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غوث اعظم شیخ عبد القادر جیلانی رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کے مختصر حالات
سلسلہ نسب و ولادت
قطب الاقطاب فرد الاحباب استاذ شیوخ ، عالمِ اسلام و المسلمین حضرت محی الدین ابو محمد عبدالقادر الحسنی و الحسینی رضی اللہ عنہ، نجیب الطرفین ہیں۔ والدہ ماجدہ کی طرف سے حسینی اور والد ماجد کی جانب سے حسنی تھے۔ یہ شرافت و بزرگی بہت ہی کم بانصیب لوگوں کو حاصل ہوتی ہے۔ والد ماجد کا نام سید ابو صالح اور والدہ ماجدہ کا اسم گرامی ام الخیر فاطمہ بنت ابو عبداللہ صومعی الحسینی تھا۔ رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہما۔ آپ ایران کے مشہور قصبہ جیل میں یکم رمضان المبارک ٤٧٠ھ کو پیدا ہوئے۔
آپ مادر زاد ولی تھے
یہ بات نہایت ہی مشہور و معروف ہے کہ سیدنا حضرت غوثِ اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ، ایام رضاعت میں ماہِ رمضان المبارک میں دن کے وقت اپنی والدہ ماجدہ کا دودھ نہیں پیا کرتے تھے۔ یہ بات لوگوں میں پھیل گئی کہ فلاں شریف گھرانے میں ایک ایسا بچہ پیدا ہوا ہے جو رمضان شریف میں دن کے وقت ماں کا دودھ نہیں پیتا۔ اور روزہ سے رہتا ہے۔؛ اس سے ثابت ہوا کہ آپ مادر زاد ولی تھے ۔
ایک دفعہ لوگوں نے پوچھا کہ آپ کو یہ کیسے معلوم ہوا کہ آپ ولی اللہ ہیں؟ فرمایا میں دس برس کا تھا کہ گھر سے مدرسے جاتے وقت دیکھا کہ فرشتے میرے ساتھ چل رہے ہیں۔ پھر مدرسہ میں پہنچنے کے بعد وہ فرشتے دوسرے بچوں سے کہتے کہ ”ولی اللہ ” کیلئے جگہ دو ، فرماتے ہیں کہ ایک دن مجھے ایک ایسا شخص نظر آیا جسے میںنے پہلے کبھی نہیں دیکھا تھا اس نے ایک فرشتہ سے پوچھا کہ یہ کون لڑکا ہے ؟ جس کی اتنی عزت کرتے ہو؟ اس فرشتہ نے جواب دیا کہ یہ ولی اللہ ہے جو بڑے مرتبے کا مالک ہوگا۔ راہِ طریقت میں یہ وہ شخصیت ہے جسے بغیر روک ٹوک کے نعمتیں دی جارہی ہیں اور بغیر کسی حجاب کے تمکین و قرار عنایت ہو رہا ہے ۔ اور بغیر کسی حجت کے تقربِ الٰہی مل رہا ہے۔ الغرض چالیس سال کی عمر میں میں نے پہچان لیا کہ وہ پوچھنے والا شخص اپنے وقت کا ابدال تھا۔
آپ کا حلیہ شریف
آپ نحیف البدن ، میانہ قد، کشادہ سینہ لمبی چوڑی داڑھی، گندمی رنگ، ابرو پیوستہ، بلند آواز تھے۔ آپ علم کامل اور اثر کامل کے حامل تھے۔
آپ کا علم و فضل
سیدنا غوثِ اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ، علم ظاہری اور باطنی کے ایک متبحر عالم فاضل تھے۔ ایک دن آپ کی مجلس میں ایک قاری نے قرآن کریم کی ایک آیت تلاوت کی۔ آپ نے اس کی تفسیر بیان کرنی شروع کی ۔ پہلے ایک تفسیر پھر دوسری، اور پھر تیسری یہاں تک کہ حاضرین کے علم کے مطابق اس آیک کی گیارہ تفاسیر بیان فرمائیں۔یہاں تک کہ چالیس وجوہ بیان کیں ار ہر معنی اور تفسیر کی علیحدہ علیحدہ تفصیل سے سند اور دلیل اس طرح دی کہ حاضرین دم بخود رہ گئے۔
تمام علمائے عراق بلکہ دنیا کے تمام طلب گارانِ حال و قال کے آپ مرجع و وسیلہ تھے۔ دنیا کے ہر گوشہ سے آپ کے پاس فتوے آیا کرتے تھے جن پر فوراً بغیر مطالعہ کتب اور غور و فکر جواب لکھتے ۔ کسی بڑے سے بڑے حاذق فاضل عالم کو آپ کے جواب کے خلاف لکھنے یا کہنے کی طاقت نہ تھی۔
آپ کی ریاضت و عبادت
سیدنا غوثِ اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ، کا طریقہئ سلوب بے انتہاء مشکل اور بے نظیر تھا۔ آپ کے کسی ہمعصر شیخ میں اتنی مجال نہ تھی کہ آپ جیسی ریاضت و مجاہدہ میں آپ کی ہمسری کرسکے۔ آپ کا قاعدہ تھا کہ اپنے ہر عضو کو اس کی طاقت کے موافق عبادت میں سپرد کردیا کرتے تھے۔ اور قوتِ قلب کے موافق مجایئ اقداء میں روح و نفس کا ظاہراً و باطناً ذکر کیا کرتے تھے ۔ غائب و حاضر دونوں حالتوں میں نفس کی صفات کو علیحدہ کرکے نفع و نقصان اور دور ونزدیک کا فرق مٹادیا کرتے ۔ کتاب و سنت کی پیروی میں مطابقت ایسی تھی کہ آپ ہر حالت میں ہر وقت اللہ تعالیٰ کا ذکر کرتے اور حضور قلب کے ساتھ توحید الٰہی میں مشغول رہتے۔
آپ کے اخلاقِ کریمہ
سیدنا حضرت شیخ عبدالقادر جیلانی رضی اللہ عنہ، نہایت پاکیزہ اور خوش اخلاق تھے۔ آپ اپنی طاہری شان و شوکت اور وسیع علم کے بوجود کمزوروں اور ضعیفوں میں بیٹھتے ۔ فقیروں سے عاجزی کے ساتھ پیش آتے ۔ بڑوں کی عزت کرے اور چھوٹوں پر شفقت و مہربانی فرماتے ۔ سلام کرنے میں پہل کرتے اور مہمانوں اور طالب علموں کی مجلسوں میں نشست کرتے اور ان کی لغزشوں سے درگزر کرتے جو کوئی آپ کے سامنے کتنی ہی جھوتی قسم کیوں نہ کھاتا آپ اس کا یقین کرلیتے اور اپنے علم و کشف کو اس پر ظاہر نہ فرماتے۔ اپنے مہمانوں اور ہم نشستوں کے ساتھ دوسروں کی بہ نسبت بہت خوش خلقی اور کشادہ روئی سے پیش آتے ۔ سرکشوں ۔ ظالموں ۔ مال داروں اور فاسقوں اور اللہ تعالیٰ کے نافرمانوں کی تعظیم کے لئے کھڑے نہ ہوتے۔ کسی امیر و وزیر کے گھر نہ جاتے ۔ آپ کے کسی ہم عصر مشائخ کو آپ جیسا حسن خلق ۔ کشادہ سینہ ، کرمِ نفس حفاظت و امانت میں برابری کی قوت و طاقت نہ تھی۔
آپ کی مریدوں پر شفقت
مشائخین کی ایک جماعت کا بیان ہے کہ حضور غوث اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ، نے فرمایا کہ قیامت تک میں اپنے تمام مریدوں کا ضامن ہوں کہ ان کی موت توبہ پر واقع ہوگی۔ یعنی بغیر توبہ نہ مریں گے۔ چند مشائخ نے حضور سے پوچھا کہ اگر کوئی شخص آپ کے ہاتھ پر بیعت نہ کرے اور نہ ہی آپ کے ہاتھ سے خرقہ پہنا ہو ، بلکہ صرف آپ کا ارادتمند ہو اور آپ کی طرف اپنے کو منسوب کرتا ہو تو کیا اسیے شخص کو آپ کے اصحاب میں شمار کیا جاسکتا ہے؟ اور آیا ایسا شخص ان فضیلتوں میں شریک ہوگا جو آپ کے مریدوں کو حاصل ہوگی؟ حضور غوث اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ، نے فرمایا کہ جس شخص نے اپنے آپ کو میری طرف منسوب کیا اور مجھ سے ارادت و عقیدت رکھی تو اللہ تعالیٰ اس کو قبول کرے گا۔ اس پر اپنی رحمتیں نازل کرے گا اور اس کو توبہ کی توفیق دے گا اگرچہ اس کے طریق مکروہ ہوں۔ اور ایسے شخص کا شمار میرے مریدوں اور اصحاب میں ہے ۔ اللہ تعالیٰ نے اپنے فضل و کرم کے صدقہ وعدہ کیا ہے کہ میرے دوستوں ، میرے اہلِ مذہب، میرے راہ پر چلنے والے ،میرے مریدوں ار مجھ سے محبت کرنے والے کو جنت مرحمت فرمائے گا۔
آپ کے تعلیم کردہ نوافل
آپ رضی اللہ عنہ، فرماتے ہیں کہ جو کسی تکہلیف میںمجھ سے امداد چاہے یا مجھے آواز دے اور پکارے اس کی تکلیف دور کی جائے گی ، جو کوئی میرے وسیلہ سے اللہ تعالیٰ سے مانگے اس کی ضرورت پوری کی جائے گی۔ اور جو کوئی دو رکعت نماز اس طرح پڑھے کہ ہر رکعت میں سورہئ فاتحہ کے بعد گیارہ مرتبہ سورہئ اخلاص پڑھے اور پھر سرور عالم ا پر درود شریف پڑھے اس طرح دونوں رکعتیں ختم کرکے سلام پھیرنے کے بعد درود شریف پڑھے ۔ اور عراق کی جانب گیارہ قدم چلے اور میرا نام لے کر اپنی مراد اللہ تعالیٰ سے مانگے تو اللہ تعالیٰ اس کی مراد اپنے فضل و کرم سے پوری کرے گا۔
عداوت غوث کا انجام
جو شخص حضرت پیر دستگیر غوث اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ، سے تھوڑی سی بھی عداوت رکھے گا یا ان کی ادنیٰ سی بھی بے ادبی کرے گا تو دنیا میں ذلیل و رسوا ہوگا۔ اور ذلت کی موت مرے گا۔
ایک مرتبہ آپ کا خادم ابو الفضل بزاز کے پاس گیا اور کہا کہ مجھے وہ کپڑا درکار ہے جو ایک اشرفی فی گز ہو کم نہ ہو۔
بزاز نے پوچھا ، کس کے لئے خریدتے ہو؟
خادم نے جواب دیا کہ اپنے آقا سیدنا حضرت شیخ عبدالقادر جیلانی رضی اللہ عنہ، کیلئے درکار ہے۔
یہ سن کربزاز کے دل میں آیا کہ شیخ نے بادشاہ وقت کے لئے بھی کپڑا نہیں چھوڑا۔ اور بزاز کے دل میں ابھی یہ خیال پورا ہی نہیں ہوا تھا کہ غیب سے اس کے پاؤں میں ایک کیل چبھی ار ایسی چبھی کہ مرنے کے قریب ہو گیا۔ لوگوں نے پاؤں سے کیل نکالنے کی بہت کوشش کی لیکن مطلب براری نہ ہوسکی۔ آخر کار لوگ بزاز کو اٹھا کر حضرت غوثِ پاک رضی اللہ عنہ، کے پاس لے گئے۔ آپ نے اسے دیکھ کر فرمایا،
اے ابو الفضل! تم نے اپنے دل میں ہم پر اعتراض کیوں کیا ۔ فرمایا مجھے اپنے معبود کی عزت کی قسم کہ اللہ جل شانہ، نے حکم دیا کہ اے عبدالقادر وہ کپڑا پہنو جس کی قیمت فی گز ایک اشرفی ہو
مزید فرمایا کہ ابو الفضل! یہ کپڑا میت کا کفن ہے ۔ اور میت کا کفن عمدہ اور نفیس ہونا چاہئے جو ہزار موت کے بعد نسیب ہوتا ہے۔ پھر آپ نے اپنا دست اقدس ابوالفضل کی تکلیف کے مقام پر رکھا ۔ آپ کے ہاتھ رکھتے ہی تکلیف اس طرح جاتی رہی گویا بالکل تھی ہی نہیں ۔ پھر اس کے بعد فرمایا ۔ ابو الفض کا اعتراض ہمارے پاس پہنچا اور کیل کی صورت میں اسکے پاس لوٹ کر جو کچھ چاہا کیا۔
حضرت غوثِ اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ، کا وعظ و نصیحت
آپ کی مجلس وعظ میں چار سو اشخاص قلم دوات لئے آپ کی نصیحتیں قلمبند کرتے رہتے تھے۔ آپ نے فرمایا کہ ابتدائی زمانہ میں سرورِ عالم ا اور سیدنا حضرت مولا علی المرتضیٰ کرم اللہ وجہہ الکریم کو میں نے خواب میں دیکھا جنہوں نے مجھے وعظ کرنے کا حکم دیا اور میرے منہ میں اپنا لعاب دہن ٹپکایا اور مجھ پر ابواب سخن کھول دیے۔
حاضرینِ وعظ
ایک شیخ کا بیان ہے کہ حضرت غوث اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ، جب وعظ کرنے کیلئے منبر پر بیٹھتے تو پہلے الحمد اللہ کہتے تاکہ اللہ تعالیٰ کا ہر ولی جو غائب ہو یا حاضر خاموش ہوجائے۔ اور پھر دوسری مرتبہ الحمد للہ کہتے اور دونوں کے درمیان تھوڑی دیر کیلئے سکوت فرماتے اس عرصہ میں فرشتے اور تمام اولیاء اللہ آپ کی مجلس میں حاضر ہوجاتے ۔ جتنے لوگ آپ کی مجلس میں دکھائی دیتے اس سے زیادہ نظر نہ آنے والے جنات ہوتے۔
آپ کے ہم عصر ایک شیخ کا بیان ہے کہ میںنے اپنی عادت کے موافق جنات کی حاضری کے لئے عزیمت پڑھی لیکن کوئی جن حاضر نہ ہوا ۔ میں بہت دیر تک عزیمت پڑھتا رہا ۔ پھر حیران ہوا کہ جنات کی حاضری کیوں نہیں ہورہی ہے؟ ان کے نہ آنے کا سبب کیا ہے؟ تھوڑی دیر بعد کچھ جن حاضر ہوئے تو میں نے ان سے دیر سے آنے کی وجہ پوچھی تو انہوں نے کہا کہ حضرت شیخ عبدالقادر جیلانی رضی اللہ عنہ، وعظ فرمارہے تھے ار ہم سب جنات وہاں حاضر تھے۔ آپ آئیندہ ہم کو اس وقت طلب کریں جب کہ شیخ عبدالقادر جیلانی رضی اللہ عنہ، وعظ نہ فرمارہے ہوں ورنہ ہماری حاضری میں تاخیر ہوگی۔ میں نے پوچھا کیاتم لوگ حضرت شیخ کی مجلس میں وعظ مں حاضر ہوتے ہو؟ اس پر جنات نے نے جواب دیا کہ شیخ کی مجلس میں انسانوں کی نسبت ہماری تعداد بہت زیادہ ہے۔ ہم جنات سے اکثر قبائل حضرت شیخ کے ہاتھ پر اسلام لائے ہیں اور توبہ و استغفار میںمشغول ہیں۔ آپ رضی اللہ عنہ، کی مجلس وعظ میں اولیائے عظام اور انبیائے کرام علیہم الصلوٰۃ والسلام بھی شریک ہوتے ہیں ار خود محبوب رب العالمین ا بھی تربیت و تائید کیلئے تشریف لایا کرتے تھے۔ اور سیدنا حضرت خضر علیہ السلام بھی شریک ہوتے۔
مواعظ کا اثر
آپ کا وعظ بڑا پر تاثیر ہوتا تھا۔ حاضرین مجلس مضطرب اور بے چین ہوجاتے اور ان پر وجد و حال کی کیفیت طاری ہو جاتی ۔ کوئی گریہ و فریاد کرتا۔ کوئی اپنے کپڑے پھاڑ کر جنگل کی طرف بھاگ جاتا۔ کوئی بے ہوش ہو کر جان دے دیتا ۔ آپ کی مجلس وعظ سے اکثر لوگوں کے جنازے نکلتے۔ جس کا سبب یہ تھا کہ وہ آپ کے ذوق و شوق، ہیبت و تصرف ، عظمت و جلال کی تاب نہ لاسکتے اور دم توڑ دیتے تھے۔ پانچ سو سے زیادہ یہودی اور عیسائی لوگوں نے اسلام قبول کیا۔ اور ایک لاکھ سے زیادہ ڈاکوؤں اور بدمعاشوں نے آپ کے ہاتھ پر توبہ کرکے بدکرداریوں سے باز آئے۔ اس کے علاوہ عام مخلوق کی فیض یابی کی تعداد بے انتہا ار بے شمار ہے۔
آپ کا وصال مبارک
آپ نے نوے (٩٠) سال کی عمر میں بتاریخ ١١ ربیع الآخر ٥٦١ھ مطابق ١١٨٢ء میں داعی اجل کو لبیک کہا۔ نماز جنازہ میں بے شمار لوگ حاضر ہوئے۔ کثرتِ ہجوم کے باعث رات کے وقت آپ کے مدرسہ میں سائبان کے نیچے آپ کا جسم اقدس سپردِ خاک کیا گیا۔ بغداد شریف میں آپ کا مزار مبارک مرجع خلائق ہے۔
— — —
تحریر: علامہ نسیم احمد صدیقی قادری مدظلہ عالی
پیشکش: انجمن ضیائے طیبہ، کراچی ، پاکستان
  • Though I be in the west and my disciple in the East, if a world goes to attack him, I know. I will save him.
  • Look towards that person who looks towards you. Love that person that loves you, listen to that person that listens to you and give your hands in his hands that are prepared to grasp it.
  • A mans position in life is such that though he is mortal he is reborn with pleasure in the winds of afflictions. It is that very same life whose consequence is not death. It is that very same comfort which has no extreme anguish.
  • That person who has enmity against a well to do companion, he totally rejects the wisdom and foresight of the sustainers.
  • Many wealthy people because of greed are poor and needy, in reality the brave person is he who wrestles and defeats the devil of greed and thereafter becomes independent and without want of need from this material World.
  • The person who backbites and speaks ill of us are actually our success because they pay homage to us by writing their good deeds into our deed books.
  • Look carefully at the previous graves lying in ruin. How the sands of beautiful people are turning bad.
  • If you do not find the sweetness of doing a good deed then be aware that you have not done that deed.
  • Disrespect earns the displeasure of the creator and the creation.
  • To please the enemies of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala is beyond comprehension and wisdom.
  • O! Gifts do not imprison me so that I become unmindful to the benefactor.
  • O! Doers of good deeds giving birth to sincerity in your deeds can never be a wasted effort.
  • Among the creation, silence is not bravery but rather impatience.
  • The person who cannot educate his own soul, then how is he going to educate others.
  • The love of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam is intertwined in poverty and starvation.
  • The love of the World generally blinded the eyes, those eyes which should have been used to identify the specialties of the Almighty Creator.
  • The person who becomes aware of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala then he becomes hospitable towards the creation.
  • Preach only in accordance to religion otherwise remaining dumb is better.
  • To adopt anonymity and unwholesomeness relative to it is peaceful.
  • As long as there remains on this earth one person in your heart whom you fear or have high expectations of, then until then your Faith is not complete.
  • Until you still possess arrogance and anger you cannot classify yourself amongst the learned.
  • That sustenance whose extent is expansive but no thanks is given for it and that means of livelihood which is difficult but no patience is shown for it become a source of revolt and mischief.
  • Always hold the best opinions about others and think ill of yourself.
  • O! ‘Alim do not soil your knowledge by sitting in the company of Worldly people.
  • Your speech will tell what is in your heart.
  • An oppressor destroys the World of the oppressed, and his own in the hereafter.
  • To start something good is your job and to see it completed is the work of your creator.
  • A wise person first question his heart thereafter speaks with his mouth.
  • To remain alone is protection and safety and to every sin there is a period of execution.
  • Except for the needs of your children and family do not leave the house unnecessarily.
  • Endeavor not to start a conversation and your speaking becomes necessary only to answer a question.
  • Keep your mouth closed from answering unnecessary questions so that you can remain safe from unnecessary talk.
  • That person who is never distressed, has no virtue.
  • Material people chase the World while the World chases the friends of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala .
  • This World is a World of exertion for a Mo’min while the hereafter is a World of relaxation.
  • Suspicion closes all the benefits to be accrued.
  • An understanding person finds no joy in anything, for it has accountability, for being lawful or a punishment for it being unlawful.
  • To make the soul receive the truth is its existence while making it receive failures, errors, falsehood and wrongdoings is its annihilation.
  • Those who belong to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala carry out his commands and even their hearts are reinforced by it. You carry on committing sin then to you have no fear. This is obvious evidence of betrayal. Beware; safeguard yourself for you may be caught out unawares when your allotted time is up.
  • A disrespectful becomes the object of displeasure and wrath of both the creator and the creation.
  • Iman (Faith) is the root while deeds and actions are its branches. Therefore stay away from associating with your Iman and sin with your actions.
  • First there is ignorance, thereafter knowledge, then follows practice upon your knowledge, thereafter sincerity upon that action and finally comes understanding and wisdom in the heart.
  • If you do not have patience then poverty and sicknesses become a misfortune and if you adopt patience then it becomes nobility and graciousness.
  • To gain the happiness of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala is impossible if you cannot make a poor person happy. The treatment for afflictions upon oneself is to gain the happiness and pleasure of the poor.
  • Whosoever asks of the creation is blind to the doors of the creator.
  • You are busy in fulfilling the desires and wishes of the soul (nafs) while the nafs is busy in destroying you.
  • That person is close to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala who is kind and affectionate towards the creation.
  • Rejection (kufr) of the divine blessings and providence is contrary to achieving closeness to the truth.
  • Hundreds of thousands of people just like you have been fattened and then swallowed by this World.
  • Do not be fooled by your youthful appearance for very soon it would be taken away from you.
  • Poverty saves one from sin and wealth is a trap for sins regard poverty as your protector.
  • To make a poor person happy makes one the inheritor of and undisclosed amount of reward.
  • What are you going to do by taking the bounties? Take the merciful and compassionate one. Every pious person is from the progeny and following of Muhammad SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam.
  • He whose fate is ultimately death then what is the need for happiness.
  • People do not regard you with respect because you are proud and vain but rather they look up to you when you are polite and hospitable.
  • Keep your hearts open only for Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and to busy yourself in earning a means of livelihood for your family is also following the commands.
  • To remember death is the best treatment for all ailments.
  • Worship and prayers breaks unwanted habits and should not be but a habit only.
  • The person who wishes to tame his soul should bridle it with silence and good etiquettes.
  • Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala asks a loan of his servants and the messengers of this are the beggars.
  • For the whole period I spent in the companionship of my sheikh (spiritual guide) I have never seen the whiteness of his teeth.
  • Whenever it is possible reform each morsel for the foundations of good deeds lies in it.
  • The creation are like children in relation to the saints of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala .
  • It is a lie if one says by sitting in the company of those women with whom relationships are lawful and young boys; one has absolutely no inclination towards them. Islamic principles (Shari‘ah) is neither definitely not in agreement nor does a sound mind allow for such conformities and this is total rejection of Shariat for Shari‘ah has never given anyone exemption from this.
  • When the angels do not enter a house in which there are images pictures then how do you expect Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala to enter your heart which is full of thousands of statues and idols. Anything else besides Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala presence in the heart is images and idols.
  • A visit to the pious person communicates the condition of the person.
  • The key to the closeness to the truth is in private consultations and journeys.
  • Do not become subservient to the gifts in such a manner that you forget the bestowal of the gifts.
  • The provisions and luggage undoubtedly is modesty, such that, because of it, the doors of sovereignty and reality seem closed.
  • It is not becoming of a mo’min to sleep until he has kept his will and testimony ready.
  • The obedience of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala is by asking and not by desiring.
  • You are busy in building mansions and palaces for others to stay in while; its accountability rests entirely on you.
  • O! Children of Adam Alaihis Salaam be modest towards Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala as you would be modest towards your religious neighbor.
  • When a person commits a sin, he closes the doors, draws the veils and hides from the creation and goes against the commands of the creator in private, and then the creator says, O! Son of Adam Alaihis Salaam you have regarded me the least amongst those that can see you because you found it necessary to hide yourself from the creation yet you have not shown modesty and shame even equivalent to that of the creation towards me.
  • It is not beneficial to be a master at speech when you are immature at heart.
  • Be obedient with a direction; don’t become obedient to the masses.
  • Do not become a polytheist by regarding your wealth as absolute and total power of assistance.
  • O! You who make fun of others very soon you will know the answer to your own fate.
  • O! Munafiqa (Hypocrites) very soon you will see the punishment of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala descending upon you in this World and the hereafter. The times are pregnant and very soon you will see what it gives birth to.
  • Your actions are proof of your belief and your exterior appearance is a sign of your interior condition.
  • To turn your face towards the creation is to turn your back towards Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala .
  • Empty desires are the jungle of stupidity and folly and only the foolish hustle and bustle aimlessly within it.
  • Make silence your habit, anonymity you clothing, escape from the creation your aim and if it is possible then dig the hole and sit down in it. This habit should stay with you until such time that you Iman (Faith) has reached an age of maturity and is unquestionable.
  • Those that wish the approval of the creation should show patience of the oppression of the created.
  • Do not turn away from the creator because of some misfortune, because he may be testing you with it.
  • Moderation is half of one’s sustenance (livelihood) and good manners is half of religion (Deen).
  • O Doers of good deeds! Adopt sincerity otherwise it is wasted effort.
  • If you are afraid of your destination then whichever way or wherever you look at, you will find that you are surrounded by ferocious beasts.
  • Good deeds are done in privacy and not in public except that which is Fard (compulsory) which is performed in exposure.
  • Everything that you rely on, every person you afraid of or you keep that trust in, becomes your God.
  • 1. Special testimony 2. Making the commands of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala compulsory upon yourself 3. Not to fear or trust anyone 4. To make all your needs aware only to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and put your Faith in him, To ask of him alone and never put your trust in anyone except Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala .
  • A seeker is not truthful until he places the needs of sustenance of his companions over and above the sustenance of his soul and desires.
  • Remain honourable among the people, for by revealing your poverty you will fall in status in their eyes.
  • Meet the wealthy and rich with dignity ad prevalence and the poor with humility and humbleness.
  • Your keeping the company of careless and negligent people is a sigh of your carelessness and negligence.
  • To love of the creations is in its well wishing.
  • To give is better than to receive.
  • That person who is generous with the creation then he is close to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala .
  • A residence that is fit to be called a house, clothes that cover the body, a stomach full of sustenance and a wife is not regarded as Worldly but to face towards the Worldly while showing your back to your creator is Worldly.
  • Even if you have said Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala aloud, then even then you would be interrogated whether it was said in sincerity or in show.
  • When the remembrance of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala finds a place in the heart then for servant to remember Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala continuously becomes continuous and everlasting even though the lips are closed.
  • Carry out the rights that the ruler has upon you and do not question that which is obligatory upon you.
  • There is greater dignity in the remembrance of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala than in death; at the time of cutting someone short by razing them to the ground and thereafter realising it was fruitless to sow the seeds of hate.
  • Hide your troubles and you will receive closeness to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala .
  • A mo’min leaves his family in the care of the creator while a munaafiq leaves his family in the care of his dirham and dinaars (wealth).
  • There are 3 types of creation 1. Angels 2. The Devil 3. Man. The Angels are entirely good and the devil is entirely bad. Man is a mixture of good and bad. Whoever is overcome with good he can be likened to an Angel and whoever is overcome with evil he can be likened to the devil.
  • Do not laugh with those that are laughing but cry with those that are crying.
  • If your thoughts are with the creator then you are subservient to the creator. If your thoughts are with the creation then you are subservient to the creation.
  • Give priority to the hereafter over the World and you will benefit in both, but priority is given to the World over the hereafter then you would suffer losses in both.
  • Do not spend even one night in the hate and malice of anybody.
  • The sign of your sincerity is that you praise the creation and you do not turn your attention towards derogatory remarks nor do you show greed and avarice towards their wealth but you give your lord his right and your deeds are for your benefactor and not for the gifts, for the king and not for the kingdom and for the truth and not for falsehood.
  • As long as the doors of good health are open to you then regard it as a blessing for very soon it will be closed upon you. So as long as you have the strength and power to do good deeds regard it as a blessing.
  • It is wrong to claim respect towards your creator as long as you have no respect whatsoever for his creation.
  • When an ‘Alim is not an ascetic then, he is a punishment upon those that follow him.
  • A Mu’min, as he grows older Faith becomes stronger.
  • To search for good fortune is an unnecessary trouble and to search for that which is not your destiny is to anger Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and disgraceful.
  • You do not concern yourself in making the creator angry by pleasing the creation. In exchange for Worldly mansions and building you destroy your hereafter. Very soon you will be caught. He will definitely catch you whose imprisonment is very, very fearful.
  • What, you do not become ashamed ordering him to change your fate? Are your more commanding, more just and merciful than him? You and the entire creation are his servants. It becomes compulsory upon you to adopt, peace, solitude and silence.
  • Saying without deeds and deeds without sincerity are not worthy of acceptance.
  • A person once came to the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam and said that he loves him (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) very much. The Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam said to him “lay down a cloth or spread a cloth for Poverty.” Another person said that he loves Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala , The Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam said “spread a cloth for misfortune, for the love of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam is intertwined with poverty and misfortunes.”
  • You are busy accumulating that which you would not be able to eat. You desire for that which you cannot attain. Construct those buildings in which you will not stay. All this makes you blind to the status of your creator.
  • Be happy in the changes and choices that the creator made for you. If you stay in this manner with him then he will definitely change your fears and horrors.
  • Adopt patience for this World is an assembly of troubles and calamities.
  • When somebody approaches carrying tales or gossiping or informing you about what another has said to him about you then admonish him and tell him that he is worst than that person that was gossiping about you for that person spoke behind your back while he is telling it straight to your face. That person has not made you listen yet he made you listen to it.
  • What an unfortunate person is he who had not been given the habit of being merciful in his heart for all living things?
  • Your biggest enemies are those that are your biggest supporters.
  • The sum total of all the essence of good is to seek knowledge, practice upon it and teaching it to somebody.

Blessed Genealogy of Sayedna Ghous Al Aazam

Prophetic Supervision, Alavi star, Batooli Boon … Hussain’s light in Hasan’s Moon
Sayyiduna’sh-Shaykh Muhyyi’d-din ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, al-Hasani, al-Husaini Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho (may Allah be well pleased with him!) Born 470 A.H., Passed away 561 A.H. [1077 – 1166 C.E.]

Raza! Imagine how unique is that garden of compassion;
Where in the bud is Zahra, and Flowers are Hussain and Hasan

His “Nisbah” or Blessed Genealogy:
From Exalted Father:

The Supreme Helper, the Lordly Cardinal Pole, the everlasting edifice, the radiantly shining lamp, the Sultan of the Saints and the Masters of Direct Knowledge, the proof of the chosen and those who have reached their spiritual destination, Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala’s Gray Falcon, our patron, our master and our exemplary guide to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala , the noble highborn patrician, the chieftain,

– Shaykh Muhyi ‘d-Din ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani al-Hasani al-Husaini [may Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala sanctify his splendid innermost being, and may He illuminate his noble mausoleum],
– son of Imam Sayyid Abu Swalih Musa Jangi Dost Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid ‘Abdullah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid Yahya az-Zahid Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid Muhammad Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid Da’ud Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid Musa Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid Abdullah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid Musa al-Jawn Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid Abdullah al-Mahd Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid al-Hasan al-Muthanna Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam al-Humam Sayyid al-Hasan as-Sibt Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of our chief and our patron, the Commander of the Believers, Abul-Husain ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib [may Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala be well pleased with them all].

From Exalted Mother:

On his mother’s side of the family, the line of descent of our revered master and patron, Shaykh Muhyi’d-Din ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani [may Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala the Exalted be well pleased with him], is as follows:

– He is Sayyid Shaykh Muhyi ‘d-Din ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani [may Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala sanctify his luminous innermost being],
– son of Sayyidah Umm al-Khayr Amat al-Jabbar Fatima Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anha,
– daughter of Sayyid ‘Abdullah as-Sawma’i az-Zahid Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Sayyid Abu ‘Abdi’llah Jamal ad-Din Muhammad Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Sayyid Mahmud Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Sayyid Abul-‘Ata’ ‘Abdullah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Sayyid Kamal ad-Din ‘Esa Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Sayyid Imam Abu ‘Abdi’llah ‘Ala’ ad-Din Muhammad al-Jawad Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Sayyid Imam ‘Ali ar-Rida Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Sayyid Imam Musa al-Kazim Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Zain al-‘Abidin ‘Ali Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam al-Humam al-Husain, the Martyr of Karbala,
– son of Imam al-Humam, the Commander of the Believers, our master ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho [may Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala be well pleased with him, and with them all].

Your illustrious antecessors are Hussain and Hasan;
Both traditions in your personality have become one

Prophetic Rain, Alavi Crop, Batooli Bower … Hussain’s Fragrance in Hasan’s Flower

Names and Titles of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani

All Praises is due to Allāh Almighty SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala, choicest Salāms and Salutations upon His Beloved Habīb, Sayyidunā Muhammadur-Rasūlullāh SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam, his noble family, the illustrious Sahābah and distinguished Awliya Ridwanullahi Ta’ala Alaihim Ajma’een.

A rich store of information about Gawth al-Aazam is conveniently available, to those familiar with the religious and spiritual tradition of Islam, in his names, his surnames, and the many titles conferred upon him by his devoted followers. It is not unusual for these to take up several lines in an Arabic manuscript, but let us start with the short form of His name:

O Ghawth! You hold a place of prominence … Your feet are above others heads in eminence
Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani


A term applied throughout the Islamic world to respected persons of recognized seniority in learning, experience and wisdom. Its basic meaning in Arabic is “an elder; a man over fifty years of age.” [The spellings Sheikh, Shaikh and Shaykh may also be encountered in English-language publications.]

‘Abd al-Qadir:

This is HIS personal name, meaning “Servant of the All-Powerful.” [The form ‘Abdul Qadir, which the reader may come across elsewhere, is simply an alternative transliteration of the Arabic spelling.] It has always been a common practice, in the Muslim community, to give a male child a name in which ‘Abd is prefixed to one of the Names of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala.


A surname ending in “i” will often indicate the bearer’s place of birth. Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was born in the Iranian district of Gilan, south of the Caspian Sea, in A.H. 470/1077-8 C.E. [In some texts, the Persian spelling Gilani is used instead of the arabicized form al-Jilani. The abbreviated form al-Jili, which may also be encountered, should not be confused with the surname of the venerable ‘Abd al-Karim al-Jili Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho [A.H.827/1424 C.E.], author of the celebrated work al-Insan al-Kamil, who came from Jil in the district of Baghdad.]

Let us now consider a slightly longer version of the Shaykh’s name, as it occurs near the beginning of Al-Fath ar-Rabbani :

O master! For the sake of your dignity … Upon your servant’s plight take pity
 Sayyiduna ‘sh-Shaykh Muhyi’d-Din Abu Muhammad ‘Abd al-Qadir Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho

Sayyiduna ‘sh-Shaykh:

“Our Master, the Shaykh.” A writer who regards himself as a Qadiri, a devoted follower of Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, will generally refer to the latter as Sayyiduna , or Sayyidi .


“Reviver of the Religion.” It is widely acknowledged by historians, non-Muslim as well as Muslim, that Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho displayed great courage in reaffirming the traditional teachings of Islam, in an era when sectarianism was rife, and when materialistic and rationalistic tendencies were predominant in all sections of society. In matters of Islamic jurisprudence and theology , he adhered quite strictly to the highly “orthodox” school of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho.

Abu Muhammad:

“Father of Muhammad.” In the Arabic system of nomenclature, a man’s surnames usually include the name of his first-born son, with the prefix Abu [Father of……..].

Radi Allahu ‘Anhu:

“May Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala be well pleased with him!” This benediction is the one customarily pronounced – and spelled out in writing – after mentioning the name of a Companion of the Prophet [Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala bless him and give him peace]. The preference for this particular invocation is yet another mark of the extraordinary status held by Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho in the eyes of his devoted followers.

Finally, we must note some important elements contained within this even longer version:

The art of giving is you by inheritance … The Prophet bequeathed to you his pittance

al-Ghawth al-A’zam Sultan al-Awliya’ Sayyiduna ‘sh-Shaykh Muhyi’d-Din ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani al-Hasani al-Husaini

al-Ghawth al-A’zam:

“The Supreme Helper” [or, “The Mightiest Succor”]. Ghawth is an Arabic word meaning:

A cry for aid or succor.
Aid, help, succor; deliverance from adversity.
The chief of the Saints, who is empowered by Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala to bring succor to suffering humanity, in response to His creatures’ cry for help in times of extreme adversity.

Sultan al-Awliya’:

“The King of the Saints.” This reinforces the preceding title, emphasizing the supremacy of the Ghawth above all other orders of sanctity.

al-Hasani al-Husaini:

“The descendant of both Imam al-Hasan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and Imam al-Husain Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, the grandsons of the Prophet [Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala bless him and give him peace].” To quote the Turkish author, Shaykh Muzaffer Ozak Efendi [may Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala bestow His mercy upon him]:

“The lineage of Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho is known as the Chain of Gold, since both his parents were descendants of the Messenger [Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala bless him and give him peace]. His noble father, ‘Abdullah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, traced his descent by way of Imam al-Hasan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, while his revered mother, Umm al-Khayr Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, traced hers through Imam al-Husain Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho.”

As for the many other surnames, titles and honorific appellations that have been conferred upon Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, it may suffice at this point to mention al-Baz al-Ash’hab .

He who sees your personality’s halo … Actually sees our Prophet’s spiritual shadow

11 Exalted Names of Sultan al-Awliya Shaykh
‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho

There are 11 names from amongst the names of Hadrat Ghawth al-Aa’zam (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) that are a means of gaining blessings and freedom from hardships. If these names are recited during calamities, illness or in one’s home and business then the reciter will gain much benefit.

These names are as follows:-

سید محی الدین سلطان رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ

1. Sayyid Muhiy’yud’deen Sultaan (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho)

محی الدین قطب رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ

2. Muhiy’yud’deen Qutub (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho)

محی الدین خواجہ رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ

3. Muhiy’ud’deen Khwaja (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho)

محی الدین مخدوم رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ

4. Muhiy’yud’deen Makhdoom (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho)

محی الدین ولی رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ

5. Muhiy’yud’deen Wali (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho)

محی الدین بادشاہ رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ

6. Muhiy’yud’deen Baadshah (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho)

محی الدین شیخ رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ

7. Muhiy’yud’deen Shaykh (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho)

محی الدین مولانا رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ

8. Muhiy’yud’deen Mawlana (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho)

محی الدین غوث رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ

9. Muhiy’yud’deen Ghawth (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho)

محی الدین خلیل رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ

10. Muhiy’yud’deen Khalil (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho)

محی الدین رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ

11. Muhiy’yud’deen (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho)

[Fatawa Radawiyyah Sharif, Vol 26, Page 432]


Whose eyes can towards your head rise? … Mystics kiss your feet with their eyes
Some of his titles, beautifully rendered in the
prologue of Jala’ al-Khawatir

The Shaykh,
The Imam,
The most learned scholar,
The pious abstainer,
The dutiful worshipper,
The knower by direct experience,
The avoider of excess,
The Shaykh of Shaykhs,
The proof of Islam [hujjat al-Islam],
The axis of the human race [qutb al-anam],
The upholder of the Sunna,
The suppressor of heretical innovation,
The crown of those who know by direct experience,
The love of those who tread the spiritual path,
The pillar of the Shari’ah ,
The mainstay of the Haqiqah ,
The signpost of the Tariqah ,
The chief of the saints,
The leader of the pure,
The lantern of those who travel the spiritual way,
The guide,
The captain of those who are devoted to their duty,
The lamp of the people of devotion and purity,
Shaykh Muhyi ‘d-Din Abu Muhammad ‘Abd al-Qadir Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
The son of Abu Swalih Musa al-Jili Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
The grandson of ‘Abdullah The Hermit Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho.

May Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala sanctify his spirit and illuminate his mausoleum. May He (SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala) gather us at the Resurrection as members of his company, and may He (SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala) grant that we die in the embrace of his affection. May He (SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala) allow us to enjoy the benefit of his blessed grace and of his spoken words, both in this world and in the Hereafter. And may Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala bless our Master Muhammad SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam and his family SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and his companions SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala, each and every one of them, and may He SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala grant them peace in great abundance. And praise be to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala, Lord of All the Worlds.

O Ghawth! Very sinful and dirty I have been … Before my death please wash me clean

Ghous e Azam Foot is on the Necks of all Auliya

There are many narrations of predecessor Masha’ikh approximately 100 years before the birth of Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A’zam Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho who foretold that shortly there will be born in ‘Ajam [non-Arab state] a person who will announce that his foot is on the necks of all the Awliya-Allah. On his announcement, all the Awliya will place their heads under his feet and enter the shadow of his sacred feet.

AlaHadrat Imam Ash-Shah Ahmad Rida Khan al-Qadiri have quoted many narrations and annotations in this regard from which 11 (Eleven) will be presented below in accordance to the Qadiri number (11) with a hope that the Sublime Lord SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala will bless us with the Barakaat of both the Worlds… inshaALLAH!

O Ghaus! You hold a place of prominence | Your feet are above others heads in eminence

NARRATION # 1 to 4:

Hadrat Imam Abul-Hasan ‘Ali bin Yusuf Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho narrates from Abu-Muhammad Salim bin’Ali Damyati Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho and he narrates from six illustrious Mashi’ikh who were the Sufi Masters of Iraq. They were Hadrat Abu-Tahir Sar’sari, Shaykh Abul-Hasan Hafaf Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho, Shaykh Abu-Hafs Buraydi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho, Shaykh Abul-Qasim ‘Umar al-Dardani Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho, Shaykh Abul-Walid Zayd bin Sa’id Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho and Shaykh Abu-‘Amar ‘Uthman bin Sulayman Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho. They informed him that Hadrat Abul-Faraj ‘Abdur-Rahim Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho and Abul-Hasan ‘Ali Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho both nephews of Sayyidi Shaykh Ahmad Rifa’i Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho related to them:

کنا عند شیخنا الشیخ احمد بن الرفاعی بزاویتہ بام عبیدۃ فمد عنقہ وقال علی رقبتی، فسئلناہ عن ذٰلک فقال قد قال الشیخ عبدالقادر الآن بغداد قدمی ھذہ علی رقبۃ کل ولی اللہ

We were present in the Khanqah (School) with our Murshid, Sayyid Ahmad al-Rifa’i Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho in Umme-‘Obayd. Suddenly our Shaykh al-Rifa’i Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho moved his neck forward and said: عَلَى رَقَبَتِي [“On my neck”]. We inquired from him about his action and declaration. He replied: “At this moment Hadrat ‘Abd al-Qadir has declared in Baghdad that his foot is on the necks of all the Awliya of Allah.” [Bahjat al-Asrar, Published Mustafa Al-Babi (Egypt), Page 13]

Note: Three more Narrations of different narrators with almost the same wordings are also stated on Page 13 and 14 of Bahjat al-Asrar published by Mustafa Al-Babi in Egypt.


Imam Abul-Hasan Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho states that the great Jurist, Rizqullah bin Muhammad bin ‘Ali bin Ahmad bin Yusuf Raqqi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho narrated to me that Shaykh Swaleh Abu-Ishaq Ibra’him Raqqi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho reported that Shaykh Mansur Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho narrated to him that Shaykh Imam Abu-‘Abdullah Muhammad bin Majid Raqqi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho said to him. Likewise, I received a sound narration from Shaykh Abul-‘Abbas Ahmad bin Isma’il bin Hamza Azji Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho who said that Shaykh Abul-Muzaffar Mansur bin Mubarak Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho and Imam Abu-Muhammad ‘Abdullah bin Abil-Hasan Asbahani Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho informed him. All these personalities said that we heard the noble Sayyid, Shaykh Abu-Sa’id Qay’lawi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho saying that

لما قال الشیخ عبدالقاد قدمی ھذہ علی رقبۃ کل ولی اللہ تجلی الحق عزوجل علٰی قلبہ وجاء تہ خلعۃ من رسول اللہ صلی اللہ تعالٰی علیہ و سلم علٰی یدطائفۃ من الملٰئکۃ المقربین والبسھا بمحضر من جمیع الاولیاء من تقدم منھم وما تاخر الاحیاء باجسادھم والاموات بارواحھم وکانت الملٰئکۃ ورجال الغیب حافین بمجلسہ واقفین فی الھوأصفوفاحتی استد الافق بھم ولم یبق ولی فی الارض الاحناعنقہ

When Hadrat Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho declared that his foot is on the necks of every Wali of Allah. At that time Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala beamed a Tajalli (lustre) on the Shaykhs’ heart and Sayyiduna Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam sent a sacred garb with a group of exalted Angels for the Shaykh. There was a gathering of every Wali of the past and present. The Awliya who were alive presented themselves physically and those who had passed on, their souls were present. It was in this splendid gathering that the Angels dressed the great Ghawth Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho with this consecrated garb. At that moment a huge crowd of Rijal al-Ghayb (Men of the Unseen) and Angels were also present. The birds in the skies tucked their wings in respect and absolute submission. All of them filled the horizons to witness this coronation. There was no Wali of Allah on earth that did not bend his neck in submission to the declaration of the Ghawth. [Bahjat al-Asrar, Published Mustafa Al-Babi (Egypt), Page 8-9]


Imam Abul-Hasan ‘Ali Shatnufi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho narrates from Shaykh Abu-Muhammad Hasan bin Ahmad bin Muhammad Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho and Shaykh Khalaf bin Ahmad bin Muhammad Harimi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho, they heard from their grandfather Shaykh Khalifa Akbar Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho who was often privileged of dreaming of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam. He swears an oath that

رأیت رسول اللہ صلی اللہ تعالٰی علیہ وسلم فقلت لہ یارسول اللہ لقد قال الشیخ عبدالقادر قدمی ھٰذہ علٰی رقبۃ کل ولی اللہ ، فقال صدق الشیخ عبدالقادروکفی لاوھو القطب واناارعاہ

One night he dreamt of the glorious Prophet of Allah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam. He inquired from him SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam about the declaration of Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho who said that his foot is on the necks of all the Awliya of Allah. Sayyiduna Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam replied: “Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir had spoken the truth and why not, because he is the Qutb and I am his shield .” [Bahjat al-Asrar, Published Mustafa Al-Babi (Egypt), Page 10]

Imam Ahmad Rida al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho says:

Alhamdulillah! Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala ordered our Master to make this declaration and while declaring this, Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala beamed His Tajalli on his heart and Sayyiduna Raulullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam sent him a sacred garb with the exalted Angels. He was clothed with this garb by the Angels in the presence of all the Awliya of the past and present. There was also a huge assembly of Angels and Rijal al-Ghayb bent in submission saluting the great Ghawth Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho.

Now it is up to the individual to accept or reject the elevated status of the great Ghawth. If one is happy with his status then one will be happy and if one is unhappy the one will certainly be unhappy. All that can be said about the unhappy is the command of Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala:

موتوابغیظکم ان اللہ علیم بذات الصدور

Say: Perish in your rage: Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala knows well all the secrets of the heart.

In life, death and hereafter, my guide | Under your spiritual cover I want to reside


Imam Mullah ‘Ali Qari Hanafi Makki Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho (d.1014/1606) in his Kitab, Nuzhat al-Khatir al-Fatir trajuma Sayyidi al-Sharif ‘Abd al-Qadir states:

من مشائخہ حمادالدباس رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ روی ان یوما کان سید نا عبدالقادر عندہ فی رباطہ ولما غاب من حضرتہ قال ان ھذا الاعجمی الشریف قدماً یکون علٰی رقاب اولیاء اللہ یصیر مامورا من عند مولاہ بان یقول قدمی ھٰذا علی رقبۃ کل ولی اللہ ویتواضع لہ جمیع اولیاء اللہ فی زمانہ ویعظمونہ لظہورشانہ

Shaykh Hammad bin Muslim al-Dabbas Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho was amongst the very first Masha’ikh of Sayyid ‘Abd al-Qadir Jilani Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho. One day in the absence of Shaykh al-Jilani Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho he said: “The foot of this young Sayyid will be on the necks of all the Awliya. Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala will order him to declare that his foot is on the necks of all the Awliya. Every Wali of his time will bend their heads in submission and due to his status, they will honour and respect him.” [Nuzhat al-Khatir al-Fatir trajuma Sayyidi al-Sharif ‘Abd al-Qadir (Manuscript), Page 8]

This submission of the Awliya will be due to the Divine Appointment of Allah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho of the Ghawth. By the virtue of the fact that ALL the Awliya will acknowledge this, hence Sayyidi Shaykh Ahmad al-Rifa’i Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho will be no exception, and he too also bent his neck in acknowledgement and compliance.


It is also recorded in Nuzhat al-Khatir al-Fatir trajuma Sayyidi al-Sharif ‘Abd al-Qadir that

The announcement of Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A’zam Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho, قدمی ھذہ علی رقبۃ کل ولی اللہ, the bending of heads in submission of the present and absent Awliya, the acceptance of the sacred feet of the Ghawth on their heads and the rejection of one Wali who was stripped of his Sainthood is mentioned by the author. Thereafter, he comments as follows:

وھذا تنبیہ بینۃ علی انہ قطب الاقطاب والغوث الاعظم

This is a brilliant proof to undoubtedly confirm that Sayyiduna Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir Jilani Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho is the King of all the Qutbs and the Ghawth al-A’zam (most senior Ghawth). [Nuzhat al-Khatir al-Fatir trajuma Sayyidi al-Sharif ‘Abd al-Qadir (Manuscript), Page 9-10]


Imam Ahmad ibn-Hajr Makki Shafa’i Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho (d.853/1448) records in his Fatawa Hadithiyya:

انھم قد یؤمرون تعریفا لجاھل اوشکرا وتحدثا بنعمۃ اللہ تعالٰی کما وقع الشیخ عبدالقادر رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ انہ بینما ھو بمجلس وعظہ واذا ھو یقول قدمی ھٰذہ علٰی رقبۃ کل ولی اللہ تعالٰی فاجابہ فی تلک الساعۃ اولیاء الدنیا قال جماعۃ بل واولیاء الجن جمیعھم وطأطئوارء وسھم وخضعوالہ واعترفوابماقالہ الارجل باصبھان فابٰی فسلب حالہ

Sometimes the Awliya are ordered to make lofty statements to inform those who are unaware of their high status. Sometimes these statements are made to thank Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and publicize his favours on an individual. This is similar to the sudden declaration made by Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A’zam Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho made in his majlis that his foot is on the necks of all the Awliya of Allah. They all instantly reacted by bowing their heads in confirmation besides one person in Asbahan who was then stripped of all dignity and Spiritual Powers. [Fatawa Hadithiyya, Dar al-Ihya al-Turath al Arabi (Berut – Lebanon), Page 414]

Control over hearts is yours from above | Please make my heart a treasure of love


Imam Ibn Hajr Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho lists some of the senior Awliya, who bent their heads in submission, as follows:

§ The patron Saint of the Suhrawardi Sufi Order, Hadrat Sayyidi ‘Abd al-Qahir Abu-Najib Suhrawardi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho who bent his head and said:

علٰی رأسی علٰی رأسی

“ On my head, on my head.”

§ Sayyidi Shaykh Ahmad al-Rifa’i Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho bent his head and said:

علی رقبتی

“This small Ahmad is also amongst them on whose neck is the foot the Master.”

When he was asked about his strange action and comment, he replied:

الشیخ عبدالقادر الآن بغداد قدمی ھذہ علی رقبۃ کل ولی اللہ

“At this moment, Shaykh Sayyid ‘Abd al-Qadir Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho has announced in Baghdad that his foot is on the necks of all the Awliya of Allah, therefore I too, humbly said that this small Ahmad is also amongst them .”

§ Hadrat Sayyidi Abu-Madyan Shu’ib Maghribi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho also bent his head and said:

وانا منھم اللھم انی اشھدک واشھدملٰئکتک انی سمعت واطعت

“I am also amongst them. O Allah! I make You and all the Angels a witness that I heard the command of ‘Qadami’ and obeyed.”

§ Hadart Sayyidi ‘Abd al-Rahim Qanawi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho bent his neck to the ground and said:

صدق الصادق المصدوق

“The truthful has spoken the Truth.”

[Fatawa Hadithiyya, Dar al-Ihya al-Turath al Arabi (Berut – Lebanon), Page 414]


After recording the above, Imam Ibn Hajr Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho then comments that Shaykh Najibudin Suhrawardi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho, Shaykh al-Rifa’i Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho, Shaykh Abu-Madyan Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho and Shaykh ‘Abd al-Rahim Qanawi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho and many other exalted ‘Arifin elaborated that Sayyiduna Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir Jilani Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho did not make this statement on his own accord but he was commanded by Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala to do so.

فلم یسع احدًا التخلف

“Therefore no Wali had the courage to disobey this command. (Hence, they bent their heads and gladly took the foot of the Ghawth on their necks)”

There are many narrations of predecessor Masha’ikh approximately 100 years before the birth of Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A’zam Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho who foretold that shortly there will be born in ‘Ajam [non-Arab state] a person who will announce that his foot is on the necks of all the Awliya-Allah. On his announcement, all the Awliya will place their heads under his feet and enter the shadow of his sacred feet. [Fatawa Hadithiyya, Dar al-Ihya al-Turath al Arabi (Berut – Lebanon), Page 414]

We hope that these few lines will suffice for the just and pious. May the Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala grant every Muslim the Tawfiq to accept the truth and exercise Adab with the Awliya of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala. May the Merciful Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala grant us decorous respect for his Beloved Servants and give us death in their ardent Love and raise us on the Day of Judgement amongst their dignified and pure company… Aameen!!

Few amongst the masses use to object that to utter “Ya Shaykh Abd al Qadir Jilani” is Shirk because one is making partnership with Allah Ta’ala (committing Shirk) by asking for assistance from the creation of Allah Ta’ala. They say that one can only ask directly from Allah Ta’ala. The Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama’at believes that it is absolutely permissible to say “Ya Sheikh Abd al Qaadir Jilani” when asking for assistance from those servants of Allah Ta’ala whom He has appointed as helpers of the Ummah.

We understand from the verse

اِیَّاکَ نَعْبُدُ وَ اِیَّاکَ نَسْتَعِیۡنُ

You alone we worship and from You alone we seek help (and may we always).

which is found in Surah Fateha, that the True Helper is Allah Ta’ala. But it is Allah Ta’ala who has appointed helpers from within His servants to assist the creation with His permission.

Sayyiduna Shah Abdul Azeez Muhaddith Delhwi (Alaihir raHmah) explains the Tafseer of the verse “Iy’ya ka Na’budu Wa Iy’ya Ka Nastaeen” by writing:

“Here, it should be understood that to ask for assistance from anyone other than Allah, by putting full trust and not thinking of it as a marvel of Almighty Allah, is prohibited. But, if the attention is towards Allah and then to think of a person as the splendour of Almighty Allah and by keeping the means and wisdom of Almighty Allah before you, if one asks from anyone other than Allah, then this is not far from the Wisdom of Almighty Allah. This action is permissible and allowed in Shari’ah. To ask for help in this way is not really asking from someone but Allah, but in reality it is to ask from Allah.” [Tafseer-e-Azeezi]

As long as a person bears this fact in mind that the True and Real Helper is Allah Ta’ala and no matter whom he asks from, it will be through the Mercy of Allah Ta’ala, then it is permissible to ask from such a person. This can never be termed as Shirk.

Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A’zam Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qādir Jilāni Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho (d.561/1164), states:

من استغاث بي في كر بة كشفت عنه و من نادى باسمي في شدة فرجت عنه و من توسل بي الى الله عز و جل في حاجته قضيت له و من صلى ركعتين يقرء في كل ركعة بعد الفاتحة سورة الاخلاص احدى عشرة مرة ثم يصلى على رسول الله صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلم بعد السلام و يسلم عليه ثم يخطوا الى جهة العراق احدى عشرة خطوة يذكر فيها اسمي و يذكر حاجتي فانها تقضي

If a person in distress or hardships calls out to me, his hardship will be eradicated. If a person uses my name as a Wasila (medium) when he pleads to Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala, his need will be fulfilled. One should perform two Rakats of Salāh and in every Rakat one should recite the Sura Fateha eleven times, and thereafter, Sura Ikhlās eleven times. After completing the Salāh, one must recite the Durood and Salām (Salawāt or Darood Sharif) upon Sayyiduna Rasoolullah SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam. Then remembering me one should take eleven steps towards the direction of Baghdad invoking my name in every step and also one’s need and wish. In this manner, (Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala willing), his need and wish will be granted. [Bahjat al Asrar, Mustafa al-Babi (Egypt), Page 102 – Zubdat al Asraar, Page 101]

The above method has been mentioned and prescribed by eminent scholars such as,

Imām Abul Hasan Ali bin Jarir Lakh’mi Shat’noofi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho (d.713/1314),
Imām ‘Abdullah bin Asad Yafa’i Makki Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho (d.750/1349),
Shaykh Mulla Ali Qāri Makki Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho (d.1014/1606) author of Mirqāt Shar’h Mishkāt,
Mawlana Abul-Maāli Muhammad Salmi al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and Shaykh-e-Muhaqqiq Mawlana ‘Abd al-Haqq Muhaddith Dehlawi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho (d.1052/1642).

Some of their thesis are,

Bahjah al-Asrār,
Khulāsa al Mafākhir,
Nuzhat al-Khā’tir,
Toh’fa-e-Qadiri yyah and
Zubdat al-’thār, etc.

Numerous other ‘Ulama and Awliya also promote it. One should also remember that the great ‘Ulama and Saints attribute extreme authenticity to the above.

Imām ‘Allama Khayr al-Din Ramli Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, the illustrious teacher of the scholar who has written the authentic book on Islāmic Jurisprudence, “Durre Mukhtār”, states in his Fatāwa Khayriyyah:

قَولَهُم يَا شَيخ عَبدَالقَادِر نِدَاءٌ فَمَا المُوجِبُ الحُرمَةَ؟

People who proclaim, “Ya Shaykh ‘Abd al Qādir”, are merely emulating a call. What, therefore, is the reason for it not to be permissible? [Fatawa Khairiyah, Dar al-Ma’arifah (Berut – Lebanon), Vol 2, Page 182]

Sayyidi Jamāl bin ‘Abdullah bin Umar Makki Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, in his Fatāwa states:

سالت عمّن يقول في حال الشدائد يا رسول الله او يا شيخ عبدالقادر مثلا هل هو جائز شرعاً ام لا؟ اُجِبْتُ نعم! الاستغاثة بالاولياء و نداؤهم و التوسّل بهم امر مشروعٌ و شيئ مرغوبٌ الا ينكرهٌ الا مكابر و معاند و قد حرّم بركة الاولياء الكرام

I was questioned about those people who in times of difficulty proclaim “Ya Rasūlallah, Ya Ali, Ya Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qādir,” and whether these proclamations were permissible in Islām. The great scholar replied: “Yes, these proclamations are permissible. To call to them is permissible including using their names as Wasila. This is allowed in the light of the Shari’ah. Such an act is desirable and approved. Only the stubborn and arrogant would oppose or question this reality. These individuals are certainly unfortunate and deprived of the Barkāt (blessing) of the Awliya Allāh”. [Fatawa Jamāl bin ‘Abdullah bin Umar Makki]

Shah Wali-Allāh Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, records a method for achieving and fulfilling one’s wishes in his book, Al-Intibah fi al salāsil al-Awliya. He states:

بعد ازاں یک صدو یازدہ بار درود و بعدازاں یک صدو یازدہ بار کلمہ تمجید ویک صدو یازدہ بارشیئاً ﷲ یا شیخ عبدالقادر جیلانی

“One should first perform two Rakats of Nafil Salāh. After completion, he should recite the following – 111 times Darood Sharif (Salawāt), 111 times Kalima Tamjid and 111 times ‘Shay’an-Lillāh, Ya Shaykh Abd al-Qādir Jilāni’.” [Al-Intibah fi al salāsil al-Awliya Allah]

From this book, it has been proven that all the afore-mentioned great luminaries believed in the proclamation of “Shay’an Lillāh” and “Ya” as being valid and a great solution to many unsolved problems. The Shariah does not forbid to call on Ambiyā and Awliya for assistance with the Harf of Nidā (“Ya”). They also gave permission to their students and disciples to practice it without any hesitation. Sha Wali-Allāh Muhaddith Dehlawi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho spent numerous years in the company of his Shaykh and Ustāz of Hadith Sharif, Shaykh Mawlana Shaykh Abu-Tāhir al-Madani Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho.

Name : Sawaneh e Ghaus e Azam
Author/Editor : Mufti Faiz Ahmed Owaisi
Publisher: N/A
Pages : 36
Language : Urdu
Category : Shaksiyat
Read Online : Click Book Title
