lamp which burnt his body. Early the next morning a soldier arrived to take the ‘Ālim to his home for an invitation. On the way they passed a haberdashery merchant who was sitting at the entrance of his shop with a scale in his hand. When the saw the ‘Ālim he grabbed hold of the reins of his horse and read the following verses:

امنت ان ابا النبي و امه احياهما الحى القدير البار
حق لقد شهد اله برسالته صدق فداك كرامة المختار
و به الحديث و من يقول بضعفه فهو الضعيف عن الحقيقة عار

I testify that the Living, Eternal, the Real Absolute and Creator of the Universe SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala resurrected the Parents of the Nabī SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam and both testified on his Risālah.
O Shaykh! You too testify to this fact as it is for the honour of Sayyidunā Mustafā SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam. There are narrations of Hadīth that acknowledges this.
Whosoever classifies them as ˆDa’īf (weak) are themselves weak and ignorant of the reality of Knowledge.

After the shopkeeper read out these verses, he said to the ‘Ālim; “O Shaykh! Take this advice and do not sit late at night. Do not punish your life with bewilderment that the lamp burns you. Furthermore, abstain from going to the place you intend because you will be fed arām food.” These advices astonished the ‘Ālim and for a moment he fell into shock. By the next blink of the eye, the shopkeeper had vanished without trace. The ‘Ālim desperately looked for him but to no avail. He inquired from the other shopkeepers but surprisingly, not only did they not recognize him, they also said that there was no one sitting in front of that shop. The ‘Ālim obeyed the advice of the “Unknown Walī of Allāh” and returned home without attending the invitation. [TaHtawi’s Marginal-Notes of Durr-e-Mukhtār, 2:81]

My dear Brothers and Sisters! This ‘Ālim did not condemn the Īmān of the esteemed Parents but used his Knowledge to try and establish some authenticity of confirmation. It was the Barakāt of Īlm that Divine Mercies sent a Walī from the unseen to rescue and guide him. Therefore, I warn everyone to be careful and fear that any statement by you may not be a reason to hurt the beloved Rasñl of Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala which will certainly result in great torment in the huge Fire.

Illustrious A‘immah and Exalted ‘Ulamāh of Dīn who stated Parents of Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam being Mu’min:

1) Imām al-Jalīl ‘Allāmah al-Kabīr Sayyidī Abu H afs AHmad bin Sha’hīn Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. He authored 330 books on various subjects on Dīn. Besides this, his voluminous Tafsīr of the Qur’ān runs into 1000 chapters and his Musnad of Hadīth Sharīf stretches to 3003 chapters.
2) Shaykh al-MuHaddithīn Imām AHmad bin Khatīb al-Baghdādī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
3) Hāfiz al-Shān MuHaddith Māhir Imām Abul-Qāsim ‘Alī bin Hasan ibn ‘Asākir Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho.
4) Imām al-Ajal Abul-Qāsim ‘Abdur-RaHmān bin ‘Abdullāh Suhaylī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib al-Rood
5) H āfiz al-Hadīth Imām MuHib al-Dīn Tabrī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. The ‘Ulamāh state that after Imām al-Jalīl Sharf al-Dīn Nawawī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho there was no one born like him besides Imām Tabrī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
6) Imām ‘Allāmah Nāsir al-Dīn ibn al-Munīr Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib Ashraf al-Mustafā
7) Imām Hāfiz al-Hadīth Abu al-FatHa MuHammad bin MuHammad ibn Sayyid al-Nās Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib ‘Oun al-Athar
8) ‘Allāmah Imām SalāH al-Dīn Safā Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
9) Hāfiz al-Shān MuHaddith Imām Shams al-Dīn MuHammad ibn Nāsir al-Dīn Dimashqī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
10) Shaykh al-Islām Hāfiz al-Shān Imām Shāb al-Dīn AHmad ibn Hajr Asqalānī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
11) Imām H āfiz al-Hadīth Abu Bakr MuHammad bin ‘Abdullāh Ashbilī ibn al-Arabī Mālikī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
12) Imām Abu al-Hasan ‘Alī bin MuHammad Mādarwī Basrī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib al-Hādī al-Kabīr
13) Imām Abu ‘Abdullāh MuHammad bin Khaf Mālikī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho ShāreH SaHīH Muslim
14) Imām ‘Abdullāh MuHammad bin AHmad bin Abī Bakr Qurtubī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib Tadkarā
15) Imām al-Mutakallimīn Fakhr al-Mudaqqiqīn ‘Allāmah Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
16) Imam ‘Allāmah Sharf al-Dīn Munādī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
17) Khātim al- Huffāz Majd al-Qur’ān al-‘Āshir Imām Jalāl al-Millat al-Dīn bin ‘Abdur-RaHmān al-Suyootī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
18) Imām H āfiz Shahāb al-Dīn AHmad bin ajr Haytamī Makkī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib Afdal al-Qur’rā.
19) Imām Shaykh Noor al-Dīn ‘Ali bin al-Jarīr Misrī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib Risālā TaHqīq Āmāl al-Zajīn fi al Wālid al-Mustafā bi Fadlillāh Ta’ālā fi al-Dā’rain min al-Najīn
20) ‘Allāmah Sayyid Abu ‘Abdullāh MuHammad bin Abī Sharīf Hasanī Tilmisānī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho ShārH Shifā al-Sharīf
21) ‘Allāmah Imām MuHaqqiq Sanusī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
22) Imām al-Ajal Ārif Billāh Sayyidī ‘Abd al-Wahhāb Sha‘rānī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib al-Yaqoot wa al-Jawāhir
23) ‘Allāmah AHmad bin MuHammad bin ‘Alī bin Yoosuf Fāsī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib Matāleh‘ al-Masarrāt SharH Dalā’il al-Khay’rāt
24) Khātim al-MuHaqqiqīn ‘Allamah Sayyid MuHammad bin ‘Abd al-Bāqī Zarqānī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho ShārH al-Muwāhib
25) Imām al-Ajal Faqīh al-Akmal MuHammad bin MuHammad Kardarī Bazārī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib al-Manāqib
26) Zain al-Foqahā ‘Allāmah MuHaqqiq Zain al-Dīn bin Najīm Misrī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib al-Ish’bāh wa al-Nazā’ir
27) Sayyid al-Sharīf ‘Allāmah amawī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib Ghamz al-‘Oyoon wal-Basā’ir
28) ‘Allāmah Imām ‘Abd al-Majīd ibn Nasuh ibn Isra‘īl al- anafī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib Kanz al-Fawā’id
29) ‘Allāmah usain bin MuHammad bin asan Diyār Bakrī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib Al-Khamīs fi Anfus Nafees
30) ‘Allāmah MuHaqqiq Imām Shāb al-Dīn AHmad Khafājī Misrī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib Nasīm al-Riyād
31) ‘Allāmah MuHaddith Tāhir Fatnī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib Majma‘ al-BiHār al-Anwār
32) Shaykh al-Shuyookh fil-Hind al-MuHaqqiq Mawlana ‘Abd al- aqq MuHaddith Dehlawī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib Madārij al-Nububuwwa
33) Mawlana BaHr al-‘Uloom Malik al-‘Ulamāh ‘Abdul-‘Alī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib Fawāteh al-RaHmoot
34) ‘Allāmah Sayyid AHmad Misrī TaHtāwī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho MoH’shī Durre Mukhtār
35) ‘Allāmah Imām Sayyid Ibn ‘Ābidīn Āmīn al-Dīn MuHammad Effendī Shāmī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho SāHib Durre Mukhtār

[ May Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala sanctify their Souls and bless me with their Barakāt, Āmīn! ]


It is a proven fact from the Holy Quran and Ahadith and the Sayings of the Illustrious A‘immah and Exalted ‘Ulamāh of Dīn that the parents of the Holy Prophet, Muhammadur Rasoolullah (SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam) – Sayyiduna Abdullah and Sayyidah Aamina (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anhuma) – were always on Imaan and left this world with Imaan.

Just as the cities of Makkah and Madina are the most exalted cities in the world due to being the birth place and place of demise of the Prophet (SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam), likewise, the genealogy of the Holy Prophet (SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam) is the most exalted and pure chain in the Universe. All his forefathers, from his father, Hadrat Abdullah (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho), to Hadrat Adam (Alaihis Salaam), were Mu’min, Muwaahids (believers in the Oneness of Allah), Aabids and Zaahids. None from amongst them were idol-worshippers or Faasiqs (Sinners). Actually, the Noor of Rasoolullah (SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam) travelled from Hadrat Adam (Alaihis Salaam) to Hadrat Abdullah (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho), in the family chain of those who always sincerely worshipped One Allah.

Almighty Allah blessed the Prophet (SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam) with acceptance, exaltedness and elevated his status. All the above mentioned facts proves that the Prophet’s (SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam) parents passed away as Mu’mins and Muwaahids. After Hujjatul Wida, he brought them back to life with the permission of Allah. By seeing him and bringing Imaan on him, they became Sahaabi-e-Rasool (SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam)… alHamduLILLAH!

Last but not least… Imam Alusi is amongst the relied upon scholars of the past. He writes in his Tafsir Ruh al-Ma’ani:

“I fear Kufr for that person who holds the Parents of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam to be Kafir.” [Tafsir Rooh al-Ma’ani, 2:442]

Therefore, it is most wise to be very cautious is such avenues of Dīn. Be careful as you are stepping on a sharp blade of a sword. Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala save us from this ignorance and disaster! One wonders to which dark abyss and depths of Hell will such people be assigned to. Don’t they fear the punishment of Allah?

For those who say, Ma’az-Allah, that the parents of the Holy Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam were non-believers, should think and ponder that if the parents of no other Prophet were non-believers, how then would the parents of the greatest of all Prophets be non-Believers? Ponder over this and fear your destiny in the Divine Court of the All-Powerful Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and do not forget the severity of the Fire of Hell.

May the Merciful Lord SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala beautify our internal- and external- with true and ardent love and respect for our Master, Sayyidunā MuHammad al-Mustafā SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam and protect us from the veils and curses of disrespect, abhorrence and insolence. May Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala save us from those who try to corrupt our pure Faith and blemish the honourable character of the most perfect of creation, Sayyiduna Rasūlullah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam, his honoured parent’s Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, his exalted family Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and illustrious Companions Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. Aameen!

We did not see Allāh but recognized Him through His Qudrah (i.e. The Nabī)
We are the servants of Love and beside this we know nothing!!

I was just exploring around Internet and I find many websites and articles where people are doing a great mistake and disrespect in their ignorance!! They use the Abbreviation of Durood Sharif i.e. SAW, PBUH, RA, AS (ma’azALLAH) instead of writing the Durood o Salam completely… Abbreviating the Salutation with Suad ص, Sal’am صلعم and etc. is strictly forbidden. In this century, leaving aside the ordinary person, even the so-called “learned” and “intellectuals” are guilty of such. Some write, while others, and some only. Some people, in place of write or just to save a drop of Ink, fraction of paper or a second of time, people are depriving themselves in reaping great excellence and reward. They have instead chosen misfortune.

Imam al-Nawawi, the great Muhaddith and Shafi’i Faqih (Allah have mercy on him) states in his introduction to the commentary of Sahih Muslim:

“It is praiseworthy (mustahab) for a person writing Hadith that…..at the mentioning of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace), he writes “Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam” in full and not merely using abbreviations, and neither sufficing on one of the two, i.e. Salat & Salam.” [Sharh Sahih Muslim, 1/39]

Thus, when one writes the name of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace), one should avoid using abbreviations such as SAW, PBUH or something similar. It is inappropriate and disrespectful to do so. The love for the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) requires that one never tires, both verbally or in writing, from sending blessings and salutations upon him (Allah bless & and grant him eternal peace).

Qadhi Iyadh al-Maliki (Allah have mercy on him) mentions a Hadith wherein the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said:

“Whosoever sends blessings upon me in a book, the angels seek forgiveness for him until my name remains in that book.” [Narrated by al-Tabrani in his al-Awsat, See:al-Shifa’ by Qadhi Iyadh, P: 557]

Hence, although the requirement would be fulfilled if one verbally sent blessings and salutations upon the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & grant him peace), but when one writes the name of the beloved of Allah, one should also send blessings upon him in writing. I think its important to aware people with the Laws of Shari’ah regarding writing Short forms of Durood Shareef i.e.S.A.W … Suad a … Sal’am and etc.

Hence, to write S.A.W after the name of the Beloved Prophet Syyeduna Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) or A.S in place of Alaihis Salaam is really a sign of being deprived, because Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam or Alaihis Salaam etc. is Durood and we decide to make abbreviations for Durood.

Hadrat Imam Jalaaludin Suyooti (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu) said,

“The person who first introduced the practice of using abbreviation for Durood had his hands cut off”

Allamah Sayyad Tahtawi (radi Allahu anhu), making a marginal note in “Durr-e-Mukhtar” states, and this quotation is also found in “Fatawa Tatar Khaniah”,

“A person who writes such abbreviation with the name of any Prophet, become a Kafir.”

Note: It means belittling and this deals with the integrity of the Prophets and to belittle the integrity of Prophets in indeed Kufr. It is beyond doubt that to have the intention of belittling the status of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam is definitely Kufr and the above ruling pertains to such a condition or intention. The above ruling does not apply to those who, out of sheer laziness and ignorance, use such abbreviations. But, indeed, such persons are misfortunate, ill-fated and unlucky.

At this point, the great Imam and Wali, A’la Hazrat Imam Ahmed Rida al-Qadiri (radi Allahu anhu) comments by saying:

Obviously, the pen is also a language and to write any meaningless words in place of is like hearing the sacred name of the glorious Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam and mumbling some meaningless thing. Allah, the Almighty and Powerful, states :

“What was already commanded, the oppressors had changed it to something else. So We sent on them punishment from the sky in retaliation to their transgression.” [Para 1, Ruku 2]

There Allah has ordered Bani Israel to say (Say our sins be decreased), they said (We got wheat). This word has a meaning and is still a Blessing of Allah (Wheat), but just because of changing the words, it caused the displeasure of Allah and His destruction by His Punishment.

Here the order is: “O you who Believe! Salute your Nabi SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam and send Durood and Salutations onto him.”

And this order is compulsory every time that you hear, say or write the sacred name of the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam. The fulfilment of the above command when writing the sacred name is to write , but, instead, this was changed to which has absolutely no meaning. Do you not fear the Azab of Allah descending upon you? May Allah save us from this Azab! Aameen!

This concerns the Durood Sharif or Salawat whose excellence is so great that its abbreviation has a reason of Kufr in it.

Now lets deal with the Sahabas and Awliya Allah (radi Allahu anhum). After writing their names, instead of writing the meaningless letters are written. This is condemned by the Learned Ulema as Makrooh and a reason of misfortune. Sayyid Allamah Tahtawi (radi Allahu anhu) states:

“It is Makrooh to abbreviate when writing . Write it in full.”

Imam Nowawi (radi Allahu anhu), in his commentary of “Muslim Sharif” states:

“One who indulges in this act is stripped from a very great benefit (Khair) and has lost a great reward.”

Likewise, when writing and is writing. This too is nonsensical and unfortunate. We should abstain from such acts. May Allah guide us all to success. Aameen!

We hope that the people will take a notice to our humble request. May ALLAH give us more strength to propagate the true message of Islam i.e. recognized by the name of Maslak-e-AlaHadrat Radi ALLAHu Taala Anho today.

Some people claim that the exact date of birth of the Prophet (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) is not known and hence there is little room for the celebration of Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) on 12th of Rabi’ al-Awwal.

12 Rabi’ al-Awwal is not only accepted as Milad Day from the classical and ancient scholars, it is also confirmed by the governments of the whole Islamic world. The holidays of almost 3 dozen Islamic countries, and except Iran ALL other countries celebrate it on 12 Rabi’ al-Awwal. Iran celebrates it on 17 Rabi’ al-Awwal, but this is because they coincide it with the birth date of Imam Jafar Sadiq (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho).

..:: Opinion of Renowned Historians about the Authentic Date of Milad ::..

1. Ibn-e-Ishaq (85-151 H): Messenger of Allah (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) was born on 12 Rabi’ al-Awwal in ‘Aam al-Feel. (Ibn Jawzi in Al-Wafa, Page 87)

2. Allama Ibn-e-Hasham (213 H): Messenger of Allah (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) was born on Monday 12 Rabi’ al-Awwal in ‘Aam al-Feel. (Ibn-e-Hasham in As-Sirat-un-Nabawiya, Vol. 1, Page 158)

3. Imam Ibn-e-Jareer Tabari (224-310 H): Messenger of Allah (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) was born on Monday 12 Rabi’ al-Awwal in ‘Aam al-Feel. (Tarikh-ul-Umam-wal-Muluk, Vol. 2, Page 125)

4. Allama Abul Hasan Ali Bin Muhammad Al-Mawardi (370-480 H): Messenger of Allah (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) was born 50 days after the event of Ashab-ul-Feel and after the death of His father on Monday 12 Rabi’ al-Awwal. (Ailam-un-Nabuwwa, Page 192)

5. Imam Al-Hafiz Abu-ul-Fatah Al-Undalasi (671-734 H): Our leader and our Prophet Muhammad (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam), the Messenger of Allah, was born on Monday 12 Rabi’ al-Awwal in ‘Aam al-Feel. (Aayun-al-Asr, Vol.1, Page 33)

6. Allama Ibn-e-Khaldun (732-808 H): Messenger of Allah (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) was born on 12 Rabi’ al-Awwal in ‘Aam al-Feel. It was the 40th year of Emperor Kasra Noshairwan. (Ibn-e-Khaldun in At-Tarikh Vol. 2, Page 394)

7. Muhammad As-Sadiq Ibrahim Arjoon: From various turaq (chains) it has been established as true that the Prophet (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) was born on Monday 12 Rabi’ al-Awwal in ‘Aam al-Feel in the reign of Kasara Noshairwan. (Muhammad Rasoolullah, Vol. 1, Page 102)

8. Sheikh Abdul-Haq Muhadath Dehlvi (950-1052 H): Know it well, that over-whelming majority of the experts of sayar and tarikh (i.e. biographers and historians) hold the opinion that the Beloved (i.e. the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) was born in ‘Aam al-Feel … It is well known that the month was of Rabi’ al-Awwal and its date was 12. Various scholars have shown their agreement with this (date). (Madarij-un-Nabuwwah, Vol. 2, Page 14)

9. Imam Qastallani (Alaihir RaHma) said: Rasoolullah (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) was born on 12th Rabi ul Awwal and People of Makkah follow it, on this same day they visit (your place of birth).. It is famous that you were born on 12th Rabi ul Awwal, the day was of Monday, Ibn Ishaq and others have narrated this too (Al Muwahib al Laduniya, Volume 1, Page No. 88)

Now I am going to prove from scholars whom even Wahabi/Salafis consider the top most scholar in Tafsir and Tarikh and he not only says 12th is the mainstreem opinion but also relies with exact hadith for it:

1. Ibn Kathir write in his Seerat un Nabi:

ورواه ابن أبى شيبة في مصنفه عن عفان ، عن سعيد بن ميناء ، عن جابر وابن عباس أنهما قالا : ولد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عام الفيل يوم الاثنين الثانى عشر من شهر ربيع الاول

Ibn Abi Shaybah in his Musannaf narrates from Affan>>Sa’id>>Jabir and Ibn Abbas (Ridwanullahi Ta’ala Alaihim Ajma’een) who said: Rasoolullah (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) was born in the year of elephant on Monday, the 12th Rabi Ul Awwal (Seerat un Nabi, Volume 1, Page No. 199)

Then he said:

وهذا هو المشهور عند الجمهور والله أعلم

This is what is famous amongst Majority and Allah knows the best [ibid]

2. Nawab Muhammad Sadiq Hasan Khan Bohapalvi: The birth (of the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) was happened in Mecca at the time of Fajar on Monday 12 Rabi’ al-Awwal in ‘Aam al-Feel. Majority of scholars holds this opinion. Ibn-e-Jawzi has narrated a consensus (of scholars) on it. (Ash-Shumama-tul-Anbariya Fi Mowlid Khair al-Bariyya, Page 7)

You can see that the historians / scholars from the first / second century of Hijri, as well as the scholars of later times, had been authenticating it. The list also includes the well known leader of Salafis, i.e. Nawab Sadiq Hasan Bohapalvi.

..:: This Date is Officially Recognized by Islamic World ::..

Milad-un-Nabi (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) is celebrated throughout the Islamic world, with the exception of a few countries. Interestingly, all the Islamic countries (except Iran, whose reason I mentioned above) celebrate it on 12th of Rabi’ al-Awwal.

Here is a list of few countries who hold an official holiday on 12th of Rabi’ al-Awwal (the actual list is longer than this):

Islamic Countries:

  • Islamic Republic of Pakistan
  • Afghanistan
  • Uzbekistan
  • Jordan
  • United Arab Emirates (UAE)
  • Behrain
  • Bangladesh
  • Algeria
  • Al-Jazair
  • Sudan
  • Iraq
  • Kuwait
  • Morrocco
  • Yamen
  • Tunis
  • Syria
  • Oman
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Egypt
  • Moritaniya
  • Palestine
  • Brunie
  • Indonesia
  • Malaysia
  • Nigeria
  • Somalia
  • Turkey (not a public holiday, but mosques are illuminated, special foods and treats are prepared, and you can participate, actively or passively, in the celebrations)

Non-Islamic Countries:

  • India
  • SriLanka
  • Tanzania

The most authentic date of Milad-un-Nabi (i.e. Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam’s birth), as agreed upon by the classical and later scholars and historians, and as officially recognized by Islamic countries, is Monday 12 Rabi’ al-Awwal.


..:: Departure of Beloved Prophet Peace Be Upon Him ::..

Those who claim that Sarkar Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam departed on 12th Rabiul Awwal and Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama’at use to celebrate his death (Ma’adh ALLAH Summa Ma’adh ALLAH) must read the following:

1. The holy Prophet (Sallallaahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam) departed from this world on 1st or 2nd of Rabi-ul-Awwal.

1.Tabqaat-Ibne Saad Vol. 2, Page 316
2. Al Bidaayah Wan Nihaayah Vol. 2, Page 340
3. Seeratun Nabee by Shiblee Nu’maani Page 171 Vol. 1
4. Rasool-Rahmat by Abul Kalam A’zaad, Page 254
5. Daa’irah Mu’aarif-lslamiyah by Dr. Muhammad Hameedul Laah and others Vol. 19, Page 76
6. Tafseer Mazhari by Allamah Qaazi Sana’ullaah Paani Pati, Vol. 2, Page 110.

2. Ashraf Ali Thanvi writes: “And the date has not been established, and the popular notion that it was the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal is not correct according to calendar, since that year the 9th of Zil-Hijjah fell on Friday and the proven day of death is Monday. Thus it cannot be that 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal would be Monday when the 9th of Zil-Hijjah was a Friday”. (Margin of page 203 of “Nashr-Teeb”)

Deo-Bandits and Wobbies as usual may refuse every fact but what about the research of there own Ashraf Ali Thanvi and Shibli Nau’maani?

Dehr mein Aaiey Noor-e-Mujassam Kufr pe Chaya Aalam Hoo ka
Apni Dukan-e-Shirk Bar’ha ker Bhaag gaey sub Marqas-o-Looqa
Shaitaan Naar-e-Hasad mein Jal ker Reh gaya pee ker Ghoont Lahoo ka
Waqt-e-Wiladat-e-Shah-e-Do Aalam Na’ra thaa yeh her Sar-e-Moo ka
Ja’Alhaqu Wazahaqal BaaTil; Innal BaaTila Kaana Zahooqa

All Praise is due to Allah subHanuhu wa Ta’ala, Countless Durood and Salutations upon the best of creation Sayyaduna wa Habeebuna Qurrat Aeenuna Muhammadur Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam.

In present era we are suffering sects and scholars who imposes verdicts of Shirk and Bid’at on those who celebrate Mawlid an-Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam with great enthusiasm and integrity and due to which the simple and straight peoples who are less in knowledge of Qur’an and Hadith gets nervous whether they are following the TURHT or not.

Here is proof from QUR’AN al-Kareem and Sayings of Prophet Peace Be Upon Him which show beyond a shadow of a doubt that Celebrating Milad-un-Nabi Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam is absolutely Lawful.

..:: The Holy Qur’an Says ::..
قَالَ عِيسَى ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّنَا أَنزِلْ عَلَيْنَا مَآئِدَةً مِّنَ السَّمَاءِ تَكُونُ لَنَا عِيداً لِّأَوَّلِنَا وَآخِرِنَا وَآيَةً مِّنكَ وَارْزُقْنَا وَأَنتَ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ

Issa son of Maryam submitted, ‘O Allah our Lord, ‘sends down to us a tray of food from the heaven so that it may be an occasion of rejoicing for us, for the first and the last of us and a sign from You, and provide for us and you are the best of Providers. (Surah Al-Ma’idah, Verse 114)The day when food is sent from skies is day of rejoicing (EID); then the day when soul of universe Peace be with him was born must be the rejoice for the day of rejoicing.

Look what ALLAH have said:

وَأَمَّا بِنِعْمَةِ رَبِّكَ فَحَدِّثْ

And publicize well the favors of your Lord. (Surah Al-Duha, Verse 11)ALLAH himself commemorating Milad in Holy Qar’an as we do in our gatherings, Allah Says in the Holy Qur’an:

 هُوَ الَّذِي أَرْسَلَ رَسُولَهُ بِالْهُدَى وَدِينِ الْحَقِّ لِيُظْهِرَهُ عَلَى الدِّينِ كُلِّهِ وَكَفَى بِاللَّهِ شَهِيدًا
It is He Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth that he may make it prevail over all other religions And Sufficient is Allah as witness. (Surah Al-Fatha, Verse 28)

وَإِذْ قَالَ عِيسَى ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ يَا بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ إِنِّي رَسُولُ اللَّهِ إِلَيْكُم مُّصَدِّقًا لِّمَا بَيْنَ يَدَيَّ مِنَ التَّوْرَاةِ وَمُبَشِّرًا بِرَسُولٍ يَأْتِي مِن بَعْدِي اسْمُهُ أَحْمَدُ فَلَمَّا جَاءَهُم بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ قَالُوا هَذَا سِحْرٌ مُّبِينٌ
And remember when Issa son of Maryam, said, ‘O children of Israel, I am Allah’s Messenger to you, confirming the previous Book Tourat before me and conveying the glad news of the Messenger who will come after me, his name is Ahmad! ‘ But when Ahmed came to them with bright signs, they said, ‘this is an open magic.’ (Surah As-Saf, Verse 6)

لَقَدْ جَاءَكُمْ رَسُولٌ مِّنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ عَزِيزٌ عَلَيْهِ مَا عَنِتُّمْ حَرِيصٌ عَلَيْكُم بِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ رَؤُوفٌ رَّحِيمٌ
Assuredly there has come to you a messenger from among yourselves, heavy upon him is your suffering; ardently desirous of your welfare, and to Muslims is most Kind and Merciful. (Surah Tauba, Verse 128)

لَقَدْ مَنَّ اللّهُ عَلَى الْمُؤمِنِينَ إِذْ بَعَثَ فِيهِمْ رَسُولاً مِّنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ يَتْلُواْ عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتِهِ وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ وَيُعَلِّمُهُمُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَإِن كَانُواْ مِن قَبْلُ لَفِي ضَلَالٍ مُّبِينٍ
Undoubtedly, Allah did a great favor to the Muslims that in them from among themselves sent a Messenger who recites unto them His signs and purifies them and teaches them the Book and wisdom, and necessarily before that they were certainly in apparent error. (Surah Al-Imran, Section 17, Verse 164)

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ قَدْ جَاءَتْكُم مَّوْعِظَةٌ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَشِفَاءٌ لِّمَا فِي الصُّدُورِ وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ ۔۔۔ قُلْ بِفَضْلِ اللّهِ وَبِرَحْمَتِهِ فَبِذَلِكَ فَلْيَفْرَحُواْ هُوَ خَيْرٌ مِّمَّا يَجْمَعُونَ
O people! There has come an admonition to you from your Lord, and healing of hearts, and guidance and a mercy for the believers. Say you, ‘only Allah’ grace and only His mercy, on it therefore let them rejoice. That is better than all their wealth. (Surah Al-Yunus, Verse 57,58)

And this is what we do, we celebrate; we rejoice; we do spend our money to show gratitude to ALLAH Almighty on his greatest mercy and Blessing i.e. celebrations of Milad-un-Nabi because Qur’an Says:

وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِينَ
And We sent not you, but a mercy for all worlds. (Surah Al-Anbiya, Verse 107)

..:: See in the light of aHadith ::..

Let us have the opinions of Prophet (Peace be with him) who himself celebrated his Birthday. See Muslim Sharif:

عَنْ أَبِى قَتَادَةَ الأَنْصَارِىِّ رضى الله عنه أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ -صلى الله عليه وسلم- سُئِلَ عَنْ صَوْمِ الاِثْنَيْنِ فَقَالَ « فِيهِ وُلِدْتُ وَفِيهِ أُنْزِلَ عَلَىَّ
Abi Qatada Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) was asked about fasting on Monday, whereupon he said: It is (the day) when I was born and revelation was sent down to me.

1. Sahih Muslim, Book 6 – Fasting, Vol 7, Page 323, Hadith 2807
2. Sahih Muslim, Vol1, Bubus Syam, Published by Qadeemi Qutb Khana Karachi
3. Sahih Muslim, Vol1, Page 7
4. Asadul Gaba fee Ma’arfatis Sahaba, Vol1, Page 21-22, Published in Lahore 1987

When Prophet (Peace be with him) is celebrating his birthday not yearly but every Monday then how it can be Shirk or Bid’at?

ورأت أمي حين حملت بى أنه خرج منها نور أضاء له قصور بصرى من أرض الشام
Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said: “When my mother gave birth to me she saw a light proceeding from her which showed her the castles of Syria”

1. Ibn Hisham; Tafsir Ibn Kathir 4:360
2. Bayhaqi, Dala’il an-Nubuwwa 1:110
3. Haythami, Zawa’id 8:221
4. Ibn al-Jawzi ‘al-Wafa’
5. Qadi Iyad, ‘al-Shifa’

أول ما خلق الله تعالى نوري
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) has stated, “The very first thing which Almighty Allah created was my Noor.”

1. Tafseer Nashyapuri Page 55 Vol 8
2. Tafseer Araa’is ul Bayaan page 238 Vol 1
3. Tafseer Roohul Bayaan page 548 Vol 1
4. Zirkaani Shareef page 37 Vol 1
5. Madarijun Nabuiwat page 6 Vol 2
6. Bayaanul Milaadun Nabi Li ibn Jauzi page 24
7. Matali’ul Musarraat lil faasi
8. Itr ul Wirda
9. Tafseere Husaini
10. Sharah Qasida Imali

Shareh al-Bukhari Imam Ahmad Qistalaani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anhu) states in his most distinguished work “Mustataab Muwahibul ladaniyah” that narration has been made by Hadrat Imam Zainul Abedeen (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anhu) who narrates from His father Hadrat Imam Husain (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anhu) who narrates from His father Hadrat Ali Mushkil Kusha (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anhu) that the Holy prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) has stated,

كنت نورا بين يدى ربى قبل خلق آدم باربعة عشر ألف عام
I was a Noor by my creator 14000 years before the creation of Hadrat Adam (Alaihis Salaam)”

Muwahibul ladaniyah pg 10 vol 1
Zirkani Shareef pg 49 vol 1
Jawahirul Biharul Nibhaani page 774
Anwaarul Muhammadiya pg 9
Tafseer Roohul Bayaan pg 370 vol 2
Hujjatullahi Alal Alameen

Pupil of Imam Malik and the teacher of Imam Ahmed Bin Hanbal and Hafizul Hadith Abdul Razzak Abu Bakr Bin Hamman, the teacher of the teachers of Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim, in his Book “Musannaf”, has narrated from Hadrat Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari and his son (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anhum), that he asked the Holy Messenger of ALLAH Ta’aala (Peace Be Upon Him)

روى عبد الرزاق -فيما قيل- عن جابر رضي الله عنه قال: “قلت: يا رسول الله بأبي أنت وأمّي أخبرني عن أول شىء خلقه الله تعالى قبل الأشياء؟ قال: يا جابر إن الله تعالى خلق قبل الأشياء نور نبيّك من نوره فجعل ذلك النور يدور بالقدرة حيث شاء الله ولم يكن في ذلك الوقت لوح ولا قلم ولا جنّة ولا نار ولا ملك ولا سماء ولا أرض ولا شمس ولا قمر ولا جني ولا إنسي، فلما أراد الله أن يخلق الخلق قسّم ذلك النور أربعة أجزاء فخلق من الجزء الأول القلم، ومن الثاني اللوح، ومن الثالث العرش، ثم قسم الجزء الرابع أربعة أجزاء فخلق من الجزء الأول حملة العرش، ومن الثاني الكرسي، ومن الثالث باقي الملائكة، ثم قسّم الرابع أربعة أجزاء فخلق من الأول السموات، ومن الثاني الأرضين، ومن الثالث الجنّة والنار، ثم قسم الرابع أربعة أجزاء فخلق من الأول نور أبصار المؤمنين، ومن الثاني نور قلوبهم وهي المعرفة بالله، ومن الثالث نور أنسهم وهو التوحيد لا إله إلا الله محمّد رسول الله”
“O Prophet of Allah (sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)! My parents be sacrificed upon you, what did the Almighty Allah first create?” The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) replied: “Allah first created my Noor (Light) of His Noor. This Noor traveled about according to the Will of Allah. At that time, there was no Heaven, Hell, Lawh (Divine Tablet), Pen, Earth, Skies, Sun, Moon, Jinn or Human Beings. When He decided to create, He divided that Noor into four parts. From one part He created the Pen, from the second, the Lawh and from the third, he made the Arsh (Throne). He divided the fourth part into a further four parts. From one, He created those Angels who carry the Arsh, from the second, the Kursi (Divine Chair) and from the third, He created the Angels. He again divided the remaining parts into a further four parts. From one, He created the skies. The second was used in creating the planets. From the third, Heaven and Earth were created. Once again, He divided the fourth part into a further four parts. From one part He created the power with which the believers see. From the second, He created in the hearts of the Believers the Noor of Marifat. From the third, He created Noor in the tongues of the Believers, so that they can read the Kalima of Tauheed”.

1. Muwahibul Ladaniyah page 9 Vol 1
2. Zirkani Shareef page 46 Vol 1
3. Seerate Halbia page 37 Vol 1
4. Mutali ul Musarraat Sharah Dalail Kheyraat page 610
5. Afzalul Qura by Imam Ibn Hajr Makki
6. Hujatullahu alal Alameen page 68
7. Anwaarul Muhammadiya Page 9
8. Aqidatush Shuhada page 100
9. Fatawa Hadithia page 51
10. Dalaa’il-un-Nubuwwat By Imam Baihaqi
11. Khamees by Allama Dayar Bakri
12. Madarij-un-Nabuwwat by Skaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlvi

Abu Lahab was an uncle to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). The event, which Imaam Qastalaani has referred to, is this. When a maid of Abu Lahab (Abdul ‘Uzza) named Thuwaibah informed him of a son being born to his brother Abdul Laah (may ALLAH be pleased with him), he (Abu Lahab) was so delighted at herring this that he pointed his finger to her in a manner which signified her emancipation for carrying the good news to him But when the holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) declared his Prophet hood, he (Abu Lahab) did not accept him as a Prophet but became a most severe enemy to him and remained so all his life. In condemnation of him a whole Soorah of the Holy Qur’aan descended.

لَمَّا مَاتَ أَبُو لَهَب رَأَيْته فِي مَنَامِي بَعْد حَوْل فِي شَرّ حَال فَقَالَ : مَا لَقِيت بَعْدكُمْ رَاحَة ، إِلَّا أَنَّ الْعَذَاب يُخَفَّف عَنِّي كُلّ يَوْم اِثْنَيْنِ ، قَالَ : وَذَلِكَ أَنَّ النَّبِيّ صَلَّى اللَّه عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وُلِدَ يَوْم الِاثْنَيْنِ ، وَكَانَتْ ثُوَيْبَة بَشَّرَتْ أَبَا لَهَب بِمَوْلِدِهِ فَأَعْتَقَهَا
After his death, people of Abu Lahab’s household saw him in a dream, and asked him how he had fared. To this, Abu Lahab said that after departing from them he did not meet with any good but was being given water every Monday from the finger with which he had indicated the emancipation of Thuwaibah, and this water lessened his torment.

1. Sahih Bukhari, Vol1, Page 153, Hadith No 5101, Kitaabun Nikaah, Publisher: Darul Fikr – Berut.
1(b). Sahih Bukhari, Vol7, Book 62, Wedlock, Marriage (Nikaah), Hadith 038
1(c). Sahih Bukhari, Vol 6, Page 764.
2. Fathul Baari Sharha Sahihul Bukhari, Vol 9, Page 118 by Imam Ibn-e-Hajr Asqalani
3. Fathul Baari Sharha Sahihul Bukhari, Vol 9, Page 145 by Imam Ibn-e-Hajr Asqalani
4. Musannaf by Abdur Razzaq San’ani, Vol 7, Page 478
5. Umdatul Qaari Sharha Sahihul Bukhari by Allama Badruddin Ainee, Vol 2, Page 95

Allama Muhammad Bin Alawai Malki have stated in his work, Houl al-IHtifal Bi Zikri Mawlid an-Nabawi Ash-Sharif that Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam after announcing his prophet hood he did his Aqeeqa, not only this he also plunked on his mim’ber shareef and recited his Shajra, memorized the birth of Hadrat Adam and Status of Hadrat Ibrahim, Hadrat Esa, Hadrat Moosa Alaihimus Salam. He ordered few of his companions to recite his greatness; Many of Companions offered poems in the greatness of Syyeduna Rasoolullah, He was delighted hearing this and prayed for his companions. (Houl al iH’tifal Bi Zikri Mawlid an-Nabawi Ash-Sharif, Published in Lahore 1987)

O Rabi’ al-Awwal! Your joys surpass thousands of ‘Eids
All in the universe are rejoicing, except Shaytan!!

What is Valentine Day

And if one seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him; and he is among the losers in the Hereafter. [Al ‘Imraan 3:85]

Unfortunately, nowadays, we see the Muslim society adopting the western customs happily. We think their rituals as our own. We see the Muslims wishing each other or the non Muslims on Christmas , “MERRY CHRISTMAS”. You know what this means ? This means that you are testifying that Hazrat Isa (Alaihis Salam) was crucified. (NAUZUBILLAH). You are testifying something contradicting to the Quran and the Authentic Ahadith <<WAKE UP>> . And the Holy Prophet had already Prophecized that

Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him), narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “You will certainly follow the ways of those who came before you, span by span, cubit by cubit, until even if they were to enter a lizard’s hole, you would follow them.” We said, “O Messenger of Allah, (do you mean) the Jews and Christians?” He said, “Who else?!” (Mutaffaqun Alayh Bukhari 8:151 Muslim 4:2054)

Similarly, We celebrate (or at least we see our friends celebrating) the VALENTINES DAY.

Don’t you think we need to know what actually Valentines day is and Islamic Stance on that?


First of all, we’d like to shed light on the origin of this festival, known as “Valentine Day” or “Festival of Love”:



W.LEERUTH writes the following in his famous book, “History of Valentine’s Day”


We get to know that the Festival of Love was one of the festivals of the pagan Romans, when paganism was the prevalent religion of the Romans more than seventeen centuries ago. In the pagan Roman concept, it was an expression of “spiritual love”.

There were myths associated with this pagan festival of the Romans, which persisted with their Christian heirs. Among the most famous of these myths was the Roman belief that Romulus, the founder of Rome, was suckled one day by a she-wolf, which gave him strength and wisdom.

The Romans used to celebrate this event in mid-February each year with a big festival.

Saint Valentine and the Valentine’s Day

Saint Valentine is the main character in the History of the Valentines day. Although the stories may differ but they somewhat contain St.Valentine, the LOVE affairs and the Christian Church.

NONE OF THESE ARE A PART OF THE MUSLIM CULTURE!! Muslims don’t believe in Saints or churches or the Love before Marriage.

Here’s one story for example

In The Story of Civilization, it says that the Church devised a calendar in which every day was designated as the feast day of one of the saints. In England, Saint Valentine’s Day was to come at the end of winter. When that day came, according to them, the birds mated enthusiastically in the forests, and the young men would put flowers on the windowsills of the homes of the girls whom they loved. (The Story of Civilization by Will Durant, 15/23)


It was narrated that ‘Adiy ibn Haatim said: “I came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) wearing a gold cross around my neck. He said, ‘O ‘Adiy, cast aside this idol.’ And I heard him reciting from Soorat Baraa’ah [al-Tawbah] (interpretation of the meaning): ‘They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords besides Allaah.’ He said: ‘They do not worship them, but when they permit them something they accept it as permitted, and when they forbid them something they accept it as forbidden.’” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi and it is a Hasan Hadith).

I think all of us are pretty familiar with the other myths and incidents related to the celebration of this festival. Let us discuss the Islamic Stance on that


Valetines day is no where close to the Islamic rituals. It is strictly forbidden to celebrate the valentine’s day.

1. An Innovated Christian Ritual

Celebrating Valentine’s Day means resembling or imitating the pagan Romans, then the Christian People of the Book in their imitation of the Romans in something that was not a part of their religion. If it is not allowed to imitate the Christians in things that really are part of their religion – but not part of our religion – then how about things which they have innovated in their religion in imitation of idol-worshippers?! It means that the celebration of this Valentines day becomes a double sin because it is an INNOVATED CHRISTIAN RITUAL.

2. Imitation of the Non-Muslims

Imitating the kuffaar(adopting rituals and dresses particular with them) in general –whether they are idol-worshippers or People of the Book – is Haraam, whether that imitation is of their worship – which is the most serious form – or of their customs and behavior. This is indicated by the Qur’aan and the authentic Ahadith. And it is not difficult to think that Valentine day is a ritual particular with them when we see its origin. “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.” (narrated by Ahmad, 2/50; Abu Dawood, 4021)

3. A Road to Zina

The love referred to in this festival ever since the Christians revived it is romantic love outside the framework of marriage. The result of that is the spread of zinaa (fornication and adultery) and immorality. Hence the Christian clergy opposed it at some stage and abolished it, then it came back again.

Most of the young people celebrate it because it lets them fulfil their desires, without thinking of the issues of imitation and resembling that are involved. Look at this tragedy, where they go so far as to commit major sins such as zinaa and the like, by imitating the Christians in something which is part of their worship and which may even be kufr

4. Does Islam Forbid Love?

There is no religion which encourages its followers to love and care for one another more than Islam does. This applies at all times and in all circumstances, not just on one particular day. Indeed, Islam encourages us to express our emotions and love at all times, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If a man loves his brother, let him tell him that he loves him.” (narrated by Abu Dawood, 5124; al-Tirmidhi, 2329; it is Saheeh).

And he said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, you will not enter Paradise until you truly believe, and you will not truly believe until you love one another. Shall I not tell you of something that, if you do it, you will love one another? Spread (the greeting of) salaam amongst yourselves.” (Narrated by Muslim, 54)

Love in Islam is more general and more comprehensive; it is not restricted only to one kind of love, that between a man and a woman. There are many more kinds of love. There is the love of Allaah, love of His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and his companions (may Allaah be pleased with them), love for good and righteous people, love and support for the religion, love of martyrdom for the sake of Allaah. There are many kinds of love. It is a dangerous mistake to restrict this broad meaning to this one kind of love.

5. Love Throughout

Islam does recognize happy occasions that bring people closer to one another, and add spice to their lives. However, Islam goes against blindly imitating the West regarding a special occasion such as Valentine’s Day. Hence, commemorating that special day known as the Valentine’s Day is an innovation or bid`ah that has no religious backing. Every innovation of that kind is rejected, as far as Islam is concerned. Islam requires all Muslims to love one another all over the whole year, and reducing the whole year to a single day is totally rejected.

6. The Luper Calia

Consider Valentine’s Day, a day that after dying out a well deserved death in most of Europe (but surviving in Britain and United States) has suddenly started to emerge across a good swath of Muslim countries. Who was Valentine? Why is this day observed? Legends abound, as they do in all such cases, but this much is clear: Valentine’s Day began as a pagan ritual started by Romans in the 4th century BCE to honor the god Lupercus. The main attraction of this ritual was a lottery held to distribute young women to young men for “entertainment and pleasure”–until the next year’s lottery. Among other equally despicable practices associated with this day was the lashing of young women by two young men, clad only in a bit of goatskin and wielding goatskin thongs, who had been smeared with blood of sacrificial goats and dogs. A lash of the “sacred” thongs by these “holy men” was believed to make them better able to bear children. Christianity tried to stop the evil celebration of Lupercalia. Its only success was in changing the name from Lupercalia to St. Valentine’s Day

7. The Identity of Islam

Further, Islam is very sensitive about maintaining its purity and the unique identity of its followers. Islamic laws and teachings go to extra lengths to ensure it. Salat is forbidden at the precise times of sunrise, transition, and sunset to eliminate the possibility of confusion with the practice of sun worship. To the voluntary recommended fast on the tenth of Muharram, Muslims are required to add another day (9th or 11th) to differentiate it from the then prevalent Jewish practice. Muslims are forbidden to emulate the appearance of non-Muslims.

8. The Day of Repentance instead of the Valentines Day

A Muslim is a Muslim for life. During joys and sorrows, during celebrations and sufferings, we must follow the one straight path — not many divergent paths. It is a great tragedy that under the constant barrage of commercial and cultural propaganda from the forces of globalization and the relentless media machine, Muslims have begun to embrace the Valentines, the Halloween ghost, and even the Santa Claus. Given our terrible and increasing surrender to paganism the only day we should be observing is a day of mourning. Better yet it should be a day of repentance that could liberate us from all these days.


1. A Muslim should not celebrate it, or join others in their celebrations of it, or attend their celebrations, because of the evidence quoted above which shows that it is forbidden to celebrate the festivals of the kuffaar.

2. He should not help the kuffaar in their celebrations, because it is one of the rituals of kufr, so helping them and approving of what they do is helping them to manifest kufr and make it prevail, and approving of it.

3. We should not accept congratulations on Valentine’s Day, because it is not a holiday or an Eid for the Muslims. If the Muslim is congratulated on this occasion, he should not return the congratulations.

4. We should repent in this DAY if he had been celebrating the Valentines day in our past

5. We must explain the true nature of this holiday and other festivals of the kuffaar to those Muslims who have been deceived by them, and explain to them that it is essential for the Muslim to be distinguished by his religion and to protect his belief (‘Aqeedah) from anything that may damage it.

6. Here I would like to mention doing any of the things which are particular with this day like exchange of flowers, red bands, roses, red clothes and singing and dancing will be like the imitation of the west and its like inviting the wrath of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala.

(by Allama Maulana Syed Shah Turabul Haq Qadri)

Prayer to be offered by women differs from that of men only in the practical manner of its offering and not in the spiritual sense. The Prayer times, the supplications, the number of prostrations, bows, etc., do not differ. The difference in the physical aspects of Prayer arise from the fact that women’s physique differs from that of men, and follow from the commands which Allah (The Supreme) has stipulated for them in the Holy Quran and through the Hadith of the Holy Prophet .

Most differences relate to clothing, concealment of body, posture and concealment of voice.  Prior to listing the differences in women’s mode of Prayer, we provide references from the Holy Quran and Hadith which are the PROOFS of, and form the main bases of these differences:

A. From The Holy Quran – Regarding Concealment Of The Body

1. [Surah Noor Verse 31] And command the Muslim women to keep their gaze low and to protect their chastity, and not to reveal their adornment except what is apparent, and to keep the cover wrapped over their bosoms; and not to reveal their adornment except to their own husbands or fathers or husbands’ fathers, or their sons or their husbands’ sons, or their brothers or their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons, or women of their religion, or the bondwomen they possess, or male servants provided they do not have manliness, or such children who do not know of women’s nakedness, and not to stamp their feet on the ground in order that their hidden adornment be known; and O Muslims, all of you turn in repentance together towards Allah, in the hope of attaining success.

2. [Surah Ahzab Verse 59] O Prophet! Command your wives and your daughters and the women of the Muslims to cover their faces with a part of their cloaks; this is closer to their being recognised and not being harassed; and Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.

B. From The Holy Quran – Regarding Concealment Of Voice

3. [Surah Ahzab Verses 32 – 33] O the wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women – if you really fear Allah, then do not speak softly lest the one in whose heart is a disease have any inclination, and speak fairly. And remain in your houses and do not unveil yourselves like the unveiling prevalent in the times of ignorance, and keep the prayer established, and pay the charity, and obey Allah and His Noble Messenger; Allah only wills to remove all impurity from you, O the People of the Household, and by cleansing you make you utterly pure.

C. From The Hadith – Regarding Difference In Prayer Positions

4. Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be well pleased with him) narrates that the Holy Prophet said, ‘When a woman sits in Sajdah by putting one thigh upon the other (i.e. close to one another) and at the time of Sajdah (prostration) her stomach touches her thighs and she also takes full consideration of Hijaab, then Allah Taãla looks at her and says to the angels, ‘Bear witness that I have forgiven her.’ (Baihaqi, Kanzul Ummaal)

5. Once the Holy Prophet saw two women offering Prayer and he said, ‘When you (women) make Sajdah (prostrate) then let the limbs of your body touch one another and make them touch the ground.’ Surely in this (prostration posture) women are not similar to men.’ (Masaail Abu Dawood)

6. Wail ibn Hajar (may Allah be well pleased with him) said that the Holy Prophet taught him to offer Prayer and he said, ‘O ibn Hajar! When you begin your Prayer then lift your hands up to your ears and show the women that they should lift up to their chests.’ (Tabarrani)

7. Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be well pleased with him) was once asked on how women used to offer Prayer during the time of the Holy Prophet . He replied, ‘First they used to read Prayer cross-legged, then they were commanded to cling to themselves,’ (Jaami al-Masanid).

D. From Hadith – Regarding Concealment Of Voice During Prayer

8. Narrated Abu Huraira (May Allah be well pleased with him), The Holy Prophet once said: “The saying ‘Sub Han Allah‘ is for men and clapping is for women.” (If something happens in the prayer, the men can invite the attention of the Imam by saying “Sub Han Allah“. And women, by clapping their hands). (Bukhari)


1.        Concealing the body (Satr-e-Aurat) – that is to conceal/cover the necessary parts of the body. For men, this consists of the body between the navel up to and including the knees. For women this consists of the entire body, except the face, hands and soles of the feet. Women must hide their faces from strangers whilst not in Prayers. Wearing clothes that are so thin that body colour is exposed will make the Prayer void. Similar is the case of the head scarf if the shine of hair is revealed. In fact, wearing such clothes is prohibited even outside Prayer. Before beginning Prayer the woman should make sure that (other than her face, palms and the soles of her feet) her entire body is properly covered with opaque clothes. If she offers Prayer in thin clothes which reveal the colour of the skin or the shine of her hair, it will render the Prayer void. It is obligatory to also hide the neck, ears, hair-locks hanging from the head, and the wrists.

2.        If any part of the body (other than her face, palms and the soles of her feet) is exposed up to one fourth of its area, and she proclaims the “Takbeer Tahreemah” (“Allahu Akbar”) without hiding it, then the Prayer will be deemed to have not started at all. If one fourth or more of it gets exposed during the Prayer for a time in which “Subhaan-Allah” can be recited thrice, it will render the Prayer void.

3.        While saying “Takbeer Tahreemah” (Allahu Akbar) a woman should raise her hands only up to her shoulders (and not up to the ears) and should not take them out of her cloak.

4.        In the Qiyaam (standing position), she should place her left palm on the middle of her chest and the right palm over the left.

5.        While bowing, she should only bow a little, enough for her hands to touch her knees, without holding them. The fingers should be kept straight. She should stand with her knees slightly bent, and her arms close to her body.

6.        She should perform the prostration with her body drawn together i.e. she should keep the abdomen joined with the thighs, the thighs with the calves, the shins with the ground, the arms to the sides and the wrists spread on the ground. Further, instead of keeping the feet upright, both feet should be spread out towards the right.

7.        While in Qaadah (sitting position), instead of keeping the right foot upright, both feet should be slid out towards the right, with her sitting on the left foot.

8.        For women, praying in a room is better than praying out in the courtyard, and praying in a basement is better than praying in a room. (Abu Dawood).


1.       Women are exempted from offering Prayer whilst in state of impurity (due to menses or childbirth).

2.       Women should take extra care during “Wuzu and Tayammum” by moving ornaments (such as rings) in order not to leave the area below them – whereas nail polish should be totally removed.

3.       If several persons are praying in the same room, women should pray behind the men. They should not stand in line with the men.

4.       Women should offer their five daily Prayers, Taraweeh and Witr individually. It is Makrooh Tahreemi for them to offer Prayer with congregation. (Shaami Vol.1). A woman cannot be a leader (Imam) in any congregational Prayer.


The 15th night of Shabaan is a very blessed night. According to the Hadith Shareef, the name of this Mubarak night is “Nisf Shabaan” which means 15th night of Shabaan. The reason for this special night to attain its name of Laylatul Baraa’ah, meaning the Night of Salvation, Seeking Freedom from Azaab and Calamity, is that in this night the Barkaat and acceptance of repentance may be accomplished. Laylatul Baraa’ah in Persian, as well as in Urdu, is called Shabbe Baraat.

It is the night of seeking pardon and repenting to Almighty Allah, remembering our past sins and sincerely settling the mind that one will never commits sins in the future. All the deeds that are against Shari’ah must be totally avoided so that our Du’a and Istighfaar, hopefully, will be accepted. Muslims should check themselves and A’la Hazrat, Imam Ahmed Raza Bareilvi (radi Allahu anhu) has given a beautiful advise in this regard. This great Imam said: “Verily the auspicious night of Shabbe Baraa’a is drawing near when the deeds of the slave will be presented to the Almighty Allah. I humbly supplicate in the Darbar-e-Aqdas of the Almighty Allah that through the Wasila-e-Uzma of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) He forgives the sins and transgressions of all Muslims. Aameen.

“On this occasion, it should be the duty of all Sunni Muslims to forgive one another and to make sure that whatever debts owed to one another is settled. The importance of Huqooq-ul-Ibaad cannot be over-emphasised as this is among the pre-requisites for proper Ibaadat. I pray that all Muslims humbly remember this night and try as much as possible to perform Ibaadat and other pious deeds so that their Record of Deeds be presented in all dignity.

“Finally, I pray that the Almighty Allah assists you and I and the Muslim Ummah wherever you may be. Muslims should be aware of sincerity and honesty in all their deeds. May Almighty Allah forgive all of us. Aameen.” Faqeer Ahmed Raza Qaaderi (may Allah forgive him)


On this auspicious night, you should perform fresh Ghusal and Wudhu and perform the two Rakaat of Tahhiyatul Wudhu. In every Rakaat, after the Suratul Fatiha, you should read Ayatul Kursi once and Surah Ahad three times. Also perform eight Rakaats of Salaah with four Salaams. In each Rakaat after the Surah Fatiha, you should read the Ayatul Kursi (once) and Surah Ahad fifty times.


After sunset, you should recite “La Hawla walaa Quwwata illa Billahil-aliyil Azeem” forty times with three times Durood Shareef before and after. It is mentioned that by reciting this, Almighty Allah will forgive forty years of your sins and forty Hoors will await to serve you in Jannatul Firdous.


Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has stated: “Verily! Almighty Allah directs His Special Grace on the world on this Night. He forgives my Ummah more than the number of wool that is found on the sheep of the Bani Kalb”. We should remember that in those days the Bani Kalb possessed the most number of sheep that any other tribe.

How great is the Mercy of Almighty Allah on this night that He forgives millions of Muslims. We also realise from this that these numbers can only pertain to the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah collectively, for the righteous followers of the Hanafi, Shaafi’i, Maaliki and Hambali indeed number millions of Muslims.


It is narrated that the departed souls (Arwaah) of the Muslims visit the houses of their friends and relatives on this night and proclaim: “O people of the house! You stay in our houses and enjoy the wealth that we have left behind. You use our children and take work from them, please perform our Esaale Sawaab. Verily our deeds have become complete, while your record of deeds is still spread”.

If the people of the house perform the Esaale Sawaab and Khatam Shareef on this night, then the Arwaah depart will the Sawaab extremely happy and overjoyed all the time making Du’a for the people.


Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa (radi Allahu anha) reports: “One night, which was the 15th of Shabaan, I did not find the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in the house so I went in search of him. After a long search, I found him in Baqiah (the cemetery of Madinah) offering Du’a for the deceased and praying for their forgiveness”. (Baihaqi)

A  special point must be made to visit the cemetery during this night and pray for the deceased buried therein, as the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is been reported as having visited the cemetery on this night and spending a long time therein, lamenting, reading and praying for the deceased.


According to the Hadith Shareef which is narrated by Ibne Habaan (radi Allahu anhu) that Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said: “When the night of 15th Shabaan arrives spend the night awake and keep fast the next day”.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu) reports that the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said often in his Khutba (sermon): “O people! Lighten and cleanse your bodies by way of fasting during Shabaan, so that it shall be easy and helpful to you for the fast during Ramadaan. Whoso fasts for three days during Shabaan, all his past sins are wiped off”. (Baihaqi) Fasting is also recommended on the 13th, 14th and 15th of Shabaan.


On this night, perform Nawaafil, recite the Quran Shareef, recite abundant Durood Shareef, Istighfaar and Kalima Tayyibah. It is also mentioned that if one reads Surah Dukhaan seven times on this night, Almighty Allah will reward you with 70 worldly needs and 70 deeds for the Hereafter.


Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Almighty Allah forgives all Muslims on this night, besides the fortune tellers, the magicians, the alcoholics, those who disrespect their parents and those who take part and encourage adultery”.

In another narration, the following people have also been mentioned:

1. One who deals in usury (Riba),

2. One who wears his trousers below his ankle with pride and arrogance (In Arabia, people displayed their wealth and boasted in this manner),

3. One who creates disunity among two Muslims,

4. The person who unjustly takes away the right and property of another Muslim and has not yet rectified himself.

All these persons are not shown Mercy on this auspicious Night.


Dear Muslim brothers, the Bountiful Allah in His Infinite Mercy has provided us with such an auspicious night so that we may take advantage of it and repent for our sins, and thus obtain His Grace and Favour. It is for us to take full advantage of it. During this night, offer special prayers and repent sincerely for our past sins and ask for His Forgiveness.

Also on this night the Doors of Mercy and Forgiveness are opened wide, and those who sincerely grieve over and repent for their past sins and seek forgiveness from Allah are pardoned and forgiven by the Grace of Allah the Merciful.

Each Tasbih or Du’a should begin and terminate with the recital of Durood Shareef and one who wishes for the acceptance of his Du’as should use the Wasila of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).

Hazrat Ghousul Azam, Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani (radi Allahu anhu) has mentioned in his famous “Gunyat-ut Taalibeen” that the month of Shabaan according to some narrations is related to Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). So, it is our duty, as the Ummat of Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) to love and respect this month more than any other month (besides Ramadaan). We should also offer abundantly salutations (Salaat-o-Salaam) upon the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).

While we are praying and asking for ourselves and family, we should also remember in our Du’as the Muslim Ummah facing calamities in many parts of the world, that may Allah Ta’ala grant them the strength and Istiqaamat (steadfastness) in Deen. Those weak Muslims who are under pressure from the West and modernisation, may Allah Ta’ala guide them and show them the right path so that they be in touch with their glorious past. Aameen. May Almighty Allah guide us on the path of the Ambiya and the Awliya. Aameen.


BASHARAT OF JANNAT: Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is reported to have said that Allah Ta’ala instructs and assigns 100 angels to the person who performs 100 Nafil Salaahs on this auspicious night – 30 of which will bring the good news of Jannat, 30 angels to protect one from the Azaab (Punishment) of Dozakh (Hell), 30 to remove all misfortunes and miseries of this world and 10 angels to protect one from Shaitaan.

THE GUARDING OF IMAAN: After performing Maghrib Salaah, read 2 rakaahs of Nafil. In the first rakaah, after Surah Fatiha, recite Surah Ikhlaas 3 times and Surah Falaq once. In the second rakaah, after Surah Fatiha, recite Surah Ikhlaas 3 times and Surah Naas once. After Salaam, make Du’a and ask Allah to protect your Imaan.

BARAKAH IN RIZQ: After Maghrib Salaah, read 2 rakaahs of Nafil. Thereafter, read Surah Yasin once, Surah Ikhlaas 21 times and Du’a Nisf Shabaan once. Then, make Du’a for Barakah in Rozi and ask Allah not to make you dependent on anyone.

LONG LIFE FILLED WITH PIETY: After Maghrib Salaah, read 2 rakaahs of Nafil. Read Surah Yasin once. Then read Du’a Nisf Shabaan once. Thereafter, make Du’a for long life filled with piety and righteousness.

REWARD FOR TEN THOUSAND GOOD DEEDS: Anyone who performs 20 rakaahs of Nafil after Maghrib in such a way that after Surah Fatiha, recites Surah Ikhlaas 10 times in every rakaah, will be rewarded abundantly by Allah Ta’ala, and ten thousand good deeds will be recorded in his Amal Namaa (Book of Deeds).

DEATH WITH COMPLETE FAITH/IMAAN: Anyone who performs 2 rakaahs of Nafil on the last Friday of Shabaan between Maghrib and Esha will die with full faith and Imaan. After Surah Fatiha, one should read Ayatul Kursi once, Surah Ikhlaas 10 times and Surah Falaq and Surah Naas once in both rakaahs. If the person who reads Nafil in such a way dies until the next Shabaan, will die with Imaan, Insha-Allah.

The performing of Salaatul Tasbeeh on this night is also very virtuous.


   Allah’s beloved prophet Hadrat MUHAMMAD{peace be upon him}said:
Sha’ban is my month,Rajab is Allah’s month and Ramadan is the month of my Ummah[Community]
Sha’ban is expiator,while Ramadan is the prufier.”

Sha’ban is a month between Rajab and Ramadan.People tend to neglcet it,but that is when the deeds of His servants ascend to  the Lord of all the Worlds,so I would rather mine rose up while i am fasting.”
” The excellence of Rajab over other months is like the excellence of the Quran over all  other books, while the excellence of Sha’ban over other months is like my excellence over the rest of the prophets,and the  excellence of Ramadan over other months is like the excellence of Allah[Exalted is He]over all His creatures.

Hadrat Aisha,the wife of  our prophet hadrat MUHAMMAD{peace be upon him}is reported,having said: “Allah’s Messenger{peace be upon him}used to fast until we would say he was never going to stop fasting,  and he would go so long without fasting thet we would say he was never going to fast,but i never saw  Allah’s Messenger{peace be upon him}continue a fast from the begning to the end of any month except  the month of Ramadan and i never saw do more fasting in any month than he did in Sha’ban.So i a sked him    “how is it i always see you fasting in Sha’ban?” and he{peace be upon him}said:  “O’ Aisha,it is the month in which the angel of death has to note down the name of anyone whose soul he must take before the year is out,so i would rather he did not record my name except while i am fasting.” Hadrat Aisha{may Allah be pleased with her}said:  ” The dearest of months to our Prophet hadrat MUHAMMAD{peace be upon him} was Sha’ban,  which he would link to  Ramadan.”

 Allah’s beloved hadrat MUHAMMAD{peace be upon him}said:   “Anyone who fasts on the last monday of Sha’ban will be granted forgiveness.”

Allah almighty said:”Ha-Mim.By this luminous Book. Undoubtedly we sent it down in a blessed night,verily We are to warn.Therein every affair of wisdom is divided.”[44:1-3]  Hadrat Ibn-e- Abbas{may Allah be pleased with him}said,”Ha-Mim means that Allah has predetermined everything in existance till the day of  Resurrection. Book means AL-QURAN,which is a mercy from Allah and provid guidance and was revealed in “blessed night”.The ‘blessed night’ is the night of mid-Sha’ban  in which every wise and important work is decided and is made distinct.Mid of Sha’ban is the nightof  absolution.”

Hadrat Aisha{may Allah be pleased with her}said,once Allah’s Messenger{peace be upon him}asked me, “O Aisha,what night is this?”She replied, “Allah and His Messenger know best.”Then he said: This is the night of the middle of Sha’ban,during which worldly actions and the deeds of mankind are carried aloft.In this night as numerous as the wool of the flocks of the tribe of Kalb,are the slaves of Allah, emancipated from the fire  of hell.  So will you excuse me tonight?”  She said :” I said yes,So he performed his prayer like this : He held the upright position only briefly,and recited AL-Hamd and a short Sura then he stayed in prostration till middle of night .then he stood upto begin the second rak’at[cycle] with a recitation similar to the first,and then his prostration lasted untill dawn.”

OUR PROPHET{peace be upon him} WENT TO JANNA-TUL-BAQQI   [the blessed cemetry of  the city of Madinah-tul-Munwwara].
Hadrat Aisha{may Allah be pleased with her}once said:” I could not find Allah’s Messenger{peace be upon him}one night,So i went outside there he was in Jannat-ul-baqqi{the blessed cemetry},his hand turned up toward the sky.Then he said to me: ‘Were you  afraid that Allah and His Messenger would treat you unfairly?’ I replied: ‘O Messenger of Allah, I thought  that you had gone to one of your[other] wives.’He{peace be upon him}said:’On the night of mid-Sha’ban,Allah{Exalted is He}descends to the lowest heaven and forgives more than the number of woolly hairs on the   flocks and herds of [the tribe of Kalb].”
Hadrat Ibn-e-Abbas{may Allah be pleased with him and his father}said: “In the night of mid Sha’ban,Allah[Exalted is He] arranges the affairs of the year.He transfers[some of]  the living to the list of dead,and records those who will make pilgrimage to the house of Allah,neither adding one too many nor leaving a single one of them out.”

Hadrat Abu Huraira{may Allah be pleased with him}reported that Rasullullah{salallahu alaihi wassallam}said:  “Gabriel{peace be upon him}came to me on the night of mid Sha’ban and said to me:”Ya RasulAllah,raise your   head heavenwards!” I asked him: “What night is this?”and he replied: “This is night when Allah{Glorified is He}opens three hundred of the gates of mercy, forgiving all who do not make anything His partner. The only  exceptions are those who practice sorcery or divination, are addicted to wine, or persist in usuary  and illict sex; these He does not forgive untill they repent.” At a quarter of the night, Gabriel {peace be upon him}came down and said: Ya RasulAllah, raise your head!” So i looked up, to behold the gates of Paradise wide open. At the first gate an angel was calling: “Good news for those who bow in worship this night!” At the second gate an angel was calling: Good news for those who prostrate themselves in worship this night!” At the third gate an angel was calling: “Good news for those who offer supplication this night!” At the fourth gate an angel was calling: “Good news for those who make remembrance this night!” At the fifth gate an angel was calling: “Good news for those who weep this night from the fear of Allah!” At the sixth gate an angel was calling:” Good news for those who submit this night!” At the seventh gate an angel was calling: “Will anyone ask, hat his request may be granted?” At the eight    gate an angel  was calling:” Will anyone seeks forgiveness, that he may be forgiven?”   Rasullullah{salsllahu alaihi wassallam}said: “O Gabriel,how long will these gates remain open?”  He replied: From the beginning of the night until the break of dawn.” Then he said: “YarasulAllah,  tonight Allah has as many slaves emancipated from the fire of hell as the number of wooly hairs on the flocks  and herds of tribe Kalb.”

You read the blessings and mercy of this month. How fortunate is this month that our Prophet{peace be upon him} said that THIS IS MY MONTH, this is the blessed month in which our Prophet{peace be upon him} used to fast more than any month except Ramadan. In the mid of this blessed month,he{peace be upon him}spent the whole  night in worshiping of Allah subhanahu ta’ala.He remained in prostration the half night for the maghfirah [forgiveness] of his Ummah.Not only he prayed for his ummah but also he went himself to the blessed cemetry  of  Janna-tul-Baqqi in Madinah Munawwara and he prayed for maghfirah[forgiveness] for the dead of his Ummah.And he fasted the fifteenth day of Sha’ban.How fortunate are those who worship and seek forgiveness  from Allah subhanahu ta’ala and are forgiven.Instead of sleeping in this blessed nitht,spend this night in worshiping,weeping,asking for forgiveness for the whole muslim ummah,reciting Quran,reciting SALAT and  SALAM upon Allah’s beloved Prophet hadrat MUHAMMAD{peace be upon him}as many times as we can, as this the month of Allah’s beloved Prophet{peace be upon him}.Allah subhanahu ta’ala is watching us,it is up to us what we decide.



On the fourteenth day  of Sha’ban after Asr  prayer
at the time of sun setting, if anybody recites 40times this Dua,his or her 40 years sins will be forgiven.

In the  fifteenth night of  Sha’ban,perform two raka’at[cycle]prayer,in each raka’at  after Sura-tul-Fatiha recite once Aya-tul-kursi and fifteenth times Sura-tul-Ikhlas.After salam recite 100 times Salat And Salam upon Prophet Muhammad{peace be upon him}.Make Dua for the increment of [rizk]subsistence,Insha Allah,Allah ta’ala will increase his subsistence..

In the fifteenth night of Sha’ban,if someone  recites seven times Sura Dukhan{the 44 sura},Insha Allah,his or her 70 needs in this world and 70 hereafter will be accepted.

In the fifteenth night of Sha’ban after the prayer of Maghrib perform six raka’ats with three slalams.The niyyat[intention]of the first two is for “the long pious life”,the niyyat of the second two is for “being safe from the calamities and misfortunes”and the niyyat for the  third two is “for the incrememt of {rizk}subsistence”.After every two rak’at ,recite once Sura Yaseen and at the end once Dua of Sha’ban.

In the fifteenth night of Sha’ban,perform eight rak’at[cycle] salat with two salams.in each rak’at after Sura-tul- Fatiha,recite ten times Sura-tul-Ikhlas[the 112 sura].As a result of that ,Allah ta’ala will appoint countless angels,who will give the glad news to receive salvation from the punishment of grave and to enter into the Heaven.

FORGIVNESS FROM SINS BY THIS SALAT.                                                                                       In the fifteenth night of Sha’ban.perform eight rak’at salat with four salams.In each rak’at after Sura-tul-Fatiha once Sura-tul- Qadr[the 97 sura] and twenty five times Sura-tul-ikhlas.Insha Allah,Allah subhanahu ta’ala will forgive his or her all sins .

In the fifteenth night of Sha’ban,say fourteen rak’at salat with seven salams.In each rak’at after Sura-tul- Fatiha,once, Sura Kafiroon[the 109 sura] once, Sura Ikhlas once, Sura Falaq[the 113 sura]once, Sura Naas[the last sura]once.After every salam Ayat-ul-Kursi once and the last three verses of Sura Tauba[the 9 sura]i.e.,from’laqad ja’akum rasoolum to Azeem”Make Dua after the completion of eight rak’at.Whatever he or she will ask for, Allah subhanahu ta’ala will bestow.Insha’a Allah.


The idolater,drinker,adulterer, prostitute,the breaker of family ties,bearing of malice,the disobedient to his parents,backbitter,who practices majic,who eat interest are not forgiven unless they make Tauba[repentance]. And ask for forgiveness from fellow muslims.

Allah’s beloved,Rasullah{salallahu alaihi wassallam}said: Worship in the fifteenth night  of Sha’ban and fast the following day.Because Allah Ta’ala descends to the lowest heaven from sun set till dawn,He says”Will anyone ask,that his request may be granted?””Will anyone seeks forgiveness,that he may be forgiven?” [IBN-e-MAJAH,VOL :1,P:99]
