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Name : The Book of Prayer
Author/Editor : Allama Syed Shah Turab ul Haq Qadri
Translator : Muḥammad Aqib Farid Qadri
Publisher: N/A
Pages : 62
Language : English
Category : Fazail
Read Online : N/A

Name : A Call for Justice
Author/Editor : Allama Arshad ul Qadri
Translator : Muḥammad Aqib Farid Qadri
Publisher: N/A
Pages : 20
Language : English
Category : Fazail
Read Online : N/A

Name : The Bleesded Touch
Author/Editor : Muḥammad Aqib Farid Qadri
Publisher: N/A
Pages : 216
Language : English
Category : Fazail
Read Online : N/A

Name : Qasida Burda Shareef
Author/Editor : Muḥammad ibn Sulayman Jazuli
Publisher: N/A
Pages : 51
Language : Arabic
Category : Fazail
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Name : Shumail e Nabvi
Author/Editor : Mufti Muhammad Aslam Raza
Publisher: N/A
Pages : 20
Language : Urdu
Category : Aqaid
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Name : Islamic Beliefs
Author/Editor : Allama Syed Shah Turab ul Haq Qadri
Publisher: N/A
Pages : 50
Language : Urdu
Category : Aqaid
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Name : Shumool-ul-Islam
Author/Editor : Alahazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan
Publisher: N/A
Pages : 128
Language : Arabic
Category : Mutafariq
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Name : Al Wazifatul Karimah
Author/Editor : Alahazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan
Publisher: N/A
Pages : 32
Language : Arabic
Category : Wazaif
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Name : Hashia Bukhari
Author/Editor : Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan
Publisher: N/A
Pages : 80
Language : Arabic
Category : Mutafariq
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Name : Hadees ul Ikhlas
Author/Editor : Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan
Publisher: N/A
Pages : 33
Language : Arabic
Category : Mutafariq
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Name : Fiqhu-Shihanshah
Author/Editor : Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan
Publisher: N/A
Pages : 53
Language : Arabic
Category : Mutafariq
Read Online : Click Book Title

Name : Ataya al Qadeer
Author/Editor : Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan
Publisher: N/A
Pages : 55
Language : Arabic
Category : Mutafariq
Read Online : Click Book Title

Name : Al Huq ul Mubeen
Author/Editor : Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan
Publisher: N/A
Pages : 45
Language : Arabic
Category : Mutafariq
Read Online : Click Book Title

ولادت باسعادت:

حضرت محدث اعظم پاکستان مولانا ابو الفضل محمد سردار احمد قدس سرہ ١٣٢٣ھ /١٩٠٥ء کو موضع دیال گڑھ ضلع گورداسپور (مشرقی پنجاب ، انڈیا) میں پیدا ہوئے۔ دیال گڑھ ضلع گورداسپور کا مشہور قصبہ ہے جو بٹالہ سے چار میل کے فاصلے پر ہے۔

اسم گرامی:

والدین نے آپ کا نام (باقی بھائیوں کے ناموں کی مناسبت سے) سردار محمد رکھا۔ لیکن جب آپ علم دین کے حصول کیلئے بریلی شریف تشریف لے گئے تو وہاں کے اکابر اساتذہ ، احباب اور ہم درس طلبہ آپ کو سردار احمد کے نام سے یاد کرتے تھے ۔ اس صورت حال میں آپ نے والدین کا تجویز کردہ نام بھی ترک نہ فرمایا اور اساتذہ کرام کا عطا کردہ نام بھی استعمال میں رکھا ۔ یوں آپ اپنا نام محمد سردار احمد تحریر فرمایا کرتے تھے۔


مناظرہ بریلی (١٣٥٤ھ /١٩٣٥ء) میں دیو بندیوں کے منظور نظر مناظر مولوی منظور سنبھلی کے مقابلہ میں عدیم المثال کامیابی پر آپ کی کنیت ابو المنظور مشہور ہوگئی۔ بعد میں صاحبزادہ محمد فضل رسول صاحب کی ولادت پر ابو الفضل ہوئی اور بمقتضائے ” الاَسْمَاءُ تَتَنَزَّلُ مِنَ السَّمَائِ” اس عظیم المرتبت صاحب علم و فضل کے لئے یہی کنیت موزوں بھی تھی۔

نائبِ دینِ نبی سردار احمد تیرا نام
یعنی تو فضل خدا سے قوم کا سردار ہے


آپ کا تعلق سیہول جٹ خاندان سے ہے ۔ شرافت ، دیانت ، پاکبازی اور مہمان نوازی میں یہ خاندان علاقہ بھر میں شہرت رکھتا تھا۔ پوراخاندان مشائخ کرام کامرید اور عقیدت مند تھا ۔ حضور غوث پاک رضی اﷲ عنہ سے کمال درجہ کی محبت رکھتا تھا۔

والدین کریمین:

آپ کے والد ماجدکا اسم گرامی چوہدری میراں بخش چشتی تھا ۔ ان کا پیشہ کاشت کاری تھا ۔ زمین گاؤں کے قریب ہی تھی۔ تقریباً پچاس بیگھہ مزروعہ زمین کے مالک تھے۔ اس میں نصف زمین چاہی اور اتنی ہی بارانی تھی۔ زمین زرخیر ہونے کی وجہ سے نہایت عمدہ فصل اور اعلیٰ قسم کا کماد پیدا ہوتا تھا۔

چوہدری میراں بخش چشتی دیہاتی ماحول کی برائیوں سے الگ تھلگ رہتے ۔ کسی کی غیبت نہ کرتے ۔ کسی کے نقصان میں راضی نہ ہوتے۔ یہی وجہ ہے کہ آپ کی دشمنی کسی سے پیدا نہ ہوئی۔ یونہی حضرت محدث اعظم پاکستان کی والدہ محترمہ نہایت پاک سیرت عفیفہ تھیں۔ پابند صوم و صلوٰۃ اور حضور غوث پاک رضی اﷲ عنہ کی فدائی و شیدائی تھیں۔

چوہدری میراں بخش چشتی رحمۃ اﷲ علیہ کا وصال محرم الحرام ١٣٣٧ھ/ ١٤ اکتوبر ١٩١٨ء کو ہوا۔ جبکہ والدہ محترمہ دو برس قبل انتقال فرما چکی تھیں۔

پیرو مرشد جیسا ہو جاؤں:

شریعت و طریقت سے محبت کی بناء پر آپ نے اسکول کی تعلیم کے دوران ہی سراج العارفین حضرت شاہ سراج الحق چشتی قدس سرہ کے دستِ اقدس پر بیعت کرلی ۔ یہ بیعت مروجہ رسمی بیعت نہ تھی بلکہ حقیقی بیعت تھی ۔ شیخ طریقت سے عقیدت ایسی پختہ تھی کہ اکثر و بیشتر اس تمنا کا شدت سے اظہار فرمایا کرتے تھے کہ :

“میرا دل چاہتا ہے کہ میں پیر و مرشد صوفی سراج الحق صاحب جیسا ہوجاؤں۔”

تحصیل علم

قرآن پاک ناظرہ پڑھنے کے بعد حضرت محدث اعظم پاکستان کو اس دور کے رواج کے مطابق پرائمری اسکول میں داخل کرادیا گیا ۔ یہا ں پر آپ نے مولانا ذوالفقار علی قریشی سے ابتدائی تعلیم حاصل کی جو پرائمری اسکول میں صدر مدرس ہونے کے ساتھ گاؤں کی مسجد کے امام و خطیب بھی تھے۔قرائن سے یہی معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ آپ نے قرآن مجید ناظرہ بھی مولانا قریشی سے پڑھا تھا۔ مولانا موصوف حضرت شیخ الحدیث پر خصوصی توجہ فرماتے اور پیشانی میں سعادت ِازلی کے نمایاں آثار دیکھ کراکثر بزبانِ پنجابی فرماتے :

“اوئے جٹّا! توں تے وڈا نامور مولوی عمل والا ہو ویں دا۔”

میٹرک کا سالانہ امتحان جو اُن دنوں پنجاب یونیورسٹی لیا کرتی تھی فرسٹ ڈویژن میں پاس کرنے کے بعد آپ نے پٹواری کا امتحان دینے کا ارادہ فرمایا وجہ یہ تھی کہ آپ کے شیخِ طریقت حضرت شاہ سراج الحق چشتی علیہ الرحمۃ نے بھی پٹوار ی کا امتحان پاس کر رکھا تھا۔ لہٰذا ان کی پیروی میں آپ نے بھی پٹوار ی کا امتحان پاس کیا لیکن ملازمت نہ فرمائی۔پولیس کی ملازمت کی بھی پیشکش ہوئی لیکن آپ نے انکار فرمادیا۔

دینی تعلیم کا آغاز:

ایف ۔اے کا امتحان دینے کیلئے آپ لاہور تشریف لائے اور یہاں امتحان کی تیاری میں مصروف ہوگئے۔ انہی دنوں انجمن حزب الاحناف کا سالانہ اجلاس منعقد ہوا۔ دین سے فطری محبت و عقیدت آپ کو کشاں کشاں اس اجلاس میں لے گئی۔ یا یوں کہئیے کہ “فطرت خود بخود کرتی ہے لالے کی حنابندی” کے مصداق قدرت کو اب یہی منظور تھا کہ آپ کو اس عظیم کام کی جانب متوجہ کیا جائے جس کی خاطر آپ کو پیدا کیا گیا۔

دورانِ اجلاس حضرت صدرالافاضل مولانا سید محمد نعیم الدین مرادآبادی نے تقریر کرتے ہوئے شہزادہ اعلیٰ حضرت حجۃ الاسلام مولانا حامد رضا خان کی بریلی سے تشریف آوری کا اعلان نہایت شاندار الفاظ میں یوں فرمایا:

“اعلیٰ حضرت ،عظیم البرکت ، مجدد مائۃ حاضرہ ،مؤید ملت طاہرہ ، صاحب الدلائل القاہرہ ، ذی التصانیف الباہرہ، امام اہلسنت مولانا الشاہ احمد رضاخان صاحب بریلوی قدس سرہ کے شہزادے حامی سنت، ماحی بدعت، رہبر شریعت، فیض درجت، مفتی انام ، مرجع الخواص والعوام ،حجۃ الاسلام مولانا الشاہ حامد رضا خان صاحب تشریف لارہے ہیں۔”

حضرت شیخ الحدیث نے سوچا کہ جب اعلان کرنے والا خود اس درجہ عظیم الشان عالم ہے تو جس کی آمد کا اعلان کیا جارہا ہے وہ کس پائے کا عالم ہوگا لہٰذا آنے والے کی عظمت و شان کا تصور رکے آپ زیارت کے مشتاق ہوگئے۔ آخر انتظار کی گھڑیاں ختم ہوئیں اور حضرت حجۃ الاسلام جو حسن باطنی کے ساتھ حسن ظاہری سے بھی مالامال تھے جلسہ گاہ میں رونق افروز ہوئے۔ مشتاقانِ دید پروانوں کی طرح آپ کے جمال ِ پاک پر نثار ہورہے تھے۔ اس ہجوم میں حضرت شیخ الحدیث بھی تجلیات ِ دیدار سے اپنے قلب و ذہن کو منور کررہے تھے ۔ اس زیارت کا فوری اثر یہ ظاہر ہوا کہ آپ نے ایف ۔ اے پاس کرنے کا ارادہ ترک کر کے حصول علم دین اور تبلیغ اسلام کا پختہ عزم کرلیا اور اس عظیم مقصد کو حاصل کرنے کے لئے حضرت حجۃ الاسلام کے ہمراہ بریلی جانے کا ارادہ فرمالیا۔ لیکن ابھی حضرت سے اجازت لینے کا مرحلہ باقی تھا لہٰذا دھڑکتے دل کے ساتھ حضرت حجۃ الاسلام کی قیام گاہ آستانہ عالیہ حضرت شاہ محمد غوث علیہ الرحمۃ حاضر ہوئے ۔

عرض مدّعا:

آپ نے حضرت حجۃ الاسلام مولانا حامد رضا خاں کی خدمت میں اپنی کیفیت اور قلبی انقلاب کا ذکر کر کے بریلی ساتھ جانے اور علم دین حاصل کرنے کی تمنا کا اظہار کیا حضرت حجۃ الاسلام پہلی نظر میں ہی کشتہ تیر نظر کو پہچان گئے اور پیشانی پر چمکتے ہوئے سعادت ِ ازلی کے آثار دیکھ کر بھانپ گئے کہ یہ نوجوان ملت اسلامیہ کے ماتھے کا جھومر اور اہلسنت کا عظیم رہبر ہوگا۔ لہٰذا بکمالِ شفقت حضرت شیخ الحدیث کی درخواست کو شرف ِ قبولیت عطا فرمایا اور دو دن مزید قیام کے بعد آپ کو اپنے ساتھ بریلی شریف لے گئے۔

مرکز علم و عرفاں بریلی میں:

بریلی پہنچ کر آپ نے دارالعلوم منظر اسلام میں تعلیم شروع فرمائی۔ دارالعلوم کے دیگر طلبہ کا قیام شہر کی مساجد میں ہوتا تھا لیکن نو وارد طالب علم محمد سردار احمد کو حضرت حجۃ الاسلام نے خاص اپنے آستانے پر ٹھہرایا۔ حضرت شیخ الحدیث کے قیام، طعام اور دیگر تمام اخراجات کا ذمہ بھی آپ نے لے لیا۔ جس قسم کا لباس اپنے صاحبزادوں کیلئے بنواتے اسی قسم کا لباس آپ کے لئے بھی سلواتے ۔ یہاں تک کہ لباس کے رنگ میں بھی یکسانیت اختیار فرماتے۔

جب دیکھتا، پڑھتے دیکھتا:

حضرت مفتیئ اعظم فرماتے ہیں :”میں جب ان (حضرت شیخ الحدیث) کو دیکھتا، پڑھتے دیکھتا۔ مدرسہ میں ، قیام گاہ پر، حتّٰی کہ جب مسجد میں آتے تو بھی کتاب ہاتھ میں ہوتی ۔اگر جماعت میں تاخیر ہوتی تو بجائے دیگر اذکار و اوراد کے مطالعہ میں مصروف ہوجاتے ۔ ان کے اس والہانہ ذوق ِ تحصیل علم سے میں بہت متاثر ہوا ۔
میرے پاس دوسرے پنجابی طالب علم مولوی نذیر احمد سلمہ پڑھتے تھے ان سے دریافت کرنے پر انہوں نے ان کی ساری سرگزشت سنائی پھر ان کے ذریعے وہ میرے پاس آنے جانے لگے ان کے باصرار درخواست کرنے اور مولوی نذیر احمدکی سفارش پر میں نے انہیں منیہ ، قدوری، کنز اور شرح جامی تک پڑھایا۔”

بریلی سے اجمیر:

یہ وہ زمانہ تھا کہ حضرت صدرالشریعہ مولانا محمد امجد علی اعظمی دارالعلوم معینیہ عثمانیہ اجمیر شریف میں صدرالمدرسین تھے۔ اور حضرت کی بے مثال تدریس کا ڈنکا پوری دنیا میں بج رہاتھا۔ حضرت شیخ الحدیث کو اﷲ تعالیٰ نے جس عظیم الشان خدمت دین کیلئے پیدا فرمایا تھا اس کیلئے حضرت صدرالشریعہ جیسے بحر العلوم مربی کی ضرورت تھی۔ چنانچہ جب خود خانوادہئ رضویت کے بعض افراد مثلاً مولانا محمد ادریس رضاخاں اجمیر مقدس بغرض تعلیم جانے لگے تو آپ بھی ہر دو صاحبزادگانِ اعلیٰ حضرت سے اجازت لیکر حضرت صدرالشریعہ کی خدمت میں اجمیر مقدس حاضر ہوگئے۔ سلطان الہند خواجہئ اجمیر قدس سرہ کی بارگاہ عرش پناہ میں علم و فضل کے قطب اوحد( حضرت صدرالشریعہ) سے انہیں کیا ملا؟ اس بارے میں حضور مفتیئ اعظم مولانا مصطفی رضا خاں قدس سرہ کی شہادت کافی ہے۔ فرماتے ہیں:

“پھر تو بحر العلوم کے پاس گئے اور خود بھی بحر العلوم ہوگئے۔”


حضرت محدث اعظم پاکستان مولانا ابو الفضل محمد سردار احمد قدس سرہ بے مثل محدث ، عظیم فقیہ، کہنہ مشق مدرس ، کامیاب مناظر ،بالغ نظر مفتی، بہترین مصنف ، با فیض شیخ طریقت اور اعلیٰ پائے کے خطیب تھے۔ چاہتے تو دین کی خدمت کیلئے تدریس کے بجائے کوئی اور میدان منتخب فرمالیتے لیکن اس شعبے میں قحط الرجال کو دیکھتے ہوئے اپنے اُستاذِ محترم حضرت صدر الشریعہ کی اتباع میں آپ نے خود کو دینی علوم کی تدریس کیلئے ہمہ تن وقف کردیا ۔ خوش قسمتی سے فارغ التحصیل ہوتے ہی آپ نے اپنی مادر علمی دارالعلوم منظر اسلام بریلی سے ١٣٥٢ھ/ ١٩٣٣ء میں تدریس کا شاندار آغاز کیا ۔

فیصل آباد تشریف آوری:

آپ نے مفتیئ اعظم مولانا شاہ مصطفی رضاخاں بریلوی جو ان دنوں بغرض ِحج حرمین شریفین میں مقیم تھے سے استصواب کیا کہ آیا ساروکی رہ کر دین کی خدمت کروں یا لائل پور میں ؟ مفتیئ اعظم کی دوربین نگاہوں نے بھانپ لیا کہ حضرت شیخ الحدیث کی عالمی تبلیغی سرگرمیوں کیلئے ساروکی کا دیہاتی ماحول نہیں بلکہ لائل پور جیسا مرکزی شہر زیادہ موزوں ہے لہٰذا آپ نے دیارِ حبیب سے جو جواب مرحمت فرمایا اس میں لائل پور میں خدمتِ دین انجام دینے کی طرف اشارہ تھا۔ رمضان المبارک ١٣٦٨ھ/جولائی١٩٤٩ء میں آپ لائل پور (فیصل آباد ) تشریف لے آئے۔ ابتداء میں آپ کا قیام محلہ سنت پورہ میں تھا ۔ آپ کا ارادہ یہ تھا کہ نئے تعلیمی سال (شوال ١٣٦٨ھ ) سے تدریس کا آغاز کردیا جائے ۔

وعظ و تقریر

اگرچہ تدریس، تبلیغ کی احسن صورت ہے۔ لیکن عوام الناس پر براہِ راست اثرات مرتب کرنے کے حوالے سے تقریر کی اہمیت کا انکار بھی ممکن نہیں۔ حضرت شیخ الحدیث قدس سرہ، اس ذریعہئ تبلیغ کی اہمیت سے بخوبی آگاہ تھے۔لہٰذاآپ دن کو تدریس کے فرائض سر انجام دیتے اور رات کو فیصل آباد کی گلی گلی ، کوچے کوچے میں عشق مصطفی علیہ التحیہ و الثناء کی خوشبوئیں اور حسنِ عمل کے موتی بکھیرتے۔

تحریکِ پاکستان میں شرکت:

مسلمانوں کے علیحدہ وطن پاکستان کے قیام کیلئے آپ نے بھر پور جد وجہد فرمائی۔ اس مقصد کیلئے قائم اہل سنت کی ملک گیر تنظیم آل انڈیا سُنی کانفرنس کے کئی اجلاسوں میں آپ نے شرکت فرمائی۔

قیام ِ پاکستان پر اظہارِ مسرت:

جمعۃ الوداع (٢٧رمضان المبارک ١٣٦٦ھ/ ١٥ اگست ١٩٤٧ء ) کا خطبہ آپ نے اپنے آبائی قصبہ دیال گڑھ میں دیا۔اس موقع پر آپ نے قیامِ پاکستان پر اظہارِ مسرت فرماتے ہوئے اﷲ کا شکر ادا کیا اور لوگوں کو نئے اسلامی ملک کے قیام پر مبارکباد دی۔

ذوقِ عبادت:

عبادت کا ایسا ذوق و شوق تھا کہ بچپن میں ہی چلتے پھرتے ذکر کرتے اور نعت پڑھتے رہتے ۔ والد ماجد کی انگلی پکڑ کر مسجد میں جاتے اور باجماعت نماز ادا کرتے۔ آپ کی نماز روایتی نماز نہ ہوتی بلکہ بارگاہِ خداوندی میں حاضری کا تصور ذہن پر غالب رہتا۔ اجمیر شریف کے زمانہ طالب علمی میں آپ کی نمازوں کی کیفیت بیان کرتے ہوئے حافظ ملت مولانا عبد العزیز مبارکپوری علیہ الرحمۃ لکھتے ہیں :” سلسلہ کے وظائف اور نماز با جماعت کے پابند تھے۔ خشیّتِ ربّانی کا یہ عالم تھا کہ نماز میں جب امام سے آیت ترہیب سنتے تو آپ پر لرزہ طاری ہوجاتا حتیٰ کہ پاس والے نمازی کو محسوس ہوتا تھا یہ طالب علمانہ مقدس زندگی کی کیفیات ہیں۔ اس سے آپ کی روحانیت کا اندازہ ہوسکتا ہے اور آپ کے مقامِ رفیع کا پتہ چل سکتا ہے۔

توکل علی اﷲ :

آپ کی حیات طیبہ کا طائرانہ جائزہ لیا جائے تو معلوم ہوگا کہ زندگی کے ہر موڑ پر اﷲ تعالیٰ پر توکل اور کامل بھروسہ جلوہ آراء نظر آتا ہے ۔ چشمِ تصور سے ذرا دیکھئے کہ فیصل آباد کا اجنبی اور مخالفانہ ماحول اور بریلی کے نامور شیخ الحدیث کا ایک چبوترے پر بیٹھ کردرسِ حدیث شروع کردینا،مخالفوں کی ریشہ دوانیوں کے باوجود مدرسہ اور پاکستان کی عظیم الشان مسجد کی بنیاد رکھ دینا۔ اپنوں، بیگانوں کی جانب سے سازشوں حتیٰ کہ قاتلانہ حملوں کے باوجود پایہئ ثبات میں لغزش نہ آنابغیر خدا پر توکل اور بھروسے کے کیا ممکن نظر آتا ہے؟

عشقِ مصطفی علیہ التحیہ و الثناء:

اس عقیدے پر پوری اُمت کا قطعی ، یقینی اجماع ہے کہ ایمان کی جان عشقِ مصطفی صلی اﷲ علیہ وسلم ہے۔ تمام رشتوں، ناتوں، دوستیوں اور تعلقات سے بڑھ کر اگر سرکارِ دوعالم صلی اﷲ علیہ وسلم سے محبت نہیں تو ایمان نا مکمل ہے۔ اقبال نے کیا خوب کہا ہے:

مغزِ قرآں، روحِ ایماں ، جانِ دیں
ہست حُبِّ رحمۃ للعلمین

حضرت محدث اعظم علیہ الرحمۃ کے اخلاق و عادات کی سب سے نمایاں بات حضور علیہ الصلوٰۃ والسلام سے والہانہ محبت ہے۔ ان کے اس وصف ِ خاص کا اظہار صرف ان کی زبان ہی سے نہیں ہوتا تھا بلکہ یہ ان کے دل میں رچا ہوا اور رگ و ریشہ میں سمایاہوا تھا۔

اَلْحُبُّ ِﷲِ وَالْبُغْضُ ِﷲِ:

اﷲ کی رضا کی خاطر دوستی اور اسی کی خاطر دشمنی تکمیل ایمان کیلئے ضروری ہے ۔حضور علیہ الصلوٰۃ والسلام کا ارشاد ہے:

مَنْ اَحَبَّ ِﷲِ وَ اَبْغَضَ ِﷲِ وَ اَعْطٰی ِﷲِ وَ مَنَعَ ِﷲِ فَقَدِ اسْتَکْمَلَ الْاِیْمَانَ
جس نے اﷲ تعالیٰ کی رضا کی خاطر کسی سے محبت کی ، اﷲ تعالیٰ کی رضا کی خاطر کسی سے عداوت کی، اﷲ تعالیٰ کی رضا کی خاطر کسی کو کچھ دیا اور اﷲ تعالیٰ کی رضا کی خاطر کسی کو کچھ نہ دیا اس نے ایمان کو مکمل کرلیا۔

حضرت محدث اعظم پاکستان علیہ الرحمۃ نے اس حدیث پاک پر یہاں تک عمل کیا کہ اﷲ اور اس کے پیارے حبیب صلی اﷲ علیہ وسلم کے دشمنوں سے تعلقات تو کجا عمر بھر مصافحہ تک نہ کیا۔ عمر کے آخری ایام میں حضرت سیدمعصوم شاہ نوری سے فرمایا: “شاہ صاحب ! میری دو باتوں کے گواہ رہنا۔ایک تو یہ کہ یہ فقیر حضور غوث پاک رضی اﷲ عنہ کا مرید اور غلام ہے دوسری یہ کہ اس فقیر نے عمر بھر کسی بے دین سے مصافحہ نہیں کیا۔”

صدارت نہیں سدا ردّ:

جس طرح آپ بد مذہبوں اور بے دینوں سے مصافحہ نہیں کرتے تھے ویسے ہی آپ ان کے جلسوں اور جلوسوں میں بھی شرکت سے گریز فرماتے تھے۔ ایک مرتبہ دیوبندیوں ، وہابیوں کا ایک وفد حضرت محدث اعظم علیہ الرحمۃ کی خدمت میں حاضر ہوا اور اپنے پروگرام کے مطابق ایک مخلوط مشترکہ جلسہ کی صدارت کیلئے آپ سے عرض کیا تو آپ نے فوراً جواب دیا: ” فقیر ایسے جلسوں کی صدارت نہیں کرتا بلکہ ان کا سداردّ کرتا ہے۔” اس پر وفد کے ارکان لاجواب ہوکر چل دیئے۔

اساتذہ و مشائخ:

الماس و یاقوت بے شک قیمتی ہوتے ہیں مگر الماس تراش کی تراش خراش انہیں کہیں سے کہیں پہنچادیتی ہے۔اسی طرح بڑے بڑے علماء کی علمیت و قابلیت ان کے اساتذہ کی مرہون منت ہے ۔ ذیل میں حضرت محدث اعظم پاکستان علیہ الرحمۃ کے اساتذہ کرام کے اسمائے گرامی پیش خدمت ہیں:

حضرت صدرالشریعہ مولانا مفتی امجد علی اعظمی علیہ الرحمۃ
حضرت حجۃ الاسلام مولانا شاہ محمد حامد رضا خاں بریلوی علیہ الرحمۃ
حضرت مفتیئ اعظم مولانا شاہ محمد مصطفی رضا خاں بریلوی علیہ الرحمۃ
حضرت خواجہ شاہ محمد سراج الحق چشتی صابری علیہ الرحمۃ
مولانا حاجی پیر محمد خان علیہ الرحمۃ
حکیم مولوی ذوالفقار علی قریشی علیہ الرحمۃ

علالت و آخری ایام :

شب و روز کی جاں گسل مصروفیات کا اثر حضرت شیخ الحدیث علیہ الرحمۃ کی صحت پر پڑا جس کے نتیجے میں آپ کی طبیعت بگڑنے لگی۔پہلے پہل تو آپ نے بالکل پرواہ نہ کی اور اسی ضعف و نقاہت کے عالم میں حسب معمول درس و تدریس ، وعظ و تقریر اور دعوت و ارشاد کا سلسلہ جاری رکھا۔ ٢٥ صفر المظفر ١٣٨١ھ/٨ اگست ١٩٦١ء کو عرسِ اعلیٰ حضرت کے موقع پر آپ جلسہ گاہ تک بڑی مشکل سے تشریف لائے۔ ملک کے طول و عرض سے آئے ہوئے ہزاروں تلامذہ و مریدین اور اکابر علماء و مشائخ آپ کی ناسازیئ طبع سے بہت مغموم اور سخت متفکر ہوئے۔

اسی عرس کے موقع پر حضرت مولانا عنایت اﷲ صاحب نے خدمت ِ اقدس میں عرض کیا کہ صاحبزادہ محمد فضل رسول کو دستارسجادگی عطا فرمائیں اور انہیں اپنا خلیفہ اور قائم مقام مقرر فرمائیں۔ فرمایا : “اچھا پگڑی لاؤ یہ کام بھی ہوجائے۔ اﷲ تعالیٰ ان کے درجات بلند کردے گاجس طرح حضرت صدر الافاضل مولانا سید محمد نعیم الدین مراد آبادی کے صاحبزادے کی دستار بندی پہلے ہوگئی تھی، وہ بھی درجات حاصل کرگئے”۔ چنانچہ بطور خلیفہ و جانشین حضر ت صاحبزادہ محمد فضل رسول کی دستار بندی تمام احباب کی موجودگی میں سنی رضوی جامع مسجد میں کی گئی۔

وصال شریف:

حضرت محدث اعظم پاکستان نے وصال شریف سے تقریباً چھ ماہ قبل اشارے ، کنایے میں اپنے وصال کا ذکر کرنا شروع کردیا تھا تاکہ احباب ہجر و فراق کے اس صدمے کو سہنے کیلئے ذہنی طور پر تیار ہوجائیں۔

وصال شریف سے تقریباً چھ ماہ قبل آپ نے خواب دیکھا جس میں اکابر اُمت، مشائخِ عظام ، حضور اعلیٰ حضرت امام احمد رضاخاں بریلوی قدس سرہ،، حجۃ الاسلام مولانا حامد رضا خاں بریلوی ، صدر الافاضل بدر المماثل مولانا سید محمد نعیم الدین مراد آبادی، صدر الشریعہ مولانا امجد علی اعظمی، مرشدِ برحق خواجہ شاہ محمد سراج الحق چشتی صابری اور دیگر پاکانِ اُمت علیہم الرحمۃ کی زیارت فرمائی۔ یہ خواب احباب و خدام سے بیان فرما کر ارشاد فرمایا:

” ان مشائخ عظام کی زیارت و ملاقات سے یہی محسوس ہوتا ہے کہ وہ وقت قریب ہے کہ یہ فقیر خود ان سے جا ملے”۔

دمِ آخر آپ کے کان میں اذان دی گئی اور سورہ یٰسین شریف ، شجرہ قادریہ رضویہ، درود تاج اور قصیدہ غوثیہ پڑھا گیا۔ اسی عالم میں رات ایک بج کر چالیس منٹ پر اﷲ ہو کہتے ہوئے یہ آفتابِ علم و فضل جس کی نورانی کرنوں سے عالمِ اسلام برسوں منور ہوتا رہا، ہمیشہ کیلئے روپوش ہوگیا۔ انا ﷲ و انا الیہ راجعون۔

یکم شعبان المعظم ١٣٨٢ھ / ٢٩ دسمبر ١٩٦٢ء کی شب کو سورج ڈوبا اور صبح ہوتے ہوتے دنیائے علم و حکمت میں اندھیرا پھیل گیا۔

غسل و جنازہ:

کراچی میں آپ کو غسل دیا گیا۔ غسل دینے والوں کے نام درج ذیل ہیں:

مولانا عبد المصطفیٰ الازہری ، مولانا محمد عمر نعیمی ، مولانا محمد محسن فقیہ شافعی ، مولانا محمد معین الدین شافعی ، مولانا عبد الحمید ، سیٹھ حاجی اسمٰعیل جمال ، حاجی صوفی اﷲ رکھا۔

بعد غسل آپ کو کفن پہنایا گیا، ظفر علی نعمانی صاحب نے کفن پر کلمہ طیبہ لکھا۔ علامہ عبد المصطفیٰ الازہری نے ” یا شیخ سیدعبد القادر جیلانی شیأاً ﷲ ” لکھا اور مولانا محمد معین الدین شافعی نے” یا غوث اعظم دستگیرما” لکھا ۔ حضرت محدث اعظم کی موجودگی میں ایک مرتبہ سرکار غوثِ پاک کی منقبت پڑھتے ہوئے یہ شعر پڑھا گیا :

عزیزوں کر چکو تیار جب میرے جنازے کو
تو لکھ دینا کفن پر نام والا غوثِ اعظم کا

آپ نے اسی وقت وصیت فرمائی کہ مولوی معین ! یاد رکھنا میرے کفن پر حضور آقائے کرم ، سرکار غوثِ اعظم رضی اﷲ تعالیٰ عنہ کا اسم گرامی ضرور لکھنا۔ چنانچہ آپ کی وصیت کو پورا کرتے ہوئے سیدنا غوثِ اعظم رضی اﷲتعالیٰ عنہ کا اسمِ گرامی کفن پر تحریر کیا گیا۔ جنازہ تیار کرکے آرام باغ لایا گیا۔ راستے میں حسبِ وصیت درود شریف، کلمہ طیبہ، نعت شریف، منقبت غوثِ پاک اور صلوٰۃ و سلام پڑھا گیا۔ نمازِ جنازہ کی امامت کے فرائض شہزادہ صدر الشریعہ حضرت علامہ عبد المصطفیٰ الازہری نے انجام دئیے۔ ہزاروں افراد جنازے میں شریک تھے۔ کراچی کے تقریباً تمام علماء کرام و مشائخ عظام موجود تھے۔ جن میں مولانا عبدالحامد بدایونی، مولانامحمد عمر نعیمی، مفتی ظفر علی نعمانی، پیرزادہ سید عبد القادر گیلانی سفیر عراق، مولانا شاہ ضیاء القادری ، مولانا قاری محمد محبوب رضا خاں اور مولانا عبد السلام باندوی قابل ذکر ہیں۔

نمازِ جنازہ کے بعد چہرہ انور کی زیارت کرائی گئی۔ بعدہ، تابوت میں رکھا گیا۔ اب “رضوی دولھا” کو ہزاروں باراتی بڑی شان و شوکت اور پیار و محبت سے کندھوں پر اٹھائے کراچی اسٹیشن تک لائے، راستہ بھر نعت خوانی کا سلسلہ جاری رہا۔ آخر میں اسٹیشن پر صلوٰۃ و سلام ہوا پھر ہزاروں اشک بار آنکھوں نے اپنے محبوب مرشد و قائد کو رخصت کیا۔

عاشق کا جنازہ ہے ذرا دھوم سے نکلے:

فیصل آباد پہنچنے پر جنازہ اُٹھایا گیا اور ہزاروں افراد اشک بار آنکھوں کے ساتھ درود وسلام کی صداؤں میں مرکز اہلسنت جامعہ رضویہ کی جانب بڑھ رہے تھے۔ اس جلوس میں علماء بھی تھے اور مشائخ بھی، مدرس بھی تھے اور محقق بھی، مریدین بھی تھے اور معتقدین بھی، ہم سبق رفیق بھی تھے اور شاگرد بھی، اپنے بھی تھے اور بیگانے بھی، چھتوں پر خواتین اور بچے بھی اس نورانی جلوس کا نظارہ کررہے تھے۔

انوار کی بارش:

سرکلر روڈ سے گزر کر جنازہ جب کچہری بازار میں داخل ہوا تو عشقِ رسالت کے جلوؤں نے اور ہی رنگ اختیار کرلیا۔اس کے اثرات نمایاں اور بہت واضح ہوگئے اور محسوس صورت میں نظر آنے لگے۔ ہوا یوں کہ تابوت مبارک پر انوار و تجلیات کی بارش ہر آنکھ کو صاف طورپر نظر آنے لگی۔ بچے، بوڑھے، جوان ہر قسم کے لوگ وہاں موجود تھے اور بڑے استعجاب کے عالم میں انوار کی اس بارش کا اپنی آنکھوں سے مشاہدہ کررہے تھے۔ جب یہ بے مثال جلوس گھنٹہ گھر پہنچا تو یکایک اس نور نے دبیر چادر کی صورت اختیار کرلی اور سارا تابوت اس میں چھپ گیا۔ چمکیلے تانبے کے باریک پتروں کی طرح نور کی سنہری کرنیں اس طرح تابوت پر گر رہی تھیں کہ ہزاروں نے تعجب سے اس آسمانی رحمت کو دیکھا، نور کی اس لطیف اور محسوس دھند میں جب جنازہ چھپ گیا تو جنازہ اُٹھانے والوں کو پکار کر ایک دوسرے سے پوچھنا پڑا کہ تابوت کہاں گیا؟

چند لمحات یہی کیفیت رہی پھر تابوت کے پاؤں کی طرف سے کمان کی طرح نور اُڑا اورلوگوں کو دوبارہ سب کچھ نظر آگیا۔ اس واقعہ کے عینی شاہد ہزاروں کی تعداد میں موجود ہیں۔ ان میں اپنے ہی نہیں وہ بھی شامل ہیں جنہیں حضرت کی ذات سے خوامخواہ اختلاف تھا۔

فقید المثال جنازہ:

حضرت صاحبزادہ قاضی محمد فضل رسول خلف اکبر حضرت محدث اعظم کی اجازت سے مولانا عبدالقادر احمد آبادی نے نمازِ جنازہ بعد ظہر پڑھائی۔ لاکھوں افراد پر مشتمل نمازِ جنازہ کے عظیم اجتماع کو دیکھ کر ہر مکتبِ فکر کے افراد نے اعتراف کیا کہ فیصل آباد کی ستر سالہ تاریخ میں کبھی اتنا بڑا اجتماع نہیں ہوا۔

آخری دیدار:

نمازِ جنازہ کے بعد جسد مبارک کو سنی رضوی جامع مسجد سے ملحق انجمن فدایانِ رسول صلی اﷲ علیہ وسلم کے دفتر میں رکھ دیا گیا۔ تاکہ آخری زیارت سہولت سے ہوسکے۔ زیارت کرنے والے ایک دروازہ سے داخل ہوتے اور دوسرے دروازہ سے نکل جاتے۔ وصال فرمائے ہوئے دو دن اور دو راتیں گزرنے کے باوجود چہرہ مبارک کی تازگی کا عالم یہ تھا کہ پھولوں میں سجا ہوا چہرہ خود بھی پھول لگ رہا تھا۔ اس حسین اور دل نواز منظر کو جو دیکھتا، دیکھتا ہی رہ جاتا اور ہٹنے کا نام نہ لیتا، مجبوراً اسے ہٹا کر دوسروں کو زیارت کا موقع دیاجاتا، آخری دیدار کیلئے مشتاقوں کا ہجوم اتنا زیادہ تھا کہ اگر یہ سلسلہ صبح تک جاری رکھا جاتا تو بھی ختم نہ ہوتا۔ ناچار شام سواسات بجے تک چہرہئ مبارک دکھایا گیا اس کے بعد تدفین کیلئے لے جایا گیا۔

آخری آرام گاہ:

سنی رضوی جامع مسجد اور دارالحدیث کے درمیان واقع عارضی کمرہ جس سے درجہ حفظ کے طلباء کی درس گاہ کا کام لیا جاتا تھا۔ آپ کی وصیت کے مطابق آخری آرام گاہ بنا۔ ذکر و درود و سلام کی گونج میں آپ کا جسد مبارک یہاں لایا گیا۔ ہزاروں عقیدت مند اشکبار آنکھوں سے آخری زیارت کررہے تھے۔ حضرت صاحبزادہ قاضی محمد فضل رسول حیدر رضوی ، شارح بخاری علامہ غلام رسول رضوی، مولانامفتی نواب الدین اور حاٖظ محمد شفیع رضوی کی موجودگی میں مولانا عبد القادر ، مولانا معین الدین اور صوفی اﷲ رکھا قبر شریف کے اندر اترے اور آپ کے جسد اطہر کو رات ساڑھے سات بجے ہمیشہ کیلئے آخری آرام گاہ میں اُتارا۔

تلامذہ وخلفاء :

درخت اپنے پھل سے اور اُستاذ اپنے شاگردوں سے پہچانا جاتاہے ۔ یوں تو حضرت محدثِ اعظم کے تلامذہ کی تعداد ہزاروں میں ہے جو نہ صرف پاکستان کے مختلف شہروں، قصبوں دیہاتوں بلکہ بیرون ملک سے آپ کے درس کی شہرت سن کر حاضر خدمت ہوئے۔ حضرت محدثِ اعظم کے جلیل القدر تلامذہ میں سے چند کے اسماء
گرامی پیشِ خدمت ہیں:

مفسر اعظم مولانا ابراہیم رضا خاں بریلوی،
شارح بخاری حضرت مفتی شریف الحق امجدی،
اُستاذ العلماء مولانا علامہ سید جلال الدین شاہ صاحب،
اُستاذ العلماء علامہ محمد عبد الرشید جھنگوی،
نبیرہ اعلیٰ حضرت مولانا شاہ حماد رضا نعمانی میاں،
پیر طریقت حضرت مولانا پیر محمد فاضل نقشبندی،
اُستاذ العلماء حضرت علامہ عبد المصطفیٰ اعظمی،
شمس العلماء علامہ مفتی محمد نظام الدین سہسرامی،
مفتیئ اعظم کراچی علامہ مفتی محمد وقار الدین قادری رضوی،
شیر اہل سنت مولانا محمد عنایت اﷲ قادری رضوی،
مخدوم ملت علامہ سبطین رضا خاں بریلوی،
اُستاذ العلماء علامہ تحسین رضا خاں بریلوی،
ریحانِ ملت مولانا محمد ریحان رضا خاں بریلوی،
علامہ ابو الشاہ عبد القادر احمد آبادی،
شیخ الفقہ مولانا محمد شمس الزماں قادری رضوی،
اُستاذ العلماء مولاناصاحبزادہ عزیز احمد سیالوی،
اُستاذ العلماء مولانا معین الدین شافعی رضوی،
مجاہد ملت علامہ الحاج ابو داؤد محمد صادق قادری رضوی،
اُستاذ الاساتذہ حضرت علامہ مفتی محمد عبد القیوم ہزاروی،
عالمی مبلغ اسلام مولانا محمد ابراہیم خوشتر صدیقی،
اُستاذ العلماء علامہ مفتی محمد حسین قادری رضوی،
شیخ الحدیث علامہ ابو الفتح محمد نصر اﷲ خان افغانی،
خطیبِ پاکستان مولانا محمد بشیراحمد رضوی وغیرہ۔

اولاد امجاد:

حضرت محدث اعظم کو اﷲ تعالیٰ نے چار صاحبزادے اور چھ صاحبزادیاں عطا فرمائیں۔ صاحبزادگان کے اسمائے گرامی مندرجہ ذیل ہیں:

(١) محمد فضل رسول
(٢) محمد فضل رحیم
(٣) محمد فضل احمد رضا
(٤) محمد فضل کریم

صاحبزادہ محمد فضل رحیم کا بچپن ہی میں انتقال ہوگیا تھا۔ جبکہ تینوں صاحبزادگان اور چھ صاحبزادیاں حضرت محدث اعظم کے وصال کے وقت بقید حیات تھیں۔

نام و نسب:

مصلح اہل سنت حضرت مولانا قاری محمد مصلح الدین صدیقی قادری جنہیں گھر کی بزرگ عورتیں پیار سے ”محبوب جانی” کہا کرتی تھیں۔ صبح صادق، بروز پیر ١١/ربیع الاول سن ١٣٣٦ھ سن ١٩١٧ء قندھار شریف ضلع نانڈھیڑ، ریاست حیدر آباد دکن میں پیدا ہوئے ۔ والد ماجد کا نام نامی غلام جیلانی تھا، جنہوں نے گھریلو تعلیم کے علاوہ حکومت دکن کے تحت امامت کا امتحان پاس کیا تھا۔ نہایت دیندار صوفی باصفا خطیب عالم تھے۔ اپنے وطن کے اندر قلعہ کی مسجد اور دیگر مساجد میں ٥٥/سال تک امامت و خطابت کے فرائض بحسن و خوبی انجام دیتے رہے پاکستان پہنچ کر ٢٥/ نومبر ١٩٥٥ء کو کراچی میں انتقال فرمایا اور میوہ شاہ قبرستان میں مدفون ہوئے ۔ علم و ادب کے قدرداں اور علماء و سلف کے جوہر شناس تھے۔ حافظ ملت علیہ الرحمہ سے گہری عقیدت رکھتے تھے۔

مصلح اہل سنت کے آباء و اجداد شرفاء دکن میں سے تھے اور پشتہا پشت سے خدمت دین اور فروغ اسلام کے فرائض سر انجام دیتے آرہے تھے، شاہان سلف نے انہیں جاگیریں دے رکھی تھیں اس لیے ”انعامدار” کہلاتے تھے۔ جاگیریں ان کے معاش کا ذریعہ تھیں خاندانی شجرہ اس طرح ہے حضرت قاری مصلح الدین بن غلام جیلانی بن محمد نور الدین بن شاہ محمد حسین بن شاہ غلام جیلانی عرف شبر استاد (آپ فضیلت جنگ بہادر مولانا انوار اللہ خان کے استاذ عربی ہیں ) بن شاہ غلام محی الدین بن شاہ محمد یوسف بن شاہ محمد بن شاہ محمد یوسف۔

صدر الشریعہ کا فیضان علمی و روحانی :

مصلح اہل سنت کے مقدر میں اسلام اور سنیت کی عظیم خدمات لکھی تھیں ، اسی لحاظ سے رب تعالیٰ نے ان کی تعلیم و تربیت کے وسائل پیدا فرمائے یہ حقیقت اظہر من الشمس ہے کہ بر صغیر ہندو پاک میں چودھویں صدی ہجری کے آخری ٧٥/سالہ دور کو خلفائے امام احمد رضا بریلوی بالخصوص صدر الشریعہ علامہ امجد علی اعظمی اور ان کے تلامذہ نے اسلاف کرام کے طریقہ پر تعلیم و تربیت سے بہرہ ور کرنے میں مثالی کارنامے انجام دیئے ہیں ۔

جنہیں سیراب کرنے بدلیاں رحمت کی آتی ہیں:

(حافظ ملت علیہ الرحمہ دارالعلوم معینیہ عثمانیہ کے دور میں صدر الشریعہ سے حصول علم فرمارہے تھے۔ اسی دور کی بات ہے) قندھار شریف ریاست حیدر آباد کے ایک بزرگ مولانا سید شاہ اسماعیل صاحب قبلہ خاندانی مرشد تھے، اس علاقے میں ان کے اہل ارادت کی خاصی تعداد موجود تھی سید صاحب ہر سال عرس خواجہ غریب نواز علیہ الرحمہ کے موقع پر ، پابندی سے اجمیر مقدس حاضری دیتے تھے۔ حضرت صدرالشریعہ علیہ الرحمہ سے بھی پیر صاحب قبلہ کے گہرے مراسم تھے۔ انہوں نے حضرت صدر الشریعہ علیہ الرحمہ سے درخواست کی کہ رمضان المبارک کے موقع پر قندھار شریف کے تعلقہ شہر میں کسی اچھے حافظ قرآن کو روانہ فرمائیں ۔ چنانچہ حضرت صدر الشریعہ علیہ الرحمہ نے اپنے شاگرد رشید ”حافظ ملت” کو قندھار روانہ فرمایا ۔ حضور حافظ ملت علیہ الرحمہ نے قندھار پہنچ کر صرف قرآن مجید نہیں سنایا بلکہ نہ جانے کتنے قلوب کی محرابوں کو بیداری فکر کی دولت عطا کردی ۔ قندھار شریف ، محراب سنانے کے بہانے حافظ ملت کی تشریف ارزانی کا سلسلہ پانچ سال یا اس سے زیادہ قائم رہا اور اگر ہم یہ کہیں کہ حافظ ملت سال میں ایک ماہ ایک ایسے روحانی پودے کی داشت و پرداخت کے لئے صرف کیا کرتے تھے۔ جسے آگر چل کر ”مصلح دین” اور ”مصلح ملت” بننا تھا تو غلط نہ ہوگا۔ اس کمسن بچے کے ضمیر میں قرآن عظےم کے نور کے ساتھ ساتھ اخلاق قرآن کی حلاوتیں کس طرح اتریں اسے خود قاری صاحب کی زبان سے سنئے:

”ہمارے خاندان میں ایک مولانا علیم الدین صاحب تھے ۔ ان کو میں قرآن کریم سنایا کرتا تھاتو انہوں نے کہا کہ میں باہر جارہا ہوں لہٰذا آپ ان (حافظ ملت حضرت علامہ مولانا حافظ عبدالعزیزمبارکپوری علیہ الرحمہ) کو قرآن کریم سنائیے ۔ میں ان کو قرآن کریم سنانے کے لیے گیا تو انہوں نے بڑی شفقت کا اظہار کیا اور بڑی اچھی اچھی باتیں کیں میں نے گھر آکر اپنی والدہ کو بتایا اور والدہ نے والد سے کہا ، آپ جائیے ایسے بزرگ اور شفیق آئے ہیں ، ان سے ملاقات کریں ۔ والد صاحب آئے اور ان سے بہت متاثر ہوئے اور کہا اپنی آخرت کی درستگی کے لیے میں نے اپنے بچے کو حفظ قرآن کی طرف لگایا ہوا ہے۔ آپ (حافظ ملت علیہ الرحمہ ) نے مشورہ دیا ، بچے کی تعلیم کے لیے دو چیزیں بہت ضروری ہیں یا تو اس شخص سے پڑھایا جائے جس کو خود غرض ہو یا وہ پڑھا سکتا ہے جس کو درد ہو اور باپ سے زیادہ غرض بھی کسی کو نہیں ہو سکتی اور باپ سے زیادہ درد بھی کسی کو نہیں ہوتا۔ بہتر یہی ہے کہ آپ خود پڑھائیں”

اندازہ ہوتا ہے کہ قاری مصلح الدین صاحب علیہ الرحمہ کی عمر اس وقت آٹھ یا نو سال رہی ہوگی ۔ اس وقت حضور حافظ ملت بھی جامعہ معینیہ اجمیر شریف میں مصروف درس تھے۔ اس پہلی ملاقات نے قاری مصلح الدین صاحب اور ان کے والدین کریمین کے دل میں حافظ ملت علیہ الرحمہ کی شفقت و مروت اور اخلاص و محبت کے وہ انمٹ نقوش ثبت کیے جو تاریخ کا ایک عظےم الشان دور بن کر ابھرے۔ وہ اس طرح کہ اس کم سن بچے کے تحفیظ قرآن کا سلسلہ حافظ ملت کی ہدایات کے مطابق خود اس کے والد کے ذریعہ شروع کرادیاگیا اور پانچ سال کے عرصے میں وہ بچہ حافظ قرآن بن گیا وہ کس طرح قاری صاحب خود فرماتے ہیں:

”سال بھر میں پانچ پارہ ناظرہ ، استاد صاحب پڑھادیا کرتے تھے ، اور والد صاحب مجھے وہ پانچ پارے یاد کرادیا کرتے تھے اور اگلے رمضان میں استاذ مکرم (حافظ ملت) وہاں سے آتے تھے وہ سن بھی لیا کرتے تھے اور اس میں جو غلطیاں ہوتی تھیں وہ درست بھی کرادیا کرتے تھے اس طرح پانچ سال میں حفظ کرلیا”

اس طرح ننھا مصلح الدین چودہ سال یا اس سے بھی کم عمر ہی میں حافظ قرآن بن گیا اور حافظ ملت نے اس کے سرپر دستار باندھی تکمیل حفظ کے بعد حضرت قاری صاحب پرائمری اسکول میں داخل کرادیئے گئے ۔ آپ اپنے والدین کے اکلوتے چشمہ و چراغ تھے ، اس لیے وہ لوگ انہیں آنکھوں سے اوجھل نہیں کرنا چاہتے تھے۔ مگر حافظ ملت جیسے روحانی اور عرفانی باغباں نے قاری صاحب کے باطن میں علوم دینیہ اور عرفان و حق شناسی کے جو بیج بوئے تھے اسے پروان تو چڑھنا تھا۔ اسکول کی تعلیم بھی قاری صاحب نے نہایت سرعت سے حاصل کی اور اپنی ذہانت اور ذکاوت سے دو دودرجات ایک سال میں طے کیے تا آنکہ جماعت ہفتم میں جا پہنچے۔ حضور حافظ ملت علیہ الرحمہ کی سرپرستی اور ہدایت کے زیر سایہ قاری صاحب نے جب تکمیل حفظ کلام اللہ کرکے درجہ ہفتم تک کی پرائمری تعلیم بھی پالی ، اور اس وقت تک سن شعور کی دہلیز تک پہنچ گئے تو انہوں نے قاری صاحب کو ان کے والدین سے اپنی روحانی اور علمی فرزندی میں پروان چڑھانے کے لیے مانگ لیا۔ اس واقعہ کو قاری صاحب کی زبان ہی سے ملاحظہ کیجئے :

”استاذ مکرم کا مسلسل اصرار رہا کہ جس طرح آپ نے اپنے لڑکے کو حافظ قرآن بنایا ہے اسی طرح اسے عالم دین بھی بنائیے۔ چونکہ میں اپنے ماں باپ کا اکلوتا تھا اس لیے باہر بھیجنے کے لیئے والدہ ماجدہ راضی نہ تھیں ۔ البتہ والد صاحب کچھ راضی تھے بہر حال قسمت میں لکھا تھا یہ دونوں حضرات راضی ہوگئے اور میں اپنی دینی تعلیم حاصل کرنے کیلئے مبارک پور اعظم گڑھ روانہ ہوا ۔ اس وقت استاذ مکرم حافظ ملت مولانا عبدالعزیز مبارکپوری (علیہ الرحمہ ) فارغ التحصیل ہوکر مبارک پور میں صدر المدرسین کے عہدے پر فائز تھے اور میں نے وہاں جاکر تعلیم حاصل کی اور اس تعلیم کا سلسلہ تقریباً آٹھ سال تک رہا ”

دستار بندی:

مصلح اہل سنت نے اپنی پوری تعلیم مبارک پور میں مکمل کی اور حافظ ملت کچھ روز کے لیے مبارک پور چھوڑ کر ناگپور تشریف لے گئے تو وہاں دورئہ حدیث پڑھ کر دستار فضیلت حاصل کی قاری صاحب کے انٹرویو میں ہے:

”اور یہیں سے فراغت حاصل کی البتہ دستار بندی اس وقت وہاں نہ ہو سکی ۔ اس لیے کہ ١٩٤٢ء میں گاندھی کا سینہ گرہ شروع ہوا تھا۔ جس کی وجہ سے مدارس بھی بند رہے ۔ ٹرینیں بھی الٹ دی گئیں ۔ لائنیں بھی اکھاڑی گئیں ۔ آمد و رفت بہت دشوار ہو چکی تھیں اتفاق سے میں اس سے کچھ پہلے ہی اپنے گھر چلا گیا تھا ۔ تقریباً کئی مہینے یہ سلسلہ جاری رہا ۔ والد محترم نے ہمیں پھر دوبارہ جانے نہیں دیا اور کہا تم یہاں رہو۔ اسی عرصہ میں میری شادی ہوئی اور شادی کے بعد پھر معاش کی فکر لگی ۔ اتفاق سے استاذ محترم (حافظ ملت علیہ الرحمہ) مبارکپور سے کچھ اختلاف کی وجہ سے ناگپور تشریف لے آئے ۔ وہاں سے دورئہ حدیث جاری ہوچکا تھا ”

استاد مکرم نے خط لکھا کہ :

”تمہارے جتنے ساتھی ہیں سب واپس آچکے ہیں اور کچھ آنے والے ہیں ، بہتر یہی ہے کہ تم بھی یہاں آکر دورئہ حدیث کی تکمیل کرو اور اس کے بعد جہاں بھی تمہارے روزگار کا ارادہ ہو وہاں جا سکتے ہو”

چنانچہ میں ناگپور آیا اور وہاں تین چار مہینے درس حدیث کی تکمیل کی اس کے بعد دستار فضیلت کاجلسہ ہوا جو ١٩٤٣ء میں ہوا۔

والدہ کا انتقال اور ناگپور میں تقرری:

حضرت مصلح اہلسنت ناگپور سے دستار بندی کے بعد ابھی اپنے وطن نہیں گئے تھے بلکہ حضور حافظ ملت علیہ الرحمہ اور دیگر اساتذہ کرام کی خدمت ہی میں تھے کہ انہیں ان کی والدہ کی علالت کا ٹیلیگرام ملا اور وہ فوراً چل پڑے والدہ ماجدہ عرصہ سے علیل رہتی تھیں۔ ایک ماہ کے بعد ہی ان کا انتقال ہوگیا ۔ حضرت قاری صاحب مبارکپور سے ١٩٤٢ء میں آنے کے بعد ہی چونکہ ازدواجی بندھن سے منسلک ہوچکے تھے اور گھر میں ایک بیٹی بھی تولد ہوچکی تھی ۔ اس لیئے انہیں ذریعہ معاش کی فکر لاحق ہوئی۔ضعیف باپ اور اہل و عیال کے خیال سے انہوں نے حیدر آباد ہی کے اندر کوئی ملازمت تلاش کی مگر جس ماحول میں ان کی ذہنی و فکری اور علمی نشو و نما ہوئی تھی اس کے لحاظ سے دکن کا ماحول مختلف تھا۔

خود حضور حافظ ملت علیہ الرحمہ بھی قاری صاحب کو بے حد پیار کرتے تھے اس لحاظ سے ان کی یہ بھی خواہش تھی کہ وہ حضرت سے قریب ہی کہیں رہ کر علمی مشاغل کو جاری رکھیں چنانچہ ان کی خواہش کے مطابق قدرتی طور پر ناگپور ہی میںقاری صاحب کے لیے ایک جگہ نکل آئی ، اس طرح وہ پھر حضور حافظ ملت علیہ الرحمہ اپنے محسن و مربی کے قریب پہنچ گئے ، خود فرماتے ہیں:

”بہرحال ہم کوشش میں تھے کہ حیدر آباد دکن میں کہیں کوئی نہ کوئی سروس مل جائے لیکن اسی اثناء میں ناگپور میںجامع مسجد کی امامت و خطابت کی جگہ خالی تھی ، تو مفتی عبدالرشید خاں صاحب جو وہاں کے بانی تھے ادارے کے تو انہوںنے حافظ ملت سے کہا ”ان کو یہاں بلا لیجئے، وہ یہاں کے لیئے موزوں ہوں گے”۔ استاذ مکرم نے حیدر آباد دکن خط لکھا آپ جو کچھ بھی وہاں کوشش کررہے ہیں ، بہر حال کوشش کرتے رہیں ۔ البتہ یہاں ایک جگہ خالی ہے اور ہمارا خیال ہے کہ آپ یہاں آئیں گے تو آپ ہمارے قریب بھی رہیں گے۔ چنانچہ والد صاحب سے اجازت لے کر میں ناگپور گیا ۔ وہاں جانے کے بعد ایک جمعہ وہاں پڑھایا ، تو انہوں نے کہا یہ ٹھیک ہیں ہمارے لیے خوشی کی بات ہے کہ یہ یہاں پر امامت و خطابت کرتے رہیں۔ چنانچہ میں وہاں امام مقرر ہوا اور وہاں پانچ سال تک خطیب رہا”

جامع مسجد سکندر آباد کی خطابت:

اتحاد المسلمین کے عروج کا دور تھا سید تقی الدین صاحب اور صدر یار جنگ کے توسط سے قاری صاحب سکندر آباد مسجد کے خطیب مقرر ہوگئے شہر حیدر آباد کے نواحی شہر سکندرآباد کی اس جامع مسجد کے ہر چہار جانب آریہ سماجی متعصّب غیر مسلم کثرت سے آباد تھے اور مسلمان اقلیت میں تھے اس لیے وہاں اکثر ہندو مسلم فسادات ہوا کرتے تھے۔اس جامع مسجد کی بنیاد حضرت مولانا قاری عثمان علی شاہ قادری نے رکھی تھی اور مدتوں انہی کے خانوادہ کے علماء وہاں امامت کرتے آرہے تھے۔ تقسیم ہندوپاک کے زمانے میں دکن کے سیاسی افق پر بھی نمایاں تبدیلیاں رونما ہوئیں اور نواب بہادر یار جنگ نے وہاں کے مسلمانوں کو متحرک کرنے کیلئے مجلس اتحاد المسلمین کی بنیاد رکھی تھی ۔ آج بھی اتحاد المسلمین پورے ہندوستان میں مسلمانوں کی نمایاں تنظیم ہے ۔ قاری صاحب نے اس پر آشوب دور میں اپنی مجاہدانہ تقاریر کا سلسلہ شروع کیا ۔ مہاجر مسلمانوں کے لٹے پٹے قافلے حیدرآباد میں آکر پناہ لے رہے تھے۔ حیدر آباد دکن ایک آزاد مسلم ریاست تھی اس لحاظ سے مسلمان اسے اپنی ایک پناہ گاہ خیال کرتے تھے۔ قاری صاحب فرماتے ہیں :

”اتحاد المسلمین نے جو اپنا محاذ بنایا تھا، اس کے لحاظ سے خطباء بھی مقررین بھی سیاسی موضوع پر بولنے لگے تھے۔ چونکہ جوش تھا اور میں خود بھی بڑی پر جوش تقریر کرتا تھا، اور جمعہ کے خطبوں میں وزیر عبدالحمید خان بھی آیا کرتے تھے اور اطراف میں بڑی بڑی چھاؤنیاں تھیں وہاں کے بڑے بڑے عہدیداران و افسران بھی آیا کرتے تھے تو میں نے وہاں ڈیڑھ سال تک خطابت بھی کی اور وہاں حیدر آباد میں پڑھاتا بھی رہا ۔ پھر وہاں حیدر آباد کے خلاف ہنگامہ بھی ہوا ، ہنگامے کے وقت عجیب و غریب کیفیت تھی ”

سقوط حیدر آباد اور قاری صاحب کا سفر پاکستان:

سقود حیدر آباد سے قبل دکن کے مسلمانوں نے پولیس ایکشن کے نام پر کی گئی زیادتی کے جواب میں جو مدافعانہ قدم اٹھایا اس میں ایک محتاط اندازے کے مطابق ہندوستانی فوج سے مقابلہ کرتے ہوئے سات لاکھ مسلمان شہید ہوئے دور طالب علمی میں حضرت مفتی ظفر علی نعمانی صاحب حضرت قاری صاحب کے جگری دوست تھے۔ دونوں ایک دوسرے سے والہانہ تعلق رکھتے تھے۔ مبارک پور سے حافظ ملت نے جب ناگپور کا سفر کیا تو وہ اس وقت ناگپور بھی گئے ۔ وہ پاکستان پہلے ہی آچکے تھے سقوط حیدر آباد کے بعدحضرت قاری صاحب کو پاکستان بلوانے کے سلسلہ میں انہوں نے سلسلہ جسبانی (بہت محنت) کی جس کے نتیجہ میں قاری صاحب کراچی آگئے۔ قاری صاحب کے ذاتی انٹرویوکی روشنی میں سفر کی کچھ باتیں یہ ہیں ۔

سقوط حیدر آباد کے چار ماہ بعد ١٩٤٩ء میں بحری جہاز کے ذریعہ قاری صاحب کراچی پہنچے۔ پورٹ پر مفتی ظفر علی نعمانی صاحب نے ان کا استقبال کیا اور انہیں اپنے مدرسہ میں لاکر اتارا۔ اس کے ایک ماہ بعد سے قاری صاحب نے اخوند مسجد کی امامت و خطابت شروع کی ۔

پاکستان میں خطابت و تدریس:

اخوند مسجد کی خطابت کے دور میں ہی حضرت مولانا مفتی مظہر اللہ صاحب دہلوی کے نام سے آرام باغ میں دارالعلوم مظہریہ میں قاری صاحب نے تدریس بھی شروع کردی ۔ اس وقت حضرت مولانا عبدالحفےظ صاحب آگرہ صدر مدرس تھے قاری صاحب ان کے نائب کی حیثیت سے درس دیتے تھے۔ واہ کینٹ جامع مسجد کی خطابت سنبھالنے سے قبل تک آپ اس دارالعلوم سے وابستہ رہے ۔ واہ کینٹ سے واپس آکر آپ نے اخوند مسجد کی امامت سنبھال لی ۔ اس وقت دارالعلوم امجدیہ بن چکا تھا۔ کچھ عرصہ بعد امجدیہ سے وابستہ ہوگئے اور یہ وابستگی آخری عمر تک قائم رہی ۔

حضرت قاری صاحب دارالعلوم امجدیہ کے محض ایک مدرس ہی نہیں تھے بلکہ انہیں اس ادارے سے قلبی لگاؤ تھا، اپنی علالت کے زمانے میں بھی دارالعلوم ضرور جاتے تھے۔ ٢٨/اپریل کو انہیں جب ہارٹ اٹیک ہوا اور ڈاکٹروں نے آنے جانے پر پابندی عائد کردی تو قاری صاحب نے پہلے تو پندرہ روز کی پھر اس کے بعد ڈیڑھ ماہ کی رخصت حاصل کی ۔ مگر طلبہ کے تعلیمی نقصان کا خیال کرکے قاری صاحب نے دارالعلوم کے ارکان کو اپنا استعفیٰ نامہ پیش کردیا انتظامیہ نے اسے منظور نہیں کےااس وقت انہوں نے فرمایا:

”میں دارالعلوم آنے کے لئے تیار ہوں آپ دعا کریں کہ اللہ تعالیٰ مجھے طاقت دے اور صحت اچھی ہوجائے کیوں کہ گذشتہ دنوں میں بعض اوقات جب کبھی میری طبیعت خراب بھی رہتی تھی جب بھی میں دارالعلوم امجدیہ جاتا تھا کیونکہ یہ میرے پیرومرشد کا مدرسہ ہے ”


حضرت قاری صاحب علیہ الرحمہ نے اپنی پوری زندگی کو حضور حافظ ملت علیہ الرحمہ کی ہدایات کے مطابق استوار کیا ۔ ابتدائی تعلیم سے لے کر تکمیل دورہ حدیث تک اور روحانی میدان میں داخل ہونے کے لئے بھی ان کے مرشد اولین حافظ ملت ہی تھے وہ حافظ ملت کے سانچے میں ڈھل جانا چاہتے تھے۔ دوسری جانب حضور حافظ ملت کو ان سے اس قدر والہانہ پیار تھا کہ وہ انہیں اپنے مربی و مقتداء اور مرشد کامل کے دامن سے بلا واسطہ مربوط کرنا چاہتے تھے۔ قاری صاحب فرماتے ہیں :

”میری عمر تقریباً ٢١/سال یا اس سے کچھ کم تھی ، اس وقت میں ہدایہ کا امتحان دے چکا تھا، استاذ مکرم (حافظ ملت) سے ہم نے کہا کہ حضرت ہمیں مرید بنادیجئے ، تو انہوں نے کہا کہ ٹھیک ہے میں وقت پر تمہیں لے چلوں گا۔ جیسے ہی امتحان سے فارغ ہوئے تو مجھے اور میرے ساتھ مولانا سید عبدالحق جو انڈیا میںپیر طریقت کے نام سے مشہور ہیں ، ہم دونوں سے کہا کہ تم لوگ تیار ہوجاؤ میں تمہیں لے چلتا ہوں صدر الشریعہ سے بیعت کرنے کے لئے چنانچہ راستہ میں ہمیں ، پیر کے ساتھ کیا کرنا چاہیے بتاتے رہے مغرب کے بعد گاڑی پہنچی ۔ حضرت (صدر الشریعہ ) سے ملاقات ہوئی ۔ حافظ ملت نے حضرت سے عرض کی کہ میں ان کو سلسلہ میں داخل کرنے کے لئے لایا ہوں ، حضرت نے فرمایا ٹھیک ہے ، عشاء کی نماز کے بعد حضرت نے ہمیں اپنی غلامی میں لے لیا، یہ تقریباً ١٣٥٨ھ کا واقعہ ہے”

اس طرح حضور حافظ ملت نے قاری صاحب اور مولانا سید عبدالحق صاحب گجہڑوی کو گھوسی ”قادری منزل” لے جاکر خود حضرت صدر الشریعہ بدر الطریقہ علامہ حکیم ابو العلاء امجد علی قادری رضوی قدس سرہ کے دست مبارک پر بیعت کرایا ، قاری صاحب کے شجرہ شریف پر شعبان ١٣٥٨ھ تحریر ہے۔

سلسلہ بیعت کے علاوہ حافظ ملت علیہ الرحمہ کی کرم فرمائیوں سے ان حضرات نے حضور صدرالشریعہ علیہ الرحمہ سے بخاری شریف کی آخری حدیث کا سبق بھی پڑھا اور شرف تلمذ حاصل کیا۔ اپنے ان محبوب تلامذہ کو صدر الشریعہ علیہ الرحمہ سے شرف تلمذ دلانے کے لئے بھی حافظ ملت نے ان کے ساتھ گھوسی کا سفر فرمایا۔


جس ہونہار بچے نے کمسنی میں حافظ ملت علیہ الرحمہ کے ہاتھوں علم کی چاشنی پالی تھی اور انہی کی زیر تربیت مبارکپور میں علوم اسلامیہ کی آگہی میںلگا ہوا تھا۔ شعور کی پختگی کے ساتھ اس میں توجہ الی اللہ اور سلوک کی راہ پر چلنے کا اشتیاق خود بخود ابھرنے لگا۔ چنانچہ بیعت کے بعد ایک مرتبہ حضور دصدر الشریعہ علیہ الرحمہ مبارکپور تشریف لائے تو قاری صاحب نے خدمت میں التجا کی کہ مجھے کچھ وظیفہ وغیرہ تعلیم فرمائیں۔

حضور صدر الشریعہ نے مسکرا کر جواب دیا:

”یہ جو کچھ کام (حصول علم دین) آپ کررہے ہیں آپ کے لئے یہی سب سے بڑا وظیفہ ہے ۔ ان شاء اللہ آگے چل کر میں آپ کو وظیفہ بتاؤں گا”

ناگپور کے زمانہ خطابت میں حضرت قاری صاحب کو اپنے پیرومرشد سے ملاقات کے مواقع ملتے رہے اور وہ اپنی روحانی ارتقائی منازل پر گامزن رہے۔ جامعہ رضویہ کا سالانہ اجلاس ہوا۔ حضرت صدر الشریعہ کی تشریف آوری ہوئی ۔ پروانوں کی بھیڑ میںحضرت قاری صاحب نے بھی قدمبوسی کا شرف پایا ۔ اختتام جلسہ کے بعد حضرت چھلواڑہ کے لئے روانہ ہوئے اور قاری صاحب کو بھی ہمراہ چلنے کا حکم فرمایا ۔ وہاں پہنچ کر جناب حاجی عبدالقادر صاحب کے دولت کدہ پر بزم نعت پاک کا انعقاد ہوا۔ حضور صدر الشریعہ کے جلو میں حضرت مولانا اشرف علی قادری اور مولانا نثار احمد مبارکپوری بھی موجود تھے۔ حب رسول کی سرمستی کا عالم تھا۔ لوگوں پر کیف و سرور چھایا ہوا تھا اور آنکھیں نم تھیں ۔ نعت خواں حضرات حضور سرور عالمیان محبوب رب العالمین صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی شان میں قصائد پڑھ رہے تھے اور مجلس پر وجد طاری تھا۔ اتنے میں حضرت قاری صاحب اپنی جگہ سے اٹھ کر پیرومرشد کے روبرو پہنچے اور عرض گزار ہوئے کہ سرکار ! آپ کے وسیلہ سے حضرت جامی علیہ الرحمہ کے اشعار کا سہارا لے کر میں بھی بارگاہ رسالت ماب صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم میں کچھ عرض کرنا چاہتا ہوں ۔

پیرو مرشد نے اجازت دے دی ، پھر کیا تھا حضرت قاری صاحب نے اپنے محبت و عقیدت بھرے لہجے میں


غوث اعظم بمن بے سرو ساماں مددے
قبلہ دیں مددے کعبہ ایماں مددے

عشق رسول کے سوزو گداز نے قاری صاحب کی آواز کو تیرونشتر بنادیا تھا۔ ہر سینہ چھلنی اور ہر قلب بے قرار ہو اٹھا حضرت خود بھی روئے اور قاری صاحب نے بھی ہچکےاں بھر کر نعت نا تمام چھوڑ دی ۔ حضور صدر الشریعہ یہ دیکھ کر اپنی مسند سے اٹھے اور قاری صاحب کو بٹھالےا اور اسی روز اپنی خلافت سے سرفراز کیا۔ حضرت قاری صاحب کہنے لگے حضرت ! میں اس لائق نہیںہو ںیہ بوجھ بھلا میںکےسے برداشت کر سکتا ہوں ، فرمایا! جس کا کام ہے وہی اٹھائے گا۔ یہ واقعہ ١٩٤٦ء کا ہے ۔ اس وقت حضرت قاری صاحب کی عمر تقریباً ٢٩/سال تھی ۔

اس کے علاوہ آپ کو شہزادہ اعلیٰ حضرت حضور مفتی اعظم ہند مصطفی رضا خاں صاحب بریلوی قدست اسرار ہم نے ١٣٧٦ھ میں اپنی خلافت سے سرفراز کیا ۔ نیز ضیاء الامت حضرت مولانا ضیاء الدین صاحب مدنی خلیفہ امام احمد رضا قادری علیہ الرحمہ مقیم مدینہ منورہ کی طرف سے بھی حضرت قاری صاحب قبلہ کو سلسلہ قادریہ ، رضویہ ، سلسلہ سنوسیہ سلسلہ شاذلیہ ، سلسلہ منوریہ سلسلہ معمریہ اور سلسلہ اشرفیہ کی اجازت و خلافت سے نوازا گیا۔

حضرت مولانا ضیاء الدین مدنی اور مصلح اہلسنّت:

اپنی مودبانہ شرست (سادہ طبیعت) اور حضور حافظ ملت علیہ الرحمہ کی اعلیٰ تربیت کے طفیل قاری صاحب کو شیخ العرب و العجم حضرت علامہ ضیاء الدین احمدمدنی علیہ الرحمہ کی بارگاہ میں بڑا قرب حاصل تھا، بلکہ وہ ان کے فرزند کی طرح تھے۔ قاری صاحب مدینہ طیبہ حاضری کے دوران مسجد نبوی شریف کے بعد سب سے زیادہ وقت حضرت کی خدمت میں دیتے اور حضرت کی خانقاہ ہی میں قیام کرتے اور خود حضرت کا یہ عالم تھا کہ وہ بھی حضرت قاری صاحب کو بہت پیار کرتے تھے اور مجلس ہوتی تو قاری صاحب سے زیادہ نعت سماعت فرماتے تھے۔ مدینہ طیبہ کی ملاقات کے دوران قاری صاحب نے راقم الحروف کو بتایا کہ حضرت ضیاء الملت علیہ الرحمہ اپنے کرم خاص سے فرماتے ہیں کہ میرے تمام مریدین آپ کے ہیں

واہ کینٹ کی خطابت:

پاکستان کے اکابر علماء اہلسنت کی نگاہ میں حضرت قاری صاحب کی کتنی وقعت اور قدرومنزلت تھی اس کا اندازہ لگانے کے لئے ایک واقعہ حاضر خدمت ہے ۔ علامہ عبدالحامد بدایونی محدث اعظم پاکستان علامہ سردار احمد لائلپوری ، حضرت مولانا عارف اللہ شاہ صاحب اور حضرت پیر صاحب دیول شریف ، غزائی دوراں علامہ احمد سعید کاظمی ، پیر طریقت علامہ سید قمر الدین سیالوی رحمۃ اللہ علیہم اجمعین اہلسنت کی ٹھوس بنیادی خدمات کے لئے آپ پر بے حد اعتماد کرتے تھے۔

واہ کینٹ کی جامع مسجد پاکستان میں بڑی مرکزی مساجد میں شمار ہوتی ہے جہاں بد مذہب گھسنے کی کوششیں کرتے رہے۔ ایک مرتبہ وہاں کے لئے امام کا تقرر ہونے والا تھا، جس کے لئے بڑی تعداد میں امیدوار تھے ۔

اس سلسلہ میںحضرت محدث اعظم پاکستان علیہ الرحمہ نے قاری صاحب کو ٹیلی گرام بھجوایا کہ آپ اخوند مسجد میں کسی کو اپنی جگہ رکھ کر واہ کینٹ مسجد امامت کےلئے انٹرویو میں ضرور تشریف لے جائیں ، دوسری طرف سے حضرت مولانا عارف اللہ شاہ صاحب اور پیر صاحب دیول شریف نے بھی اسی مقصد کے لئے قاری صاحب کو ٹیلی گرام بھیجے ۔ بعد میں محدث اعظم پاکستان نے قاری صاحب کو اس بارے میں خط بھی تحریر فرمایا۔ بہر حال قاری صاحب نے اس معرکہ کو کسی طرح سر کیا اور صرف ڈیڑھ سال کے قلیل عرصے میںکتنی مقبولیت حاصل کی اور لوگوں کے دلوں میں کےسا مقام پیدا کیا کہ اس کے بعد جب انہیں اپنی کچھ ذاتی دشواریوں کے باعث وہاں کی خطابت سے ہٹنا پڑا تو وہاں کے لوگ دھاڑیں مار مار کر روتے تھے اور قاری صاحب کی راہ میں آنکھیں بچھاتے تھے۔ فیکٹری کی اس شاندار جامع مسجد میں ائمہ کو مسجد کمیٹی کے لوگ خود ہی تقریرکا موضوع دیتے تھے اور ائمہ کو ان ہی موضوعات پر تقریر کرنی ہوتی تھی ۔ حضرت قاری صاحب کی یہ خصوصیت تھی کہ وہ ہر موضوع کو عشق رسول ، اور محبت مصطفی کے سانچے میں ڈھال لیا کرتے تھے اور قرآن و احادیث کے حوالوں میںجب درد و سوز بھری آواز سے نعت حبیب پڑھتے تھے تو سننے والوں پر وجدانی کیفیت طاری ہوجایا کرتی تھی ۔

وہاں تقرری سے لے کر سبکدوشی تک کے واقعہ کو قاری صاحب خود بیان کرتے ہیں :

”ان حضرات کا اصرار تھا کہ آپ وہاں خو دجائیں ۔ چنانچہ میں وہاں پہنچا ، بارش بڑی شدید تھی ۔ بہر حال شام کے وقت میں وہاں پہنچا اور اس وقت مولانا عارف اللہ صاحب نے گاڑی کا بندوبست کیا اور ہم رات کو واہ کینٹ پہنچے اور وہاں رات کو سرکاری بنگلے میں قیام ہوا اور دن میں پھر وہاں پہنچے ۔ بہر حال یہ کہ پہلی تقریر مفتی لدھیانوی کی اور اس کے بعد دوسری تقریر میری ہوئی ۔ اس کے علاوہ اور تقریریں بھی ہوئیں اور اس کے بعد جو کمیٹی نے فیصلہ کیا ۔ زیادہ میرے حق میں دیا کہ آپ کو بحیثیت خطیب کے یہاں رکھا جاتا ہے ۔ چنانچہ میں ڈیڑھ سال تک خطیب رہا اور مغرب کے بعد درس قرآن ہوتا تھا اور صبح درس حدیث ہوا کرتا تھا۔ لوگ کثرت سے حاضر ہوا کرتے تھے اور پانچ دن کی محنت سے فیکٹری کا دیا ہوا موضوع جو ہوتا تھا۔ اس موضوع پر میں پوری تیاری کر کے آتا تھا۔ تو چنانچہ جب میں واہ کینٹ میں تھا، اجتماع بڑھتا رہا، چنانچہ حکومت کو مجبوراً ٣٥/ہزار کے شامےانے خریدنے پڑے اور بہت کافی انہوں نے انتظام کیا اور تقریباً مسجد بھری ہوتی تھی ۔ تقریباً ١٨/یا ١٩/ ہزار کا مجمع ہوا کرتا تھا اور ڈیڑھ سال کے بعد ہم پھر واپس اخوند مسجد آگئے ۔ کچھ اپنی مجبوریوں کی وجہ سے لوگ دھاڑیں مار مار کر رو رہے تھے”


زبان اہل دل سے بات جو باہر نکلتی ہے
تو لگتا ہے دلوں پر حیدری شمشیر چلتی ہے (بدر)

لائیں کہاں سے دوسرا تم سا کہیں جسے؟:

میمن مسجد میں عرس حامدی کی تقریب تھی ، بریلی شریف سے حجۃ الاسلام کے پوتے حضرت مولانا اختر رضا خاں ازہری مدظلہ العالی بھی آئے ہوئے تھے قاری صاحب نے ”روح اور موت” کے عنوان پر تقریر کی ۔ رات گزری دوسرا دن آیا ظہر کی امامت کرکے دولت خانے میں گئے تاکہ فاتحہ غوث الاعظم کی محفل میں شرکت کے لئے تیاری کریں ۔ اچانک دل کا دورہ پڑا اعزہ فوراً علاج کے لئے شفاء خانے لے کر چلے۔ مگر شافی حقیقی نے وہاں پہنچنے سے قبل ہی اپنے قرب میں بلالیا۔ اناللہ وانا الیہ راجعون (بروز چہار شنبہ ساڑھے چار بجے دن ٧/جمادی الثانی ١٤٠٣ھ/ ٢٣/مارچ ١٩٨٣ء)

دوسرے روز ساڑھے دس بجے دن کم و بیش تیس ہزار مسلمانوں نے نماز جنازہ ادا کی جس کی امامت حضرت علامہ اختر رضا خاں قادری بریلوی جانشین مفتی اعظم ہند مدظلہ العالی نے فرمائی ۔ حکومت پاکستان نے آپ کے اعزاز میں کھوڑی گارڈن کا نام تبدیل کرکے آپ کے نام پر مصلح الدین گارڈن رکھا۔

کراچی میں حضرت قاری صاحب علیہ الرحمہ سیدنا امام احمد رضا قدس سرہ کے مشن کے مبلغ تھے۔ آج ان کے روضے کا گنبد ، بریلی شریف کے رضوی گنبد کا مثنی اہل محبت کی نگاہوں کا نور بنا ہوا ہے ۔ حضرت مصلح اہلسنت نے اپنی نیابت و خلافت کا باقاعدہ اعلان اپنی حیات ہی میں پنج شنبہ ٢٧/ جمادی الثانی ١٤٠٢ھ /٢٢/اپریل ١٩٨٢ء عشاء کی نماز کے بعد بمقام میمن مسجد مصلح الدین گارڈن ، بہت سے علماء مشائخ کی موجودگی میں ، اپنی روانگی عمرہ سے قبل کی تقریب سعید میں اپنے داماد حضرت مولانا سید شاہ تراب الحق قادری دامت برکاتہم العالیہ کے حق میں فرمادیا تھا اور انہیں خلافت نامے اور دستار سے سرفراز کردیا تھا۔ انتقال کے بعد سوئم کی فاتحہ کے موقع پر اس کی تجدید کے طور پر حضرت علامہ اختر رضا قادری قبلہ نے شاہ صاحب کی دستار بندی فرمائی اور قاری صاحب علیہ الرحمہ کے فرزند مصباح الدین کو ان کے سپرد کیا ۔ حضرت مصلح اہلسنت کے وصال پر جناب راغب

مراد آبادی نے تاریخ وفات لکھی

خوشا مصلح تھے قاری مصلح الدین
ہوئے دنیا سے رخصت سن کے یاسین
یہ تاریخ وفات ان کی ہے راغب
”تھے جان عصر قاری مصلح الدین” ٣ ٠ ٤ ١ ھ

حضرت مصلح اہلسنت علیہ الرحمہ نے ١٢/ حج کیے پہلا حج ١٩٥٤ء میں کیا اور ١٩٧٠ء میں سرکارغوث الاعظم رضی اللہ عنہ کے دردولت پر بغداد شریف حاضری دی اور اپنا دامن شوق مرادوں سے بھرا۔

ازواج اور اولاد:

آپ کا پہلا نکاح والدین کریمین کی مرضی سے مبارک پور دارالعلوم اشرفیہ سے فراغت کے بعد ٢٤/ سال کی عمر میں ہوگیا تھا۔ اہلیہ محترمہ ٢/صاحبزادیاں چھوڑ کر انتقال کر گئیں ۔ ٣٠/سال کی عمر میں دوسرا نکاح جناب صوفی محمد حسین صاحب عباسی کی صاحبزادی سے ہوا۔ رب تعالیٰ نے حضرت قاری صاحب کو چار صاحبزادیاں اور تین فرزند محمد صلاح الدین ، محمد مصباح الدین ، محمد معین الدین عطا کیے۔ (اسعدھم اللہ تعالیٰ)

کہتی ہے ان کو خلق خدا غائبانہ کیا کیا:

حضرت مصلح اہلسنت نے دنیا میں اپنا مہد سے لحد تک کا وقفہ پور اکرلیا ، اب ہم لوگوں میں ان کی یادیں ان کے تذکرے اور کارناموں کے نقوش باقی ۔ لوگ زبان خلق کو نقارہ خدا کہتے ہیں ۔ حضرت مصلح اہلسنت کی ذات و صفات اور ان کے اخلاق و کردار کے بارے میں علماء مفکرین اور اہل دین و دیانت کیا کہتے ہیں ۔ اس آئینے میں ان کی گرانقدر شخصیت کو دیکھنا آسان ہے ۔ اس لئے ہم ”عرفان منزل ” کے ”مصلح الدین نمبر” سے کچھ اقوال منتخب کرتے ہیں


زر بکف ، گل پیرہن رنگین قباء آتش بجام
ایک قطرہ سو طرح سے سرخرو ہوکر رہا

٭۔۔۔۔۔۔ وہ حضرت مولانا قاری مصلح الدین صاحب ، اسم بامسمی ہیں۔ (حضرت شیخ ضیاء الدین مدنی علیہ الرحمہ)
٭۔۔۔۔۔۔ دنیا چند لوگوں کی وجہ سے قائم ہے اور ان میں سے ایک قاری مصلح الدین صدیقی ہیں۔ (حضرت شیخ ضیاء الدین مدنی علیہ الرحمہ)
٭۔۔۔۔۔۔ اگر کسی کو نیک طالب علم دیکھنا ہو تو مصلح الدین کو دیکھے، مصلح الدین میرا بیٹا ہے ۔(حافظ ملت محدث مبارکپوری علیہ الرحمہ )
٭۔۔۔۔۔۔ آپ کی ذات گرامی ایسی نہیں تھی جسے باآسانی فراموش کیا جاسکے ، یا اعتداد زمانہ ان کی یاد قلوب و اذہان سے محو کر سکے ۔ اس لئے کہ آپ صرف عالم ہی نہیں بلکہ عالم با عمل تھے۔ (حضرت علامہ تقدس علی خاں علیہ الرحمہ)
٭۔۔۔۔۔۔ انہوں نے مسلمانوں کو اپنی عملی زندگی کے ذریعہ اسلاف کی تعلیمات کے مطابق یہ درس دیا کہ وہ دین پر سختی سے قائم رہیں ۔ (علامہ مفتی وقار الدین علیہ الرحمہ)
٭۔۔۔۔۔۔ مختصر سی ملاقات ہوئی تھی دیکھنے سے علماء سلف کی یاد تازہ ہوگئی ۔( مولانا فیض احمد فیض ، گولڑہ شریف ، مصنف مہر منیر)
٭۔۔۔۔۔۔ وہ ایک عاشق رسول تھے تقویٰ عبادت اور ریاضت یہ تمام خوبیاں (ان میں) بدرجہ اتم موجود تھیں ۔ (علامہ عبدالمصطفیٰ ازہری علیہ الرحمہ)
٭۔۔۔۔۔۔ اپنے معمولات کو انہوںنے خاص ترتیب سے رکھا ہوا تھا اور وہ ان پر تقریباً آخری دم تک قائم رہے۔ (علامہ عبدالمصطفیٰ ازہری علیہ الرحمہ)
٭۔۔۔۔۔۔ (انہوں نے ) اپنے پیچھے اہلسنت کا ایک فیض و تربیت یافتہ عظیم قافلہ چھوڑا ہے جو ان کی پوری زندگی کا سرمایہ ۔ (مولانا مشاہد رضا خان قادری علیہ الرحمہ )
٭۔۔۔۔۔۔ وہ کبھی بھی بدمذہبوں اور بد عقیدہ افراد کے میل جول کو قطعاً پسند نہیں فرماتے تھے بلکہ ملنے جلنے سے بھی پرہیز فرماتے تھے۔ (ظفر علی نعمانی)
٭۔۔۔۔۔۔ قابل رشک ہے وہ شخصیت جس کی ہم نشینی خدا و رسول  کی محبت سے سرشار کردے۔ (علامہ عبدالحکیم شرف قادری لاہور)
٭۔۔۔۔۔۔ آپ کی ذات گرامی علماء اورصوفیائے کرام میں خاص توجہ اور عقیدت و محبت کا مظہر تھی جسے بھی آپ کی صحبت اور محبت میسر آئی وہ رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا گرویدہ اور شیدائی بن کر رہ گیا ۔ (مولانا سید شاہ تراب الحق قادری )

Raees al-Ulama, Taaj al-Atqiya, Shaykhul Muhaditheen, Hujjat al-Islam Hadrat Allama Mawlana Hamid Raza Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho is the fortieth Imam and Shaykh of the Silsila Aaliyah Qadiriyah Barakatiyah Razaviyah Nooriyah.


According to the family tradition, he was given the name Muhammed during his Aqeeqa, the value of which in Arabic numerals is nine two. His was affectionately called Hamid Raza, and his title is Hujjat-ul-Islam.


Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho is the son of the Mujjadid of the fourteenth Century, A’la Hadrat Ash Shah Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Qaadiri Barakaati Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, who was the son of Hadrat Allama Maulana Naqi Ali Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, who was the son of Maulana Raza Ali Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho.


He attained his knowledge at the feet of his blessed father, Sayyiduna A’la Hadrat Azeemul Barkat Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. He attained proficiency in the fields of Hadith, Islamic Jurisprudence, Tafseer etc. and graduated with distinctions at the tender age of nineteen. His blessed father admired Hujjatul Islam for his sincerity and dedication in gaining knowledge. A’la Hadrat Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho loved him so dearly, that he said:


حامد مني و انا من حامد
Hamid is from me and I am from Hamid.


Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was the Mureed and Khalifa of Noorul Aarifeen, Hadrat Sayyid Shah Abul Husain Ahmad-e-Noori Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. His Spiritual Master was from amongst the great Mashaa’ikh of Marehrah Mutaaharah. Hadrat Abul Husain Ahmad-e-Noori Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho had immense love for his beloved disciple and guided him with his rays of spiritualism along the path of mysticism. Hadrat Noori Mian Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was the mureed and Khalifa of Khaatimul Aakabir Hadrat Sayyid Shah Aale Rasool Marehrwi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho who was the Peer-o-Murshid of A’la Hadrat, Azeemul Barkat Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. He was also blessed with Khilafat by his father Sayyiduna A’la Hadrat Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho.


Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was an very handsome personality. He was very fair in complexion and his face shone like a bright light. All those who saw him could not compare him to others they had seen.


He is the eldest son of Alaa Hadrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Fazil-e-Bareilly Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. He was the image of his father in looks, and the true successor of his blessed father. His personality was a shining example of the Truth of Islam. In addition to his inner spiritual beauty, Almighty Allah has blessed him with outer beauty as well. All those who saw Hujjatul Islam have said that never have they seen in their era, such a handsome and beautiful personality. Scores of non-Muslims accepted the pure religion of Islam only by looking at his blessed face. The excellence of his handsomeness was such, that anybody who saw him would say,


“Haaza Hujjatul Islam” meaning, “This is the Proof of Islam”.

When Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho travelled to the Holy cities of Makkatul Mukarramah and Madinatul Munawwarah for Hajj and Ziyaarah, he was blessed with meeting great scholars such as Hadrat Sheikh Sayyid Husain Dabbaagh Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and Sayyidi Maaliki Turki Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. After meeting Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, both these learned scholars said:


“From the Learned and Talented Personalities in India, we have never met anybody that was more fluent and commanding in the Arabic Language, than Hujjatul Islam.”

He was the combination of many inner spiritual qualities. He was not only a great scholar, but he was the best teacher of his time. He was famous for his lectures on the topics of Hadith and Tafseer. He held a unique position in the command of the Arabic Language. He was an excellent poet and his poetry was pure and gentle. His poems (Naats) were written in the deep love of the Holy Prophet Muhammed Mustafa SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam. He served the Maslak-e-Ahle Sunnat, and the Silsila-e-Aaliyah Qaaderiyah Barakaatiyah Razviyah with complete sincerity and humility. He spent his entire life in striving for the upliftment of the Muslim Ummah.


Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was a bright example of his pious predecessors and his illustrious forefathers. He possessed a beautiful character and all good habits. He was a very pleasant and gentle person, and would always smile when he spoke to anyone. His respect for the elders and love for children was one of his blessed qualities. He always lowered his gaze when in conversation, or when walking in the street. He spent most of his time in the recitation of Durood Shareef, and it was for this reason, that many had witnessed him recite Durood aloud even when he was asleep. Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, like his blessed father strongly opposed the British and their allies. He was always firm in his belief and never compromised his principles, which were based on the Quran and Hadith.


Due to his humbleness, his dress was also the same. Not withstanding his status and knowledge his lifestyle remained the epitome of simplicity. Even though he was a great scholar and the son of the Mujjadid of the Century, he never showed any pride over his knowledge. He respected all the Ulama and Masha’ikh and humbled himself in their presence. His humbleness was another example of his exemplary character. An example of his humbleness can be determined from the following statement of Qutbe Madinah Hadrat Sheikh Ziauddin Madani Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho who was amongst the esteemed disciples and Khulafa of A’la Hadrat Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho:


“Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was a very bright and handsome personality. He was such a humble person, that when I would journey from Madinatul Munawarah to Bareilly Shareef, he would be such an excellent host, that he would even take a cloth and personally shine my shoes. He never allowed anyone else to serve me and he would personally serve my meals to me. I have difficulty expressing the extent of his hospitality. When I would prepare to return for Madinah Shareef, he would humbly say, ‘Please Convey my Salutations in the Exalted Court of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, and pray that He invites me to the Holy City.’”


Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was a radiant personality. Likewise, his character was also admirable. He was exemplary in every way, be it in looks, habits, character, knowledge, piety, actions and in words. He was always generous and merciful. Not only did those who knew him praise his character, but those who opposed him were also forced to accept the blessed nature of his character. Even though he was very gentle and kind, he became very firm and strong against those who insulted Allah and His Rasool SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam.

For those who were true servants of Allah and His Rasool SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, he was like a rose, which brings pleasure at all times, and for the enemy of Allah and His Rasool SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam he was a naked sword.

When Shab-e-Baraat (the eve of the fifteenth of Shabaan, when the Mercy of Allah reaches the sky above the earth) would arrive, Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho would ask for forgiveness and pardon from all those around him. He was so sincere in this, that he would even ask forgiveness from children, servants and his disciples by saying:


“If I have been the cause of any pain to you, then please forgive me, and if I owe anything to anybody, then please inform me.”

Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was an excellent example of “Al Hubbu Lil Laahi Wal Bughzu fillah” (Love for the sake of Allah and Hate for the sake of Allah) and “Firm against the disbelievers and gentle towards your own”.

Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho showed much love and gentleness towards his students and disciples, and every one of his mureeds felt that he was the most loved of Hujjatul Islam’s mureeds.

Once Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho had just arrived home from a lengthy train journey and was still seated on the carriage on which he arrived. A person who lived in Biharipur Bareilly arrived and mentioned that his elder brother was a mureed of Hadrat and he was very ill and was wishing to see his Peer. The person mentioned to Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho that he had come to Hadrat’s home for many days and then left sadly when he was told that Hadrat was out on a journey and had not yet arrived. When Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho heard this, he did not even get off the carriage, but summoned his younger son Hadrat Nu’mani Mian Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and asked him to remove the luggage. He then told him to inform all at Hadrat=s home that he was on his way to visit a sick person. With this, he immediately went to the home of his ailing mureed and comforted him in his time of ailment and need. Subhaanallah!

On another occasion, one of the mureeds of Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho who was a loyal disciple but possessed a bad temper had invited Hadrat to his home for a meal. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was delayed and reached the home of the mureed, which was in Banarus, after quite some time. The mureed who saw that Hadrat had not come to his invitation became upset, and locked the door of his home and left with his family. When Hadrat arrived, he saw that the door of the house was locked and the people of the house were away. Any other person would be annoyed at this type of behavior of a mureed, but Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho knew the disposition of his disciple and without even the slightest disappointment or anger, Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho returned home with a smile on his face. After sometime, when Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho met this mureed, and the disciple showed his dissatisfaction, Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho still spoke to him with love and apologized for the inconvenience. The mureed on seeing the humbleness of his Master immediately humbled himself in the Court of his Sheikh and showed more respect and love than ever. SubhaanAllah!

The above mentioned incidents verily open the chambers of the heart and soul, bringing freshness to our Imaan. Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho loved both the young and the elderly dearly. He showed deep respect for the learned scholars as we have learnt from Qutbe Madinah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. From amongst the Ulama, he had much respect for Hadrat Ashrafi Mian, Sadrul Afaadhil Maulana Naeemudeen Muradabaadi, Sadrush Shariah Maulana Amjad Ali Razvi, Sher Bashai Ahle Sunnat Maulana Hashmat Ali Khan, and his son-in-law and Khalifa Maulana Taqadus Ali Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho.

He also had great respect for Haafiz-e-Millat Maulana Shah Hafiz Abdul Aziz Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, who was the founder and Rector of Al Jamiatul Ashrafiyah Arabic University (Mubarakpur). It was on the invitation of Huzoor Hafiz-e-Millat Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho that Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho made his first visit to Al Jamiatul Ashrafiyah accompanied by his younger son Hadrat Nu’mani Mian Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho in 1334 Hijri.


Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was a very pious and Allah fearing personality. Whenever he gained any free time from his propagation and other works, he spent this time in the Remembrance of Allah (Zikrullah) and in sending Durood and Salaams upon the Holy Prophet Muhammed Mustafa SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam.

Once there was an abscess on his body, that was very painful and according to the advice of the doctors, needed to be removed. The doctor who was to do the procedure informed Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho that he needed to give him anaesthetic, so that the procedure could be done. Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho refused to take any type of anaesthetic or anything to even numb the area of the operation by saying that he was not prepared to allow anything with alcohol into or on his body. The doctor informed Hadrat that there was no other way to do the procedure, as the absence of anaesthetic would cause him unbearable pain during the procedure. The procedure was finally performed, lasting more than an hour, without any anaesthetic. Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho during this time did not show any signs of discomfort and passed through the entire procedure reciting Durood-e-Paak.

After the procedure, the doctor was completely impressed by the firmness and Taqwa (piety) of Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. Allahu Akbar!


Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was a great orator, an admirable teacher and a learned Aalim. His life was spent in serving the Deen of Almighty Allah, by propagating Islam, Defending the Exalted pedestal of Prophethood and educating the Muslim masses in accordance with the Pristine teachings of the Quran and the Hadith. This was the real goal in his life. He lived for the sake of the Protection of Islam and Muslims. He passed from this mundane world, upholding the flag of Islam. He was a great teacher as he was taught by none other than his blessed father, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho who was proud of his blessed son. For the purpose of strengthening the Maslak-e-Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama’at, Hujjatul Islam travelled to every corner of his country teaching Muslims and instilling in them the Obedience of Allah and His Rasool SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam. He debated and refuted openly the Wahabis and all other false sects that were insulting Almighty Allah and His Rasool SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam. He saved the Muslim masses from the destructive forces of dubious politicians, and during the Shudhi Tahreek (A movement of the disbelievers to convert unsuspecting Muslims to disbelievers), he strongly opposed this movement and struggled for the protection of the Imaan of the Muslims.


By being well informed regarding the political situation in his time, Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho became well versed with the schemes of the dubious politicians. He guided the Muslims out of the ruthlessness of the political arena. He was also prepared to challenge and refute all those so-called Ulama and Muslim Leaders who were using Islam as a bargaining tool to gain political success. He had no fear for any person no matter what his political standing was. A’la Hadrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho had passed a fatwa against Maulana Abdul Baari Sahib Farangi Mahali due to certain of his political maneuvers and major errors. The very same Maulana Abdul Baari hosted a massive conference in Lucknow to protest against the actions of the Najdi Government that was bulldozing the Mazaars of the Sahaba of the Holy Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam. Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho with a few others learned Ulama, journeyed to Lucknow under the auspices of Jama’at-e-Raza-e-Mustafa. On their arrival, they were given a heros welcome by Maulana Abdul Baari and various other Ulama. When Maulana Abdul Baari came forward to shake the hand of Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, he pulled his hand back and said:


“As long as my blessed father’s fatwa is on you, and until you do not repent, I am not prepared to meet with you.”

Hadrat Mawlana Abdul Baari Farangi Mahali (rahmatullah alaih) seeing the firmness of Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho immediately repented sincerely at the hands of Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and said:


“Whether my dignity remains or not, I do not care. I repent in the fear of Almighty Allah, as I have to present myself in His Court. Let it be known, that, whatever Imam Ahmed Raza Khan wrote is the truth and the fact.”


An official Conference (at Government level) was held in Lucknow concerning new laws that were to be gazetted by the Government concerning Muslim Marriages and Divorce. Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and Maulana Taqaddus Ali Khan (rahmatullah alaih) were representatives from Bareilly Shareef at this conference. Many shi’ite and Najdi Molvis were also present at this conference. Shah Sulaiman (Chief Justice of the High Court of India) and the son-in-law of Maulana Abdul Baari Farangi Mahali, Janaab Abdul Waali were also amongst the representatives. During the debate on the issues of Islamic Marriages and divorce, Hujjatul Islam uprooted all those with new ideas from their places, with his immense knowledge, wisdom and debating skills. After this debate, the decision in this matter was made based on the argument presented by Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. Whenever faced with such situations, Huzoor Hujjatul Islam always stood by the Laws of Shariah and never compromised the Teachings of the Shariah. In 1935, a Conference was held in Muradabad to address the religious, social, political and financial position of the Muslims in India. Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was appointed the Head of this conference. During this conference, he delivered a lecture explaining all of the above topics to the Muslims masses. This lecture inspired the Muslims to take a firm stand for the sake of Islam.


Huzoor Hujjatul Islam’s Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho command of the Arabic language was worthy of praise and admiration. His Arabic was praised by both the Ulama of Indo-Pak Subcontinent and Arabia. Once Qutbe Madinah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho presented a book written by himself on Knowledge of the Unseen to Hujjatul Islam, during the physical lifetime of A’la Hadrat Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, so that he may write a foreword to the book. The Foreword written by Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho in the Arabic language was so well written that Qutbe Madinah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was astounded. Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho also wrote the translation and commentary of the world renowned Ad Daulatul Makkiyah, which was written in eight hours by A’la Hadrat Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho on the topic of AIlme Ghaib.

Once, Hadrat Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho had to go to Darul Uloom Mueenia in Ajmer Shareef as an Examiner during the final examinations. While in Ajmer Shareef, Hadrat Maulana Mueenudeen Saahib Ajmeri (rahmatullah alaih), requested Hujjatul Islam to write something concerning the Darul Uloom. Hadrat agreed and said that he knew three languages namely, Urdu Arabic and Persian, and that he would write in whatever language was necessary. During this time, Maulana Mueenudeen was not very well versed with the immense knowledge possessed by Hujjatul Islam, so he suggested jokingly that the article should be written in Arabic. Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho immediately wrote an article of numerous pages in the Arabic language, while the learned Maulana looked on. After some time, Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho handed the article over to the learned Maulana who perused through the document in amazement. After Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho handed over the article, he left. When Maulana Mueenudeen sat down to translate the document, he found that the Arabic language in which the article was written was so pure and deep, that he could not even understand many of the words used. He had to search through advanced Arabic Dictionaries and books of the Arab Ulama to find the meanings to words used by Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho in the article.


Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho as we mentioned earlier was a possessor of great beauty, and many travelled just to make ziyaarah of his blessed face. It has been stated that he once went to a place called Gawalyaar. For as long as he stayed there, the King of Gawalyaar (a hindu) used to come daily to make ziyaarah of the blessed face of Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho.

Once Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho arrived home from a journey. At the railway station was Ataullah Bukhari. On seeing Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho he enquired concerning him, and was informed by the people that this was Hujjatul Islam Maulana Shah Hamid Raza Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho who was the son and Successor of A’la Hadrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. Ataullah Bukhari then said: “I have seen many Molvis, but I have seen none as handsome and bright as him.”


Almighty Allah had blessed Hujjatul Islam with the opportunity of visiting the Haramain Sharifain for the purpose of Hajj and Ziyaarah. He travelled for his first Hajj in 1323 B 1905 with his blessed father Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. This was an elevated Hajj for him, and was a journey of much learning and experience. It was during this Hajj, that he put together Ad Daulatul Makkiyah bil Maaddatil Ghaibiyyah, which was written on this journey by A’la Hadrat Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. The most important part of this journey was Hujjatul Islam’s Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho visit to the

Exalted Court of his and our Beloved Master, The means of Creation Hadrat Ahmad-e-Mujtaba Muhammed Mustafa SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam. He relished the opportunity to be present in the Court of Holy Prophet Muhammed SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam. Almighty Allah blessed Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho with his second Hajj in 1334 Hijri.


In 1925, Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho visited Pakistan, as a representative at the Annual Conference held under the Banner of Hizbul Ahnaaf. During this visit, Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho gave a challenge of Munaazira (debate) to the deobandis. At the very last moment, when the debate was about to commence, the deobandis made a lame excuse and refused to debate with Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho.

Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho also met with the poet and philosopher Dr Iqbal. When Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho informed him of the corrupt and blasphemous beliefs of the deobandis, he was astonished and replied by saying:


“These are such blasphemous statements made by these people, why is the sky not falling on them. The sky should fall in such blasphemous.”

It was during this journey, that a very important event took place. While Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was in Lahore, a young man who was at that time studying at an English school, would visit Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho daily. Everybody else came to ask questions, or request Taaweez etc. but this young man would come daily, sit silently and look at the face of Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. When just a few days were left for Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho to return to India, Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho asked his reason for coming to visit him daily and yet not requesting anything. The young man replied by saying that his only request was to accompany Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho back to India and become his student in attaining knowledge of Deen. Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho on hearing the request of the youngster was very pleased and immediately agreed to take him with. This young man studied with great sincerity, respect and dedication at the feet of Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and qualified with distinctions as an Aalim and Muhadith. This young boy grew up to be none other than the world renowned Muhadith-e-Azam Pakistan Maulana Sardaar Ahmad (rahmatullah alaih) who later became the Leader of the Muslims in Lahore. This was definitely the karam of Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho on Muhadithe Azam Pakistan that led him to being one of the Greatest Scholars of Hadith in Pakistan.


Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho served the Muslim Ummah in various ways. He encouraged them to become self-sufficient and not remain laborers and slaves of the West. In 1925 he held a conference in Muradabad under the banner of All India Sunni Conference, in which he explained to the Muslims the importance of being self-sufficient. He delivered an inspiring lecture in which he pointed out the importance of Muslims strengthening their financial positions and removing themselves from dependency. A few excerpts from his lecture are being quoted below:


“Our only means of income today is as laborers or as public servants. The situation has become so bad, that even the Hindu Nawaabs do not employ Muslims anymore. As for jobs in government, our applications never seem to reach the proper authorities, and even if they do, it takes years to process, by which time; a person is soaked in debt. By the time he receives a job, his debts are so vast that the meagre government salary is not enough to pay off these debts. Even if he gets the job, then because of the large numbers of hindus in high positions, he is always being watched (and can be removed for a minor reason). We must realise that our incomes should not be confined to such jobs. We should learn different trades and gain expertise in various fields. We should start businesses and factories, so that our socio-economic conditions may be strengthened. Today all our certificates and diplomas are not accepted. We do not have the proper finances to educate our children. If we had some type of profession or trade, then today we would not have been dependant like the way we are. Today, if a person loses his job, him and his family are destroyed, as he has no other means of dependable income. We should now completely forget the thought of laboring. Laboring has never given success to any nation in the world. Muslims should become professionals and tradesman if they wish to gain economic and financial stability.”


This was a movement of the Hindus to convert unsuspecting Muslims to disbelievers, by using political and financial influence. It was during this time, that Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho protected the Imaan of the Muslims and saved thousands of Muslims from becoming Murtads. He informed the Muslims of the evil schemes of the Kufaar in the following words:


“The movement of converting the Muslims by the shudhi is now not only in the main states, but they have now spread their false movement throughout the country. They are using their schemes in the whole of India and are taking advantage of ignorant and unsuspecting Muslims. Huge groups of people are being destroyed and caught in their web of deceit. Muslims do not have many institutes and organisations to combat this corruption, and wherever there are organisations, then due to a lack of correspondence, they are either not well informed, or do not have the expertise to cope with this dangerous problem. Unless Ulama are summoned from other parts of the country to combat this problem in the affected areas, there will be no success. I already have experience in such situations, and it must be known that these movements of infidelity destroy the propagation work of Muslims. I have been to the effected areas, where thousands of rupees have been given to Muslims to sell their Imaan and they have been promised positions and power. In such places, all that I could use were the words of the Beloveds, reminding Muslims of our religion, and the fear of Allah. This seemed to be the only medicine for those with the illness of weak Imaan. This method was so successful, that the Muslim youth that were being misled immediately repented and kicked away the promises of wealth and power given to them by the disbelievers, and became obedient to the words of Allah and His Rasool SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam.”

Concerning Unity with other Groups, Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho said:


“Whenever Sunnis decide to call for unity with others (non-sunnis), they should first remember the opposition from their own. What reason is there to try to unite with those who spend their days and nights scheming to undermine the Ahle Sunnat and increasing their number of mislead followers? Our true brothers have not allowed such movements to be successful. Remember! If these other groups were on Haq, then there would have been no need for them to leave the mainstream and form their own firqas (groups). An example of this is the newly formed khilafat committee, which used the front support of the khilafat movement to call for unity. Even in this Committee, there is a joint Union of the so-called Jamiatul Ulama, which is made up of a majority of wahabis, ahle Hadith and ghayr muqalids. This forefront was only used to win the support of the Sunnis on the name of Unity, but it is the same group of people that are openly opposing the Beliefs of the Ahle Sunnah. I received a letter from Molvi Ahmad Mukhtar, who is the President of Jamiatul Ulama Bombay in which he writes that the huge amounts of money have been collected from the Muslim community and with this, two hundred thousand copies of Taqweeyatul Imaan (this book has been written by Ismaeel Dehlwi, who in it has made statements of blasphemy against the Holy Prophet Muhammed sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) have been printed and distributed free. Now I ask, should we now join and unite with such groups? It is definitely a means of destruction. It is with our own finances that our very religion is being destroyed”


Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho had a deep feeling for the importance of knowledge. He spent much time encouraging students and parents alike, to attain knowledge. He tried his utmost to explain the importance of education for females. He travelled throughout India trying to instill the importance of educating females in the hearts of the Muslim Ummah. His words were heeded and opened the doors of religious learning for many females throughout the country. During his talk at the Muradabad Conference, he said:


“It is also of utmost importance, to have educational institutes for females. In Addition to religious education, they should be taught simple home economics, such as dressmaking etc. that they would be able to do from their homes. However in doing this, there must be strict adherence to the laws of pardah.”

His speech at the Muradabad Conference inspired the hearts of many. In reality what he did, was “to gather the ocean into a jar”, so that everybody understood the point that he was making in a simple fashion.


Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho loved the Holy Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam dearly and his every action was in accordance with the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam. Indeed how could he not be a true devotee, when he was groomed at the feet of The Greatest Devotee of His time, Sayyiduna A’la Hadrat Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. His Haaziri at Madinatul Munawwarah was an important even in his life, when he had the opportunity of presenting himself before the Holy Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam. His love for the Holy Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam can be seen in his Naat, which he wrote in Praise of the Most Exalted of all Creation, Sayyiduna Rasoolullah SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam.

Gunahgaro Ka Roze Mahshar Shafi’i Khayr-ul-Anaam Hoga
Dulhan Shafa’at Banegi, Doolha Nabi Alaihis Salaam Hoga

Para Hoo Me Unki Rah Guzar Me Pare Hi Rahne Se Kaam Hoga
Dil-o-jigar Farsh Raah Banenge Ye Deedae-e-ishq Khiraam Hoga

Unhi Ka Moo Sub Takenge Us Din Jo Wo Karenge Wo Kaam Hoga
Duhaa’i Sub Unki Dete Honge Unhi Kar Har Lub Pe Naam Hoga

Khuda Ki Marzi He Unki Marzi, He Unki Marzi Khuda Ki Marzi
Unhi Ki Marzi Ye Ho Raha He Unhi Ki Marzi Ye Kaam Hoga

Jidhar Khuda He Udhar Nabi He, Jidhar Nabi He Udhar Khuda He
Khudaayi Bhar Sub Idhar Phiregi Jidhar Wo Aali Maqaam Hoga

Ussi Tamana Me Dum Para He Yahi Sahaara He Zindagi Ka
Bula Lo Mujko Madina Sarwar Nahi to Jeena Haraam Hoga

Huzoor Roza Huwa Jo Haazir to Apni Saj Dhaj Ye Hogi Hamid
Khamida Sar Aankh Band Lub Par Mere Durood-o-salaam Hoga


In addition to all his other exceptional qualities, Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was a distinguished author of various books, which he wrote on many important topics. His immense knowledge can be gauged by perusing the books that he has written. Some of the more renowned books are listed below:

1. As Saarimur Rabaani alaa Israaf Qaadiyani
2. Translation of Ad Daulatul Makkiyah
3. Translation of Husaamul Haramain
4. Haashia Mulla Jalaal
5. Naatia Deewaan
6. Majmua Fatawa and etc.


Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was also Saahib-e-Karaamat, meaning that he performed various miracles. His greatest Karaamat however, was his firmness on the Shariah and his adherence to the Sunnah of Nabi Muhammad SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam. A few of Hadrat’s Karaamats are being quoted for the sake of attaining blessings.


Once, a few teachers from the Madrassa decided to resign. They thought that they were indispensable and that none would be able to teach in their absence. The Karaamat of Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was that he taught all the students all the subjects, with even more insight than was given by any other teacher. The scheme of the teachers failed hopelessly and even more students enrolled at the Madressa after becoming aware of the high level of education being attained by students under the tutorship of Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho.


Haji Muhammad Ismaeel bin Haji Abdul Ghaffar Saahib reported that once Hujjatul Islam went to Madanpura. After Salaah, he was asked to make Fateha at the Mazaar of one of the Awliyah Allah whose Mazaar was on the Musjid property. Hadrat lifted his hands for Duaa, and after a few moments moved back and said that the Grave in the Mazaar was not in its original place. The people were astounded and informed Hadrat that they had moved the spot of the actual grave slightly, due to the shortage of saff space. Hadrat explained to them that this was improper, and that it should be rectified. Subhanallah!


Hadrat was blessed with the mystical power of removing Jin and Aaseb (evil spirits). Once while Hadrat was in Banarus, many people heard of the mystical power possessed by him and thus crowds of people arrived to take his Duas. He asked for some clothing of all those with such problems to be placed in front of him. He looked once at the clothing and then only removed a few and said, “Only these people are effected, there is nothing wrong with the rest of them.” He then prayed with the clothes in front of him, and in a few days, all those with these problems were fully cured. Also during this time in Banaras, there was a person who had such a strong jinn controlling him that he used to run on the roofs of high buildings, late at night. His family was very worried and brought him to Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, who made dua for him. The Jinn, which was affecting him immediately made touba and left him, and the person was cured for good.


Hadrat Sheikh Abdul Mabood Jilaani Makki (rahmatullah alaih) states:

“When I visited Bareilly Shareef, A’la Hadrat Azeemul Barakat Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was writing the eleventh stanza of his famous Naat “Wo Kamaal-e-Husne Huzoor he, ke Gumaan Naqs Jahaa Nahibn”. As I am from the lineage of Ghaus-e-Azam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho I took this to be a good sign for me. While in Bareilly Shareef, I became very close to Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and I had to accept that he was undoubtedly a Saahibe Karaamat. The reason I am saying this, is because, I left Bareilly Shareef and went to Dehli after sometime. In Dehli I had taken a place to stay, which was right next to where the deobandis were having one of their gatherings. I could thus hear their lectures from my room. During a lecture session, one of their Molvis stood up and said the following in his lecture, This Maulana Hamid Raza is not Hamid, but he is Jaabid (Dumb). After saying this, all those present witnessed that, that Molvi became dumb and could not speak anymore. A few moments after this, he fell to the ground and died an agonizing death. Those present at the gathering say that when he fell to the ground, he tried to say something but could not talk. He signalled for a pen and paper. Those in the gathering quickly brought him a pen and a paper, on which he wrote the following before dying, I repent for my disrespect towards Maulana Hamid Raza Khan.”


Huzoor Hujjatul Islam’s mureeds run into a lengthy list both in India and abroad. Hadrat had many mureeds in Jaipur, Udaipur, Jodhpur, Sultanpur, Bareilly and Kanpur. Hadrat also had many mureeds in other countries such as Pakistan and Zimbabwe. Amongst the names of his famous Students and Khulafa are the following:

1. Muhadithe Azam Maulana Sardaar Ahmad Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
2. Huzoor Mujahid-e-Millat Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
3. Hadrat Maulana Shah Rifaaqat Husain Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
4. Hadrat Maulana Hashmat Ali Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
5. Hadrat Maulana Ibrahim Raza Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
6. Hadrat Maulana Hamaad Raza Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
7. Hadrat Maulana Ahsaan Ali Saahib Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
8. Hadrat Maulana Abdul Mustafa Saahib Azhari Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
9. Hadrat Maulana Mufti Taqadus Ali Khan Saahib Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
10. Hadrat Maulana Inaayat Muhammad Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
11. Hadrat Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Hazarwi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
12. Hadrat Maulana Muhammad Saeed Shibli Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
13. Hadrat Maulana Wali-ur-Rahmaan Sahib Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
14. Hadrat Maulana Hafiz Muhammad Mian Ashrafi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
15. Hadrat Maulana Abul Khaleel Anis A’lam Sahib Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
16. Hadrat Maulana Qaari Fazle Karim Sahib Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
17. Hadrat Maulana Razi Ahmed Sahib Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
18. The famous poet Janaab Akhtarul Hamidi was also a disciple of Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho


Almighty Allah blessed Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho with two sons and four daughters. The names of his sons are:

1. Mufassir Azam Hadrat Ebrahim Raza Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho also known as Jilani Mian. He is the distinguished father of Taajush Shariah Allama Mufti Mohammed Akhtar Raza Khan Qaaderi Azhari.

2. Nu’mani Mian, Hadrat Maulana Muhammad Ham’maad Raza Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho


Hujjatul Islam Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho travelled from this world into the hereafter on the 17th of Jamadil Ulaa co-inciding with 23 May 1943 in the condition of Namaaz, in Tashahud position. The demise of Hujjatul Islam was a sore loss to the entire Sunni community. A loss that was felt throughout the world, as the bright shining sun of A’la Hadrat Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho had come to set.


Hundreds of thousands of devotees and Mureeds gathered for his Janazah Salaah, which was performed, by his Khalifa, Muhadith-e-Azam Pakistan, Maulana Sardaar Ahmad Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho.


His Mazaar-e-Paak is beside his blessed father Sayyiduna A’la Hadrat Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. Every year during the Urs, thousands of devotees gather at his Mazaar to pay tribute, to a Faithful Servant of Allah, A True Devotee of the Prophet SallAllahu ‘Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam and an Aalim and Saint of his time. May Almighty Allah bless us with his Fuyooz and Barakaat always. Aameen.

Hadrat Shaykh Nizamuddin bin Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Ali Badayuni Bukhari (May Allah shower His mercy on him) is regarded among the greatest of saints.

He was blessed with absolute love, abundance of yearning, true conscience and great courage.  He illuminated the whole world with the radiance of his sainthood and guided a multitude of people towards the right path.

Till date, his words and deeds are considered the final word among the Shaykhs.  The populace remembers him as “Sultan al Mashaaikh” (The King of Shaykhs), “Mahboob-e-Ilaahi” (The Beloved of Allah) and so on.

His antecedents were residents of the great center Islamic learning, Bukhara.  The grandfather of his father, Hadrat Khwaja Ali (May Allah shower His mercy on him) and the grandfather of his mother, Hadrat Khwaja Arab (May Allah shower His mercy on him) both came to Lahore from Bukhara and went to Badayun from there and took up residence there.

In light of the truthfulness, veracity and honesty of Hadrat Khwaja Ahmed (May Allah shower His mercy on him), the king had made him the Judge (Qazi) of Badayun.  Through him, Almighty Allah brought into this world Hadrat Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya (May Allah shower His mercy on him) who is the epitome of divine grace and love.

Once in the childhood of the Khwaja, his father fell ill.  The Khwaja’s mother saw a dream that in which she was being asked to choose any one between Khwaja Ahmed and her son.  She chose her son.  After this, Hadrat Khwaja Ahmed passed away.

The Khwaja was enrolled in a Madarsa.  He finished the recitation of the Holy Quran with a few days and started studying other books and developed mastery over many sciences.

The Khwaja himself says that I studied grammar at the age of 12 years.  Abu Bakr came from Multan to meet my teacher.  He first described the accomplishments of Hadrat Khwaja Bahauddin Zakariyya Multani (May Allah shower His mercy on him).  After this he started mentioning the greatness of Hadrat Baba Fareeduddin Ganj Shakar (May Allah shower His mercy on him).  I became restless on listening to his very name and his love overwhelmed my heart.  When I reached the age of 16, along with my mother and sister, I took residence in Delhi.  By chance, we were living near the house of Hadrat Shaykh Najeebuddin Mutawakkil (May Allah shower His mercy on him).  With his company, the desire to meet Hadrat Baba Fareed (May Allah shower His mercy on him) increased day by day.  I remained in the city for 3, 4 years and worked hard to gain knowledge.  I took the authorization of Hadith from my teacher.

It is mentioned in Siyar ul A’arifeen that when Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya (May Allah shower His mercy on him) mastered all the disciplines and became prominent among all the scholars of the city, he paid his respects to Hadrat Khwaja Najeeb (May Allah shower His mercy on him) and said:  I have the desire to become the Judge and benefit the creation.  Shaykh Najeeb (May Allah shower His mercy on him) said:  May Allah forbid that you become a Judge.  You will become what we hope for you to become.

After this, he went to Hadrat Khwaja Fareeduddin Ganj Shakar (May Allah shower His mercy on him) and was honored with Ba’yah and the authorization to accept disciples.  He is the greatest among all the disciples and caliphs of Hadrat Ganj Shakar (May Allah shower His mercy on him).

Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya (May Allah shower His mercy on him) says:  Once I was with Hadrat Ganj Shakar (May Allah shower His mercy on him) that I got a thought that whatever I hear from my Shaykh, I will write it down.  Immediately Hadrat Ganj Shakar (May Allah shower His mercy on him) said:  Lucky is that disciple who writes down whatever his Shaykh utters.  There are many blessings for him.

The magnanimity of the Khwaja

Once in the house of Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya (May Allah shower His mercy on him), a person was caught with a knife.  Allah Most High knows what his intention was.  When this became known to Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya (May Allah shower His mercy on him), he forbade others from hurting him.  Then, he summoned that person and told him:  You promise that you will not hurt others. 

When that person did so, Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya (May Allah shower His mercy on him) ordered that money for expenses should be given to that person.

Then, Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya (May Allah shower His mercy on him) said the following about enmity:

Translation: Bear hurt and leave the reprisal to the Lord!

May Allah Most High grant comfort to the person who pains us!  May Allah Most High be the helper of the person who leaves us helpless!  For the person who lays down thorns in our path, may all the flowers in his life be without thorns.

He also said:

Someone lays thorns in somebody’s path and that person in turn also lays thorns in the other person’s path, this is like one to the other.  This is the practice of laymen, but this does not happen among the dervishes.  The dervishes are good with those who are good, but they are not evil with those who are evil.  (Siyar ul Auliya, Pg. No. 578)

With his teachings and his character, Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya (May Allah shower His mercy on him) gave the message of peace.  With his wisdom and sagacity, he turned the person who was bent on destroying the peace of the society into a standard bearer of peace and turned him from a terrorist into a pacifist.  Each word of what he said is an invitation to peace. 

Three, four months before his passing away, Hadrat Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya (May Allah shower His mercy on him) gave 10 disciples the authorization to accept and train disciples on their own.  Among all his disciples, the Khwaja chose Hadrat Naseeruddin Chiraag Dehlvi (May Allah shower His mercy on him) to be his successor.

آزادی کی بنیاد ڈالنے والا سب سے بڑا مجاہد جس کو تاریخ دانوں نے بُھلا دیا، مؤرّخین نے جس کے ساتھ انصاف نہیں کہا، لکھنے والوں نے جس کے ساتھ عدل نہیں کیا۔ وہ آپ جانتے ہیں کون ہے جس نے آزادی کا سب سے پہلا پتھر رکھا؟ جس نے آزادی کا سب سے پہلے سنگ بنیاد رکھا؟ وہ مرد مجاہد حضرت علامہ فضل حق خیر آبادی رحمۃ اﷲ علیہ تھے۔

ہندوستان کی سر زمین پر فرنگی نصرانیوں کی آمد عہد جہانگیری میں شروع ہوئی جبکہ اس کیلئے اکبری دو رمیں راہ ہموار ہوچکی تھی۔ دولتِ ہندوستان کی طمع نے برطانیہ کے انگریزوں، فرانسیسیوں اور پرتگالیوں کو ایشیاء کے اس خطہ برصغیر کی طرف متوجہ کیا۔ انگریزوں نے تجارت کی آڑ میں ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی قائم کی اور اپنے مفادات کے اہداف کا دائرہ وسیع کرتے کرتے پہلے جنوبی ہندوستان پر اپنا تسلط قائم کرنیکی کوشش کی ، ہندوستان کے مغل فرمانرواؤں کی خاموشی سے فائدہ حاصل کرتے ہوئے دیگر ریاستوں کے حکمرانوں (جن میں ہندواور مسلمان دونوں شامل ہیں) سے دوستی شروع کی۔ ولی صفت مغل فرمانروا حضرت مجدد مأتہ اثنا عشر محی الدین اورنگزیب عالمگیر علیہ الرحمۃ کے وصال کے بعد انگریزوں کی ریشہ دوانیوں اور مکاریوں کا دائرہ وسیع ہوگیا، اورنگزیب عالمگیر علیہ الرحمۃ کے جانشینوں کی کمزوری کے باعث مغل سلطنت سمٹنے لگی دیگر ہندو راجاؤں اور مسلمان نوابوں کو انگریزوں نے آپس میں ایک دوسرے سے بر سر پیکار کردیا اور ہر دو فریق مسلمانوں اور ہندؤوں کو جدید وسائل کے لالچ میں مکارانہ دوستی اختیار کرنے کی تلقین کرنے لگے ۔ ایسے ہی موقع پر اللہ تعالیٰ نے سلطان حیدر علی علیہ الرحمۃ ، سلطان ٹیپو شہید علیہ الرحمۃ اور سراج الدولہ علیہ الرحمۃ کو اسلامیانِ برصغیر کی قیادت عطا کی لیکن نظام دکن، راجہ پونا، نواب اراکاٹ اور مغلوں کی عدم توجہ ، سلطنتِ عثمانیہ کے اپنے مسائل اور بعض غدارانِ وطن (میر جعفر، میر صادق وغیرہ) کے باعث پورے ہندوستان پر انگریزوں کا غاصبانہ قبضہ ہوگیا ازاں بعدہندوستان کے وسائل سے اہل ہندوستان کو محروم رکھا جانے لگا، ظلم و ستم سے عوام و خواص، نوابین و حکما ء اور دانشور وعلماء کوئی بھی محفوظ نہ رہے۔ سلطنت مغلیہ کے آخری تاجدار بہادر شاہ ظفر کو ایک صبح ناشتے میں ان کے شہزادگان کے کٹے ہوئے سر پیش کئے ۔ ایسے موقع پر اسلامیانِ ہندوستان کی قوت کو ایک مرکز پر مجتمع کرنے کیلئے اور روح جہاد پھونکنے کیلئے علماء اہلسنّت کا ایک گروہ بطلِ حریت امام المتکلمین علامہ فضل حق خیر آبادی کی قیادت میں انگریزوں کے خلاف صف آراء ہوا۔ ہندو فطرتاً بزدل واقع ہوئے ہیں لہٰذا ان سے کسی خیر کی توقع نہ تھی اس لئے مسلمانوں میں جذبہ حریت بیدار کرنے کیلئے علامہ فضل حق خیر آبادی علیہ الرحمۃ نے انگریزوں کے خلاف جہاد کا فتویٰ دیا۔ ہندوستان کے تمام اجلّہ و مقتدر علماء کرام نے اس کی تائید و توثیق فرمائی۔

بطلِ حریّت، مجاہد ملت، میرکاروان جنگِ آزادی علامہ فضل حق خیر آبادی عمری حنفی ماتریدی چشتی ١٢١٢ھ بمطابق ١٧٩٧ء میں اپنے آبائی وطن خیر البلاد خیر آباد میں پیدا ہوئے، آپ کے والد ماجد مولانا فصل امام خیر آبادی علماءِ عصر میں ممتاز اور علوم عقلیہ کے اعلیٰ درجہ پر سرفراز تھے، حضرت علامہ کے دادا حضرت مولانا راشد ہرگام پور سے خیر آباد تشریف لا کر سکونت پذیر ہوئے تھے۔ (سیرت علامہ فضل حق خیر آبادی، ماخوذ از خون کے آنسو، ص٦، تذکرہ علماء ہند، ص١٦٤)

تمام علوم عقلیہ و نقلیہ اپنے والد حضرت فضل امام خیر آبادی سے حاصل کئے اور حدیث شریف محدِّث شہیر شاہ عبدالقادر محدّث دہلوی سے دہلی میں حاصل کی (مقدمۃ الیواقیت المہریہ، ص٤)، چنانچہ حضرت علامہ نے ١٢٢٥ھ بمطابق ١٨٠٩ء تیرہ سال کی عمر میں تمام مروجہ علوم عقلیہ و نقلیہ کی تکمیل کی اور چار ماہ کچھ روز میں قرآن شریف حفظ کیا۔ (سیرت علامہ فضل حق خیر آبادی، ص١٢۔ مقدمۃ الیواقیت المہریہ، ص٤)

علامہ مشتاق احمد نظامی لکھتے ہیں: مولانا فضل حق نے آنکھ کھولی تو گرد و پیش علم و فضل، عمارت و ریاست کو جلوہ گر دیکھا۔۔۔۔۔۔جس وقت علامہ فضل خیر آباد سے دہلی پہنچے تو ایک سے بڑھ کر ایک باکمال نظر آئے، مُفسِّرین، محدِّثین، فقہاء، فلاسفہ، اولیاء، شعراء۔۔۔۔۔۔ جس طبقے پر نظر ڈالئے تو سب ہی موجود تھے، آپ کے والد ماجد مکان کے علاوہ ہاتھی اور پالکی پر بھی دربار جاتے وقت ساتھ بٹھا کر درس دیتے تھے، اور صغر سنی ہی سے معقولات میں اپنے جیسا یگانہ روزگار بنا لیا تھا اور منقولات کی تحصیل کے لئے شاہ عبدالقادر مُحدِّث رحمۃ اللہ علیہ، شاہ عبدالعزیز مُحدِّث رحمۃ اللہ علیہ کی درس گاہ تک پہنچا دیا۔ (سیرت علامہ فضل حق خیر آبادی، ص١٢)

حضرت کے علمی مقام اور ان کی علمی جلالت کا اندازہ اس بات سے لگایا جا سکتا ہے کہ آپ اپنے معاصرین میں بی نظیر اور حد درجہ ممتاز تھے۔ آپ تقدیس الٰہی جلّ و علا اور ناموسِ رسالت علیہ التحیۃ و الثناء کے محافظ اور اسلام اور اہلِ اسلام کے خیر خواہ اور اہلسنّت کے ان علماء میں سے تھے جن کا نام ”تاریخ ہند” میں ہمیشہ سنہری حرفوں سے لکھا جائے گا۔

علامہ محمد فضل حق خیر آبادی علیہ الرحمۃ میں ایمانی غیرت و حمیت دیگر علماء کے مقابلہ میں بام عروج پر نظر آتی ہے، اس کی وجہ یقینا یہ ہے کہ آپ بتیس ٣٢ واسطوں سے خلیفہ ثانی سید نا فارقِ اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ، کی اولاد میں سے ہیں۔

آپ علیہ الرحمہ دہلی آئے اور تاریخ سے آپ کی بہادر شاہ ظفر سے ملاقات بھی ثابت ہے۔ منشی جیون لال کا ”روزنامچہ” ١٦/ اگست ، ٢ ستمبر، ٦ ستمبر اور ٧ ستمبر ١٨٥٧ء کو ملاقات ثابت کرتا ہے (دیکھئے غدر کی صبح و شام، ”روزنامچہ منشی جیون لال”، ص٢١٧، ٢٤٠، ٢٤٦، ٢٤٧)

اور علامہ عبد الحکیم شرف قادری اس کے تحت لکھتے ہیں: اس ”روزنامچہ” سے علامہ کی باخبری اور انقلابی سرگرمیوں کا اندازہ ہوتا ہے، اور علامہ نے موجودہ صورت حال کے متعلق بادشاہ سے گفتگو کی۔ (باغی ہندوستان ترجمۃ الثورۃ الہندیۃ،حرف آغاز، ص١٤١، مطبوعہ: الممتاز پبلی کیشنز، لاہور)

اور اس کے بعد میں علامہ فضل حق خیر آبادی علیہ الرحمہ نے دیکھا کہ یہ انگریز ہمارے ذہنوں میں چھا جائے گا۔ مسلمان کی نسل کشی کرے گا۔ ہمارے مذہب اور تشخّص کو تباہ وبرباد کردے گا۔ علامہ فضل حق خیر آبادی نے ١٨٥٧ء میں دہلی میں بیٹھ کر انگریز کے خلاف جہاد کا فتویٰ دیا۔ علامہ مشتاق احمد نظامی نے اسے اِ ن الفاظ میں بیان کیا کہ ”آخر علامہ فضل حق نے ترکش سے آخری تیر نکالا، بعد نمازِ جمعہ جامع مسجد میں علماء کے سامنے تقریر کی اور استفتاء پیش کیا، مفتی صدر الدین خان، مولوی عبدالقادر، قاضی فیض اللہ، مولانا فیض احمد بدایونی، وزیر خان اکبر آبادی، سید مبارک حسین رامپوری نے دستخط کر دئیے”۔ (سیرت فضل حق خیر آبادی، ص٢٣)

جب فتویٰ مرتّب کیا سب اکابر علماء سے اس فتویٰ پر دستخط کرائے۔ سارے اکابر علماء نے اس جہاد کے فتوے پر دستخط فرمائے۔ علامہ فضل حق خیر آبادی رحمۃ اﷲ علیہ کا جہاد کا فتویٰ جاری کرنا تھا کہ ہندوستان بھر میں انگریز کے خلاف ایک بہت بڑی عظیم لہر دوڑگئی اور گلی گلی، قریہ قریہ، کوچہ کوچہ، بستی بستی، شہر شہر وہ قتال وہ جدال ہوا کہ انگریزحکومت کی چولہیں ہل گئیں۔ مگر آپ جانتے ہیں کہ انگریز بڑا مکار اور خبیث ہے اس نے اپنی تدبیر یں لڑا کر بڑے بڑے لوگوں کو خرید کر اور ڈرا دھمکا کر بے شمار لوگوں کو قتل کرنے کے بعد اس نے تحریک کو کُچل دیا۔ آزادی کی تحریک کوکُچل تودیا مگر حضرت علامہ فضل حق خیر آبادی نے آزادی کا سنگ بنیادرکھ دیا تھا اس کو بظاہر انگریز نے وقتی طور پر کُچل دیا۔


مجاہدِ اہلسنّت نے جہاد کا فتویٰ واپس نہ لیا

انگریزوں کے دلوں میں یہ بات تھی کہ اگر چہ ہم نے اس تحریک کو بظاہر کچل دیا ہے مگر مسلمانوں کے دلوں سے جذبہ جہاد نہیں نکال سکتے یہ بہت مشکل کام ہے ملکہ وکٹوریہ نے ایک مکارانہ چال چلی وہ مکارانہ چال یہ تھی کہ ہندوستان میں یہ اعلان کردیا جائے کہ جتنے بھی باغی ہیں سب کو معاف کردیا ہے چنانچہ انگریزوں نے یہ اعلان کردیا علامہ فضلِ حق خیر آبادی صاحب ابھی گرفتار نہیں ہوئے تھے وہ مجاہدین کی دہلی میں تربیت کرتے تھے دہلی سے آپ علی گڑھ تشریف لے گئے علی گڑھ میں آپ کچھ عرصے رہے وہاں مجاہدین کی مدد کرتے رہے جب انگریزنے یہ اعلان کیا کہ باغیوں کو معاف کردیا گیا ہے سارے مجاہدین باہر آگئے علامہ فضلِ حق خیر آبادی صاحب بھی اپنے وطن خیرآباد تشریف لے آئے۔

آپ خیر آباد پہنچے تھے کہ کچھ دنوں کے بعد کسی نے یہ مُخبر ی کردی کہ یہ وہی علامہ فضلِ حق صاحب ہیں جنہوں نے انگریزکے خلاف جہاد کا پہلا فتویٰ دیا تھا چنانچہ سازش کے تحت آپ کو گرفتار کرلیا گیا۔ گرفتار کرنے کے بعد آپ کو لکھنو لے جایا گیا وہاں آپ پر بغاوت کا مقدمہ چلا۔ جیسے ہی کاروائی شروع ہوئی گواہ نے آپ کو پہچاننے سے انکار کردیا جس جج کے سامنے آپ پیش ہوئے اس جج نے بھی آپ سے کچھ کتابیں پڑھیں تھیں وہ جج بھی یہی چاہتا تھا کہ علامہ صاحب کسی طرح مقدمے سے نکل آئیں اورسزا سے بچ جائیں۔

چنانچہ گواہ نے کہا کہ انگریز کے خلاف جنہوں نے جہاد کا فتویٰ دیا تھا وہ عالم دین نہیں ہیں یہ ساری کاروائی کے بعد جب آپ کے رہا ہونے کی منزل قریب آئی تو جج نے آپ کے کان میں کہا کہ علامہ صاحب آپ صرف اتنا کہہ دیں کہ یہ فتویٰ میں نے نہیں دیا ،آپ سزا سے بچ جائیں گے جج یہ کہہ کر اپنی کرسی پر بیٹھ گیا یہ سمجھ کر کہ علامہ صاحب میری بات سمجھ گئے ہوں گے، جب جج نے آ پ سے پوچھا کہ آپ نے انگریز حکومت کے خلاف جہاد کا فتویٰ دیا ہے؟

آپ نے گرج دار لہجے میں کہا کہ اس گواہ نے مروت میں آکر مجھے پہچاننے سے انکار کردیا ہے میں نے ہی انگریز حکومت کے خلاف جہاد کافتویٰ دیا ہے اوراس کے عوض مجھے جو سزاملے گی میں قبول کروں گا۔

جج اورگواہ سرپکڑ کر بیٹھ گئے آپ کو اس جرم کی سزا عمر قید سنائی گئی. آپ علیہ الرحمہ کو انگریزوں نے (فتویٰ جہاد اور اہلِ ہند کو انگریز کے خلاف جہاد کے لئے تیار کرنے کے جُرم میں) فسادِ ہند کے زمانے میں جزیرہ رنگون (یعنی جزیرہ انڈمان جسے کالا پانی کہا جاتا تھا) میں قید کر دیا، وہیں تین برس کے بعد ١٢ صفر المظفر ١٢٧٨ھ بروز پیر بمطابق ۱۹ اگست ١٨٦١ء کو امام حریت نے عالم کو فیضیاب فرمانے کے بعد اسیری ہی کی حالت میں جزائر انڈیمان میں جام شہادت نوش فرمایا اور وہیں آپ کا مزار شریف ہے۔ یوں سمجھ لیجئے کہ اللہ تعالیٰ نے اس مجاہد کو انگریز کی آزادی سے پہلے ہی اپنے نیک بندے کو آزاد کرلیا۔ (رحمۃ اللہ تعالیٰ علیہ ونوراللہ مرقدہ)۔ (تذکرہ علماء ہند فارسی، مصفنہ مولوی رحمان علی، ص١٦٥)

جہاد آزادی کے فتویٰ دینے پر انگریزوں نے آپ کو گرفتار کیا اور آپ کے کئی رفقاء علماء بھی اسیر ہوئے جن میں حضرت مولاناکفایت علی کافی (انہیں انگریزوں نے پھانسی دے کر شہید کیا) ، علامہ مفتی عنایت احمد کا کوروی علیہ الرحمۃ جبکہ بعض ترک وطن (ہجرت) کرکے مکہ یا مدینہ آباد ہوئے (جن میں مولانا رحمت اللہ کیرانوی، شیخ الدلائل مولانا عبدالحق مہاجر مکی ،شاہ احمد سعید مجددی ، مولوی ڈاکٹر وزیر خاں اور حاجی امداد اللہ مہاجر مکی رحمہم اللہ شامل ہیں) جبکہ مولانا فیض احمد بدایونی علیہ الرحمۃ کے بارے میں تا حال محققین کو علم نہیں کہ انگریزوں نے ان کے ساتھ کیا سلوک کیا۔


اسلامیانِ ہند کی سیاسی آزادی کے محاذ کے علاوہ علامہ فضل حق خیر آبادی علیہ الرحمۃ نے مسلمانوں کے عقیدہ کی حفاظت و صیانت کی جنگ بھی لڑی، ہندوستان میں وہابی تحریک کے آغاز ہی میں (جب انگریزوں کی سر پرستی میں مسلمانوں کے اندر سے عشق محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی روح کو نکالنے کی سازش شروع ہوئی) امام حُریت نے سب سے پہلے مولوی اسماعیل دہلوی کی کتاب ”تقویۃ الایمان” کے کئی رد لکھے جس میں آپ کی تصنیف ”تحقیق الفتویٰ” قابلِ ذکر ہے جس کے آخر میں کئی مشاہیر کے علاوہ حضرت شاہ احمد سعید مجددی علیہ الرحمۃ کی مُہریں ثبت ہیں۔ مولوی اسماعیل دہلوی، مولوی محبوب علی جعفری، مولوی اسحق دہلوی (نواسہ عبدالعزیز محدث دہلوی علیہ الرحمۃ) اور مولوی عبدالحئی نے جب مل کر مسلمانانِ ہند کی خوش عقیدگی پر حملے کئے ، میلاد، توسل، عقیدہ شفاعت اور اعراس بزرگانِ دین کو شرک و بدعت کہنا شروع کیا تو مولانا فضل حق خیر آبادی علیہ الرحمۃ اور ان کی تحریک پر ہم عصر علماء، سیف اللہ المسلول، معین الحق، مولانا شاہ فضل رسول بدایونی (مصنف سیف الجبار علی الاعداء الابرار مکتوبہ ١٢٦٥ھ، بوارق محمدیہ، المعتقد المنتقد شرح فصوص الحکم، حاشیہ میر زاہد و ملا جلال وغیرہ) مولانا شاہ احمد سعید مجددی (مصنف اثبات مولد و القیام عربی، سعید البیان فی سید الانس و الجان اردو، الذکرا الشریف فی اثبات المولد المنیف فارسی) حضرت مولانا غلام محی الدین قصوری (ماموں حضرت مولانا غلام دستگیر قصوری)، مولانا مفتی نقی علی خاں بریلوی (والد اعلحٰضرت) اور دیگر (رحمہم اللہ) نے تحریر اور تقریر کے میدان میں نکل کر علمی جہاد کیا اور اسلامیان ہند کے مسلک حق اہلسنّت و جماعت کے عقائد کا دفاع کیا۔ مولوی اسماعیل دہلوی کے نظریہ امکان کذب اور امکانِ نظیر رسول پر حضرت العلام نے قتیل بالا کوٹ کی پہلے فہمائش کی ۔ہر طرح سمجھایا لیکن وہ نہ مانے تو تحریری و تقریری ردّ فرمایا۔

آپکے مشہور تلامذہ میں حضرت تاج الفحو ل مولانا شاہ عبدالقادر بدایونی، حضرت مولانا شاہ عبدالحق ابن مولانا شاہ غلام رسول، مولانا رسول نما کانپوری، مولانا سید عبداللہ بلگرامی، حضرت مولانا سید ہدایت علی بریلوی، حضرت مولانا خیر الدین دہلوی (والد ابولکلام آزاد)، حضرت مولانا ہدایت اللہ خاں رام پوری، مولانا فیض الحسن سہارنپوری، نواب یوسف علی خاں رام پوری، مولانا عبدالعلی رامپوری، (استاد اعلیٰ حضرت ) نواب کلب علی رامپوری اور فرزند ارجمند شمس العلماء مولانا عبدالحق خیر آبادی شامل ہیں۔


(١) تاریخ فتنہ الہند (فارسی)
(٢) الثورۃ الہندیہ (عربی)
(٣) عقائد فتنہ الہند
(٤) الجنس العالی فی شرح الجوہرالعالی
(٥) حاشیہ افق المبین
(٦) حاشیہ تلخیص الشفاالابن سینا
(٧) حاشیہ قاضی مبارک شرح
(٨) رسالہ فی تحقیق الاجسام
(٩) رسالہ فی تحقیق الکلی الطبعی
(١٠) الروض المجود فی مسئلہ وحدۃ الوجود
(١١) الہدیہ السعیدیہ
(١٢) تحقیق الفتویٰ فی ابطال الطغویٰ
(١٣) امتناع النظیر

Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai (1689–1752) (Sindhi: شاھ عبدالطيف ڀٽائيِ, Urdu: شاہ عبداللطیف بھٹائی) was a Sufi scholar, and is considered one of the greatest poets of the Sindhi language. Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai was born in 1689 in Hala Haveli’s village Sui-Qandar located near Hyderabad, Pakistan. Shah Abdul Latif was son of Syed Habibullah and grandson of Syed Abdul Quddus Shah. He settled in the town of Bhit Shah in Matiari, Pakistan where his shrine is located. His most famous written work is the Shah Jo Risalo, which is a master-piece of Sindhi Literature as well. The major themes of his poetry include Unity of Almighty, love for Prophet, Religious tolerance and humanistic values. For his works, he is regarded as a ‘Direct Emanations of Rūmī’s spirituality in the Indian world.’

Names of Bhittai

Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai is known by several honorific names – Lakhino Latif, Latif Ghot, Bhittai and Bhitt Jo Shah. Shah Abdul latif’s deepness of poetry affiliated with the relationship between the Almighty and human is cause of his visits at different places of the regions surrounded to him and he always feel the circumstances carried out in his premises and he feels the people mind he had such a calm and sharp mind and such things made him the greatest poet of the world, if one could seriously understand his preaching.


The Early Life

Most of the information that has come down to us has been collected from oral traditions. A renowned Pakistani scholar, educationist, and a foremost writer of plays, dramas and stories, Mirza Kalich Beg has rendered a yeoman service to Sindhi literature by collecting details about the early life of Shah Bhitai, from the dialogues that he has constantly held with some of the old folks, still living at that time, who knew these facts from their fathers and grandfathers for they had seen Shah Latif in person and had even spoken to him.

“The next day I sat down, and listened to the Story of the ‘Vairagis.’ Their salmon-coloured clothes were covered with dust. Their hair-bands were worn out. They had let their hair grow quite long. The lonely ones never talk to anyone about their being. These ‘Nanga’ are content and happy. They move about unmarked amongst the common folk.” ……..Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai

He was born around 1689 CE (1102 A.H.) to Shah Habib in the village Sui-Qandar a few miles to the east of the present town of Bhit Shah (named after him), on Safar 14, 1102 A.H. ie November 18, 1690 CE. He died at Bhit Shah on Safar 14, 1165 A.H., i.e. January 3, 1752 CE. In his memory, every year, on 14th Safar of the Hijri Calendar, an Urs is held at Bhit Shah, where he spent the last years of his life and where his elaborate and elegant mausoleum stands.

Shah Abdul Latif got his early education in the school (maktab) of Akhund Noor Muhammad in basic Persian (the government language at that time) and Sindhi (local spoken language). He also learned the Qu’ran. His correspondence in Persian with contemporary scholar Makhdoom Moinuddin Thattavi, as contained in the Risala-e-Owaisi, bears witness to his scholastic competence.

“Beloved’s separation kills me friends, At His door, many like me, their knees bend. From far and near is heard His beauty’s praise, My Beloved’s beauty is perfection itself.” …..Bhitai


Bhitai’s Ancestry

Shah Abdul Latif’s lineage has been traced back directly to the Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam, through Imam Zain-ul-Abideen Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, son of Imam Hussain Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. His ancestors had come from Herat in Central Asia, and settled at Matiari. Shah Abdul Karim 1600 CE, whose mausoleum stands at Bulri, about 40 miles from Hyderabad, a mystic Sufi poet of considerable repute, was his great, great grandfather. His verses are extant and his anniversary is still held at Bulri, in the form of an Urs.

His father Syed Habib Shah, lived in Hala Haveli, a small village, at a distance of about forty miles from Matiari and not far from the village of Bhitshah. Later he left this place and moved to Kotri, where Shah Latif spent some part of his adolescent life.


Young Shah Abdul Latif was raised during the golden age of sindhi culture. His first teacher was Noor Muhammad Bhatti Waiwal. Mostly, Shah Latif was self-educated. Although he has received scanty formal education, the Risalo gives us an ample proof of the fact that he was well-versed in Arabic and Persian. The Qur’an, the Hadiths, the Masnawi of Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi, along with the collection of Shah Karim’s poems, were his constant companions, copious references of which have been made in Shah Jo Risalo. In his poems he writes about Sindh and its neighbouring regions, he mentions distant cities such as Istanbul and Samarqand, he also writes about Sindhi sailors their navigation techniques voyages as far to the Malabar coast, Sri Lanka and the island of Java.

Appearance and Characteristics

In appearance, Bhitai was a handsome man, of average height. He was strongly built, had black eyes and an intelligent face, with a broad and high forehead. He grew a Sunnah beard. He had a serious and thoughtful look about himself and spent much time in contemplation and meditation, since he was concerned about his moral and spiritual evolution with the sole purpose of seeking proximity of the Divine. He would often seek solitude and contemplate on the burning questions running through his mind concerning man’s spiritual life:

Why was man created?
What is his purpose on this earth? What is his relationship with his Creator?
What is his ultimate destiny?

Although he was born in favoured conditions, being the son of a well-known and very much respected Sayed family, he never used his position in an unworthy manner, nor did he show any liking for the comforts of life. He was kind, compassionate, generous and gentle in his manner of speech and behaviour which won him the veneration of all those who came across him. He had great respect for woman, and he exercised immense reserve in dealing with them, in an age when these qualities were rare. He hated cruelty and could never cause physical pain to any man or even to an animal. He lived a very simple life of self-restraint. His food intake was simple and frugal, so was his dressing which was often deep yellow, the colour of the dress of sufis and ascetics, stitched with black thread. To this day, his relics are preserved at Bhitsah (where his mausoleum stands), some of which include a “T”-shaped walking stick, two bowls, one made of sandal-wood and another of transparent stone, which he used for eating and drinking. His long cap and his black turban are also preserved.

“Cloud was commanded to prepare for rain, Rain pattered and poured, lightning flared. Grain hoarders, hoping for high prices, wring their hands, Five would become fifteen in their pages they had planned. From the land may perish all the profiteers, Herdsmen once again talk of abundant showers, Latif says have hope in Allah’s blessed grace.” ……Bhitai


Quest for Religious Truths

In quest of religious truths, Shah Bhitai travelled to many parts of Sindh and also went to the bordering lands. He kept himself aloof from the political scene of favouritism and intrigues which was going on at the height of the power and rule of Kalhoras in Sindh. Instead of visiting towns and cities, in political canvassing, to serve the purpose of the rulers and elite of the land, though he was much respected by the members of the dynasty and could have benefited from it, he went to hills, valleys, the banks of river, and the fields, where he met the ordinary simple people, the sufis (mystics). He went to the Ganjo Hills in the south of Hyderabad for contemplation, and then to mountains in Las Bela in the south of Sindh and Balochistan. For three years, he travelled with these sufis in search of the truth, peace, and harmony, to Hinglay, Lakhpat, Nani at the foot of the Himalayas and to Sappar Sakhi. At several places in the Risalo, mention has been made of these sufis and of his visits to these wonderful, holy and peaceful places. The two surs, Ramkali and Khahori, describe them under various endearing names and a detailed account of the sufis’ lifestyle is given. He also travelled to such far away places as Junagardh, Jesalmere and parts of the Thar desert.

“In deserts, wastes and Jessalmir it has rained, Clouds and lightning have come to Thar’s plains; Lone, needy women are now free from care, Fragrant are the paths, happy herdsmen’s wives all this share.” ……….Bhitai

Piety and Asceticism

By the time he was a young man of twenty one years, he began to be known for his piety, his ascetic habits and his absorption in prayers. Observation and contemplation were chief traits of his character. A number of people flocked round him adding to the already large number of his disciples. This aroused jealousy of some powerful, ruthless, tyrannical persons – landlords, Pirs, Mirs, and Rulers – who became his enemies for some time. Later, seeing his personal worth, and the peaceful and ascetic nature of his fame, abandoned their rivalry. At this time he was living with his father at Kotri, five miles away from the present site of Bhitshah. It was here that his marriage was solemnised in 1713 CE with Bibi Sayedah Begum, daughter of Mirza Mughul Beg. She was a very virtuous and pious lady, who was a proper companion for him. The disciples had great respect for her. They had no children.

In the true ascetic spirit, Shah Latif was now in search of a place where in solitude, he could devote all his time in prayers and meditation. Such a place he found near Lake Karar, a mere sand hill, but an exotic place of scenic beauty, four miles away from New Hala. This place was covered by thorny bushes surrounded by many pools of water. It was simply and aptly called ‘Bhit’ (the Sand Hill). On the heaps of its sandstones he decide to settle down and build a village. As it was sandy, he along with his disciples dug out the hard earth from a distance and covered the sand with it to make the ground firm. After months of hard labour, carrying the earth on their heads and shoulders, the place was now fit enough for the construction of an underground room and two other rooms over it, along with a room for his old parents. A mosque was also built and the houses of his disciples properly marked out. In 1742, whilst he was still busy setting up a new village, Bhit, he got the sad news of the death of his dear father.. Soon after this Shah Latif shifted all his family members from Kotri to Bhitsah, as the village now began to be called. His father was buried there, in accordance to his will, where his mausoleum stands only eight paces away, from that of Shah Abdul Latif, towards its north.

The Seven Queens of Sindh

The women of Shah Abdul Latif’s poetry are known as the Seven Queens, heroines of Sindhi folklore who have been given the status of royalty in the Shah Jo Risalo. The Seven Queens were celebrated throughout Sindh for their positive qualities: their honesty, integrity, piety and loyalty. They were also valued for their bravery and their willingness to risk their lives in the name of love.

Perhaps what Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai saw in his tales of these women was an idealised view of womanhood, but the truth remains that the Seven Queens inspired women all over Sindh to have the courage to choose love and freedom over tyranny and oppression. The lines from the Risalo describing their trials are sung at Sufi shrines all over Sindh, and especially at the urs of Shah Abdul Latif every year at Bhit Shah.

The Seven Queens mentioned in the Shah Jo Risalo are:

  • Marvi
  • Momal
  • Sassi
  • Noori
  • Sohni
  • Sorath
  • Lila

The Final Years

For the last eight years of his remarkable life, Shah Latif lived at Bhitshah. A few days before his death, he retired to his underground room and spent all his time in prayers and fasting, eating very little.

Laggi Laggi wa’a-u wiarra angrra latji, Pa-i kharren pasah-a pasand-a karrend-i pirin-a jay.
Wind blew! The sand enveloped the body, Whatever little life left, is to see the beloved.

After 21 days in there, he came out and having bathed himself with a large quantity of water, covered himself with a white sheet.

He suffered from no sickness or pain of any kind. The date was 14th Safar 1165 Hijra corresponding to 1752 CE. He was buried at the place where his mausoleum now stands, which was built by the ruler of Sindh, Ghulam Shah Kalhoro. His name literally means ‘the servant of the Shah’. He, along with his mother, had adored and revered Shah Latif and were his devoted disciples. The work of the construction of the mausoleum was entrusted to the well-known mason, Idan from Sukkur. The mausoleum, as well as the mosque adjoining it, were later repaired and renovated by another ruler of Sindh, Mir Nasir Khan Talpur.

Korren kan-i salam-u achio a’atand-a unn-a jay.
Countless pay homage and sing peace at his abode.

“Tell me the stories, oh thorn-brush, Of the mighty merchants of the Indus, Of the nights and the days of the prosperous times, Are you in pain now, oh thorn-brush? Because they have departed: In protest, cease to flower. Oh thorn-brush, how old were you When the river was in full flood? Have you seen any way-farmers who could be a match of the Banjaras? True, the river has gone dry, And worthless plants have begun to flourish on the brink, The elite merchants are on decline, And the tax collectors have disappeared, The river is littered with mud And the banks grow only straws The river has lost its old strength, You big fish, you did not return When the water had its flow Now it’s too late, You will soon be caught For fishermen have blocked up all the ways. The white flake on the water: Its days are on the wane.” ……Bhitai [translated by Prof. D. H. Butani [1913-1989] in The Melody and Philosophy of Shah Latif

The Urs Sharif

The URS is a Grand event in Sindh, where people from almost every village and town of Sindh and from different cities of other provinces of Pakistan – rich and poor, young and old, scholars and peasants – make a determined effort to attend. The Urs commences every year from 14th Safar (2nd month of Hijra calendar) and lasts for three days. A literary gathering is also held where papers concerning the research work done on the life, poetry, and message of Bhitai, are read, by scholars and renowned literary figures. His disciples and ascetics, gather around and read passages from his Risalo. Scholarly debates and exhibitions of his work and traditional Sindhi artifacts are also organized.

“Sleeping on the river’s bank, I heard of Mehar’s glory, Bells aroused my consciousness, longing took its place, By Almighty! fragrance of Mehar’s love to me came, Let me go and see Mehar face to face.” …..Bhitai

Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai (1689–1752) (Sindhi: شاھ عبدالطيف ڀٽائيِ, Urdu: شاہ عبداللطیف بھٹائی) was a Sufi scholar, and is considered one of the greatest poets of the Sindhi language. Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai was born in 1689 in Hala Haveli’s village Sui-Qandar located near Hyderabad, Pakistan. Shah Abdul Latif was son of Syed Habibullah and grandson of Syed Abdul Quddus Shah. He settled in the town of Bhit Shah in Matiari, Pakistan where his shrine is located. His most famous written work is the Shah Jo Risalo, which is a master-piece of Sindhi Literature as well. The major themes of his poetry include Unity of Almighty, love for Prophet, Religious tolerance and humanistic values. For his works, he is regarded as a ‘Direct Emanations of Rūmī’s spirituality in the Indian world.’

Names of Bhittai

Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai is known by several honorific names – Lakhino Latif, Latif Ghot, Bhittai and Bhitt Jo Shah. Shah Abdul latif’s deepness of poetry affiliated with the relationship between the Almighty and human is cause of his visits at different places of the regions surrounded to him and he always feel the circumstances carried out in his premises and he feels the people mind he had such a calm and sharp mind and such things made him the greatest poet of the world, if one could seriously understand his preaching.


The Early Life

Most of the information that has come down to us has been collected from oral traditions. A renowned Pakistani scholar, educationist, and a foremost writer of plays, dramas and stories, Mirza Kalich Beg has rendered a yeoman service to Sindhi literature by collecting details about the early life of Shah Bhitai, from the dialogues that he has constantly held with some of the old folks, still living at that time, who knew these facts from their fathers and grandfathers for they had seen Shah Latif in person and had even spoken to him.

“The next day I sat down, and listened to the Story of the ‘Vairagis.’ Their salmon-coloured clothes were covered with dust. Their hair-bands were worn out. They had let their hair grow quite long. The lonely ones never talk to anyone about their being. These ‘Nanga’ are content and happy. They move about unmarked amongst the common folk.” ……..Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai

He was born around 1689 CE (1102 A.H.) to Shah Habib in the village Sui-Qandar a few miles to the east of the present town of Bhit Shah (named after him), on Safar 14, 1102 A.H. ie November 18, 1690 CE. He died at Bhit Shah on Safar 14, 1165 A.H., i.e. January 3, 1752 CE. In his memory, every year, on 14th Safar of the Hijri Calendar, an Urs is held at Bhit Shah, where he spent the last years of his life and where his elaborate and elegant mausoleum stands.

Shah Abdul Latif got his early education in the school (maktab) of Akhund Noor Muhammad in basic Persian (the government language at that time) and Sindhi (local spoken language). He also learned the Qu’ran. His correspondence in Persian with contemporary scholar Makhdoom Moinuddin Thattavi, as contained in the Risala-e-Owaisi, bears witness to his scholastic competence.

“Beloved’s separation kills me friends, At His door, many like me, their knees bend. From far and near is heard His beauty’s praise, My Beloved’s beauty is perfection itself.” …..Bhitai


Bhitai’s Ancestry

Shah Abdul Latif’s lineage has been traced back directly to the Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam, through Imam Zain-ul-Abideen Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, son of Imam Hussain Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. His ancestors had come from Herat in Central Asia, and settled at Matiari. Shah Abdul Karim 1600 CE, whose mausoleum stands at Bulri, about 40 miles from Hyderabad, a mystic Sufi poet of considerable repute, was his great, great grandfather. His verses are extant and his anniversary is still held at Bulri, in the form of an Urs.

His father Syed Habib Shah, lived in Hala Haveli, a small village, at a distance of about forty miles from Matiari and not far from the village of Bhitshah. Later he left this place and moved to Kotri, where Shah Latif spent some part of his adolescent life.


Young Shah Abdul Latif was raised during the golden age of sindhi culture. His first teacher was Noor Muhammad Bhatti Waiwal. Mostly, Shah Latif was self-educated. Although he has received scanty formal education, the Risalo gives us an ample proof of the fact that he was well-versed in Arabic and Persian. The Qur’an, the Hadiths, the Masnawi of Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi, along with the collection of Shah Karim’s poems, were his constant companions, copious references of which have been made in Shah Jo Risalo. In his poems he writes about Sindh and its neighbouring regions, he mentions distant cities such as Istanbul and Samarqand, he also writes about Sindhi sailors their navigation techniques voyages as far to the Malabar coast, Sri Lanka and the island of Java.

Appearance and Characteristics

In appearance, Bhitai was a handsome man, of average height. He was strongly built, had black eyes and an intelligent face, with a broad and high forehead. He grew a Sunnah beard. He had a serious and thoughtful look about himself and spent much time in contemplation and meditation, since he was concerned about his moral and spiritual evolution with the sole purpose of seeking proximity of the Divine. He would often seek solitude and contemplate on the burning questions running through his mind concerning man’s spiritual life:

Why was man created?
What is his purpose on this earth? What is his relationship with his Creator?
What is his ultimate destiny?

Although he was born in favoured conditions, being the son of a well-known and very much respected Sayed family, he never used his position in an unworthy manner, nor did he show any liking for the comforts of life. He was kind, compassionate, generous and gentle in his manner of speech and behaviour which won him the veneration of all those who came across him. He had great respect for woman, and he exercised immense reserve in dealing with them, in an age when these qualities were rare. He hated cruelty and could never cause physical pain to any man or even to an animal. He lived a very simple life of self-restraint. His food intake was simple and frugal, so was his dressing which was often deep yellow, the colour of the dress of sufis and ascetics, stitched with black thread. To this day, his relics are preserved at Bhitsah (where his mausoleum stands), some of which include a “T”-shaped walking stick, two bowls, one made of sandal-wood and another of transparent stone, which he used for eating and drinking. His long cap and his black turban are also preserved.

“Cloud was commanded to prepare for rain, Rain pattered and poured, lightning flared. Grain hoarders, hoping for high prices, wring their hands, Five would become fifteen in their pages they had planned. From the land may perish all the profiteers, Herdsmen once again talk of abundant showers, Latif says have hope in Allah’s blessed grace.” ……Bhitai


Quest for Religious Truths

In quest of religious truths, Shah Bhitai travelled to many parts of Sindh and also went to the bordering lands. He kept himself aloof from the political scene of favouritism and intrigues which was going on at the height of the power and rule of Kalhoras in Sindh. Instead of visiting towns and cities, in political canvassing, to serve the purpose of the rulers and elite of the land, though he was much respected by the members of the dynasty and could have benefited from it, he went to hills, valleys, the banks of river, and the fields, where he met the ordinary simple people, the sufis (mystics). He went to the Ganjo Hills in the south of Hyderabad for contemplation, and then to mountains in Las Bela in the south of Sindh and Balochistan. For three years, he travelled with these sufis in search of the truth, peace, and harmony, to Hinglay, Lakhpat, Nani at the foot of the Himalayas and to Sappar Sakhi. At several places in the Risalo, mention has been made of these sufis and of his visits to these wonderful, holy and peaceful places. The two surs, Ramkali and Khahori, describe them under various endearing names and a detailed account of the sufis’ lifestyle is given. He also travelled to such far away places as Junagardh, Jesalmere and parts of the Thar desert.

“In deserts, wastes and Jessalmir it has rained, Clouds and lightning have come to Thar’s plains; Lone, needy women are now free from care, Fragrant are the paths, happy herdsmen’s wives all this share.” ……….Bhitai

Piety and Asceticism

By the time he was a young man of twenty one years, he began to be known for his piety, his ascetic habits and his absorption in prayers. Observation and contemplation were chief traits of his character. A number of people flocked round him adding to the already large number of his disciples. This aroused jealousy of some powerful, ruthless, tyrannical persons – landlords, Pirs, Mirs, and Rulers – who became his enemies for some time. Later, seeing his personal worth, and the peaceful and ascetic nature of his fame, abandoned their rivalry. At this time he was living with his father at Kotri, five miles away from the present site of Bhitshah. It was here that his marriage was solemnised in 1713 CE with Bibi Sayedah Begum, daughter of Mirza Mughul Beg. She was a very virtuous and pious lady, who was a proper companion for him. The disciples had great respect for her. They had no children.

In the true ascetic spirit, Shah Latif was now in search of a place where in solitude, he could devote all his time in prayers and meditation. Such a place he found near Lake Karar, a mere sand hill, but an exotic place of scenic beauty, four miles away from New Hala. This place was covered by thorny bushes surrounded by many pools of water. It was simply and aptly called ‘Bhit’ (the Sand Hill). On the heaps of its sandstones he decide to settle down and build a village. As it was sandy, he along with his disciples dug out the hard earth from a distance and covered the sand with it to make the ground firm. After months of hard labour, carrying the earth on their heads and shoulders, the place was now fit enough for the construction of an underground room and two other rooms over it, along with a room for his old parents. A mosque was also built and the houses of his disciples properly marked out. In 1742, whilst he was still busy setting up a new village, Bhit, he got the sad news of the death of his dear father.. Soon after this Shah Latif shifted all his family members from Kotri to Bhitsah, as the village now began to be called. His father was buried there, in accordance to his will, where his mausoleum stands only eight paces away, from that of Shah Abdul Latif, towards its north.

The Seven Queens of Sindh

The women of Shah Abdul Latif’s poetry are known as the Seven Queens, heroines of Sindhi folklore who have been given the status of royalty in the Shah Jo Risalo. The Seven Queens were celebrated throughout Sindh for their positive qualities: their honesty, integrity, piety and loyalty. They were also valued for their bravery and their willingness to risk their lives in the name of love.

Perhaps what Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai saw in his tales of these women was an idealised view of womanhood, but the truth remains that the Seven Queens inspired women all over Sindh to have the courage to choose love and freedom over tyranny and oppression. The lines from the Risalo describing their trials are sung at Sufi shrines all over Sindh, and especially at the urs of Shah Abdul Latif every year at Bhit Shah.

The Seven Queens mentioned in the Shah Jo Risalo are:

  • Marvi
  • Momal
  • Sassi
  • Noori
  • Sohni
  • Sorath
  • Lila

The Final Years

For the last eight years of his remarkable life, Shah Latif lived at Bhitshah. A few days before his death, he retired to his underground room and spent all his time in prayers and fasting, eating very little.

Laggi Laggi wa’a-u wiarra angrra latji, Pa-i kharren pasah-a pasand-a karrend-i pirin-a jay.
Wind blew! The sand enveloped the body, Whatever little life left, is to see the beloved.

After 21 days in there, he came out and having bathed himself with a large quantity of water, covered himself with a white sheet.

He suffered from no sickness or pain of any kind. The date was 14th Safar 1165 Hijra corresponding to 1752 CE. He was buried at the place where his mausoleum now stands, which was built by the ruler of Sindh, Ghulam Shah Kalhoro. His name literally means ‘the servant of the Shah’. He, along with his mother, had adored and revered Shah Latif and were his devoted disciples. The work of the construction of the mausoleum was entrusted to the well-known mason, Idan from Sukkur. The mausoleum, as well as the mosque adjoining it, were later repaired and renovated by another ruler of Sindh, Mir Nasir Khan Talpur.

Korren kan-i salam-u achio a’atand-a unn-a jay.
Countless pay homage and sing peace at his abode.

“Tell me the stories, oh thorn-brush, Of the mighty merchants of the Indus, Of the nights and the days of the prosperous times, Are you in pain now, oh thorn-brush? Because they have departed: In protest, cease to flower. Oh thorn-brush, how old were you When the river was in full flood? Have you seen any way-farmers who could be a match of the Banjaras? True, the river has gone dry, And worthless plants have begun to flourish on the brink, The elite merchants are on decline, And the tax collectors have disappeared, The river is littered with mud And the banks grow only straws The river has lost its old strength, You big fish, you did not return When the water had its flow Now it’s too late, You will soon be caught For fishermen have blocked up all the ways. The white flake on the water: Its days are on the wane.” ……Bhitai [translated by Prof. D. H. Butani [1913-1989] in The Melody and Philosophy of Shah Latif

The Urs Sharif

The URS is a Grand event in Sindh, where people from almost every village and town of Sindh and from different cities of other provinces of Pakistan – rich and poor, young and old, scholars and peasants – make a determined effort to attend. The Urs commences every year from 14th Safar (2nd month of Hijra calendar) and lasts for three days. A literary gathering is also held where papers concerning the research work done on the life, poetry, and message of Bhitai, are read, by scholars and renowned literary figures. His disciples and ascetics, gather around and read passages from his Risalo. Scholarly debates and exhibitions of his work and traditional Sindhi artifacts are also organized.

“Sleeping on the river’s bank, I heard of Mehar’s glory, Bells aroused my consciousness, longing took its place, By Almighty! fragrance of Mehar’s love to me came, Let me go and see Mehar face to face.” …..Bhitai

Murshid-e-AlaHadrat; Khaatim al-Akaabir;
Hadrat Shah Aal-e-Rasool Marehrwi Alaihir raHmah


دو جہاں میں خادم آل رسول اللہ کر ۔ ۔ ۔ حضرت آل رسول مقتدا کے واسطے
تاجدار حضرت مارہریہ یا آل رسول ۔ ۔ ۔ اے خدا خواہ وجد از ما عدا امداد کن


Murshid-e-AlaHadrat, Khaatim al-Akaabir Hadrat Makhdoom Shah Aal-e-Rasool Marehrwi (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho) is the thirty seventh Imam and Sheikh of the Silsila Aaliyah Qaadiriyah Barakaatiyah Razviyah Nooriyah.


He was born in the month of Rajab 1209 Hijri, in Marehrah Shareef.


His name is Aale Rasool (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho) and his title is Khaatim al-Akaabir.


His father was Hadrat Sayyid Shah Aale Barkaat Suthre Mia (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho).


He attained his education from his father and various other great Ulama such as Hadrat Ainul Haq Shah Abdul Majid Badayouni (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho), Hadrat Maulana Shah Salaamatullah Kashfi (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho), Maulana Anwaar Saahib Farangmahali (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho), Hadrat Maulana Abdul Waasi Sayyidunpuri (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho), Hadrat Maulana Shah Noorul Haq Zaraaqi Lucknowi (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho)

In 1226, he attained the Khilafat of the Zaraaqiya Silsila and on the request of Hadrat Ache Mia (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho) he was enrolled to study Hadith under Hadrat Shah Abdul Aziz Muhadith-e-Delhwi (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho). He also studied Tib (medicine) under the guidance of his father, Hadrat Suthre Mia (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho).


He was mureed of Hadrat Ache Mia (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho) and attained Khilafat from him and from his beloved father Hadrat Suthre Mia (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho).


Hadrat Aale Rasool Marehrwi (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho) is from amongst the great Mashaikh of the 13th Century. He served the Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamaat with great sincerity and dedication. His was very kind and generous and always showed love towards the needy and the orphans.His character and habits were a beautiful example of the Sunnat of the Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihi wasallam). He always performed his Namaaz in congregation at the Musjid and not a single Tahajjud Salaah of his was ever made Qaza. He was always willing to help others and never revealed the wrongs of people in the presence of others. He would only prescribe those duas, which are from the Hadith of the Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihi wasallam). He always dressed in the garb of Ulama. He always presented himself in the Mehfil-e-Meelad, Naat Mehfil, lectures, Qira’at Mehfils etc. He never compromised the Shariah.

He was so kind, that whenever anyone asked for money, he would never refuse them. He never performed Imaamat. He always remained a muqtadi. One Maulana Ainul Hassan Saahib, who was a Saahib-e-Kashf, arrived in Marehrah Shareef. He joined the Namaaz and then left in between Salaah, breaking his Namaaz. After Namaaz, he looked at the Haafiz Saahib who was the Imam and said, “Haafiz Saahib, there is no need to go to the market place and buy groceries whilst in Namaaz. How far do you expect us to go with you?”

In other words, he knew of what the Imam was thinking during Salaah. When Hadrat heard Mufti Saahibs, question to the Imam, he became very upset and said, “It is better you lead the Namaaz, rather than following Haafiz Saahib everywhere. You yourself are not fully in Salaah, otherwise how would you be able to know what is in the hearts of other.”


There are various karaamats of Hadrat, but only a few are being quoted.

Philosophy of Me’raj: Once, one of Hadrat’s mureeds began to wonder how Rasoolullah (Sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) went for Meraj in such a short space of time. During this time, Hadrat was performing wudhu. Hadrat asked him to go into his room and bring him a towel.

The man went into the room. He saw a beautiful orchard outside the house. He could not help but to go into the orchard. Whilst walking in the garden, he found himself in a huge city. In the city, he decided to start a business. He married in the same city, and even had children. He lived there for twenty years.

Suddenly, he heard the voice of Hadrat Aale Rasool Marehrwi (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho), he found himself at the window once again. He rushed in and took the towel to Hadrat. When he went to Hadrat, he saw that he had just made wudhu and the water was still on his blessed face and his hands were still wet.

The mureed was astonished by what had happened to him. Hadrat smiled at him and said, “Mia, You went there and lived for twenty years and even married, and here, the water of my wudhu has not dried up as yet. I am sure that you now understand the Me’raj of the Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihi wasallam).” SubhaanALLAH!

Present during Hajj: Once Haji Raza Khan Saahib Marehrwi went for Hajj, and after Hajj, he presented himself before Maulana Muhammad Ismail Saahib Muhajir, so that he may become his mureed.

The respected Maulana said, “Why did you not take bai’at from Hadrat Shah Aale Rasool (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho). He was with me a little while ago.”

When Haji Sahib returned to Marehrah Shareef, he narrated this incident to Hadrat Aale Rasool (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho). Hadrat said, “He must have been mistaken. I did not even leave the Khanqah to go anywhere.”


He married Nisaar Faatima (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho), the daughter of Sayyid Muntakhib Hussain Bilgiraami. Almighty Allah blessed him with two sons and three daughters. Their names were, Sayyid Shah Zahoor Hussain Bare Mia, Sayyid Shah Zahoor Hussain Chotay Mia, Ansaar Faatima, Zahoor Faatima and Rahmat Faatima (Ridwaanullahi Ta’ala Alaihim Ajmaeen).


Hadrat’s Khulafa were all great Giants of their Era. Some of their names are:

  • Hadrat Sayyid Shah Zahoor Hussain,
  • Hadrat Sayyid Shah Mahdi Hassan Marehrwi,
  • Hadrat Sayyid Shah Zahoor Hassan Marehrwi,
  • Hadrat Sayyid Shah Abul Hussain Ahmed-e-Noori,
  • Hadrat Sayyid Shah Abul Hassan Khirqani,
  • Hadrat Sayyid Shah Muhammad Saadiq,
  • Hadrat Sayyid Shah Ameer Haidar,
  • Hadrat Sayyid Shah Hussain Haidar,
  • Aala Hadrat Mujaddid-e-Azam Ash Shah Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Qaaderi Barelvi,
  • Hadrat Sayyid Shah Ali Hussain Ashrafi Kichawchwi,
  • Hadrat Qaazi Abdus Salaam Abbasi,
  • Hadrat Shah Ahsaanullah,
  • Hadrat Shukrullah Khan,
  • Hadrat Haji Haafiz Muhammad Ahmed Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Haji Fazl Razaaq Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Haafiz Mazhar Hussain Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Haafiz Mujahidudeen Siddiqi,
  • Hadrat Mufti Muhammad Shareef Ali Siddiqi,
  • Hadrat Sheikh Munawwar Ali,
  • Hadrat Mufti Muhammad Hassan Khan Barelvi,
  • Hadrat Sayyid Shah Tajammul Hussain Qaaderi,
  • Hadrat Molvi Abdur Rahmaan Saahib,
  • Hadrat Qaazi Molvi Shamsul Islam Abbasi badayouni and
  • Hadrat Molvi Ziaullah Khan Abbasi badayouni Barelvi (Ridwaanullahi Ta’ala Alaihim Ajma’een).


Some of Hadrat’s words of wisdom are being presented for the saked of spiritual inspiration:

1. Always respect the Ulama Fuqara and the Masakeen with love an honor. Present whatever you have before them. If they accept it, then all is well, and if they do not accept it, then there is no liability on your behalf.

2. The outer appearance of a Darvesh should be that of Hadrat Imam Azam Abu Hanifa (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho) and his inner appearance should be like that of Hadrat Hussain bin Mansoor Hallaaj (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho).

3. Before his wisaal, people asked for his final advise, and he said, “Obey Allah and Obey His Rasool (Peace and Blessings be with Him) This is all you need and the salvation for this world and the hereafter is present in it.


He passed from this world on a Thursday, the 18th of Zulhijjah 1296 Hijri in Marehrah Shareef.


His Mazaar Shareef is in the Khanqah Barkaatiyah in Marehrah Shareef (India).

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Extracted from
Tadhkira Mashaikh-e-Qadiriyah Barakatiya Ridawiyah

A renowned and famous scholar of philosophy, geometry, logic, hadith, and a poet of the Beloved Messenger of Allah Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam, namely Sayyad Muhammad Na’imuddin, titled as ‘Sadr-al-Afadhil’, the son of Mawlana Mu’in al-Din Rahmatullahi alayh, who was born on 21st of Safar-ul-Muzaffar 1300H, on 1st January 1887, in Muradabad, India.

He became a memoriser (hafiz) of the Ennobled Qur’an, at the age of 8. He studied the Urdu, and Persian literature from his father, as the ‘Dars-e-Nizamiyyah’ was studied under Shah Fadl Ahmad Rahmatullahi ‘alayh. He further obtained a degree in granting legal juristic opinion (ifta’) from Shah Muhammad Gul Rahmatullahi ‘alayh, and had also sworn allegiance (bay’ah) to him.

His forefathers were the inhabitants of ‘Mash’had’. At the time of King Aurangzeb, they travelled from there to India. The king gave them great esteem, and granted them with entitlement to land. They travelled many cities when they reached Lahore, and there they stayed near ‘Abul-Hasanat’.

He took part vigorously, in many Islamic Movements, as he was also a part (rukn) of the ‘Khilafat Committee’ which was to establish a Sultanate in Turkey. At this stage, he had made some sensational lectures.

He made ‘impacting’ tours of Agra, Jaipur, Kishan Garh, Gobind Garh, Hawali’-e-Ajmer, Mithar, and Bharatpur against the ‘Show ‘Ali Movement’ whose aim was to destroy Islam, and also sent his delegates there.

In 1343H [1924], he issued the Monthly ‘As-Sawad-al-A’zam’ and by doing so, vigourously supported the ‘View of the Two nations’.

In gaining the independance for Pakistan, on the 18th September 1918, he delivered an oratory masterpiece, at the opening ceremony at the ‘All India Sunni Conference’. He took great part in the passing of the resolutions for a Pakistan at Minto-Park. He was the Chief Organiser (Nazim-e-A’ala), at the Banaras Conference held in 1942.

He fell ill while he was still preparing an Islamic constitution. Life spared him no deferment, and on 18th Dhul Hijjah 1367H [13th October 1948], on a Friday, the world became deprived of him. His sanctuary stands at the left of the Jami’ah Masjid, at Muradabad.

He left 14 works, and lots of treatises including ‘Khaza’in-al-Irfan’ the tafsir of Kanz al-Iman: Ala Hadrat Shah Ahmad Raza Khan alayhir rahman’s Qur’an tranlsation in urdu.

Amongst the most famous works are:

  • Tafsir Khaza’in-al-Irfan, [Read Online]
  • Kitab-ul-‘Aqa’id,
  • Deewan-e-Urdu,
  • Sirat-e-Sihabah,
  • Sawaneh Karbala,
  • Adab-ul-Akhya,
  • al-kalimatu’l ‘ulya li iylayi ‘ilm al-mustafa,
  • aTyab al-bayan radd e tafwiyatu’l iman,
  • and at-taHqiqat li daf’ al-talbisat.

He was a khalifa of Imam al-Ahl as-Sunnat A’la Hadrat Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan al-Barelwi and of ‘Ashrafi miya’ Shaykh Allama Sayyad Muhammad Ali Hussain Shah al-Kicchochawi ‘Alayhir rahmah w’al ridwan

Some of his students included:

  • Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan Na’imi
  • Sarkar-e-Kalan Sayyad Mukhtar Ashraf

Riyaz-e-Na’eem (Poetry Collection):

Sadr al-Afadil, the teacher of teachers in the last century, Mawlana Muhammad Na’eemuddin Muradaabadi is a jurist, scholar, mufti, Quranic Exegete and an Educator. He was also an excellent poet; a collection of his poems is named as ‘Riyaz e Na’eem’ / the ‘Garden of Na’eem’ or the ‘Garden of Comfort.’

Sayyiduna Shaykh Abul Hasan Ahmad ibn Mohammad al-Noori Alaihir raHma, a native of Baghdad of a family from Khorasan, was a pupil of Sirri al-Saqati and a faithful companion of Sayyiduna Junaid al-Baghdadi. A leading figure of the Baghdad circle, he composed some fine mystical poetry. He passed away in 295 (908).

The self-discipline of Abul Hussain Noori

Sayyiduna Abul Hussain, who followed the same rules of conduct as Sayyiduna Junaid, was called Noori (“the Man of Light”) because whenever he spoke and the night was dark, a light would issue from his mouth so that the whole house became bright. Another explanation of his nick-name is that he declared inmost secrets by the light of intuition. Yet a third version is that he had a retreat in the desert where he used to worship all the night through. People would go out to watch, and would see a light mounting from his cell and gleaming through the night.

When he first embarked on his mystical career, every morning early he would set out from his house for the shop, and pick up a few loaves. These he would distribute as alms, afterwards proceeding to mosque where he worshiped till the noon prayers, only then going on to his shop. His household imagined that he had eaten something in the shop, whilst the people in the shop supposed that he had eaten at home. He continued this practice for twenty years without anyone being aware of the true facts of his case.

Sayyiduna Abul Hussain al-Noori gave the following account of himself:

For years I struggled, restraining myself in prison and turning my back on other men. Despite all my austerities, the way did not become open to me.

“I must do something to mend my affairs,” I said to myself. “Otherwise let me die and escape from this carnal soul.”

“Body,” I then said, “for many years you have followed your own lust and desire, eating and seeing and hearing, going and taking, sleeping and enjoying yourself and gratifying your passion. All this has been most harmful to you. Now enter the chamber, that I may fetter you and put as a collar round your neck all your dues to Almighty Allah. If you remain steadfast so, you will attain felicity; if not, at least you will die on the path of Allah Almighty!” So I acted on the path of Allah. Now I had heard that the hearts of the mystics were delicate organs, knowing the secret of whatever they saw and heard. Not finding this in myself, I said, “The pronouncements of the prophets and the saints are true. Perhaps I have played the hypocrite in my striving, and the defect is due to myself. Here there is no room for difference of opinion. Now,” I went on, “I will go around myself and see what it is.”

I gazed into myself, and the fault was this, that my carnal soul and my heart were united. When the carnal soul is one with the heart, that is disastrous; for whatever shines upon the heart, the carnal soul seizes its portion of it. So I realized that this was the cause of my dilemma; all that entered my heart from the Court of Allah Almighty, my carnal soul seized its part of it.

Thenceforward, whatever gratified my carnal soul, that I went not about, but clutched something other. For instance, if prayer or fasting or alms-giving was agreeable to my carnal soul, or solitude or associating with my fellows, I proceeded to do the contrary, till I had cast out all those things and all gratification had been cut away. Then mystic secrets began to manifest in me.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I am the pearl of the mine of undesire,” came the answer. “Now tell the disciples, My mine is the mine of undesire, and my pearl is the pearl of the mine of unpurpose.”

Then I walked down to the Tigris and stood between two skiffs.

“I will not go,” I said, “until a fish falls into my net.” At last a fish fell into my net. When I drew it up I cried, “Praise be to Allah that my affairs have turned out well!”

I went to Junaid and told him, “A grace has been vouchsafed to me!”

“Abul Hussain,” Junaid replied, “if it had been a snake and not a fish that fell into your net, that would truly have been a sign of grace. But since you yourself intervened, it is a deception, not a grace. For the mark of a grace is that you cease to be there at all.”

Noori before the Caliph

When Ghulam Khalil declared hostilities against the Sufis, he went to the caliph and denounced them.

“A group have appeared on the scene,” he announced, “who sing songs and dance and utter blasphemies. They parade about all day, and hide themselves in catacombs, and preach. These men are heretics. If the Prince of the Believers will issue the command for them to be slain, the doctrine of heresy will be exterminated, for they are the chief of the heretics. If this thing is done by the hand of the Prince of the Believers, I guarantee him an ample reward.”

The caliph immediately ordered that they — Abu Hamza, Raqqam, Shibli, Noori, and Junaid — should be brought before him. This done, he commanded them to be slain. The executioner first made to slay Raqqam; Noori sprang up and thrust himself forward fearlessly and took Raqqam’s place.

“First kill me, laughing for joy,” he cried.

“Sir, this is not your time yet,” the executioner said to him. “The sword is not a thing wielded in haste.”

“My way is based upon preference,” Noori explained. “I prefer my comrades above myself. The most precious thing in this world is life. I wish to devote these few remaining moments to serving my brethren, that I may have sacrificed life itself. This I do, albeit to my view one moment in this world is dearer than a thousand years in the next. For this world is an abode of service, and the other world is an abode of propinquity; and propinquity for me is in service.”

They reported these words of Noori’s to the caliph, who marveled at his sincerity and equitableness. He ordered the execution to be stayed and referred their case to the Qadhi to examine.

“They cannot be proscribed without proof,” said the Qadhi. Now he knew that Sayyiduna Junaid was supreme in many sciences and had heard Noori speak. So he said, referring to Sayyiduna Shibli, “I will question this madman on a point of law which he will never be able to answer.”

“How much is to be paid in poor-tax on twenty dinars?” he asked.

“Twenty and a half dinars,” Shibli replied. “Whoever instituted that kind of poor-tax?” demanded the Qadhi.

“Abu Bakr the Great,” Shibli answered. “He gave forty thousand dinars and kept nothing back.”

“Yes, but what is this half-dinar you spoke about?” “That is a fine,” replied Shibli. “The man kept the twenty dinars to himself, so he must pay half a dinar in addition.”

The Qadhi then questioned Noori on a point of law. Noori replied instantly, and the Qadhi was reduced to confusion. Noori then spoke.

“Qadhi, you have asked all these questions, and you have asked nothing at all relevant. For Allah has servants who stand through Him, and move and rest through Him, who live all through Him and abide in contemplation of Him. If for a single instant they held back from contemplating Him, their souls would go out of them. Through Him they sleep, through Him they eat, through Him they take, through Him they go, through Him they see, through Him they hear and through Him they are. This is the true science, not that on which you put questions.”

Bewildered, the Qadhi sent a message to the caliph. “If these men are atheists and heretics, than I give judgment that on the whole face of the earth not one Unitarian exists.”

The caliph summoned the prisoners.

“Is there anything you want?” he asked them. “Yes,” they replied. “We want you to forget us. We want you neither to honour us with your approval nor to banish us with your rejection. For us your rejection is the same as your approval, your approval as your rejection.”

The caliph wept bitterly and dismissed them with all honour.

Anecdotes of al-Noori

One day Sayyiduna Junaid went to visit Shaykh Abul Hussain Noori. Noori fell to the ground before Junaid complaining of injustice.

“My battle has waxed fierce, and I have no more strength to fight,” he said. “For thirty years, whenever He has appeared I have vanished, and whenever I appear He is absent. His presence is in my absence. For all that I supplicate Him, His answer is ‘Either I am to be, or you.’ “

“Look upon a man,” said Junaid to his companions, “who has been sorely tried and bewildered by Almighty Allah. Such must be the state of affairs,” he added, turning to Noori, “that whether He is veiled by you or revealed through you, you shall no more be you, and all shall be He.”

— — —

A party of men went to Junaid and said, “For a number of days and nights now Noori has been going around with a brick in his hand, saying ‘Allah, Allah’ He eats nothing and drinks nothing and does not sleep. Yet he performs the prayers at the proper times and observes all the ritual of the prayers.”

“He is sober. He is not in a state of having passed away,” Junaid’s companions said. “That is proved by the fact that he observes the times of prayer and knows to perform the ritual. That is a mark of conscious effort, not of passing away. One who has passed away is aware of nothing.”

“That is not the case,” replied Junaid. “What you say is not true. Men in ecstasy are ‘preserved’; Allah Almighty watches over them, lest they be excluded from service at the time of service.”

Junaid then went to call on Noori. “Abul Hussain,” he addressed him, “if you know that shouting is of profit with Him, tell me and I will also shout. If you know that satisfaction with Him is better, then practice resignation, that your heart may be at rest.’ Noori ceased his shouting forthwith. “What an excellent teacher you are for us!” he exclaimed.

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Shaykh Abu Bakr al-Shibli was preaching, and Noori entered the hall and stood on one side. “Peace be upon you, Abu Bakr,” he called out. “And upon you be peace, Prince of the Hearts,” Shibli replied.

“Almighty Allah,” Noori went on, “would not be well pleased with a man of learning imparting his learning when he does not put it into practice. If you practice what you preach, keep your high station. If not, then come down!”

Shibli considered, and finding himself not true to his preaching he came down. For four months he kept to his house and did not venture out. Then a crowd of men came and brought him out and put him in the pulpit. Noori heard of this and came to the hall.

“Abu Bakr,” he cried, “you concealed the truth from them, so of course they set you in the pulpit. I counseled them sincerely, and they drove me away with stones and flung me on the dunghill.”

“Prince of the Hearts, what was your good counselling, and what was my concealing?” asked Shibli.

“My good counseling,” Noori replied, “was that I let men go to their Almighty Lord. Your concealing was that you became a veil between Allah Almighty and men. Who are you, to be an intermediary between Allah Almighty and men? In my view, you are irrelevant.”

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Ja’far Kholdi relates that Noori was praying in seclusion, and I was listening to what he would say.

“Lord Almight,” he said, “Thou punish-est the denizens of Hell. They are all Thy creation, by virtue of Thy omniscience and omnipotence and pre-eternal will. If Thou wilt assuredly fill Hell with men, Thou hast the power to fill Hell with men and to transport them to Paradise.”

I was amazed at his words. Then I saw in a dream one who came to me and said, “Allah Almighty has said, Tell Abul Hussain, I have honored and had compassion on thee for that prayer.”

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“One night,” Noori recalled, “I found the area about the Kaaba empty and proceeded to circumambulate. Each time I reached the Black Stone I prayed and said, ‘O Allah, accord to me a state and an attribute from which I shall not change.’ One day I heard a voice proceeding from the midst of the Kaaba and saying, ‘Abul Hussain, you would make yourself equal to Me. I change not from My attribute, but I keep My servants turning about and changing. This I do, in order that Lordship may become clear from servant-hood. It is I who continue in one attribute; man’s attribute changes.’”

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Shibli reports: I visited Noori and saw him seated in meditation, not a hair of his body moving. “From whom did you learn such excellent meditation?” I asked. “From a cat crouching over a mouse-hole,” he replied. “He was much stiller than I am.”

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One night report was brought to the people of Qadesiya. “A friend of Lord Almighty has confined himself in the Valley of Lions. Go and recover him.”

All the people went out to the Valley of Lions. There they found that Noori had dug a grave and was sitting there, surrounded by crouching lions. They interceded with him, and conducted him back to Qadesiya, where they asked him his story.

“For a while I had eaten nothing,” he told them. “I was traversing this desert when I espied a date-tree. I had a longing for fresh dates. Then I said, ‘There is still room left for desire. I will go down into this valley, that the lions may rend you, my appetite, then you will no longer desire dates.’”

— — —

“One day,” Noori recalled, “I was washing myself in a pool when a thief came and stole my clothes. I had not yet emerged from the water when he brought them back, and his hand had become withered. I cried, ‘O Allah, since he has brought back my clothes, give him back his hand!’ At once his hand was healed.”

— — —

Fire broke out in the Bazaar of Slavers in Baghdad, and many people were burnt to death. In one shop were two young Greek slaves, very handsome youths; the flames were lapping round them.

“Anyone who will fetch them out,” cried their owner, “I will give a thousand gold dinars.”

No one dared to attempt the rescue. All at once Noori arrived on the scene. He saw the two young slaves, shouting for help.

“Allah! In the Name of the Merciful, the Compassionate.” So saying, he plunged in and brought them both to safety. The owner of the slaves offered Noori the thousand gold dinars.

“Keep your gold,” Noori told him. “And give thanks to Allah. For this dignity that has been conferred on me has been conferred because of not accepting gold, exchanging this world for the next.”

— — —

One day a blind man was crying, “Allah, Allah!” Noori went up to him and said, “What do you know of Him? And if you know, yet you still live?”

So saying, he lost his senses, and was so filled with mystic yearning that he went out into the desert, to freshly-harvested reed-beds. The reeds pierced his feet and sides, and the blood gushed forth. Every drop that fell, the words “Allah, Allah” appeared.

Abu Nasr Sarraj states that when they brought him from that place to his home, they said to him, “Say, There is no Lord but Allah Almighty.” “Why, I am on my way There,” he replied. And thereupon he died.

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Extracted From:
Tadhkirat al-Auliya (Memorial of the Saints)

Khalifa-e-AlaHadrat, Aalim-e-Jaleel, Fazil-e-Nabeel, Haami-e-Sunan, Maahi-e-Fitan, Hadrat Allama Mawlana Al-Haaj Shah Mehmood Jaan Khan Sahab Sunni Hanafi Qadiri Barakaati Ridawi Jamjodhpuri Peshawari (Alaihir raHmah) was born around the year 1820 in Peshawar. His father Hafidh Ghulam Rasool (Alaihir raHmah) was a distinguished Aalim and teacher of his time. Many would come from, Kabul, Qandahar, Baarqand and Samarkand by travelling lengthy journeys to sit respectfully at his feet and attain knowledge of Deen-e-Islam. Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) also attained his academic knowledge from his father, where upon completion of his Islamic studies, he migrated to Jamjodhpur (Katyawadh, Gujarat, India), where he served the Muslims. Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah), like his father Hafidh Ghulam Rasool (Alaihir raHmah) was also popular for his debating skills. He brought many Christian leaders to their feet during debates.


Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) did not become a mureed until he had reached an advanced age. He later became a Mureed of Sayyidi AlaHadrat Ash-Shah Imam Ahmad Rida Khan al-Qadiri (Alaihir raHmah). Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) narrates:

“For a long time, this thought was in my heart, that unless and until, I do not find a Kaamil and exalted Shaykh, I will not become a mureed. It was during this time, that I began reading the Islamic Magazine (Touf-e-Hanafiyyah) prepared by Hadrat Maulana Zia’ud’deen Sahab Pilibhiti (Alaihir raHmah), which was filled with gems of knowledge and wisdom and it was in this that I read about Sayyiduna AlaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah). My heart immediately said that in this Era to find such a great personality is not ordinary. Through divine guidance, I travelled to Bareilly Shareef where I presented myself in the Court of AlaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah). The moment I saw His bright face, my heart melted, my Imaan came to life and my heart blossomed like never before.

I had found a Peer (Spiritual Guide) even greater than I had ever imagined. I requested to be initiated into the Silsilah, and my Shaykh accepted me as His disciple (Mureed), blessed me immediately with Ijaazat and Khilafat, and then went into the house, removed what He was wearing at that time and blessed me with His Kurta, Paijamah, Amaama and Waistcoat. This was a great blessing from such a sea of generosity. He blessed this humble servant with the crown of Khilafat in the Silsila Aaliya, Qadiriyah, Barakatiyah, Ridawiyyah, Chishtiyah, Soharwardiyah, Naqshabandiyah and other Salasil. He showed great love and respect for me, and in that time, he bestowed so many titles upon me and showed such love to me, that I will never forget as long as I live.”

It must be noted that Hadrat Allama Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) did not make anyone mureed or give khilafat to anyone. It is related that when anyone came to him for the purpose of becoming a mureed, he would direct them towards Sayyidi AlaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah).

During 1339 Hijra, Sayyidi AlaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah) wrote a letter to Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah). In it he addressed him as ‘Haami-e-Sunan’ (The Helper of Sunnah) and ‘Maahi-e-Fitan’ (Eradicator of Fitna). He further wrote:

“Due to my busy schedule and my duties, I unintentionally left out your name, which should have been engraved in gold, in the list of names of my well wishers and supporters at the end of Qasidah Al-Istimdaad. I only realized this after it was published, and to this very day I regret my oversight.”

Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) commented on this blessed letter (which is still present to this day) by saying:

“Nine or ten months before AlaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah)’s Wisaal, he wrote a Blessed letter to me, in which He said that in His book Al-Istimdaad, He added the names of all His Khulafa, and my name was unintentionally left out in printing. I say that, by unintentionally missing out my name was a means of great blessings for me, since my Shaykh prayed for me on this occasion.”


Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) was drowned in the love of his Shaykh and had true faith in his Shaykh. During the forty days khatam of Sayyidi AlaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah), Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) went to the Mazaar Sharif of his Shaykh and made Dua to Allah Ta’ala, that through the wasila of his chosen servant, Sayyidi AlaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah), Allah Ta’ala bless him with a son. Alhamdulillah within the same year, Allah Ta’ala blessed Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) with a son, whom he named Ahmed Raza. However, Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) had so much respect for his Shaykh that he never called his son by his name, and always referred to him as Hadrat.


Very few people know that Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) is responsible for the design of the Gumbad of Sayyidi AlaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah). Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) presented his design – which he drew by burning match-sticks as he did not have a pen – to Hadrat Hujjat al-islam (Alaihir raHmah) and Hadrat Mufti-e-Azam Hind (Alaihir raHmah) and said:

“Huzoor, Next to the Gumbad-e-Khazra of Aaqa-e-do Aalam (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) there is a Minaret, and on that Minaret there is white and black design, and since AlaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah) had spent His whole life trying to explain the Exaltedness of Sarkaar (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam), by fighting against the enemies of Sarkaar (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam), therefore it is my wish that the Gumbad of AlaHadrat, should contain that same black and white design that is on that Minarat next to the Gumbad-e-Khazra of the Madani Aqaa (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam).”

Hujjat al-Islam, Mufti-e-Azam, Sadr al-Shari’ah and all the other esteemed Ulama (Radi Allahu Anhum) of the time, had a liking for this design and decided that this design was most fitting for the Dargah Sharif of Sayyidi AlaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah). Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah), in those days contributed 10000 Rupees and stayed in Bareilly Sharif until the construction of the Dargah Sharif was completed. Hadrat used to say,

“Jaisa yeh Mujjaddid Anokha, waisa unka Mazaar bhi Anokha hona chahiye.”


Although it is almost impossible to pin point which quality or habit of Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) was more beautiful, for the sake of Barakat, I will mention a few qualities that I have heard of.

One of the most blessed qualities of Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) was that he was firm on Maslak-e-AlaHadrat. In other words he was steadfast on the blessed Shari’ah and did not allow anything to come between him and Islam.

Sayyidi AlaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah) said the following words with regard to Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) in his Khilafat Nama:

“Be Fadhlihi Ta’ala, Mawlana mausoof jumla Mazahid wa Masharib mein is Faqeer ke Qadam ba – Qadam hai. Tamam Biraderaan-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ke, is Faqeer ke Muhib aur Hum-Mazhab ho! Mawlana ke Masa’ail wa Hidayaat wa Irshaadat pe be-Ta’amul, Amal farmaen”

Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) aslo used to remove Jinns from people. One incident that was accounted to me is as follows:

There was once a man who had consulted Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) for the removal of the Jinn within him. He had been brought to Hadrat by his mother. She complained that the Jinn was troublesome to them. Hadrat, after listening to her warned her that he would have to beat her son so much that he would bleed profusely. This had to be done in order to force the Jinn out of him. However even though her son would be beaten, he would not feel any pain. When she had agreed, Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) began to beat her son so much that he indeed began to bleed profusely, until the Jinn himself began to say that he would leave. Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) ordered the Jinn to leave the man immediately to go into a big bottle which was closed after the Jinn had entered it. Thereafter Hadrat would dig a deep hole and bury the bottle containing the Jinn.

One of the blessed habits of Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) loved to recite Surah al-Quraish. He would read this Surah seven times and would blow it on any goods that he had for sale. He would also encourage his wife to read this surah and blow it on the food that she would prepare. He used to say that by reading this surah would bring barakat in the home.


The family genealogy of Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) is as follows:

Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan Sahab Ibn Hafidh Ghulam Rasool Sahab Ibn Muhammad Isma’eel Sahab Ibn Muhammad Siddiq Sahab Ibn Umar Sahab Ibn Ramzan Ibn Saboor Sahab Meer Ibn Haji Muhammad Akbar Sahab Ibn Maulvi Haamid’duddin Sahab Ibn Maulvi Shahbaaz Sahab Ibn Khush-Haal Sahab Ibn Gohar Ibn Rehmatullah Sahab Ibn Khwaja Ubaidullah Sahab.

Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) was married thrice in his lifetime and had sixteen children in total:

First wife: Marhooma Maryam bai

1. Mawlana Ghulam Mustapha Raza Khan (during Sayyidi alaHadrat’s Alaihir raHmah last illness, when he used to be carried to the masjid on a chair, among the four people who used to carry the chair of sayyidi alaHadrat Alaihir raHmah on their shoulder, was Mawlana ghulam mustapha raza khan)
2. Ayesha bai
3. Ghulam Murtaza Raza (passed on at a young age)

Second wife: Marhooma Halima bai

4. Mawlana Ghulam Mujtaba Raza (buried in Malawi)
5. Hawwa bai
6. Ruqaiyyah bai

Third wife: Marhooma Amatullah bai

7. Raheema bai
8. Kareema bai
9. Hajiani khadija bai
10. Ayesha bai
11. Mawlana Ghulam Ahmed Raza Khan, He was granted khilaafat by Hadrat Mufti-e-Azam Hind . Hadrat Mufti Mehood Jaan used to say, “Hadrat mere Ilm ko jayb mein rakh ke Ghoomtay hain).”
12. Marhooma Jamila bai (passed away during childhood, after an incident that led to a short illness)
13. Mawlana Ahmed Jaan Khan
14. Hajiani fatima bai (Alhamdulillah, she is currently living in Zimbabwe)
15. Hajiani Amina bai (Alhamdulillah, she is currently living in Upleta)
16. Hajiani Jamila bai (it is said she was born when Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan Alaihir raHmah was at the age of 100. That was in 1935.)


When I had asked the daughter of Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) if she remembered any Karamat of her father, she replied simply by saying, “Thousands”. However, for the sake of Barakat, I will mention one karamat of Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah).

A man named Muhammad, during his childhood had German measles. The doctors had no hope of his recovery and advised his parents to expect the worst. Hearing this Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) came to his parents home and asked them why they had not consulted him, as he was still Alive. Hadrat, put his blessed saliva on the child and prayed for him. He was cured in no time and went on to live a comfortable life.


Two of the books written by Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) received great success namely:

1. Zikr-e-Raza: Khalifa of AlaHadrat, Malik al-Ulama, Hadrat-e-Allama Mawlana Zafar al-Din Bihari (Alaihir raHmah), mentions in his Sawaneh Hayaat of Sayyidi AlaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah), that the first Sawaneh Hayaat written on the life of Sayyidi AlaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah) was by Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) under the title of Zikr-e-Raza. The specialty of this book is that it has been written in the form of poetry. It has also been translated into the English language by Sayyid Shah Aulad-e-Rasool Qudsi Misbahi (Daamat Barakatuhum al-Qudsiyyah).

2. Eezah-e-Sunnat: This kitaab was based on the eight questions posed by the Bud-Muzhabs. In this book Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) answered all their questions by providing authentic proof from the Holy Qur’an and the blessed Ahadith. This book was certified and verified by sixty three distinguished scholars by their blessed words and blessed seals, such as Sayyidi AlaHadrat, Hujjat al-Islam, Mufti-e-Azam Hind, Sadr al-Shari’ah, and many other learned Ulama of that time (Radi Allahu Anhum Ajma’een).

Sayyidi alaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah)’s verification was as follows:

“O ALLAH, for YOU is ALL Praise! This Blessed book which has been written by my companion and my Beloved Brother in Islam, the Helper of the Sunnah, and Eradicator of the Fitnah, Respected Mawlana Moulvi Mehmood Jaan Saahib Qadiri Barakaati Peshawari, has passed before Me. I found it adorned with great attributes and I have found it to be complete and concise. I thanked ALLAH for blessing the author with such Taufeeq to support the Deen in such a difficult and corrupt time. Verily the Blessing of ALLAH and HIS Rasool (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) is upon this Learned Faadhil and Insha-ALLAH, His reward for this effort, through the Blessing of the Holy Prophet (SallAllaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) is closeness to ALLAH and a blessed place in the Blessed Paradise. WA ALLAHU AA’LAM.”

This book too, has been translated into the English language by the khalifa of Hadrat Taaj al-Shari’ah and Muhaddith al-Kabeer, Mawlana Aftaab Qasim Qadiri Ridawi (Hafidhahullahu Ta’ala), and is available in three volumes.


Hadrat Taaj al-Shari’ah, Allama Mawlana Mufti al-Haaj Shah Muhammad Akhtar Rida Khan, Sunni Hanafi Qadiri Barakaati Ridwi Noori Azhari (Daamat Barakatuhum al-Aaliyah), during the 61st Urs-e-Razvi Mehmoodi Sharif in Jamjodhpur Sharif said the following words:

“…AlaHadrat ke Sache Khulafa, jin mein Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan Sahab, ek the aur laakhon mein ek the, aur Jamjodhpur ke log aur Jamjodhpur ke Atraaf-o-khoob-o-Jawar ke log, Unki Istiqamat aur Maslak-e-AlaHadrat par sakhti se kaarbandhi aur uski tarweej-o-isha’at mein Unki jo zindagi guzri, woh yahan ke log toh usse waakif hai hi, Africa ke mumalik mein bhi reh kar yahin kaam kiya aur AlaHadrat Azeem-ul-Barkat ke Silsile se, aur Unke Khanwaade se, Unke Gharane se aur subse badi baat yeh hai ke Unke Maslak se logon ko wabista kiya…”

The blessed month of Muharram is celebrated the world over, and in many instances there are many elements in which some of the followers of Sayyidi AlaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah), forget his teachings. However, due to the teachings of Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah), the inhabitants of Jamjodhpur shareef celebrate muharram according to the Maslak of alaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah). It is said that Hadrat used to burn the ‘Taajias’ that were made.

In gujrat, there is a Muslim clan known as the Meer. In the past the people of this caste used to be looked down upon by the inhabitants of the area. This carried on until Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) had decided to include them in his Jama’at. A little while after, some of these people wished to be initiated into the Silsila Aaliyah Qadiriyyah Barakaatiyyah Ridawiyyah and hence Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (alahir rahma) decided to take them to Sayyidi AlaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah). When they were introduced to Sayyidi alaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah), he exclaimed that their dress and appearance did not resemble (they were clad in their traditional gujrati attire) that of a muslim. Sayyidi alaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah) then inquired the name of one of the men present which coincidently was Raju. Sayyidi alaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah) then proceeded to re-name the man as Ghulam Muhammad and he was initiated into the Silsila. However since he had no beard, Sayyidi AlaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah) advised him to first go and look at himself in the mirror and then, grows a beard according to the Sunnah and if he thought the beard to be fine, then he should not shave it. Alhamdulillah, the Meer left their orthodox ways and began living as the Muslims that they truly were.


Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) left this mundane world on the 3rd of Safar-al-Muzaffar 1370 Hijri {14th of October, 1950} at the blessed age of 130. In his last days, he suffered from diabetes and other ailments and his advanced age did not alleviate his situation.

On the morning of the Wisaal of Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah), he rose early and asked his son, Mawlana Ghulam Ahmed Raza to make him Paak and Saaf while his wife cleaned his bed and laid new sheets. After this he requested his son to purify himself and come and read Yaseen Sharif for him. However, when Mawlana Ghulam Ahmed Raza returned to recite the Yaseen Sharif he found that his blessed father had already read the Yaseen Sahrif. When Shah Sahab from Dhoraji had come to visit Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah), he related to him and his son Hadrat Mawlana Ghulam Ahmed Raza, that he had been blessed with the sight of Ssayyiduna Rasoolullah (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) and Sayyidi AlaHadrat (Alaihir raHmah) in his dream, in which they had asked him to come along with them. After while Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) requested Shah Sahab to move to another room as he wished to be surrounded by his children.

He called upon each of his daughters who stood at the foot of his bed by their name and advised them to look at him until their hearts were content as his time to leave was near. He told them even though he had surpassed the age of 100 his Nafs still had to taste death.

Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan made Du’a for all his children and when he noticed his children had began to cry, Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) told them that he was not dying, but he was only transferring his home. He also told them that his youngest son, Mawlana Ahmed Jaan was going to be married soon and he would be present at his marriage, however they would not see him but he would see them.

After saying all this Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) told his son that there is book on top of the cupboard in which there were some taweez for some of the people who had requested them and he told his family that due to his illness he had made three obligatory fasts and a certain amount of Salaah Qazah, for which the kaffarah must be paid for before his Janazah Salaah was to be performed. He told his son that his son-in-law, Mawlana Abdul Qadir (Alaihir raHmah) was to perform his Janazah Salaah. Hadrat Mawlana Mehmood Jaan (Alaihir raHmah) then recited his Shahadat and just after the Aadhaan of Zuhar he left this world towards the hereafter and like this the light that had brightened the hearts of many by removing the darkness of Kufr and Shirk, had come to rest in the love of the Master. His blessed Mazaar Sharif is in the small town of Jamjodhpur, Saurashtra, Gujarat, India. – Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’oon!!

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Penned by:
Muhammad Akhtar Raza Abd al-Qadir [Harare – Zimbabwe]
The Great Grandson of Hadrat Mufti Mehmood Jaan Qadiri Alaihir raHma

Hadrat Sayyid Abdullah Shah Qadiri also known as Hadrat Baba Bulleh Shah Alaihir raHma is universally admitted to have been the greatest of the Panjabi mystics. No Panjabi mystic poet enjoys a wider celebrity and a greater reputation. His kafis have gained unique popularity. In truth he is one of the greatest Sufis of the world and his thought equals that of Jalal al-Din Rumi and Shams Tabriz of Persia. As a poet Bulleh Shah is different from the other Sufi poets of the Panjab, and represents that strong and living pious nature of Panjabi character which is more reasonable than emotional or passionate. As he was an outcome of the traditional mystic thought we can trace some amount of mystic phraseology and sentiment in his poetry but, in the main, intellectual vedantic thought is its chief characteristic.

He was born in a Saiyyid family residing at, the village Pandoki of Kasur in the Lahore district, in the year A.D. 1680. This was during the twenty-first year of Emperor Aurangzeb’s reign. According to C. F. Usborne he passed away in A.H. 1171 or A.D. 1785 (i.e. in the short reign of Alamgir the Second) at the ripe old age of 78.

A large amount of what is known about Bulleh Shah comes through legends, and is subjective; to the point that there isn’t even agreement among historians concerning his precise date and place of birth. Some “facts” about his life have been pieced together from his own writings. Other “facts” seem to have been passed down through oral traditions.

Baba Bulleh Shah practiced the Sufi tradition of Punjabi poetry established by poets like Shah Hussain (1538 – 1599), Sultan Bahu (1629 – 1691), and Shah Sharaf (1640 – 1724) Alaihim ar-RaHmah.

Baba Bulleh Shah lived in the same period as the famous Sindhi Sufi poet , Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai (1689 – 1752). His life also overlapped with the legendary Punjabi poet Waris Shah (1722 – 1798), and the famous Sindhi Sufi poet Abdul Wahad (1739 – 1829), better known by his pen-name, Sachal Sarmast (“truth seeking leader of the intoxicated ones”).

After completing his education, it is said that Baba Bulleh Shah went to Lahore. Of the two traditions, one says that, as was customary in those days, he came to Lahore in search of a spiritual teacher, while the other relates that he went there on a visit. Each of these two contradictory traditions has a legend to support it. The first relates that while he was busy searching the intellectual circles of Lahore to find out a competent master he heard of Shah Inayat’s greatness and decided to make him his Murshid. He turned his steps towards the house of the Shah, and found him engrossed in his work in the garden. Having introduced himself, Baba Bulleh Shah requested that he might be accepted a disciple and taught the secret of God. Thereupon Hadrat Shah lnayat Alaihir raHmah said:

Bullhia rabb da pan ai
edharo puttan odharo lan hai.

O Bulleh! the secret of Almighty Allah is this; on this side He uproots, on the other side He creates.

‘This’, says the tradition. ‘so impressed Baba Bulleh Shah that, forgetting his family and its status, he became Inyat Shah’s disciple.

The second tradition says that Shah Inayat was the head gardener of the Shalimar gardens of Lahore. When in Lahore, Baba Bulleh Shah visited them, and as it was summer, he roamed in the mango-groves. Desirous of tasting the fruit he looked round for the guardian but, not finding him there, he decided to help himself. To avoid the sin of stealing, he looked at the ripe fruit and said; ‘ALLAHu Ghani’. On the utterance of these magic words a mango fell into his hands. He repeated them several times, and thus collected a few mangoes. Tying them up in his scarf he moved on to find a comfortable place where he could eat them. At this time he met the head gardener, who accused him of stealing the fruit from the royal gardens. Considering him to be a man of low origin and desirous of demonstrating to him his occult powers, Baba Bulleh Shah said ironically: ‘I have not stolen the mangoes but they have fallen into my hands as you will presently see.’ He uttered ‘ALLAHu Ghani’ and the fruit came into his hand. But to his great surprise the young Saiyyid found that Inayat Shah was not at all impressed but was smiling innocently. The great embarrassment of Bullhe Shah inspired pity in the gardener’s heart and he said: ‘You do not know how to pronounce properly the holy words and so you reduce their power.’ So saying, he uttered ‘ALLAHu Ghani’, and all the fruits in the gardens fell on the lovely lawns. Once again he repeated the same and the fruit went back on to the trees. This defeat inflicted by the guardian, whom the young Saiyyid Bullhe Shah considered ignorant and low, revolutionized his whole thought. Falling at the feet of Inayat Shah he asked to be classed as his disciple and his request was immediately granted.

The above two traditions, though different in detail, come to the same conclusion, that Baba Bulleh Shah, impressed by the greatness of Inayat, became his disciple. Bullhe Shah in his verse often speaks of his master Inayat Shah and thanks his good luck for having met such a murshid.

Bulleh Shah ve nic kamini
Shah inayat tari.

Says Bulleh Shah, O Almighty the Lord Inayat has saved me, low and mean.


Bullhe Shah di suno hakait
hadi pakria hog hadait
mera murshid Shah Inayat
Uh langhaai par.

Listen to the story of Bullhe Shah, he has got hold of the peer and shall have salvation. My teacher, Shah Inayat, he will take me across.

In an account of the Panjabi poets it would perhaps be out of place to speak at great length of Shah Inayat who wrote in Persian. But the influence exerted by him through his teachings and writings has linked him with Panjabi literature. Baba Bulleh Shah the Rumi of the Panjab, came most directly under his influence and, having learnt from him, was inspired to write his remarkable poetry. It will therefore, be proper to give a short account of this wonderful man.

Hadrat Shah Inayat Qadiri and his School

Hazrat Shaykh Muhammad Inayatullah, generally known as Shah Inayat Qadiri, was born at Kasur in the Lahore district, of Arais parents. The arias in the Panjab were gardeners or petty cultivators. They are known to be Hindu converts to Islam and are therefore considered inferior.

He was educated after the manner of his time and gained a good knowledge of Persian and Arabic. As he was born with a mystic disposition he became a disciple of the famous Sufi scholar and saint Muhammad Ali Raza Shattari. After he had finished his studies he was created a khalifa. Later on he received the khilafat of seven other sub-sects of the Sufi Qadiri. Soon after this event he left Kasur and migrated to Lahore .The author of Bagh-i-Awliya-e-Hind says that the great enmity of the Hakim Hussain Khan compelled him to migrate, but his descendants assert that it was the order of his teacher that brought him to Lahore. Here after having quelled the jealousy of his famous contemporaries, he established a college of his own. To this college came men of education for further studies in philosophy and other spiritual sciences of the time.

Inayat Shah was a well-known Qadiri Sufi of his time. From the historical point of view the Qadiri Sufis can be traced back to the Sufi Saint Abdul Qadri Jilani of Bagdad. Jilani is also known by the names Peer Dastgeer and Peeran-e-Peer. Bulleh Shah himself has also given a hint that his “Master of Masters” was born in Bagdad but his own Master belonged to Lahore:

My Master of Masters hailed from Baghdad,
but my Master belongs to the throne of Lahore.
It is all the same. For He himself is the kite
and He himself is the string.

Such was the man whom Baba Bulleh Shah made his Murshid. This action of Baba Bulleh Shah, however, was highly displeasing to his family. His relatives tried to induce him to give up Inayat and find another murshid. But Baba Bulleh Shah was firm and paid no attention to them or to their wailings. The following will sufficiently demonstrate the indignation of the family:

Bulleh nu samjhawan aiyaan bhena te bharjhaiyaan
Aal nabi ullad Nabi nu tu kyun leekaan laaiyaan
Manlay Bulleya sada kehna chad de palla raiyaan

To Bulleh sisters and sisters-in-law came to explain (advise). Why, O Bulleh, have you blackened the family of the Prophet and the descendants of Ali? Listen to our advice, Bulleh, and leave the skirt of the aria.

To this reproach Baba Bulleh Shah firmly but indifferently replies:

Jehra sanu saiyad akkhe dozakh miln sazaiya
Jehra sanu rai akkhe bahishti piga paiya
Je tu lore bag bahara Bullhia Talib ho ja raiya.

He who calls me a Saiyyid, shall receive punishments in Hell, he who calls me an arai shall in heaven have swings; O Bulleh, if you want pleasures of the garden become a disciple of the aria.

Raeen saain sabhan thaain rab diyaan be parwaiyaan
Sohniyaan pare hataiyaan te khoojiyaan lay gall laiyaan

Arain and masters are born at every place, God does not discriminate against anyone.
Wise people don’t care for such differences, only the ugly ones do

Je tu loorain baag baharaan chaakar hoo ja raiyaan
Bulleh Shah di zaat ki puchni shakar ho razaiyaan

If you seek to the gardens of heaven, become a servant to the ‘Arains’. Why ask about the caste of Bulleh Shah? Instead be grateful in the God’s will.

Baba Bulleh Shah seems to have suffered at the hands of his family, as he has once or twice mentioned in his poetry. In the end, being convinced of the sincere love and regard of their child for Inayat Shah, the family left him alone. It is said that one of his sisters, who understood her brother, gave him her support and encouraged him in his search for truth.

After the demise of Hadrat Shah Inayat, Baba Bullhe Shah returned to Kasur. He remained faithful to his Beloved and to himself by not marrying. The sister who understood him also remained single and kept him company in his last years. He died in A.D. 1758 and was buried in Kasur, where his tomb still exists.

May Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala elevate his Status and bless with a part from the Divine Love of Hadrat Sayyid Abdullah Shah Qadiri that he had for HIM (Almighty) and accept our remembrance of the Great Wali and the Sufi Master and make it a medium for us to receive his divine mercy and blessings… Aameen!!

There were many Mureeds (Disciples) & Khulafa (Spiritual Successors) of Syeduna A’la Hadrat Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. They have spread far & wide over the Indo-Pak and also all parts of the world. Near 35 were in other parts of the world & 30 remained in the Indo-Pak Sub continent. One of the prominent Khalifas of the great Imam was Sher Besha Ahle Sunnat (The Lion of the AhleSunnat), Abul Fath Hadrat Allama Maulana Hashmat Ali Khan Qadiri Razavi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho.

Blessed Birth

He was born in 1902 (1319 Hijri) in Ameti, Lucknow, India. From a young age he had a thirst for knowledge. He qualified as a Hafizul Quran at the age of 9, Qualified in Qirat-e-Saba at 12 and as young as 14 was already tackling other fields of learning.


No sooner did his father send him to Dar al-Uloom Manzar-e-Islam in Bareilly Sharief to study under the feet of the Masters. He was only 14 by then, but never too young to take Bai’at at the hands of the great Scholar & Sufi, A’la Hadrat . A’la Hadrat Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho paid special attention to the young Maulana Hashmat Ali Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho.

Exalted Teachers

He also studied under Sadrush Shariah, Hadrat Maulana Amjad Ali Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho & Hujjatul Islam, Hadrat Maulana Haamid Raza Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho who was the son of A’la Hadrat Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho

As a Teacher

Hadrat Hashmat Ali Khan soon became a lecturer at the Uloom, then as a Mufti of Jamaat-e-Raza-e-Mustafa in Bareilly Sharief & then as Principal of Darul Uloom Ahle Sunnat Miskeenia. Later he took up a Khateeb position at the Zeenat-ul-Masjid in Gojra Waala.

Khilafat from the Great Imam

Due to his great intelligence & learning, he excelled in the field of debating & A’la Hadrat had a special liking and preference toward him. He soon earned the title of “Abul Fatah” from the great Imam who bestowed him with his turban & cloak when Hadrat Allama Hasmat Ali Khan defeated a person of a corrupt sect. It is said that he never lost any debate & was always victorious against the corrupt sects.

His Blessed Mission

He is such a blessed and exalted personality who spread the fragrance and radiance of Imaan and righteousness with complete dedication, until his last breath.

Those who listened to him as an orator were blessed with the riches of Imaan and Aqida which flowed from his words. His lectures were drowned in the love of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) quenching the thirst of those seeking to attain this love.

He adorned the hearts of the people with the love of the Awliyah Allah and in doing so, he warned them of the “Thieves of Imaan” in order to protect the Imaan of the believers against these thieves.

His tongue was like a naked sword and his words dissected the false beliefs of the corrupt sects as he struck them with his bright proofs, yet the very same tongue flowed with words of love and comfort to the true believers.

Wo Apne Khalwat-o-Jalwat me Ku’e Istiqaamat Tha;
Wo Apno Ke Liye Har Lamha Ikhlaas-o-Muhabbat Tha

A’doo-e-Deen’o Imaan Ke Liye Wo Ghaiz-o-Shid’dat Tha
Haqeeqat Me Wo Thaa Ek Jaama’e Awsaf Insaani

Wo Sher Be’sha Ahl-e-Sunnan Maqbool-e-Rab’baani
Laraz Jaata Tha Jin Ka Naam Sunkar Makr-e-Shaitaani

Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat (alaihir rahma), with all his blessed qualities and grandeur, spent his entire life striving against and debating the corrupt sects. He spent all his time battling those who made blasphemy in the Court of Almighty Allah and the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam).

He had dedicated his entire life to this mission of protecting the truth and stopping any attacks on the personality of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam).

Wisdom and Debating Techniques

Since his era was the one in which the corruption of the wahabi and najdi menace was rife, he debated and combated this with vigor and with his knowledge and wisdom. He even debated and combatted the other corrupt sects in his era such as the Naichris, Qadianis, Chakralvis, Khaaksaaris, and Bahais etc.

He also fought against the corrupt Arya Shud’hi movement and Alhumdulillah, he was completely successful in every debate. He never failed or lost any debate.

Hazrat was well-known for his wisdom and debating techniques. There was none like him in this field in his era. Approximately sixty of his debates have been recorded in written format and also published and scores of other debates have been narrated by witnesses who heard his debates and informed those after them about these. Based on his determination and dedication, he was as firm as a mountain in his striving.

There were such testing instances where many others did not even dare to enter into confrontation, but he went into these debates without any fear and announced the truth. He had only one policy and he lived by this policy:

Chut Jaa’e agar Daulat-e-Kaunain To Kya Ghum
Choote Na Kabhi Haath se Daamaan-e-Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)

The elders & most intelligent and so called witty debaters of the opposition had no chance against him. He raised the flag of Sunniyat & the name of Razviat! He always kept singing the praises of A’la Hadrat, Ghaus Paak & Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaz (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anhum Ajma’een)


He passed away on the 8th of Muharam 1380 Hijri (3 July 1960) in Pilibhit Sharief, India, where his Mazaar stands today in Hashmat Nagar. He was poisoned. May Allah Ta’ala reward him with the best of rewards for his services to the Deen & may Allah Ta’ala bless him with a special place in His Mercy, granting Him an exalted place in Jannatul Fridous. Ameen!!


Statements by the Exalted Scholars about
Hadrat Allama Abul Fatah Hashmat Ali Khan Qadir Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho

A personality who is regarded amongst the best of his era, is not only regarded as being of great stature, respectable and honorable, because his disciples, devotees, well-wishers, friends and relatives pay tribute to him by praising him and honoring him after his passing away, but his actual excellence and status becomes really evident through the views, words and writings of the distinguished and learned Ulama, Masha’ikh and Muftis etc. of his era.

His actual excellence can be seen by the manner in which the learned scholars of Deen turn towards him in their times of need and by the manner in which they address him and the titles that they bestow upon him in their writings and letters.

Hujjatul Islam Hadrat Allama Haamid Raza Khan (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

“From amongst the blessings which Almighty Allah has bestowed upon me, two such great blessings are Hadrat Maulana Sardaar Ahmed and Hadrat Maulana Hashmat Ali Khan Saaheb”

Sarkar Mufti-e-Azam Hind Allama Mustafa Raza Khan (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

“From amongst the Khulafa of A’la Hadrat (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho), the services that Mazhar’e A’la Hadrat, Asadul Millat, Naasir’e Ahle Sunnat Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat Hadrat Maulana Hashmat Ali Khan (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) accomplished, will not be able to be done even by one hundred and fifty Molvis together.”

Hadrat Sayyidul Ulama Sayyid Aal-e-Mustafa Qadri Barkaati (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

I have no fear in saying that Hadrat Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat is also my respected Ustaad. He came to Khanqaah-e-Barkaatiyah once for an entire month and during this time; I studied fourteen lessons from Tafseer-e-Jalaalain, Noorul Anwaar, Qutbi with Meer and Sharah Waqayah from Hadrat Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat (RaHmatullahi Ta’ala Alaih).

Just four years ago, I went to Darul Uloom Ahle Sunnat Shah Aalam in Ahmedabaad as an examiner. During that time, the Sheikul Hadith was Allama Abdul Mustafa A’zmi. There were just a few days left for Shab’be Baraaat, so he had arranged for a lecture programme there. I delivered a lecture and probably that was the longest lecture I had given in my life. I sat down to deliver my lecture at 8.45pm and stood up at 4am to read Durood-o-Salaam.

Even the little children of Ahmedabaad know that after I had delivered my lecture, Ajmalul Ulama Hadrat Maulana Ajmal Shah Saaheb Sambhali Daamat barkaatuhum said,

“Mia, Today you have reminded me of Maulana Hashmat Ali Saaheb”

I simply replied to him by saying,

“It is true. The mannerism of the father falls upon his son and the mannerism of a great teacher falls upon his student, thus if today you remembered him by listening to me, there is nothing amazing about that.”

Today he is not amongst us; his physical body is not before us. The physical body is only like a cage that is holding the soul, like a bird but realize this fact, that his spiritual blessings will always remain with us and the blessings of his soul shall always be a helper to the Ahle Sunnat Wa Jama’at.

Mujaahid-e-Millat, Hadrat Allama Maulana Habeebur Rahmaan (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

The evident status and excellence of Hadrat Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat are clearly evident and well known and as for his hidden excellences, then this is known to the specially blessed servants.

In this era, the most dangerous and harmful movement to Imaan, is that of deobandism and wahabism, which is trying to show kufr to be Imaan and misled ones to be believers and in doing so causing hundreds and thousands of unsuspecting believers to be misled.

In this special service of combating these forces, the personality of Hadrat (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) is unique in his method of approach and combating this. His passing has left such a vacuum, that to fill it will be very difficult.

Where Hadrat Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat was well known as Mazhar’e A’la Hadrat and as being the example of Ashidaa’u alal Kufaar, the condition of him being the example of Ruhama’u Bainahum was such that he showed so much kindness and mercy upon a person like myself.

The Prophet (Sall Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said that the Demise of an Aalim is the Demise of the entire nation and the demise of an Aalim leaves a huge vacuum in the Deen.

Maut-e-Aalim, Maut-e-Aalam Thalma-e-Deen-e-Nabi
Jaan-e-Too Jaan-e-Jahaa, Jaan-e-Jahaan Bar Too Nisaar

Malikul Ulama Hadrat Allama Zafrud’deen Bihari Razvi (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

Haami-e-Deen-e-Mateen, Maahi-e-Sher-e-Mubtadi’een Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat Naasir-e-Deen Millat Abul Fatah Maulana Molvi Hashmat Ali Khan Saaheb Daamat Fuyuzukum Barkatukum

Taajedaar-e-Kichaucha Hadrat Muhadith-e-Azam Hind (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

My feelings about the life and services of Hadrat Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat Maulana Hashmat Ali Khan (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)… for me, is to gather the sea into a jug. The knowledge and excellence of Hadrat has been in the hearts of all and now even on the tongues of the opposition.

His character and behavior was such that not only did he show honour and respect to his seniors, but he also respected those younger than himself. The manner, in which he conducted himself with every Sunni Sahihul Aqida Muslim, is a minaret of guidance for all, even today. His piety and obedience to the Sunnat is clearly evident from his entire life.

Another angle of Maulana’s (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) life is the he went through hardships and difficulties, but he remained steadfast and was a strong and firm as a mountain in his mission of righteousness, no matter what the circumstances were. He never feared or winched and remained a shining example of the pious predecessors.

Hadrat Qaazi Shamsud’deen Ahmed Jaunpuri (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

There is no doubt that the demise of an Aalim is the demise of an nation and no doubt leaves a vacuum in the Deen. The vacuum that has been left by the passing away this Lion of Righteousness can never be filled, for those of us who leave in reality do not leave a successor equal to him self. In this difficult and testing time, his services are those which are worthy of being inscribed in gold letters and that which he did for the benefit of the Ummah can never be forgotten, especially, announcing the truth and combating the corrupt sects.

He was never afraid of anyone when it came to saying that which was the truth and there was none who could stop him from doing this. His intelligence and knowledge was such that he even knew the actual quotations from the books of the opposition by memory. When in confrontation with the opposition, each one of them, even the ones regarded as eloquent amongst them, seemed like a kindergarten child before him.

Haafiz-e-Millat Allama Mufti Ash Shah Abdul Azeez (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

The reality of the matter is that it is such a feeling and condition I am feeling by his demise, that I cannot find words to describe this. The emotions that I am feeling cannot be put into words, but I will try to write a few words. The passing of Haami-e-Sunnat Maahi-e-Bid’at Sar Shikne Najdiyat Sultaanul Muqarireen Imamul Munaazireen Shaheed-e-Millat Hadrat Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat Al Haaj Maulana Shah Abul Fatah Muhammad Hashmat Ali Khan Saaheb Qibla (alaihir rahmatu wa ridwaan) is such a great sadness that it has caused much grief in the world of the Ahle Sunnat.

It feels as if a mountain has fallen upon us and it is a sadness that has left such a wound on the heart that it will remain forever. His demise has caused a huge vacuum. The world can be seen mourning. In’na lil laahi Wa In’na Ilaihi Raaji’oon

In which ever direction Hadrat Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat went, he openly announced the truth and spread righteousness. His services to Islam are such that even though he has passed on, his services will remain known and praised forever.

Hadrat Allama Abdul Aziz Qaadri Razvi (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

Mustaqeemul Maslak Muqeemul Muneeh Mahsoodul Mu’aasireen Mabghoodul Maraqeen Anid Deenil Qaweem Aziz Muhtaram Maulana Molvi Hashmat Ali Khan Saaheb Salamahul Maulal Musta’aan

Hadrat Allama Mufti Mohammed Imaad’dud’Deen Hanafi Qaadri (Mufti A’zam Sambhal – Muradabad)

May Almighty Allah bless Hadrat Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat Haafiz wa Muhaafiz-e-Deen-o-Millat Molvi Abul Fatah Ubaidur Raza Haafiz Muhammad Hashmati Ali Khan Saaheb with a wonderful reward on behalf of the Ahle Deen and Ahle Taqwa.

He is a personality who protected the unsuspecting Muslims from the corruption of the corrupt and the mischief of the enemy. His fearlessness and boldness against the enemies shows that undoubtedly he was the flag bearer of Razviyat and one of the true representatives of A’la Hadrat (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho).

My heart, my mind, my justice and intellect tells me that in his last advise to the people, when A’la Hadrat said that, “Allah will definitely send someone to stand up for the protection of the Deen”, I think he referred to Hadrat Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

Hadrat Allama Maulana Mahmood Jaan Peshawari (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

I pray that Almighty Allah blesses Hadrat Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat Mazhar’e-e-A’la Hadrat Maulana Molvi Haafiz Qaari Mufti Muhammad Hashmat Ali Khan Saaheb Qadri Barkaati Razvi Qibla Daamat Barkaatuhumul Aaliyah with immense reward and blessings for the services which he has rendered.

Hadrat Allama Syed Ahmad Saeed Kaazmi (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

In the July 1960 issue of “As Saeed” magazine, he said the following: “Imamul Munaazireen Hadrat Maulana Alhaaj Al Haafiz Muhammad Hashmat Ali Khan Saaheb Qaadri Razvi lucknowi (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) was ill for a lengthy time and then on the 3rd July 1960 he passed away in Philibit.

Hadrat Maulana (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) was the example of A’la Hadrat (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) in knowledge, wisdom, piety and firmness in Maslak. In other words, he was Mazhar’e A’la Hadrat. In the field of debating and combating the misled sects, none can be seen who would really be able to take the special position which was awarded to Hadrat Maulana (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho).”

Hadrat Allama Noorullah (Sheikhul Hadith, Madrassa Fareedia, Basarpur Pakistan)

He says as follows in his magazine Mukabirus Saut: “From all the references provided, it is evident that the personality of Hadrat Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat Hadrat Maulana Hashmat Ali Khan (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) is not unrecognized and the Learned Scholars and distinguished Ulama and Masha’ikh Ahle Sunnat have acknowledged his blessed and great services and all are praising his memorable works.”

Ahle Sunnat Ki Tujh Se Yahi he Dua
Baagh Maulana Hashmat Ali Ai Khuda
Taa Qiyaamat Rahe Yun Hara aur Bhara
Faiz Paate Rahain Un se Sunni Sadaa
Mazhar-e-Shah’e Ahmad Raza Aap Hain
Waaris-e-Sayyidul Ambiya Aap Hain

Hadrat Allama Mufti Shareeful Haq Amjadi (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

Hadrat Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) was such a blessed personality that he possessed so many great qualities that there are very few people of this stature that can be found. He was such a dynamic orator that he would make a crowd of thousands emotional and passionate with his words.

He had such a beautiful character that if a person met him just once, he would be in his thoughts forever. He was so steadfast in his adherence to the Shariat that leave alone Faraaid and Waajibaat, he never left out Mushtahibaat either at home or whilst on journey. He was so open hearted and content that he never raised his sight to look towards the materialistic wealth of this world.

He was so kind and generous that whatever he earned he spent. He never thought of saving anything for the next day. With all these qualities, there was that one special quality that caused him to shine, causing the world to remember him by the title of “Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat” and this was his steadfastness on Haq (righteousness), His firmness in Deen and him being the example of loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah.

He was unique in his time in clearly and openly announcing the truth and unveiling the corruption of the corrupt. That which he regarded as Haq, he announced it without fear and that which he regarded as corrupt, he went against it and never looked around to notice if anyone supported him or not.

Like a bold and brave Lion he fearlessly caused disarray amongst the corrupt, by firmly announcing the truth and challenging the corrupt beliefs. He did not care if anyone was with him or what others were saying about him or whether anyone was jealous of him or if someone was slandering him.

All this never caused him to move one step back, but rather he moved forward and never allowed any complaint to be heard from himself.

The reality is that Hadrat Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat was rightfully worthy of being called “Mazhar’e A’la Hadrat” (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

Tauheed to Ye He Ke Khuda Hashr me Keh De
Ye Banda Do Aalam se Khafa Mere Liye He

Hadrat Allama Arshadul Qaadri (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

From all the Khutbas which I have heard and from all the orators, the Khutba of Hadrat Sher Be’sha Ahle Sunnat (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) held a very special place.

When he complete rendering the Na’at, the audience would feel as if they had just woken from a highly spiritual dream.

His lectures had such an effect on the audience that the eyes of the audience would be filled with tears, and his words of advice and encouragement would cause thousands of individuals to turn their lives around.

Grand Son of AlaHadrat, Qamr al-Aarifeen, Umdat al-Mufasireen, Mufassir al-Azam Hind Jilani Mia Hadrat Allama Mawlana Muhammad Ibrahim Rida Khan was born on the 10th of Rabi ul Aakhir 1325 Hijri (1907) in Bareilly Shareef. His birth pleased his grandfather AlaHadrat Alaihir RaHma dearly. Ala Hadrat Alaihir RaHma called the Azaan and Iqaamah in his ears and chewed a date and placed it in his mouth. AlaHadrat’s Alaihir RaHma brother Ustaz-e-Zaman Hadrat Hassan Raza Khan Alaihir RaHma was also very pleased when he heard of his birth.


AlaHadrat Alaihir RaHma prepared a great feast for his Aqeeqah. All the students of the madrassa were fed according to their taste. In other words, those from Africa were fed according to their taste and those from India were fed according to their taste. AlaHadrat Alaihir RaHma made sure that all the students were very happy during this invitation.


According to the family tradition, he was named Muhammad. His father then added the name Ibrahim. His mother always called him Jilani Mia, and his title was Mufassir-e-Azam Hind Alaihir RaHma.


Umdatul Mufassireen Hadrat Jilani Mia Alaihir RaHma is the forty second Imam and Sheikh of the Silsila Aaliyah Qaaderiyah Barakaatiyah Razviyah Nooriyah.


When he was four years, four months and four days old, then on a Thursday, the 14th of Shabaan 1329, AlaHadrat Alaihir RaHma held a programme for his Bismillah Khwaani (commencement of Islamic studies). AlaHadrat Alaihir RaHma also invited many people and Niyaz was distributed. He studied the Holy Quran and the Urdu language under the care of his beloved mother. When he was 7 years old, he was enrolled into the world renowned Darul Uloom Manzar-e-Islam in Bareilly Shareef. He studied under great Ulama such as Maulana Ahsaan Ali Saahib Muhadith Faizpuri, his father Hujjatul Islam Maulana Haamid Raza Khan and Hadrat Maulana Sardaar Ahmed Muhadith-e-Pakistan (Ridwanullahi Ta’ala Alaihim Ajmaeen). He qualified as an Aalim and Faadil at the age of 19 years and four months, in the year 1344 and Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Alaihir RaHma tied the turban on his head and blessed him with the Khilafat.


Hadrat was very kind and generous. His life was an example of the great Masha’ikh. He always oiled his hair and beard after taking a bath. He wore a loose Punjabi kurta. He sometimes wore a badami colored Kurta, but usually he wore white. His diet was roti, braised meat, Kalabash, herbs and Bhindi. He loved to use itar and if anyone gave him itar, he made sure that it was not some kind of contaminated perfume. He always used both his hands to apply the itar onto his chest and under his arms. He always slept on his right hand side. He never preferred anyone to lie flat on his or her face when sleeping.


Hadrat Mufassir-e-Azam Alaihir RaHma married the daughter of his uncle, Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam Hind Alaihir RaHma. AlaHadrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Alaihir RaHma arranged this marriage.


Once Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam Hind Alaihir RaHma said,

“When Huzoor Hujjatul Islam Alaihir RaHma passed away, then Jilani Mia Alaihir RaHma was not here. When he returned, then some people had reservations about his Khilafat, so I said, that if some of them have reservations concerning wheter his blessed father gave him the Khilafat, and I too hereby bestow the Khilafat upon him. Now, none should have any objections. Because of my support for him, many people now supported him and the Madrassa was given into his control.”


In 1372, he made Ziyaarat of Haramain Sharifain. The Ulama of Makkah al-Mukarrama and Madinah al-Munawwarah showed great respect to him, due to his relationship to AlaHadrat Alaihir RaHma and he was blessed with various Ijaazats, for Hadith, Dalaail-e-Khairaat and Hizbul Bahr etc.


He was a very well qualified and experienced teacher. After Fajr Salaah, he would spend some time reading his wazeefas etc. He would then take breakfast and go directly to his classroom. He always entered the Darul Uloom before the students prayed the Salaami to commence classes and he would join them in sending salaams to the Prophet ù. He would then make dua with great sincerity. He used to teach Muslim Shareef, Tirmizi Shareef and Mishkaat Shareef. He also presented the false beliefs of the Najdis and then refuted them with very bright proofs. When teaching Muslim Shareef, he often entered a very highly spiritual state. He used to speak most often in Arabic, and he encouraged the students to do the same.


Hadrat was also a very dynamic orator. Once, there was a two-day programme. He delivered a very dynamic lecture on the first day, and then left. The next day, was the lecture of Hadrat Muhadith-e-Azam Kichauchwi Alaihir RaHma. He says, “In the morning, 20 wahabis, came to me and said that the lecture which was delivered the night before inspired them so much that they realized their beliefs were corrupt, so they made tauba and accepted the (true) Islam.”


He started the monthly AlaHadrat Magazine for the propagation of the teachings of the Ahle Sunnat. This magazine gained great success. Alhumdulillah, this magazine is still in circulation even today.


Hadrat Mufassir-e-Azam Alaihir RaHma was also a very powerful Saahib-e-Karaamat. A few Karaamats are being presented for Barkat. Once a man was bought to Hadrat who was dumb since birth. Hadrat made dua for him, and he began to speak immediately. Many of the tableeghis in that town saw Hadrat’s karaamat and made tauba from their false beliefs.

Once, a couple came to Hadrat and said that their brother-in-law had been false accused of murder and that he was the breadwinner of the family. They requested Hadrat to make dua for his release. Hadrat asked if he was Sunni and they answered in the positive. Hadrat took a piece of paper and wrote the following on it: “Allahu Rabbu Muhammadin Sal’laa alaihi wa sal’lama Nahnu Ibaadu Muhammadin Sal’laa alaihi wa sal’lama” Hadrat said that the prisoner should learn this Durood and recite it in abundance. Hadrat then said that he should tie the taweez with the Durood on his right arm and if Allah Wills, then he will be released. Ten days later, both of them returned with sweets and Niyaz. They also brought a third person with them. They told Hadrat that he was their brother-in-law and that he had been released as he was found not guilty, but the two others who were with him have been given the life sentence. Hadrat entered them both into the Silsila and then advised them to continue with their Salaah and Durood Shareef.


Some of the books written by him are:

  • Zikrullah
  • Nematullah
  • Hujjatullah
  • Fazaail-e-Durood Shareef
  • Tafseer Surah Balad
  • Tashreeh Qasida Nau’mania


Almighty Allah blessed him with five sons and three daughters.

Hadrat Allama Rehan Raza Khan (Rahmatullah Alaih): Born on the 18th Zilhajj in Bareilly Shareef. He is the Mureed and Khalifa of Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam Hind Alaihir RaHma. He was a great teacher, and a very powerful personality. He passed away on the 18th of Ramadaan 1405 (1985). And his Mazaar Shareef is in Bareilly Shareef.

Hadrat Allama Mufti Mohammed Akhtar Raza Khan Hafidhahullah: Taajush Shariah Allama Akhtar Raza Khan Qibla is the present Torch bearer of the Khandaan-e-AlaHadrat Alaihir RaHma. Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam Hind Alaihir RaHma appointed him as his successor during his lifetime. Hadrat still lives in Bareilly Shareef (India).

Dr. Qamar Raza Khan: He lives in Bareilly Shareef and is a very kind and loving personality. He resembles Taajush Shariah Allama Akhtar Raza Khan very closely.

Mawlana Mannan Raza Khan Manaani Mia: He is a very well read personality and is the founder of Jamia Nooria, a Darul Uloom constructed in memory of Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam Hind Alaihir RaHma.

Hadrat Tanweer Raza Khan: He was older than Hadrat Akhtar Raza Khan, and was always in a very highly spiritual state even as a child. He disappeared (Mafqood-ul-Khabr) as a child and has never be seen or heard from since.


His words were always full of knowledge and wisdom. Mufassir-e-Azam Alaihir RaHma always said:

  • My own faults stop me from finding faults in others
  • Slight Absence makes the heart grow fonder and an extensive absence kills the love.
  • The respect of every nation depends on its Ulama
  • Allah gave us two ears and one tongue, so that we listen more and speak less
  • Piety is through good character and not through family ties
  • One who is not the beloved of Allah cannot be your beloved
  • Sabr (patience) is more bitter than poison and sweeter than honey
  • Knowledge without practice is a burden to ones soul
  • Allah gives comfort in the world, to one who does deeds for the hereafter
  • When you have done everything, then you should still think that you have done nothing


He passed from this world on a Monday, the 11th of Safar 1385 Hijri (12 June 1965). The next day, his Janaaza Salaah was prayed at the Islamia Inter College. Mufti Sayyid Muhammad Afzal Hussain performed the Janaaza Salaah Mufti Muhammad Afzal Hussain, Maulana Muhammad Ahsaan Ali, Maulana Sayyid Aarif Ali, Janaab Sayyid Ijaaz Hussain and Janaab Muhammad Ghaus Khan lowered Hadrat into his Mazaar.


His Mazaar Shareef is in the Dargah of AlaHadrat Alaihi raHma wa ar-Ridwan in Bareilly Shareef.

My heart yearns to show it’s bleeding scars
And to teach everyone on earth the laws
Which might make blessed life’s u
This is my yearning and this is my aim
This is my intention and this is my claim
With this I yearn to scan the globe
And deliver to humanity the message of Hope

(An extract from a poem by Mawlana Shah Abdul Aleem Siddiqui written in his college years)

Blessed Birth

“Roving Ambassador of Islam”, Mawlana ‘Abd al-‘Alīm Siddiquī al-Qadirī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was born on 15th Ramadan 1310 Hijrī in Meeruth, India. He hails from the noble Siddiquī family who are direct descendants of Ameer al-Mo’minīn Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Al-Siddique Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho in the 37th generation.

The Spiritual Chain of Succession / Spiritual Genealogy

1. Hadrat Muhammad Mustapha Sallallahu Alaihe wassallam
2. Hadrat Ali Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
3. Hadrat Hasan Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
4. Shaykh Habibbe Nil Ajamiyi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
5. Shaykh Dawood Datt Ta’irri Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
6. Shaykh Marouf Fil Karoukhiyi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
7. Shaykh Sirriyi Nis Saqa – Tiyyi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
8. Shaykh Sayyidit twa-I-fatti Abil Qasim Junaid Baghdadi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
9. Shaykh Abi Bakr Nis Shibli Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
10. Shaykh Abdil Wahidi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
11. Shaykh Abdil Azeezi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
12. Shaykh Abil Farahi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
13. Shaykh Abil Hasani Aliyil Qurayshi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
14. Shaykh Abi Saidi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
15. Sayyidina Shaykh Abdul Quadeer Jilani Ghawse Azaam Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
16. Shaykh Sayyidi Abdil Razzaq Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
17. Shaykh Sayyidil Abdil Swalihil Faqeeri Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
18. Shaykh Sayyidi Ahmad Shah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
19. Shaykh Sayyidi Shihabbiddin Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
20. Shaykh Sayyidi Shamsid Deene Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
21. Shaykh Sayyidi Alaa-id Deen Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
22. Shaykh Sayyidi Nouri Muhammad Shah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
23. Shaykh Sayyidi Abdil Jalaalis Sahra-yi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
24. Shaykh Sayyidi Bahaawal Shee Qalandar Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
25. Shaykh Abil Ma’ali Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
26. Shaykh Muhkamid Deeni Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
27. Shaykh Shah Amir Baa Laa yayru Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
28. Shaykh Abdil Lateef Fil Bourriyyi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
29. Shaykh Durweishi Muhammadin Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
30. Shaykh Shah Ahmad Shah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
31. Shaykh Abdil Lateefi Thani Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
32. Shaykh Madhe Shah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
33. Shaykh Sayyiddi A’azam Ali Shah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
34. Shaykh Sayyidi Muhammad Ghawse Ali Shah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
35. Shaykh Mawlana Muhammad Abdil Hakeem Al Quaderi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
36. Shaykh Ahmad Mukhtaar Siddiqui Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho
37. Shaykh Mawlana Shah Muhammad Abdul Aleem Siddiqui Al Quaderi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho

Early Education

His father, Hadrat Mawlana ‘Abd al-Hakim Siddiquī al-Qadirī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was a distinguished scholar and a high ranking ‘Alim of Dīn. He was also a devout Sufi Master of the Qadiriyyah Spiritual Order. He took special care in the education of his son who completed his Nazara (visual recitation) of the Holy Qur’an at the tender age of 4. He studied elementary Arabic and Persian under the guidance of his father at home and was then enrolled at the local Madressa ‘Arabiyyah Qoumiyyah where he graduated as an ‘Alim. He then pursued his Secular studies at the Islamiyah High School until Matric (Grade 12). His classmate was the former president of India Dr. Zakir Hussain. In 1917, he then enrolled at Meerut University where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree with distinction.

Spiritual Development

His elder brother, the great ‘Alim Hadrat Mawlana Sha Ahmed Mukhtar Siddiquī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho then took him to Bareilly and handed him over to the great Mujaddid, ‘Arife Billah A’la’Hadrat Imam al-Akbar Qutb al-Irshad Muhaqqiq Ahmad Rīda al-Qadirī Muhaddith Bareilwi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. Here he was groomed in many Islamic sciences including strenuous spiritual training in Tasawwuf under the able supervision of the Sufi Master and ‘Arif of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala. After spiritual perfection, the Imam bestowed on him the Khilafah of the Qadiriyyah Barkatiyyah Silsilah. It was here that the ardent love of the Beloved Habīb Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam was injected into his heart that transformed him into a perfect human (Insan al-Kamil).

Hadrat Mawlana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui (Radi Allah Ta’ala Anho) was already swimming in the ocean of Ishq (love) that led him to adhere to a stable spiritual life. His mission started when he was ordered by his spiritual teachers to visit the Holy Land of Mecca. His journey to Mecca was the culmination of his spirituality, it was at that pinnacle moment that his lessons in ‘Baatin’ (inner) had to be lived in “zahiri’ (exterior). He set himself, body & soul to the pilgrimage in 1919. His life took a different turn when he stepped on the doorway of our Beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam. He was warmly welcomed, as our Beloved (Sallahu Alaihe Wassallam) blessed the heart of Hadrat Saheb. Immediately he was convinced and inspired that he was a man chosen by Allah The Almighty and our Beloved prophet (Sallahu Alaihe Wassallam) to sacrifice his entire life to the service of humanity. His mission was handed over by beloved Prophet (Sallahu Alaihe Wassallam) to his heart and soul. This was when his real journey commenced.

He endured many painful obstacles and tribulations, but continued to persist through them with admirable patience. His heart was set to acquire the inner knowledge that he was taught during his early years. His approach to Tassawuf and spirituality was a distinctive feature that differentiated Shaykh (Radi Allah Ta’ala Anho) from other living scholars. The desire to spread the teaching of Islam became so intense, that he traveled far and wide not only to spread Deen Islam and to enrich people’s conception about spirituality but also for the gratification of his soul.

Dunya Chaani Alaam Mein Phira, Par Tera Shuragh kahin Na Mila
Jab Chashm-e-Baseerat se Dekha, hay Dil ke Andar Tu Hi Tou.

He traveled through out the entire globe for 30 years with that sacred inspiration and mission to revive humanity and reveal the truth to everyone’s heart. He was not only a scholar, but also a highly endowed spiritual master conveying the message. He brought spiritual illumination to the hearts of thousands; Muslims and Non Muslims. His prayers had given hope to many that were struck by incurable illnesses. People around the world felt the sweetness of his presence. Many were attracted by his sincerity, others by the manifestation of a divine light, which encompassed his entire being and many others, by his friendly and compassionate attitude. His blessed presence and spiritual magnetism had given new impetus to the religious and social lives of thousands. He had gained a high esteem in everybody’s heart and continues to be remembered by so many as a great Sufi and spiritual leader.

Shaykh was such a highly endowed Sufi that his intelligence conquered eminent persons such as leaders and statesmen of different religious beliefs. His spiritual achievements were enormously admired and many political leaders and businesses sought his guidance in their matters. He had instilled purity and spirituality in the hearts of those he met. Even the celebrated intellectuals of the west had the opportunity of admiring this great saint of Islam. We cannot forget the infamous encounter between Shaykh (A Theologian) and George Bernard Shaw (A Scholar).
Exalted Teachers

Besides his noble father and Imam Ahmad Rida Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, some of his other notable teachers were:

a) BaHr al-‘Ulūm Mawlana ‘Abd al-Hayy Farangī Mahellī.
b) ‘Arif Billah Shaykh Ahmad al-Shams Shamil Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho of Morocco.
c) Shaykh Al-Sanusee Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho of Libya.
d) Hakim Ah’tasham al-Dīn (taught him Tibb : Unani Medicine).

Man of Superb Qualities

In Madina al-Munawwarah he was lovingly called “Tabeeb al-Hindi” (Indian Physician). Mawlana was also a celebrated poet and used “Aleem, عليم” as his poetic pen name. He inherited this science from his noble father. Since childhood, he was an influential orator and addressed a huge crowd of Muslims at a Mawlid celebration in Meerut, India at the tender age of 9 years. This was his first public speech and he spoke on the excellence of Sayyiduna Rasūlullah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam. His speech had the audience spellbound.

His noble father passed away when he was only 12 years old. Since his mother was a very knowledgeable and pious woman, she undertook the initiative to educate and groom her son to the peak of perfection. Since he was raised in a cradle of knowledge and piety, he possessed a refined character with an impeccable personality. His ancestral Siddiqī blood generated a great sense of awe in his personality that subdued intellectuals and peasants alike.

Expert in more than 15 Languages

He also studied at the Punjab University where he obtained a degree in Oriental languages. Mawlana was fluent in many languages, namely, Urdu, Arabic, Persian, English, German, Japanese, Indonesian, Suhailee ant etc.

Roving Ambassador of Islam

Till this day, Hadrat Mawlana is recognised and accepted as the “Roving Ambassador of Islam” for his invaluable services to Islam and the Muslims internationally. He travelled extensively to the four corners of the globe and preached Islam. Numerous persons embraced Islam on his hands and millions benefited from his services of Dīn. Some of the countries he frequented were:

1) United Kingdom
2) United States of America
3) Germany
4) France
5) China
6) Japan
7) Indonesia
8) Malaysia
9) Vietnam
10) Burma
11) Ceylon
12) Mauritius
13) Reunion
14) Madagascar
15) Portugal
16) South Africa
17) Canada
18) Thailand
19) Lebanon
20) East Africa
21) Kenya
22) Tanzania
23) Uganda
24) Congo
25) Egypt
26) Arabia
27) Syria
28) Palestine
29) Jordan
30) Iraq
31) South America
32) Holland
33) Italy
34) Belgium
35) West Indies
36) Singapore, etc.

In his tours, he met with leaders of every religion and faith exchanging views not only on religion but also on political and social dimensions. His approach and presentation of Islam won the hearts of many intellectuals and statesmen, who reverted to Islam on his hands. He not only propagated Islam wherever he went, but he also established socio-religious centres that to this day are rendering invaluable services to the masses.

His Eminence was also responsible for establishing various Mosques (Masaajids) and Islamic Educational Centres throughout the world. Three of the famous Mosques are the Hanafi Masjid in Colombo, the Sultaan Masjid in Singapore and the Naagarya Masjid in Japan.

The Inter-Religious Organization was founded in the ’40s by Mawlana Muhammad Abdul Aleem Siddiqui Qadiri (may Allah be pleased with him), who also founded the All Malaya Muslim Missionary Society in 1931 and who was the first Muslim “missionary” to travel around the globe a number of times to spread the word of Islam. Jamiyah Singapore was founded in 1932 as an offshoot from this organization.

Thousands Embraced Islam at his Hands

Thousands embraced Islam at his hands including the well-known thinker Maria Levinskya and her husband the nuclear scientist Dr. Antonoff. An interesting account of Mawlana Muhammad Abdul Aleem Siddique’s great work for Islam is found in the account of his world tour written by Dr. Tahir bin Ahmad’s father – Professor Dr. Ahmad bin Ibrahim presently at the International Islamic University of Malaysia.

During his tour of the world, he met with various western dignitaries and had lengthy discussions with them on Islam. He met the world-renowned Irish dramatist and Philosopher, George Bernard Shaw, on 17th of April 1935 during his visit to Mombassa, Kenya and discussed many religious problems with him. He was very much impressed by Mawlana Abdul Aleem Siddiqi and said, “I have been very pleased to make the acquaintance, and it will be the most precious of all memories of this trip of mine.” (Ref: “Shavian and Theologian” published by Genuine Islam and World Federation of Islamic Missions, Karachi)

World Islamic Mission in Trinidad

The work of World Islamic Mission (WIM) in Trinidad began with the arrival of His Eminence Mawlana Shah Abdul Aleem Siddiqui al-Qadiri at the opening of the Intercolonial Muslim Conference, held at the Jama Masjid Hall, Queens Street, Port of Spain in 1950.

Mawlana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui visit to Trinidad in 1950 accompanied by his student and secretary, Dr. Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari al-Qadiri, lasted for six months as part of his world tour. The presence of His Eminence for such as sustained and intensive period had a profound impact on Islam in the West Indies and indeed it created a generation of highly skilled Muslim Theologians, Imams, leaders and intellectuals most of whom became the spiritual disciples (murideen) of His Eminence.

His Eminence visited neighboring countries in the region including: Guyana (then British Guiana), Suriname, Barbados, etc. The idea of the conference came from His Eminence himself and it gave birth to the Inter-colonial Muslim Organization. Officers of this organizations were:

* Mohammed Hosein Shah (President – Trinidad)
* Moulvi M.A. Nasir (Vice President – British Guiana)
* Wahid Ali (Secretary – Trinidad)
* Tawfiq-ur-Rahman (Ass. Secretary – Trinidad)
* H.I. Hussein-Ali (Treasurer – Suriname).

The welcome function for His Eminence was held at Queen’s Park Savannah on Sun. March 12th 1950. Many thousands attended – Muslims and non-Muslims. In the audience there were government representatives and members of the diplomatic corp. At this event a soul stirring recitation of al-Qur’an was rendered by Br. Ali Bin Khamis of Zanzibar who then became a regular at His Eminence’s gatherings. Another regular was Br. Jameel Bin Ahmed of Malay (now Malaysia). Both were students at the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture at St. Augustine (now part of the University of West Indies). After graduating they returned to their respective countries and both became highly acclaimed leaders.

Throughout his stay in Trinidad, and through tireless effort and dedication, Islamic propagation was always at the foremost priority and to the Muslim masses His Eminence expounded on the the principles of the Ahl Sunna wal Jamaah. In particlular, His Eminence Mawlana Shah Abdul Aleem Siddiqui made a significant contribution to Islam in the following areas:

1. Hundreds of non-muslims embraced Islam. Prominent amongst them were Haji Yusuf Mitchell, Ahmed Rifae Scope, Abu Bakr (a humble shoe maker of Santa Cruz) and Sr. Muriel Donawa Mc Davidson.

2. His Eminence’s lectures captivated Muslims, Christians, and Hindus who paid glowing tributes to him as the “Roving Ambassador of Peace”.

3. His regular dars (Islamic classes) at Jama Masjid Hall, Port of Spain, produced some of the leading thinkers in the Muslim community. Amongst his students were:

* Haji Mohammed Ibrahim (President of Anjuman Sunnah wal Jamaah Association – ASJA)
* Haji Mohammed Yusuff Mitchell (Government architect and prominent Islamic worker)
* Haji Kamaluddin Mohammed (long standing govt. Minister and acting Prime Minister)

Visit to Canada

In 1939 Hadrat Abdul Aleem Siddiqui became the first Sufi saint to spread Islam and explain the meaning of Tassawuf in Canada. He initiated the project of the first Masjid that was built in Edmonton , Canada. He successfully carried out his mission by converting thousands of non-Muslims in North America. He was also given the opportunity of expressing his thoughts in Toronto where he once again captivated his audience. He instilled the Sufi traditions which are still kept alive by many other Sufis and muhibeens. Hadrat Sahab (Radi Allah Ta’ala Anho) was deeply convinced that Tassawuf and spirituality was the gateway for non-Muslims to comprehend Islam. He also firmly believed that the Sufis are most suitable successful in converting people to Islam. He performed the opening ceremony of the first mosque to be built in Canada in Edmonton in 1939. He also visited Toronto, the largest metropolis in Canada, where he presented Islam as a gift to a largely non-Muslim gathering.

Alhamdollillah through his prayers, Allah has accepted this land to be blessed by other Sufis and the light of Noor-e-Mohammadi (Sallahu Alaihe Wassallam) continues to burn North America.

Visit to Singapore

He came to Singapore in 1930 to spread the message and beauty of Islam. He laboured intensively in the cause of Islam and delivered numerous lectures in Singapore and attracted many people to Islam. He pioneered the establishment of the All Malaya Muslim Missionary Society, now known as Jamiyah, in 1932. He also pioneered the establishment of the Inter-Religious Organisation (IRO) to foster greater understanding between the faiths and to promote the spirit and message of peace amongst the people of Singapore. In IRO’s inauguration ceremony, on 18 March 1949 at Victoria Memorial Hall, Mawlana Abdul Aleem Siddique gave an inspiring speech, in which he said,

“As far as the common evils and accepted moral principles were concerned, no religion could have any difference, and in the spirit of tolerance and sympathy and the desire to establish peace, all of them were as one. The task of the religious leaders was to let the followers of each and every religion know the teachings of other religions, so that a spirit of fellowship could work together to spread the accepted moral principles and to fight the common evils.”

In 1953, the land of Abdul Aleem Siddique Mosque was conveyed to several trustees and office-bearers of the All-Malaya Muslim Missionary Society (now known as Jamiyah Singapore). Prior to this, Mawlana Abdul Aleem Siddique had identified and chosen the land to be developed as a Mosque. In 1954, Abdul Aleem Siddique Mosque was subsequently built on the land from donations collected through the society.

The Mosque was named after Mawlana Shah Muhammad Abdul Aleem Siddique, as recognition for his immense contribution to Islam and the social development of a plural society in Singapore. The contributions of Mawlana Abdul Aleem Siddique are in itself historic and seminal efforts that deserve to be carved in stone. Abdul Aleem Siddique Mosque is a testimony and recognition of Mawlana Abdul Aleem Siddique’s immortal work of spreading the faith of Islam and the message of hope and peace.

Mawlana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui visits to Mauritius

Between 1928 to 1953, his Eminence Mawlana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui made five visits to Mauritius. Sir Abdul Razzack Mohammed, then a Muslim leader in Mauritius met his eminence in Colombo and invited him to come to Mauritius which his Eminence accepted without hesitation.

First visit: In December 1928 he arrived in Mauritius at Port Louis Harbour where thousand of Muslims were waiting to welcome him. His lectures (waez) worked wonders in the hearts of Muslims and other communities as well. His Eminence created the Hizbullah in order to revive Islam in Mauritius.

Second visit: On 26 September 1931 he paid his secon visit on the requests of several Muslim leaders.

Third visit: On the 30 March 1939 he paid his third visit. Some of his speeches were relayed by radio from the Jummah Mosque.

Fourth visit: He was expected to arrive in Plaisance on 5 May 1949 on board a plane KLM of Batavia at 6hrs 45 am. His flight was delayed by twenty four hours and he reached Mauritius only on 6 May 1949. The Jummah Mosque invited all the Muslims to welcome the Mawlana. His Eminence delivered several waez (Lectures) in Urdu and English throughout the Island.

A Great Politician

Hadrat Mawlana was also a great politician and took an active part in local and international politics. He was very instrumental in abolishing the Hajj Tax then introduced by the Saudī Regime. The introduction of the Hajj Tax infuriated him as it was against the Sharī’ah and affected millions of incoming Hujjaj to the Holy land. It is also ethically incorrect to charge a Hajj Tax on pilgrims who spend thousands and undertake such a strenuous journey only to be welcomed at Jeddah seaport and airport by an unjustified tax instead of being given a warm welcome to the Holy Land as the guest of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and His Rasūl Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam.

His Request for Verdict from Mufti Aazam al-Hind

He consulted with the most senior Jurist of the Muslim World, the great ‘Arife Billah, Qutb al-‘Alam, Muftī al-A’zam, Imam Mustafa Rīda al-Qadirī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, and requested him for an Islamic ruling (Fatwa) on the Hajj Tax. The Grand Mufti issued an Islamic decree in the Arabic language condemning the Hajj Tax as un-Islamic which was later published by the title “Tard al-Shaytan un Sabeel al-Rahman al-Muqallib bihi Omdat al-Bayan fi Hurmate Koshan”. This Fatwa was acknowledged by many Giants of the Islamic world, namely Sadr al-Afadil Mawlana Sayyid Naī’mudīn Muradabadī Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, Sadr al-Sharee’ah Mawlana Amjad ‘Alee al-Qadiree Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, etc.

Hadrat Mawlana ‘Abd al-‘Aleem Siddiquee Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho took this Fatwa and set out to meet the Saudi authorities. He met with the King in Hijaz and debated the Hajj Tax and presented the Fatwa. He convinced the King who then abolished the Hajj Tax. But unfortunately, the Saudi authorities later reinstated this un-Islamic Tax again to exploit the pilgrims to the Holy Land. It is indeed unfortunate that the Muslim world has forgotten the services of this great Ambassador of Islam.

His Body rests in Jannat al-Baqee

Hadrat Mawlana Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho was an ardent Lover of the Beloved Habīb, Sayyiduna Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam and always prayed to die and be buried in the sacred city of Madinah al-Munawwarah. The compassionate Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam was fully aware of his ardent lover’s desires and hence granted him his wish. Sadly, this brilliant son of Islam finally departed at the age of 63 years in 1373 Hijree and was laid to rest at the feet of Umm al-Mo’minīn Sayyidah A’iesha Siddiqah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anha in Jannat al-Baqee.

Tabhleegh in form of Literature

Although he was extremely busy in his international mission of Tableegh, he still found time to write numerous books in Urdu and English. Some of them are:

1) Zikr-e-Habīb (Urdu)
2) Ahkam-e-Ramadan wa Eid al-Fitr (Urdu)
3) Qadyanī Haqiqat ka Izhar (Urdu)
4) Bahar-e-Shabab (Urdu)
5) Quest for True Happiness (English)
6) Principles of Islam (English)
7) Forgotten Path of Knowledge (English)
8) Muslim Contribution to Science (English)
9) Kitabbut Tassawuf ( Urdu)
10) Elementary Teaching of Islam (Hanafi) (English)
11) Elementary Teaching of Islam (Shafa’ī) (English)
12) The Mirror (English)
13) A Shavian and Theologian (English)
14) History of The Codification of Islamic Law Cultivation Of Science By Muslims (English)
15) A Short Catechism Of Islam (English)
16) The Universal Teacher (English)
17) The Universal Religion (English)
18) The Islamic Ideal (English)
19) The Meaning Of Worship (English)
20) Women And Their Status In Islam (English)
21) Islam’s Answer To The Challenge Of Communism (English)
22) The Preservers of Hadith (English)
23) Ijtahad and Mujtahid (English) etc.

He was also the founder of various newspapers and Islamic magazines from amongst which are, “The Muslim Digest” (South Africa), “Trinidad Muslim Annual” and the “Pakistani News” and was author of numerous books such as the “Cultivation of Science by the Muslims”.

Insha-Allah, Barkatur-Raza Publications (Durban, South Africa) intends gathering as many books as possible of this great scholar and publishes them so that the wealth left behind by him once again enlightens the hearts of the people.

Muballigh-e-Aazam (The Greatest Propagator of Islam)

His Eminence spent most of his remaining life traveling to the most obscure corners of the world to spread the message of Islam and imparting spiritual teachings to adherents of various sufi orders. It is said that he traversed the world seven times over and has no doubt earned the title – Mubaligh-e-Azam (The Greatest Propagator of Islam).

An Ode to the Great Mujjadid
Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Qadiri Barakaati Bareillwi

Sayid Ayoob Ali narrates, “The distinguished orator, Allamah Mawlana Haji Qaari Shah Abdul Aleem Siddiqi Qadiri Razvi Meerti, on returning from the Haramayn Shareefayn presented himself to the Great Imam and recited the following Manqabat in praise of Sayyiduna Ala Hadrat (RadiAllahu Anhu).

You are more than what is said in your praise,
O Sha Ahmad Raza! You are the distributor of Irfaan.

You are drowned in the Ocean of love and intoxicated from the goblet of Tawheed,
You are the accepted of He who is the Beloved of Allah.

You are the centre of Shariah,
The orbit of those on the path of Tariqah and the axis of Haqiqah.
Such a Qutbul Awliya are you!

The oceans of Shariah and Tariqah join here.
Your chest is the confluence of those oceans.
Such a guide are you!

The people of the Haram have accepted you as their Qibla and Kabaah,
You are the ‘people of the Qibla’s’ Qibla.
Such a Qibla are you!

Through whom the Crowns of the Eminent are decorated,
You are such a radiant emerald and priceless gem!

I went to the land of the Arabs and saw with my eyes your activities;
undoubtedly, you are the direction of the Ajam (Non Arab)!

The people of the path of Tariqah travel for you,
Such a Qutb of the time and Leader of the Awliya are you!

The glory of Siddique Akbar is demonstrated through your taqwa,
Why should I not call you the most pious when you are the most virtous!

The awe of Farooq-e-Azam is demonstrated from you,
You are the epitome of harshness on the kuffar,
You are the courageous lion of whom the dissentors fear!

You have collected the secret Quranic points,
This is your inheritance from Uthmaan!

In the sincerity of Ali, mannerism of Hassan and the resolve of Husayn,
By Allah you the most unique of the times and someone unfound!

You are spreading the knowledge of truth into the corners of the globe,
You are the Imaam of the Ahle Sunnah and the Successor to Sayyiduna Gauth-e-Paak!

Beggars beseech and spread their bags before you,
Fill the bags of the mendicant because you are their hope!
No one is ever returned empty handed, such a generosity is yours!

This unfortunate Aleem is a humble beggar of your court,
You are his King who will show favour on his condition!

Once the Mawlana had recited these verses, Sayyiduna Ala Hadrat asked him, “Mawlana, What can I present to you? The Imam pointed to his turban (which was very expensive) whilst he asked this to the Mawlana. Even if I had to present this turban to you, it still would not be worthy to be placed at your feet as you have come from the most sanctified of places. However, I have a very expensive jubba (Cloak) which I shall present to you.” Sayyiduna went into his home and returned, carrying in his hands a velvet jubba. He gifted this jubba which could not have been less than 250 Rupees to the Mawlana who stood up to receive it. He received it with both his hands, kissed it and placed it upon his eyes and then upon his head. Then he held it against his chest for a very long time. (Hayat-e-Ala Hadrat by Malikul Ulema, Shah Zafarudeen Bihaari)

We pray to the Bounteous Lord through the Waseela of His Compassionate Rasūl, Sayyidun wa Mawlana MuHammadur Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam to shower the grave of the author with choicest blessings and through him, bless us all and let his struggle be a source of guidance to the Mankind. Ameen

Qutb al-Irshaad Siraaj al-Awliya Sayyid Abul Hussain
Ahmad-e-Noori al-Hussini al-Qadiri Barakaati Marehrawi

Hadrat Shah Abul Hussain Ahmad-e-Noori alias Miyan Sahab, the last Qutub of Marehra dynasty became the Sajjadah Nasheen of Marehra Sharif after the demise of Shah Aal-e-Rasool Ahmadi. Following is Noori Miyan’s family tree:

Sayyid Shah Abul Hussain Noori Miyan Sahib s/o Sayyid Zahoor Hasan s/o Sayyid Shah Aal-e-Rasool s/o Sayyid Shah Aley Barkaat Suthrey Miyan s/o Sayyid Shah Hamza s/o Sayyid Shah Aley Muhammad s/o Sayyid Sayyid Shah Barkatullah s/o Sayyid Shah Uwais s/o Sayyid Shah Abdul Jaleel s/o Sayyid Shah Mir Abdul Wahid Bilgrami s/o Sayyid Shah Ibrahim s/o Sayyid Shah Qutubuddin s/o Sayyid Shah Mahro s/o Sayyid Shah Bade s/o Sayyid Shah Kamaal s/o Sayyid Shah Qasim s/o Sayyid Shah Hasan s/o Sayyid Shah Naseer s/o Sayyid Hussain s/o Sayyid Shah Umar s/o Sayyid Shah Muhammad Sughra s/o Sayyid Shah ali s/o Sayyid Shah Hussain s/o Sayyid Shah Abul Farah II s/o Sayyid Shah Abu Firas s/o Hazrat Sayyid Shah Abul Farah Wasti s/o Hazrat Sayyid Dawood s/o Hazrat Sayyid Hussain s/o Hazrat Sayyid Yahya s/o Hazrat Sayyid Zayd III s/o Hazrat Sayyid Umar s/o Hazrat Sayyid Zayd II s/o Hazrat Sayyid Ali Iraqi s/o Hazrat Sayyid Hussain s/o Hazrat Sayyid Ali s/o Hazrat Sayyid Muhammad s/o Hazrat Sayyid Issa alias Motam-ul-Ashbaal s/o Hazrat Sayyid Zayd the Shahid s/o Sayyid-us-Sadaat Imam Zainul Abidin Sajjad s/o Sayyidush Shuhada Imam Hussain s/o Hazrat Ameer al Momineen Mawla Ali Murtaza the husband of Sayyidatun Nisa Fatima az-Zahra d/o Sayyid al Ambiya Ahmad-e-Mujtaba Muhammad-e-Mustafa Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam wa Ridhwanullahi Ta’ala Alaihim Ajama’een.

Hadrat Noori Miyan Saheb was born on 19th of Shawal 1255 hijri (corresponding to 26th December, 1839) in Marehra. He was barely 2½ years when he lost his mother. He was taken over by his grandmother Nisar Fatima and Grandfather Shah Aal-e-Rasool Ahmadi. Hadrat Khaatim al-Akaabir Shah Aal-e-Rasool never allowed him to be out of his sight. He educated him and trained him in the family traditions and legacies. At the age of eleven years he lost his father Shah Zahoor Hasan who died on 26th of Jamadi al-Awwal at Dhari in Kathiawad. That was the time when his grandfather put him to hard training in mystic rituals. Hadrat Khatim al-Akabir used to say:

“Miyan Sahib has nothing to do with worldly pleasures. He is something and is deemed to be something in the spiritual world. He is one of the seven Qutubs whose glad tiding has been given by Hadrat Bu-Ali Shah Qalandar and Hadrat Shah Badiuddin Qutb-e-Madar and he is the last Qutub of the chain of seven Qutubs.”

Hadrat Noori Miyan sahib became the Mureed of Shah Aal-e-Rasool in 1267 hijri and was declared the Sajjadah Nasheen of the Dargah. He received his worldly education at the hands of renowned Scholars like Maulvi Shah Turab Ali of Lucknow, Maulvi Fadhlullah Jalesari, Maulvi Noor Ahmad Badauni, Maulvi Muhammad Saeed Badauni, Maulvi Abdul Qaadir Badauni, Maulvi Fadhl-e-Rasool Badauni, Maulvi Ahmad Hasan Sufi Muradabadi and Maulvi Hussain Shah Bukhari. The spiritual education was imparted to him by great seers like the Khatim al-Akabir Shah Aal-e-Rasool Ahmadi and Shah Ghulam Muhiyuddin Amir-e-Alam. His other mentors were Shah Shams al-Haq alias Tinka Shah, Mufti Sayyid Ainul Hasan Bilgrami and Hafiz Shah Ali Hussain Muradabadi. After the completion of spiritual training, Shah Aal-e-Rasool Ahmadi conferred upon Hadrat Noori Miyan the Khilafat and Ijazat of all the five silsilas of his family including the Qadriyah, Chishtiyah, Naqshbandiyah, Suhrwardiyah and Maddariyah. He spent most of his time in Dhikr and meditation.

Noori Miyan’s court was always full of Mureeds and Khalifas who put forth their problems to him and got delivered from these problems immediately. He always visited the houses of poor people and consoled them. The rich Mureeds yearned for his visit to their homes but he preferred the poor ones.

Hadrat Miyan Sahab was the Spiritual Master of Great Sunni Scholar of Bareilly, Hadrat Mustafa Rida Khan, known as Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind. Hadrat Noori Miyan was the author of many books on various subjects:

Al-Aslul Musaffa fi Aqaid-e-Arbab-e-Sunnatil Mustafa – a journal in simple Urdu for children on the basics of faith.
Risala Sawal-o-Jawab – a journal in Urdu on the wrong beliefs of misguided Rafidhi Sect.
Ishtihar-e-Noori – an essay against Sunni Ulema’s joining the Nadwa group.
Tehqeequl Tarawih – a journal testifying the twenty rak’ats of Tarawih during Ramadhan,
Dalil-ul-Yaqin – proving that Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar were superior beings among the Companions of the Holy Prophet. A journal on the beliefs of Ahl-e-Sunnat regarding the battles of Jumal, Siffin and Naharwan.
Lataif-e-Tariqat Kashful Quloob – a journal in Urdu on the early phases of mysticism.
An-Noor-o-Wal-Baha fi-Asaneedil Hadith wa Salasilil Awliya – a journal containing the hierarchy of the traditions of the Holy Prophet.
Sirajul Awarif fil-Wasaya wal Ma’raif – a book on Urdu on various information regarding the Sufi practice.
Al-Jafar – a brief journal in Urdu on the method of Jafar.
Takheel-e-Noori – collection of Arabic, Persian and Urdu poetry. His pen name was Saeed in early days. Later he adopted Noori as his pseudonym.

He died on 11th Rajab al-Murajjab 1324 Hijri (31st of August 1906). His first wife was Ruqaiyya Begum the daughter of his uncle Shah Zahoor Hussain and the second wife was Altaf Fatima the daughter of Sayyid Muhammad Haider. He had a son Sayyid Muhiyuddin Jilani who died at an early age.

— — —
Extracted from
Tadhkira Mashaikh-e-Qadiriyah Barakatiya Ridawiyah
Hadrat Sayyid Shah Aal-e-Ahmad
Acchay Miyan Marehrwi Alaihir raHmah

Qudwat al-Kaamileen, Abu al-Fadhl Hadrat Sayyid Shah Aal-e-Ahmed Ache Miyan is the thirty sixth Imam and Shaykh of the Silsila Aaliyah Qaadiriyah Barakatiyah Ridawiyyah Nooriyah.


He was born on the 28th of Ramadan al-Mubaarak 1160 Hijri.


His name is Sayyid Aal-e-Ahmed and his title is Ache Miya. His father was has Hadrat Sayyid Shah Hamza.


Hadrat Saahib al-Barkaat Shah Barkatullah said that he would be blessed with a son (descendant) in the fourth generation, who will strengthen the brightness of the Khandaan. He also gave a cloak to his eldest son, Hadrat Sayyiduna Shah Aale Muhammad to pass it over to the child. When the Bismillah Khwaani of Hadrat Ache Mia was taking place, Hadrat Shah Aale Muhammad, seated him down on his lap and said, “This is the child concerning whom my father foretold.”


He attained his education under the watchful eye of his father, and also studied tibb (medicine) under the tutorship of Kaleem Nasrullah Saahib Marehrwi.


He was a very powerful Aarif Billah. There was no example to him in Karaamat and knowledge in his time. He was well known for his Mujahida and wazaaif. He personally took care of his disciples and was an excellent example of the character of the Prophet ù. He showed love to all his disciples, but paid special attention to those who came from Badayoun Shareef. He would often say, “Badayoun is our property which was given to us by Huzoor Ghawth al-Azam.”

Once, a person went to the Naqeeb al-Ashraaf of Iraq and asked a question relating to the oneness of Allah. He asked him to travel to India and ask his question to Hadrat Shaykh Abdul Aziz Muhadith-e-Delhwi. The man travelled to India and met Hadrat Muhadithe Delhwi. Hadrat answered his query but he was still not fully satisfied. Hadrat Shaykh Muhadith-e-Delhwi then said that he should travel to Marehrah Shareef and meet with Hadrat Ache Mia , as he would get the most satisfying answer from him. Hadrat spent most of his time in Ibaadat. With the exception of his five daily Salaah, he always performed Salaatul Maaqoos and many other wazeefas and amals. He had a special pattern in his daily life. He would wake up in the third portion of the night, make fresh wudhu and then perform his Tahajjud Salaah. He then raised his hands and made dua for prosperity in Deen and for the maghfirat of those close to him. After this, he would read the Kalima Shareef aloud eleven times. The door of the house would then be closed, and none would be allowed to enter. He would go into his room for a while and then enter the Khanqah Shareef. He would then sit in the company of the dervishes and fulfill their needs, and as a manner of encouragement, he would revise some of their wazaaif. He would then enter the Dargah Shareef, and first make Fateha at the Mazaar of his father. He would then make Fateha at the Mazaar of his beloved mother and all his other forefathers. He would go into the garden, which was adjacent to the Dargah. He would lay a carpet and sit under a fruit tree. After a while, he would then go into the Khanqah again. This was the open court, where everyone was allowed to present his or her problems and difficulties before him. He trained his disciples with firmness. He very seldom gave wazifas and amals to ordinary people. Like his predecessors, he assisted those who needed financial assistance etc, very discreetly. He ate two or three thin rotis (bread) with some gravy or moong dhall for lunch. He would then rest for a while (Qailulah). He would then make fresh wudhu and pray his Zohar Salaah. He would then become engrossed in the recitation of the Holy Quran. He would then go to the Khanqah and read the wazifa of Duroods. He would then pray Asar Namaaz at the Musjid and return to the Khanqah. He would go into the Musjid for Maghrib Salaah and then pray the Khatm-e-Khajegaan after Maghrib, and then return to the Khanqah. He would then sit a while with his Khaadims who showed great respect and honour to him. He would then pray his Esha Salaah and the doors would be closed.


One of the most famous books written by Hazra Ache Mia is a book called Aa’in-e-Ahmadi, another book was a compilation of wazeefas and special amals. He also wrote the famous Adaabus Saalikeen and the Diwan Ash’aar.


Janaab Shaykh Rasool Bakhsh says that once a soldier came to meet Hadrat. He suffered from leprosy and thus stood very far away from Hadrat. Hadrat saw him and called him closer. He said that he was not worthy of coming too close. Hadrat again asked him to come closer.

When he came close to Hadrat, Hadrat placed his hand over the area that was affected with white patches and said, “There is nothing here” When the man looked, he found that there was no sign of the illness.”

It is in Asaar-e-Ahmadi that a person from Bukhara came to Marehrah Shareef. He performed Zohar Namaaz at the Khanqah and then presented himself before Hadrat Ache Mia . He said, “I heard your name and came here to gain spiritual excellence, as I do not have the ability to make Mujahida etc. I wish to attain this without any striving, and just through your blessed sight.” Hadrat smiled at him and said, “You wish to attain such a huge valuable and yet you do not wish to go through any strenuous exercise?”

One person from amongst those seated in the gathering mocked the man and said, “Do you think that it is some type of sweet, that it can just be put into your mouth?”

On hearing this, Hadrat said, “Do not say such a thing. Nothing is far from the Power of Allah.” Hadrat then gave him a Durood Shareef and asked him to read it. That night, he read the Durood Shareef and was blessed with seeing the Prophet ù in his dream. The man’s entire life changed in a few moments. The mystical secrets dawned upon him and he entered the world of Tasawwuf. In the morning, he went to Hadrat Ache Mia and said, “Last night, the Prophet ù said to me, ‘after every century, there will be such a person in my Ummah, who will revive my Deen.” He said, “Huzoor! In this Century, you are that personality.”

Molvi Riyaazudeen Sahawani, the Khalifa of Hadrat Ache Mia writes as follows in Gulshan-e-Abraar: A villager came to Hadrat and became mureed. After becoming mureed, he did not get the opportunity of coming to the Khanqah for a very long time. One year, he managed to present himself at the Khanqah for the Urs of Hadrat Sayyid Hamza. The Khanqah was filled with thousands of devotees’ and disciples. The man thought that Hadrat had thousands of mureeds and new groups of people become his mureed on a daily basis. He thus thought that it was not going to be possible for Hadrat to recognize him. After a while, he managed to reach Hadrat Ache Mia and presented his salaam to him and spoke a few words. Hadrat then pointed him out and called him close. He asked about him and about his village. Hadrat then said, “You take the flock of your fellow villagers with you when you go to graze your own flock. How do you recognize your own flock from those of the others?” He answered by explaining the method that is used to differentiate the flocks. Hadrat then said, “Mia! This Faqeer also recognizes his flock in the same way. There is a (spiritual) string of love that is around their necks.” Hadrat had a small trunk, which was called Ghala-e-Ghausiyah. He kept his money in this small trunk. He distributed money to the needy, took care of the Khaadims and financed the entire Khanqah, but there was never a shortage in this trunk. This too was a Karaamat of Hadrat Ache Mia.


Hadrat married Fazal Faatima, the daughter of Sayyid Ghulam Ali Salharwi Bilgiraami. He was blessed with a son and a daughter. His daughter passed away on the 11th of Rabi ul Awwal 1196 Hijri and his son Hadrat Saa’in Saahib passed away just a few days after his bismillah khwaani due to fever, on the 13th of Rabi ul Awwal 1196 Hijri.


The actual number of his mureeds is not known, but many have said that Hadrat had approximately two hundred thousand mureeds. Hadrat’s Khulafa were all very great personalities. Some of the names of his Khulafa are as follows:

  • Hadrat Sayyid Shah Aale Rasool Marehrwi,
  • Hadrat Peer Baghdad Saahib (descendant of Ghaus-e-Azam radi Allahu anhu),
  • Hadrat Shah Khairaat Ali (grandson of Hadrat Shah Fazlullah Kalpwi),
  • Hadrat Maulana Abdul Majeed Ainul Haq Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Maulana Abdul Majeed Usmani Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Haafiz Sayyid Ghulam Ali Shahjaanpuri,
  • Hadrat Molvi Riyaazudeen Sahsawani,
  • Hadrat Maulana Fakhrudeen Usmani Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Maulana Zikrullah Shah Saahib,
  • Hadrat Sayyid Ahmed Shah Shahjahanpuri,
  • Hadrat Sayyid Shah Meeran Barelvi,
  • Hadrat Ghulam Jilani Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Maulana Abul Hassan Usmani Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Maulana Habeebullah Saahib Abbasi Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Maulana Muhammad Baha ul Haq Abbasi Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Ali Saahib Ghulam Darvesh Lucknowi,
  • Hadrat Maulana Fazl Imam Rai Barelvi,
  • Hadrat Shah Muhammad Ghulaam Ghaus Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Shah Gul,
  • Hadrat Mia Habeebullah Shah Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Maulana Muhammad Nizaamudeen Saahib Abbasi Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Mia Shah A’lam,
  • Hadrat Maulana Shah Salaamatullah Badayouni Kanpuri,
  • Hadrat Mia Shah Hassan,
  • Hadrat Shah Hussain Mughl,
  • Hadrat Maulana Muhammad Afzal Siddiqi Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Maulana Ghulam Abbas Bardwaani,
  • Hadrat Khaja Kilan Qaazi Suroonj,
  • Hadrat Allama Muhammad Azam Sahsawani,
  • Hadrat Haafiz Muraad Shah,
  • Hadrat Maulana Noor Muhammad,
  • Hadrat Shah Ghulam Qaadir,
  • Hadrat Shah Shahabudeen Mast,
  • Hadrat Chaudri Niyaz Ali Marehrwi,
  • Hadrat Maulana Badrudeen Bukhari,
  • Hadrat Maulana Shaykh Ahmed Delhwi,
  • Hadrat Maulana Abdul Jabaar Shahjahananpuri,
  • Hadrat Maulana Abdul Qaadir Daghistani,
  • Hadrat Shah Be Fikr,
  • Hadrat Khaja Ghulam Naqshbandi Khan Delhwi,
  • Hadrat Mian Ji Abdul Malik Ansari Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Qaazi Zaheerudeen Siddiqi Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Sayyid Qudrat Ali Shahjahanpuri,
  • Hadrat Shah Najf Ali Shah,
  • Hadrat Sayyid Munawwar Ali Shah,
  • Hadrat Haafiz Muhammad Mahfood Aanola,
  • Hadrat Maulana Abdul Ulaa Farshori Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Shah Ilah Yaar,
  • Hadrat Mian Jee Shahabudeen,
  • Hadrat Sayyid Shah Fazl Ghaus Barelvi,
  • Hadrat Hafiz Murad Shah Punjabi,
  • Hadrat Deendaar Shah Rampuri,
  • Hadrat Shah Abdul Haq Shahjanpuri,
  • Hadrat Maulana Ibaadatullah Siddiqi,
  • Hadrat Ne’matullah Shah,
  • Hadrat Luft Ali Shah,
  • Hadrat Shaykh Baarikullah Siddiqi,
  • Hadrat Shaykh Ashraf Ali Ansari,
  • Hadrat Munshi Zulfikaarudeen Badayouni,
  • Hadrat Shaykh Mubaazirudeen,
  • Hadrat Sayyid Rif’at Ali Shah,
  • Hadrat Maulana Qaazi Abdus Salaam Abbasi,
  • Hadrat Qaazi Imam Bakhsh Siddiqi,
  • Hadrat Mia Abdullah Shah Sahraa’ee,
  • Hadrat IsA’lat Khan,
  • Hadrat Sayyid Mahmood Makki,
  • Hadrat Jalaaludeen Purbi,
  • Hadrat Maulana Naseerudeen Uthmani Badayouni and
  • Hadrat Shah Khaamoosh (Ridwaanullahi Ta’ala Alaihim Ajma’een).
  • Try only to desire the closeness of Allah. If you have attained closeness to Allah, then you have attained everything.
  • Always show respect from your heart, to those, who have a link to the Prophet ù, such as the Sayyids, Masha’ikh, Awliyah and the Ulama.
  • Know that your Peero Murshid is the most exalted for you compared to all the other Shaykhs in the world. Always follow his commands, for they are the commands of the Prophet ù and never look at any of his actions or sayings with contempt.
  • Try to eat less and sleep less, as there is great benefit in this.


He passed away on a Thursday, the 17th of Rabi al-Awwal 1235 Hijri, at the age of 75.


His Mazaar Shareef is Marehrah Shareef. (India)

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Extracted from
Tadhkira Mashaikh-e-Qadiriyah Barakatiya Ridawiyah

حضرت امام ربّانی مجدد الف ثانی
شیخ احمد سرہندی فاروقی علیہ الرحمۃ والرضوان

آپ کی ولادت ١٤ شوال ٩٧١ ھ /١٥٦٣ء ، جلال الدین اکبر بادشاہ کے دور میں سرہند میں ہوئی۔ علوم عقلیہ و نقلیہ میں سند فراغ ٩٨٨ھ میں حاصل کی ١٠٠٧ھ میں آپ کے والد ِ بزرگوار شیخ عبدالاحد علیہ الرحمۃ کا وصال ہوا ۔ سلسلہ عالیہ قادریہ میں حضرت شیخ کمال کیتھلی علیہ الرحمۃ (وصال ٩٨١ھ /١٥٧٣ء) سے نسبت حاصل کی ۔ ١٠٠٨ھ /١٥٩٩ء میں دہلی تشریف لا کر ، زبدۃ العارفین حضرت خواجہ باقی باللہ قدس سرہ، سے سلسلہ عالیہ نقشبندیہ میں بیعت ہو کر انتہائی کمال حاصل کیا اور اسی سال حضرت شاہ سکندر کیتھلی (نبیرہ شیخ کمال کیتھلی) نے حضرت غوثِ اعظم شیخ عبدالقادر جیلانی رضی اللہ عنہ، ( ف ۔٥٦١ھ /١١٦٤ء) کا خرقہ خلافت حضرت مجدد کو عطا کیا۔ عہد اکبری اور جہانگیری میں مسندِ اقتدار سے لے کر عوام کے انتہائی پسماندہ طبقے تک اور سری لنکا کے ساحل سے لے کر آسام تک ، بحیرہ عرب کے جنوبی مسلم علاقوں سے لے کر چین کی سرحدوں تک، حضرت مجدد الف ثانی علیہ الرحمہ نے جو رشد و ہدایت کی شمع فروزاں کی اس سے متذکرہ علاقوں کے علاوہ پورا عالمِ اسلام منور ہوا۔ سلطنتِ مغلیہ کے مقتدر ایوانوں اور عام مسلم گھرانوں میں آپ کے تجدیدی کارناموں کے باعث لاکھوں افراد کامیاب اور راہ یاب ہوئے ۔ آپ کی بے باکی، بے خوفی اور بے غرضی کو دیکھ کر قرونِ اولیٰ و ثانیہ کے مسلمان صحابہ و تابعین کی یاد تازہ ہوجاتی ہے۔ طویل عرصہ زنداں میں اسیر (جیل میں نظر بند) رہنے کے باوجود آپ کے پائے ثبات متزلزل نہیں ہوئے۔ آپ کا وصال پر ملال ٦٣ برس کی عمر میں بروز دوشنبہ (پیر) ٢٩ صفر المظفر ١٠٣٤ھ/١٦٢٤ء میں ہوا۔ اپنے وصال کی خبر آپ نے دس برس قبل ہی دے دی تھی، جوکہ آپ کی کرامت ہے۔ آپ کے زمانہ میں مشہور علماء حضرت محقق علی الاطلاق شیخ عبدالحق محدث دہلوی علیہ الرحمۃ ، پیر طریقت حضرت خواجہ حسام الدین نقشبندی علیہ الرحمۃ اور امام المتکلمین حضرت علامہ عبدالحکیم سیالکوٹی علیہ الرحمۃ تھے۔

شاعرِ مشرق ڈاکٹر محمد اقبال کا نذرانہ عقیدت

حاضر ہوا میں شیخ مجدد کی لحد پر
وہ خاک کہ ہے زیر فلک مطلعِ انوار

اس خاک کے ذروں سے ہیں شرمندہ ستارے
اس خاک میں پوشیدہ ہے وہ صاحبِ اسرار

گردن نہ جھکی جس کی جہانگیر کے آگے
جس کے نفسِ گرم سے ہے گرمیئ احرار

وہ ہند میں سرمایہ ملّت کا نگہباں
اللہ نے بر وقت کیا جس کو خبردار

عقائد و اعمال سے متعلق ارشادات

اہلسنّت ہی جنت میں جائیں گے:

نجات آخرت کا حاصل ہونا صرف اسی پر موقوف ہے کہ تمام افعال و اقوال و اصول و فروع میں اہلسنّت و جماعت (اکثر ہم اللہ تعالیٰ ) کا اتباع کیا جائے اور صرف یہی فرقہ جنتی ہے اہلسنّت و جماعت کے سوا جس قدر فرقے ہیں سب جہنمی ہیں۔ آج اس بات کو کوئی جانے یا نہ جانے کل قیامت کے دن ہر ایک شخص اس بات کو جان لے گا مگر اس وقت کا جاننا کچھ نفع نہ دے گا۔ (مکتوب ٦٩ جلد اوّل مطبع نو لکشور لکھنؤ ٨٦)

حبیب خدا صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم مقصود کائنات:

حدیث قدسی میں ہے کہ حضور سیدنا محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے اللہ تعالیٰ سے عرض کی

اَللّٰھُمَّ اَنْتَ وَمَا اَنَا وَمَا سواک تَرَکْتُ لاَجَلِکَ
یعنی اے اللہ توہی ہے اور میں نہیں ہوں اور تیرے سوا جو کچھ ہے سب کو میں نے تیرے لئے چھوڑدیا

اللہ تبارک و تعالیٰ نے اپنے محبوب صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم سے فرمایا

یَا مُحَمَّد اَنَا وَ اَنْتَ وَمَا سِوَاکَ خَلَقْتُ لاجَلِکَ
یعنی اے محبوب میں ہوں اور تو ہے اور تیرے سوا جو کچھ ہے سب کو میں نے تیرے ہی لئے پیدا کیا ۔ (مکتوب ٨ جلد دوم صفحہ ١٨)

معرفت ربّ العالمین کا سبب حقیقی:

اللہ تعالیٰ عزوجل نے اپنے محبوب صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم سے ارشاد فرمایا۔

لَوْ لاکَ لَمَا خَلَقْتُ الافْلاک
یعنی تمہارا پیدا کرنا مجھے مقصود نہ ہوتا تو میں آسمانوں کو پیدا نہ کرتا

لَوْ لاکَ لَمَا اَظْہَرْتُ الرَّبُوْ بِیَّۃَ
یعنی تمہارا پیدا کرنا مجھے مقصود نہ ہوتا تو میں اپنا رب ہونا بھی ظاہر نہ کرتا۔ (مکتوب ١١٢جلد سوم صفحہ ٢٣٢)

مجدد صاحب کی زندگی کا مرکز و محور:

مجھے اللہ تبارک و تعالیٰ کے ساتھ اسلئے محبت ہے کہ وہ محمد مصطفی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا رب ہے ۔ (مکتوب ٢٢١جلدسوم صفحہ ٢٢٤)

نبی کریم علیہ الصلوٰۃ والسلام اللہ کے نور سے ہیں:

حضور اقدس صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی خلقت کسی بشر کی خلقت کی طرح نہیں بلکہ عالم ممکنات میں کوئی چیز بھی حضور اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے ساتھ کچھ مناسبت نہیں رکھتی ۔ کیونکہ حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کو اللہ عزوجل نے اپنے نور سے پیدا فرمایا ہے۔ (مکتوب ١٠٠ جلد سوم صفحہ ١٨٧)

رسول اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کاسایہ نہیں تھا:

عالم امکان کو (جو تحت الثریٰ سے عرش تک کی جملہ موجودات و کائنا ت کا محیط ہے) جس قدر دقت نظر کے ساتھ دیکھا جاتا ہے حضور انورصلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا وجود پاک اسکے اندر نظر نہیں آتا ۔ سرکار دوعالم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم اس بزم امکان سے بالا تر ہیں۔ اسی لئے حضور اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا سایہ نہ تھا۔ (مکتوب ١٠٠ جلد سوم صفحہ ١٨٧)

عقیدہ علم غیب:

جو علم غیب اللہ عزوجل کے ساتھ مخصوص ہے اس پر وہ اپنے خاص رسولوں کو مطلع فرمادیتا ہے۔ (مکتوب ٣١٠ جلد اول ٤٤٦)

شیخ مجدد کا مسلک پرتصلّب و تشدد:

جو شخص تمام ضروریات دین پرایمان رکھنے کا دعویٰ کرے لیکن کفرو کفار کے ساتھ نفرت و بیزاری نہ رکھے وہ درحقیقت مرتد ہے۔ اس کا حکم منافق کا حکم ہے۔ جب تک خدا عزوجل اور رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے دشمنوں کے ساتھ دشمنی نہ رکھی جائے اس وقت تک خدا و رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے ساتھ محبت نہیں ہوسکتی ۔ یہیں پر یہ کہنا ٹھیک ہے ع

تولّٰی بے تبرّ یٰ نیست ممکن (مکتوب ٢٦٦ جلد اول صفحہ ٣٢٥)

اہلبیت کی محبت کے بغیر ایمان مکمل نہیں:

حضور اقدس صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے اہل بیت کرام کیساتھ محبت کا فرض ہونا نصِ قطعی سے ثابت ہے ۔ اللہ عزوجل نے اپنے حبیب صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی دعوت الی الحق و تبلیغ اسلام کی اجرت امت پر یہی قرار دی کہ حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے قرابت داروں کیساتھ محبت کی جائے۔ قُل لاَّ اَسْئَلُکُمْ عَلَیْہِ اَجْرًا اِلا الْمَوَدَّۃَ فِیْ الْقُرْبٰی۔ (مکتوب ٢٦٦، جلد اول صفحہ ٣٢٦)

اصحاب رسول سے محبت :

حضور اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے تمام صحابہ کرام رضی اللہ عنہم اجمعین کو نیکی کیساتھ یاد کرنا چاہئے۔ اور حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ہی کی وجہ سے انکے ساتھ محبت رکھنی چاہئے ۔ ان کے ساتھ محبت حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کیساتھ محبت ہے، انکے ساتھ عداوت حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ہی کیساتھ عداوت ہے۔ (مکتوب ٢٦٦، جلد اول صفحہ ٣٢٦)

اصحابِ رسول کے درجات:

تمام صحابہ کرم میں سب سے افضل و اعلیٰ سیدنا ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ ہیں پھر ان کے بعد سب سے افضل سیدنا عمر فاروق رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ ہیں ان دونوں باتوں پر اجماع امت ہے اور چاروں آئمہ مجتہدین امام اعظم ابو حنیفہ و امام شافعی و امام مالک و امام احمد بن حنبل رضی اللہ عنہم اجمعین اور اکثر علماء اہلسنّت کا یہی مذہب ہے کہ حضرت عمر کے بعد تمام صحابہ میں سب سے افضل سیدنا عثمان غنی ہیں ، پھر ان کے بعد تمام امت میں سب سے افضل سیدنا مولیٰ علی کرم اللہ وجہہ، ہیں۔ (مکتوب ٢٦٦، جلد اول، صفحہ٣٣٠)

مولیٰ علی حق پر ہیں:

حضرت مولیٰ علی کرم اللہ وجہہ، کے ساتھ حضرت ام المؤمنین عائشہ صدیقہ رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہا و سیدنا طلحہٰ و سیدنا زبیر و سیدنا معاویہ و سیدنا عمر و بن العاص کی لڑائیاں ہوئیں۔ ان سب میں مولیٰ علی کرم اللہ تعالیٰ وجہہ حق پر تھے۔ اور یہ حضرات خطا پر ۔ لیکن وہ خطا عنادی نہ تھی بلکہ خطائے اجتہادی تھی۔ مجتہد کواسکی خطائے اجتہادی پر بھی ایک ثواب ملتا ہے۔ ہم کو تمام صحابہ کے ساتھ محبت رکھنے ، ان سب کی تعظیم کرنے کا حکم ہے جو کسی صحابی کے ساتھ بغض و عداوت رکھے وہ بد مذہب ہے۔ (خلاصہ مکتوب ٢٦٦ جلد اول صفحہ٣٢٦ تا ٣٣٠)

روافض سے اجتناب:

جو لوگ کلمہ پڑھتے اور اپنے آپ کو مسلمان کہتے ہیں لیکن صحابہ کرام رضی اللہ عنہم اجمعین کے ساتھ دشمنی کرتے ہیں اللہ عزوجل نے قرآن میں ان کو کافر کہا ہے۔ لِیَغِیْظَ بِہِمُ الْکُفَّار مسلمان کہلانے والے بد مذہب کی صحبت کھُلے ہوئے کافر کی صحبت سے زیادہ نقصان پہنچاتی ہے۔ (مکتوب ٥٤ جلد اول صفحہ٧١)

اولیائے کرام کی فضیلت:

* انبیا و اولیاء کی پاک روحوں کو عرش سے فرش تک ہر جگہ برابر کی نسبت ہوتی ہے کوئی چیز ان سے نزدیک و دور نہیں۔ (مکتوب ٢٨٩ جلد ۱ صفحہ ٣٧١)
* حضور اقدس صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی امت کے اولیائے کرام کا طواف کرنے کیلئے کعبہ معظمہ حاضر ہوتا اور ان سے برکتیں حاصل کرتا ہے۔ (مکتوب ٢٠٩ جلد اول صفحہ ٢١١)
* اکمل اولیا اللہ کو اللہ عزوجل یہ قدرت عطا فرماتا ہے کہ وہ بیک وقت متعدد مقامات پر تشریف فرما ہوتے ہیں۔ (مکتوب ٥٨ جلد دوم صفحہ ١١٥)
* عارف ایسے مرتبہ پر پہنچ جاتا ہے کہ عرض ہو یا جوہر، آفاق ہو یا انفس تمام مخلوقات اور موجودات کے ذروں میں سے ہر ایک ذرہ اس کے لئے غیب الغیب کا دروازہ ہوجاتا ہے اور ہر ایک ذرہ بارگاہ الٰہی کی طرف اسکے لئے ایک سڑک بن جاتا ہے۔ (مکتوب ١١٠ جلد سومصفحہ٢١٠)

غوث اعظم تقدیر بدل سکتے ہیں:۔

حضور پر نور سیدنا غوث اعظم محی الدین عبد القادر جیلانی رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کو اللہ نے یہ قدرت عطا فرمائی ہے کہ جو قضا لوح محفوط میں بشکل مبرم لکھی ہوئی ہو اور اس کی تعلیق صرف علم خداوندی میں ہو۔ ایسی قضا میں باذن اللہ تصرف فرما سکتے ہیں۔ (مکتوب ٢١٧ جلد اول صفحہ ٢٢٤)

حضور پر نور سیدنا غوث اعظم محی الدین عبدالقادر جیلانی رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کے زمانہ مبارک سے قیامت تک جتنے اولیاء ،ابدال ، اقطاب ، اوتاد، نقبا، نجبائ، غوث یا مجدد ہونگے ، سب فیضان ولایت و برکات طریقت حاصل کرنے میں حضور غوث اعظم رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کے محتاج ہونگے بغیر ان کے واسطے اور وسیلے کے قیامت تک کوئی شخص ولی نہیں ہوسکتا۔ احمد سرہندی بھی حضور غوث اعظم رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کا نائب ہے جس طرح سورج کا پرتو پڑنے سے چاند منور ہوتا ہے اسی طرح احمد سرہندی پر بھی تمام فیوض و برکات حضور غوث اعظم رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کی بارگاہ سے فائز ہورہے ہیں۔ (مکتوب ١٢٣ جلد سوم صفحہ ٢٤٨)

تقلید واجب ہے:۔

مقلد کو یہ جائز نہیں کہ اپنے امام کی رائے کے خلاف قرآن عظیم و حدیث شریف سے احکام شرعّیہ خود نکال کر ان پر عمل کرنے لگے۔ مقلدین کے لئے یہی ضروری ہے کہ جس امام کی تقلید کررہے ہیں اسی کے مذہب کا مفتی بہ قول معلوم کرکے اسی پر عمل کریں۔ (مکتوب ٢٨٦ جلد اول صفحہ ٣٧٥)

بد مذہبوں سے بچو!:

اللہ نے اپنے پیغمبر صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کو جو خلق عظیم کے ساتھ موصوف ہیں، کافروں اور منافقوں پر جہاد کرنے اور سختی فرمانے کا حکم دیا۔ اسلام کی عزت ،کفر کی ذلت پر اور مسلمانوں کی عزت، کافروں کی ذلت پر موقوف ہے۔ جس نے کافروں کی عزت کی اس نے مسلمانوں کی ذلیل کیا۔ کافروں اور منافقوں کو کتوں کی طرح دور رکھنا چاہئے۔ ۔خدا عزوجل اور رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے دشمنوں کے ساتھ میل جول بہت بڑا گناہ ہے۔ خدا اور رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے دشمنوں کے ساتھ دوستی و الفت خدا عزوجل و رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی دشمنی و عداوت تک پہنچا دیتی ہے۔ (مکتوب ١٦٣ جلد اول صفحہ ١٦٥)


گائے کی قربانی:

گائے ذبح کرنا ہندوستان میں اسلام کا بہت بڑا شعار ہے (مکتوب ٨١ جلد اول صفحہ ١٠٦)

ہندوؤں کے دیوتاؤں کو پیغمبر یا اوتار نہ سمجھواور خدا بھی نہ سمجھو:

ہندوؤں کے دیوتا مثل رام و کرشن وغیرہا کافر و بے دین تھے کہ لوگوں کو اپنی عبادت کی طرف دعوت دیتے تھے اور اس بات کے قائل تھے کہ خدا ان کے اندر حلول کئے ہوئے ہے۔ ہندو جس رام اور کرشن کو پوجتے ہیں وہ تو ماں باپ سے پیدا ہوئے تھے، رام وسرتھ کا بیٹا تھا، لچھمن کا بھائی اور سیتا کا خاوند تھا لہٰذا یہ کہنا کہ رام اور رحمان ایک ہی ہستی کے دو نام ہیں کسی طرح ٹھیک نہیں۔ (مکتوب ١٦٧ جلد اول صفحہ ١٧١)

میلاد و اعراس کی محافل جائز ہیں:

مجلس میلاد شریف میں اگر اچھی آواز کے ساتھ قرآن پاک کی تلاوت کی جائے اور حضور اقدس صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی نعت شریف اور صحابہ کرام و اہل بیت عظام و اولیائے اعلام رضی اللہ عنہم اجمعین کی منقبت کے قصیدے پڑھے جائیں تو اس میں کیا حرج ہے؟ ناجائز بات تو یہ ہے کہ قرآن عظیم کے حروف میں تغیر و تحریف کر دی جائے۔ اور قصیدے پڑھنے میں راگنی اور موسیقی کے قواعد کی رعایت و پابندی کی جائے اور تالیاں بجائی جائیں۔ جس مجلس میلاد مبارک میں یہ ناجائز باتیں نہ ہوں اس کے ناجائز ہونے کی کیا وجہ ہو سکتی ہے؟ ہاں جب تک راگنی اور تال سُر کے ساتھ گانے اور تالیاں بجانے کا دروازہ بالکل بند نہ کیا جائے گا ابو الہوس لوگ باز نہ آئیں گے۔ اگر ان نامشروع باتوں کی ذرا سی بھی اجازت دے دی جائے گی تو اس کا نتیجہ بہت ہی خراب نکلے گا۔ (مکتوب ٧٢ جلد سوئم صفحہ ١١٦)

بے ادبوں گستاخوں سے صلح جائز نہیں:

حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے کے ساتھ کمال محبت کی علامت یہ ہے کہ حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے دشمنوں کے ساتھ کمال بغض رکھیں۔ اور ان کی شریعت کے مخالفوں کے ساتھ عداوت کا اظہار کریں۔ محبت کے اندر پالیسی اور چاپلوسی جائز نہیں۔ کیونکہ محب اپنے محبوب کا دیوانہ ہوتا ہے۔ وہ اس بات کو برداشت نہیں کرسکتا کہ اس کے محبوب کی مخالفت کی جائے۔ وہ اپنے محبوب کے مخالفوں کے ساتھ کسی طرح بھی صلح پسند نہیں کرتا۔ دو محبتیں جو آپس میں ایک دوسرے کی ضد ہوں ایک قلب میں اکٹھی نہیں ہوسکتیں ۔ کفار کے ساتھ جو خدا اور رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے دشمن ہیں دشمن ہونا چاہئے اور ان کی ذلت و خواری میں کوشش کرنا چاہئے اور کسی طرح بھی ان کو عزت نہیں دینا چاہئے اور ان بدبختوں کو اپنی مجلس میں آنے نہیں دینا چاہئے اور ان سے اُنس و محبت نہیں کرنا چاہئے اور ان کے ساتھ سختی و شدت کا طریقہ برتنا چاہئے اور جہاں تک ہوسکے کسی بات میں ان کی طرف رجوع نہ کرنا چاہئے اور اگر بالفرض ان سے کوئی ضرورت پڑ جائے تو جس طرح انسان ناگواری اور مجبوری سے بیت الخلا جاتا ہے اسی طرح ان سے اپنی ضرورت پوری کرنا چاہئے۔ (خلاصہ مکتوب ١٦٥ جلد اول صفحہ ١٦٦ تا ١٦٩)

بادشاہ حکمراں کی حیثیت:

رعایا کے ساتھ بادشاہ کا تعلق ایسا ہے جیسا دل کا جسم سے ہوتا ہے، اگر دل ٹھیک ہو تو بدن بھی ٹھیک رہے گا، اگر دل بگڑ جائے تو بدن بھی بگڑ جائے گا، بالکل اسی طرح ملک کی بہتری بادشاہ کی بہتری پر منحصر ہے، اگر بادشاہ بگڑ جائے گا تو ملک کا بگڑ جانا بھی لازمی ہے۔

شہزادہ خرّم (شاہجہاں) کو بشارت دی:

ایک دن حضرت مجدد تنہا بیٹھے تھے کہ شہزادہ خرم آپکی خدمت میں حاضر ہوا اور عرض کیا! یہ عجیب بات ہے کہ میں نے ہمیشہ آپ کی طرف دار و حمایت کی مگر آپ نے میرے حق میں دعا کے بجائے بادشاہ کے حق میں دعا فرمادی آپ نے جواباً فرمایا! ”مت گھبرا، مجھے اللہ تعالیٰ کی طرف سے معلوم ہوا ہے کہ تو عنقریب تخت پر بیٹھے گا اور تیرا لقب شاہ جہاں ہوگا۔” شہزادہ خرم نے استدعا کی کہ مجھے بطور تبرک اپنی دستار عطا فرمائیں تو امام ربانی نے اپنی دستار شہزادہ کو دی جو عرصہ تک مغل بادشاہوں کے پاس تبرکاً محفوظ رہی۔

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تحریر: علامہ نسیم احمد صدیقی مد ظلہ عالی
پیشکش: انجمن ضیائے طیبہ، کراچی، پاکستان

This is the story of Sayyiduna Hussain Ibn Mansur al-Hallaj who was born in Madina al-Bayda, a little village in the ancient province of Fars, in southern Persia, in the year 224 A.H./857 C.E., two years before his Master Sayyiduna Junaid al-Baghdadi, may Allah be pleased with them both.

He grew up in Wasit and in Tustar where the cultivation of cotton was the main occupation of most of the people. His father was a cotton-carder from which he gained his name of al-Hallaj .

Even when he was a young child Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj felt drawn towards a spiritual life, and at the age of sixteen he attached himself to the Shaykh Sahlat-Tustari whom he accompanied when he moved from Tustar to Basra in `Iraq. He served this Shaykh for two years and then, when he was eighteen years old, he left him and went to Baghdad.

However, the young Hallaj did not stay long in Baghdad, and soon returned to Basra where he became a student of `Amr al-Makki. This Shaykh, a companion of Sayyiduna Junaid al-Baghdadi, was a scholar to whom the great Master wrote some of his well-known Rasa’il.

Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj remained with `Amr al-Makki for a period of about eighteen months, until an estrangement came between them when his Master offered Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj his daughter in marriage. He preferred to marry a lady who remained his only wife, the daughter of another holy person, Ya`qub ibn Aqta. They had three sons, one of whom was Hamid who recorded much of the existing information about Hallaj’s later life.

As a result of this estrangement with his Shaykh `Amr al-Makki, Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj again left Basra and once more travelled to Baghdad, where this time he went to see Sayyiduna Junaid al-Baghdadi and asked his permission to become his student. Junayd accepted him and became his Guide and Master and the guardian of his spirit. As his Guide, Sayyiduna Junaid al-Baghdadi came to know everything about Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj’s heart, which was very sensitive and exactly like that of a child. He knew his soul and what Allah, Most High, had created in his spirit. He saw that this new student was a specially ecstatic and passionate (`ashiq) lover with a very pure Eye, who was completely in love with everything about his Beloved from Whom he feared to be separated for a moment.

Sayyiduna Junaid al-Baghdadi’s Way, as we know, was that of perfect sobriety, in which the Secret of God’s Love had to be deeply contained, and only revealed to whoever could be trusted to guard It. In accepting Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj as his student, he knew that he was committing himself to a difficult responsibility. But he also knew that Allah, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise, had created Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj’s spirit just as He had created his own spirit, and that whatever He Ordered and Willed must come to pass.

In Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj’s case the Secret of the Love seized and intoxicated his entire being. His longing and yearning for Allah was such that only in his total destruction by Him could he find the Union which was the sole purpose and goal of his life. This was the Beauty (al-jamal) and the Majesty (al-jalal) of his bondsmanship to Allah, and like a great river flowing from its source to the ocean, nothing could hinder or stop its course.

Sayyiduna Junaid al-Baghdadi, his Master and teacher, counselled Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj to seek solitude and silence for himself, but at the same time he knew that his student’s heart was full of yearning to help all the people whom he met, and to whom his spirit was moved to speak to about the One Beloved and His Love. Sayyiduna Junaid al-Baghdadi also knew that it was for this reason that Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj could not remain in any one place for long. But he was always urged to go here and there, so that he travelled further and further from his native land, his outward journeys inspired by his inward searching and walking with his Beloved.

In all his travels Junayd’s spirit never left his holy student, and he was surrendered to what Allah wanted of him. For he knew that every soul which He has created is in His Hands, and he whom He has chosen for Himself does not choose for himself, but it is Allah, through the heart of His slave, Who chooses for him.

Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj, may Allah be pleased with him, while he was still a youth said, “And already love had engraved Him in my heart with its red-hot iron of desire-what a branding!”

Then he said, speaking with the Tongue of the Truth:

“I am He Whom I love, and He Whom I love is I.
We are two spirits dwelling in one body.
If you see me, you see Him;
And if you see Him, you see us both.”

These words can be compared with what `Abdu’l-Karim al-Jili, several centuries later, was to say: “We are the spirit of One though we dwell by turns in two bodies.”

In his heart Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj knew that he could see Allah, the Beloved everywhere in His Creation. Although he saw that the people were blind, dumb, animal-like and they could not recognize Him, yet as he said, “The beloved does not drink a single drop of water without seeing His Face in the cup. Allah is He Who flows between the pericardium and the heart, just as the tears flow from the eyelids.”

He said about this in a poem:

“I saw my Lord with the Eye of my heart,
And I said: Truly there is no doubt that it is You.
It is You that I see in everything;
And I do not see You through anything (but You).
You are the One Who owns all places.
And yet no place is You.
And if there were a place given by You for the place,
That place would know where You are.
And if there were an imagination for the imagining of You.
That imagination would know where You are.
I understand everything, and everything that I see
In my annihilation is You.
My Lord, bless me and forgive me,
For I seek no one but You.”

For a while Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj remained with Junayd in Baghdad and then he travelled to the Hijaz for the Pilgrimage after which he stayed in Mecca for a year, living a very hard life and all the time giving himself difficult spiritual practices to fulfill.

After that year in Mecca he returned to Baghdad and immediately went to see Sayyiduna Junaid al-Baghdadi. It was said that when he knocked on the Master’s door, Junayd asked, “Who is there?” and the reply came, “I am the Truth.” (ana al-haqq).

But Junayd said to him, “Beloved Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj, be careful about the Secret of Allah. Do not give It to those who cannot understand It.” Then he added, “The time will soon come when you will set fire to a piece of wood.”

Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj replied, “The day when I set light to that piece of wood, you will be wearing the clothes of the orthodox.” And so in fact it happened as will be seen later, if Allah wills.

Hallaj was now widely acclaimed and loved by the people. But the religious scholars could not accept him, and they doubted the reports of his miracles and took exception to his utterances, such as when he said: “I wonder at You and me. You annihilated me out of myself into You. You made me near to Yourself, so that I thought that I was You, and You were me.” They also grew angry when they heard him say: “My spirit mixes with Your Spirit, in nearness and separation, so that I am You, just as You are I.” They could not understand how anyone could utter such sayings. Then, one by one, they began to turn against him and to shun his company.

At other times the religious authorities and scholars accused him of being a heretic (zindiq) when he said such things as: “Your Spirit mixed in my spirit just like wine and clear water, and if something touches You it touches me, for You are I in every state.”

Attacks now mounted against him in Baghdad and grew in frequency so that he left the city, and for five years travelled far from his homeland. He also left his Sufi clothes, and put on those of the people amongst whom he went. But this did not mean that he had left the Path of Allah because no matter where he went, or what he did, he remained a beloved of the Path. Nothing could make any difference to his heart, nor quench the flame of his spirit, for he saw that his Beloved God was in every face around him, and he found Him in every place where he happened to be.

For part of the five years that he spent away from Baghdad, he was in Khurasan, Transoxania and Sistan. He then returned to Ahwaz in south west Persia where he was accepted and loved, both by the elite and by the people who drank from his words. He used to speak of the secrets in men’s hearts, and for that reason they called him Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj of the secrets. It is related that once, while he, may Allah be pleased with him, was on his travels, he met up with Ibrahim al-Khawass whom he asked what he was doing. Al-Khawass told him that he was travelling to increase his trust in Allah, and for his general well-being. Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj then said to him, “You spend your whole life in cultivating your own inner self. Where then is the well-known forgetting of self in the Unity?”

The Love of Allah meant for Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj that: “You remain standing in front of your Beloved when your qualities are destroyed, and when your existence has disappeared in His Existence.” Remembering the hadith of the Prophet, prayers and peace be upon him: Nothing loves Allah by any action which is more pleasing to Him than loving Him, Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj said, “Suffering is He Himself, whereas happiness comes from Him.”

However Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj, who accustomed himself to suffering, did not mean by the necessity of suffering that this was the returning of the human being, through Allah’s Majesty (jalal) to be as he was before he was, which was how Sayyiduna Junaid al-Baghdadi had spoken about the Love. Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj saw the meaning of suffering through the Love as the way by which the human being could come through the deep Secret Love (al-`ishq) to taste the essence of the Essence of Allah, and the meaning of the Secret of the Creation. Passionate overflowing love (`ishq) meant for Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj the ever-moving, creating and recreating Love by which all is destroyed in order to be brought back again to further tasting of the Essence, and a higher state of ecstasy and annihilation.

When he spoke in this way and used these terms, many people, especially the orthodox Muslims of Bagdad, and even some of the moderate Sufis themselves, considered him dangerous and turned away from him. Because in this he was walking with and tasting of a knowing that was reserved for very few, and only acceptable when contained, as was the case of Sayyiduna Junaid al-Baghdadi, in the perfect baqa’ and subsistence amongst created beings. Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj, may Allah be pleased with him, said:

“Is it You or I? That would be two gods in me;
But far be it from You to manifest as two-
The He-ness that is Yours is in my One-ness forever;
My all added to Your All would be a double existence.
But where is Your Essence, from my place of looking,
when I see You?
Since my essence has become plain, in the place where I am not.
And where is Your Face, which is the Object of my gaze,
Whether in my inmost heart, or in the glance of my eye?
Between You and me there is an I am that battles with me,
So take away, by Your Grace, this I am from in between.”

He said, “Love is in the pleasure of possession, but in the Love of Allah there is no pleasure of possession, because the stations of the Reality arewonderment, the cancelling of the debt which is owed, and the blinding of vision. The Love of the human being for God is a reverence which penetrates the very depths of his being, and which is not permitted to be given except to Allah alone. The Love of Allah for the human being is that He Himself gives proof of Himself, not revealing Himself to anything that is not He.” This was the meaning for Hallaj of the Words of Allah, the All-Mighty: “I have chosen thee for Myself.” (20:41).

Then he, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “Love (mahabba) is from the seed (habba) of the heart. The seed of the heart is its pith (lubb), and the pith is the place of the subtlety (latifa). The subtlety is the place of Allah, and the place of Allah is the complete freedom (tamalluq) with Him.” Now again for the second time Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj left for the Pilgrimage dressed in the ragged clothes of the darwish and with a large number of followers accompanying him, all dressed like him.

It is said that when they reached Mecca, one of the authorities there denounced him as a heretic and a magician; so he returned to Basra, and from there he went to the town of Ahwaz in south west Persia where he remained for a period of time.

But Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj’s spirit would not allow him to stay for long in any place, and he felt called again to travel to distant places. He said, “Now I am going to the lands of many gods to call men to Allah.” So he took a boat to India and from there he travelled to China.

His enemies said that he went to India to learn magic, and especially the secret of how to perform the Indian rope trick. But he, may Allah be pleased with him, did not need any of those things. Allah, the All-Mighty, gave him everything, and there was nothing that he needed from any human being. His only desire was for his Beloved in his heart. He told his family that he wanted to go to India and to the Far East to call the unbelievers to God.

So he travelled to Gujarat, and from there he wandered through the Sind and the lower Indus valley, which had been part of the Muslim Empire since 711 C.E. He met many people in all his journeying and spoke to thousands; and many people loved him and followed him in those distant lands. The seeds which he sowed there grew and remained with the people, and it is said that they can still be found in the religion and the poetry of those who claim to descend from them in that province.

From Sindh, he travelled to the northern borders of India, then to Khurasan, and to Turkestan, and eventually to Turfan. It is suggested that he may have gone with the caravans carrying brocade from his home town of Tustar to the East, and returning with Chinese paper to the Islamic countries. Some say that his teachings were written down on precious paper which was decorated in the style of the Manichaen manuscripts from Central Asia. Also, he was said to have entered into relationships with the Carmathian people, who were supposedly Shi’ites, but who were in truth original Arabs of Arabia.

In 900 C.E. they had revolted against the despotism of the Persians and the militarism of the Turks. The Carmathians were described as being puritan and democratic, and came from the same tribes which, in the time of the Prophet Muhammad, prayers and peace be upon him, had formed the spear head of the great Arab conquests. Now their rebellion, which had begun in Arabia, led them out further and further until they captured Damascus, Homs and Hama, all of which they were occupying at that time. Afterwards they were to seize the Yaman and in the year 906 C.E., a year before the martyrdom of Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj, they captured Kufa, and were threatening Baghdad. At the time when al- Hallaj was journeying across India and Asia Minor, the Carmathians ruled in Bahrain and also in the northern Sind and in Multan.

These last two places Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj had recently visited on his travels. When later he, may Allah be pleased with him, was faced with hostile accusations, one was that he had stirred up feelings in these outlying eastern places hostile to the Caliph of Baghdad.

What is certain is that Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj was loved and sought by many people wherever he travelled, and when he returned to Baghdad many of them wrote him letters; the Indians addressing him as Abu ‘l-Mughith, the Chinese as Abu ‘l-Mu’in, and in all the places which he visited he was given a special name by which he was known.

All this, and particularly the fact that he had vast followings amongst the people of all the places where he had travelled, made the government of Baghdad very suspicious of Hallaj, and not only suspicious, but they began to look upon him as a threat to the security and stability of their power.

In Al-Akhbar Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj there are many stories which give a good idea about his life in Baghdad, both before and after he returned from his long second journey to the East. He is said to have taught the people and called them to Allah with intense love and asceticism.

When someone asked him about the Unity of Allah (at-tawhid), he answered him: “Allah, Most High, is the very One Who Himself affirms His Unity by the tongue of whomsoever of His creatures He wishes. If He affirms His Unity in my tongue it is He Who does so, and it is His Affair. Otherwise, my brother, I myself have nothing to do with affirming Allah’s Unity.” Here Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj was not speaking from any humanity, but with the tongue of the Unity. In his presence he was in fact always affirming Allah’s Unity, but in his heart he knew that no matter to how many different places he travelled to bring the people to Allah, still his witnessing would not be completed. So it was that, moved by this burning desire which he saw could not be fulfilled except in the total destruction of his very existence, he broke his discipline of silence, and tore aside the Veil to reveal the hidden Secret. Thus his need and longing to eliminate the I am between himself and his Beloved God took on a more open form. His fellow ecstatics and companions, ash-Shibli, an-Nuri or Bayazid al-Bistami, although they did not always keep silent, managed, nevertheless, to stay away from the anger and the stones of the people. Ash-Shibli said, “Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj and I are of one love and one belief, but my madness saved me, while his intelligence destroyed him.”

السید الشیخ عبد القادر الجیلی رضی الله تعالٰی عنه یقول غیر مرة عثر اخی حسین الحلاج
فلم یكن فی زمانه من یاخذ بیده ولو كنت فی زمانه لاخذت بیده وانا لكل من عثربه مركوبه
من اصحابی و مریدی و محبی الٰی یوم القیمة اخذ بیده۔ والحمد ﷲ رب العلمین۔

There is a story told by one of Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj’s young followers, Ibrahim ibn Fatik: One day I went to see my Master Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj at a house belonging to him; and I arrived at a moment when he was in a state of absence. I saw him standing on his head saying, “You Who make me near to You by Your Presence, and Who set me at a distance by Your Absence, as far as is Eternity from time, You manifest Yourself to me so that I think of You as the All, and You withdraw Yourself from me until I deny Your Existence. But Your Absence does not continue, and Your Presence does not suffice. War with You does not succeed, and peace with You is not secure.”Ibrahim al-Fatik then said: When he sensed that I was there he sat upright and said, “Come in, and do not be afraid!” So I came in and sat down before him, and his eyes were like two burning flames. Then he said, “My son, some people testify against me that I am an unbeliever, and some of them testify to my saintliness (wilaya). Those who testify that I am an unbeliever are dearer to me, and to Allah than those who testify to my saintliness.”

Then I asked him, “Master, why is that?” He said, “Those who testify to my saintliness do so from their good opinion of me, while those who testify against me of my unbelief do so from zealous defense of their religion (ta`assuban li-dinihim). He who zealously defends his religion is dearer to Allah than he who has a good opinion of anyone.” Then he said, “Ibrahim, what will you do when you see me crucified and killed and burnt? That will be the happiest day of all the days of my life.”

Ibrahim ibn Fatik also told about a visit which he paid to Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj on which occasion he found him reciting the Qur’an at full length. When he had finished, he turned to Ibn Fatik laughing and said, “Do you not see that I pray to try to please Him? But he who thinks that he has pleased Him has put a price on His Pleasure.”

He said, may Allah be pleased with him, “Praise be to him whose humanity manifested the Secret of the splendor of His radiant Divinity, and who then appeared openly to his people in the form of one who eats and drinks!”

All Sufis have always considered belief as an inner state rather than the more formal one of submission to Allah which is generally understood by Muslims. The Prophet, may prayers and peace be upon him, had said, “Submission is public, and belief is in the heart.” Then he pointed to his breast three times and said, “Fear of Allah (taqwa) is here, fear of Allah is here!”

Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj said this because he believed that faith (iman) was the first step leading to the overwhelming Love of Allah (wallah), astonishment and awe. When reverence (taqwa) is combined with knowledge, then the state of total surrender (istinya) or intention to the Qur’an becomes possible.

“This,” he said, “is the reward of the stations of belief.”

He, may Allah protect his secret, spoke about the Holy Qur’an saying: “In it there are signs of Divine Lordship (rubbubiyya), tidings of the Resurrection, and news about the future until the Eternity of Eternities. Whoever knows the Qur’an, for him it is as though he were in the Resurrection.” For he, may Allah be pleased with him, believed that only the Saints are destined to reach the Secret of Lordship (as-sirr ar-rubbubiyya).

He said, “He who looks for Allah by the light of faith is like he who seeks the sun by the light of the stars.” At the same time, he acknowledged faith as the foundation for all calling upon Allah, which should be followed by seeking His Face, as he said, “No one can lay claim to Allah in any way except through faith, but in reality there can be no claim to having attained Him.” For He, Praised and Exalted is He, has said: “Call upon Allah, or call upon the Merciful, which so ever you call upon, to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names.” (17:110)

He went on to explain that faith, in so far as it means speech, action and intention, is still concerned with the intermediaries (wasa’it). But these intermediaries, or mediums, are eclipsed (isqat al-wasa’it) as soon as the realities are tasted, so that they remain afterwards only in an outward form (rasm) for those who need the outward form.

He said, “In none but Him can two opposite attributes be merged together. He, Allah, is not thereby in contradiction, for knowledge is concealed by ignorance, but He, Allah, is the meeting-place of both the Unity and the Ignorance.”

In his Akhbar Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj he spoke about what he meant by the meeting-place of opposites in Allah in relation to faith (iman) and unbelief (kufr). He said, “Faith and unbelief are different only in name, because in the Reality there is no belief and no unbelief. The place where they meet is the place where they are dissolved in the Essence Itself, the Reality, al-Haqiqa.”

Sayyiduna Junaid al-Baghdadi, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “At-tawhid is the isolation of the reality of Allah in Itself.” In saying this he was explaining about both the state of transcending and the process of transcending in which the thought that any temporal thing or state or condition can have existence in itself is destroyed. The meaning of Junayd’s words is the same as the meaning of Hallaj’s saying: “In none but Him can two opposite attributes be merged together, but He is not thereby in contradiction. Allah is the meeting-place of opposites.”

Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj said, “When you become obliterated, you arrive at a place in which nothing is either obliterated or confirmed. It is the Divine erasings and effacements, and it cannot be expressed in words.” Here he was reaching out, in Sufi language and terminology (isharat), to express what no human language can truly express. Only the hearts of the true beloveds whose eyes are open and who are in the deep surrender to Allah in all His Faces, can touch something of the meaning of Hallaj’s words. It was this hidden language, beyond the understanding of the rational mind, which disturbed and angered the orthodox religious scholars and guardians of the peace of Baghdad.

As he, may Allah be pleased with him, said in a poem:

“The long-awaited revealing of a well-kept secret
is becoming clear to you.
A dawn is breaking on your darkness.
Your own heart is the veil covering the Secret.
If you had kept yourself
He would not have been revealed to you.
But when you destroy your own heart
He enters it and discloses His holy revelation.
So, guarded by this revelation,
an ever-nourishing dialogue will follow
Its verse and prose delicious to Us both.”

Increasingly the delicious meanings of his ecstatic states took possession of him until he reached a point where the two states of belief and unbelief had disappeared in the Majesty (jalal) of Allah’s Decree for him, so that finally he came to be called an unbeliever by those who could not understand him and who feared him because of a certain power which he possessed. For how could there be any meeting-place between he who loves through the ecstasy of annihilation and he who loves by the outside Law?

So that finally when Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj said, “I became an unbeliever to Allah’s Religion, and unbelief is my duty because it is hateful to Muslims,” this was the culminating point of ecstatic expression (shathiya) for those early beloveds of Allah who included Hasan al-Basri, Rabi`a al-Adawiyya, Bayazid al-Bistami and an-Nuri, may Allah be pleased with them all.

Your name is on my lips, your image is in my eyes,
your memory is in my heart. To whom thus did I write?

In a letter to one of his close beloveds Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj wrote:

“May Allah veil you from the outside of the Religious Law, and may He reveal to you the Reality of unbelief (al-haqiqa al-kufr), because the outside of the Religious Law is a hidden idolatry, while the Reality of unbelief is a manifest knowing.

In the Name of Allah the Merciful, the Compassionate, Who manifests Himself through everything (tajalla ma`rifa jaliya), the revelation of a clear knowing to whomsoever He wishes, peace be upon you, my son. This praise belongs to Allah Who manifests Himself on the head of a pin to whom He wishes, so that one testifies that He is not, and another testifies that there is none other than He. But the witnessing in the denying of Him is not rejected, and the witnessing in the affirming of Him is not praised.

And the purpose of this letter is that I charge you not to be deceived by Allah, neither to despair of Him, and not to covet His Love, and not to be satisfied with not being His lover, not to affirm Him, and not to deny Him, and beware of speaking about the Oneness of Allah! Peace.”

Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj called the outside Law a hidden idolatry (ash-shirk khafi) because he said that, “It is bound up with outside things-with duality and opposition. In the measure that a person is preoccupied with the outside Law, so he is prevented from being with Allah alone.”

He, may Allah be pleased with him, wrote many compositions, poems, sayings and books about the Religion of Islam and Jurisprudence. His poetry, as well as being profound and subtle, is very tender and full of yearning, as can be seen, and his language is very pure and refined in the style so characteristic of the Persian Masters.

Al-Hujwiri, writing in the 12th century, said that he had seen at least fifty works by Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj in Baghdad, and in the neighboring districts, and also in Khuzistan, Fars and Khurasan. His best-known works are his Diwan, his Akhbar Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj, his Kitab at-Tawasin, and a Commentary on the Holy Qur’an.

The Kitab at-Tawasin, which deals with the subject of the Unity (at-tawhid), and with the science of Prophethood, contains eight chapters, each called tasin, from the secret letters at the beginning of the sura, the Ant (an-naml). It also contains a dialogue between Allah, Praised and Exalted is He, and the Devil (ash-shaytan) in the form of a discussion of the fact that the Devil refused to obey the Order of Allah to prostrate to Adam, and of the dilemma between not worshipping anybody but Allah, which is His Divine Will, and on the other hand, His Order to prostrate before a created being.

The Kitab at-Tawasin also contains beautiful poems in honor of the Prophet, may prayers and peace be upon him. In the Riw ayat of Ruzbihan Baqli Shirazi, who wrote in the late 12th century, everything that he could find about Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj is gathered together. In addition there are some examples in this book of gatherings of ahadith which Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj made, and which are said to be not very different from the generally accepted ahadith, except that they were confirmed for him by a chain (sanad) of cosmic origin-of angels, stars, the sun, etc., and not by a chain of human transmitters.

In the Tafsir of Sulami, who died in 1021 C.E., can be found some fragments of Hallaj’s Commentary on the Holy Qur’an. This was the way in which his heart saw the truths and the laws of the Religion, and he also wrote and spoke about the idea of isqat al-fara’id, by which he meant that certain religious duties could be exchanged, he claimed, for acts which may be more useful at a particular moment. For example, he said that instead of performing the Pilgrimage, people should invite orphans to their houses, to feed and clothe them, and to make them happy on the Great Feast (al-`id al-akbar). This idea can be compared with the story of Abu Yazid al-Bistami’s meeting with the man on the road to the Pilgrimage who asked him for money, and to walk seven times around him instead of making the journey to Mecca. (chapter three).

But if anyone looks with the deep Eye, he can see that there was never any doubt about Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj’s being a true Muslim. One of the ahadith which he believed in is that in which the Prophet, prayers and peace be upon him, said, “Allah has not created anything which He loves more than He loves Muhammad and his family.”

In his Kiitab at-Tawasin he wrote in praise of Muhammad, prayers and peace be upon him: “All the Lights of the Prophets, may peace be upon them all, proceeded from his Light. He was before all, and his name is the first in the Book of Destiny. He was known before all things and all beings, and he will endure after the end of all. By his guidance, all eyes have attained to sight. All knowledge is merely a drop. All wisdom merely a handful from his stream; all time is merely an hour from his life.”

In a chapter of his Kitab at-Tawasin, Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj drew a parallel between the hadith of the Prophet, peace be upon him, who said: “Die before you die,” and a moth which is attracted to the flame of a candle. It circles the flame and little by little approaches it until in the end it is burned by it. He compared himself to the moth which does not want either the light or the candle or its heat, but only to throw itself into the flame. This was exactly the same, he said, as his own case with the Love of his Beloved God-to throw himself into the Fire of the Love, and to be consumed by It. For at the moment of being consumed he would reach the completed Perfection of the Order of Allah for him, and the Reality of his true existence in Him. His words: I am the Truth (ana al-haqq), appear in one of the chapters of his Kitab at-Tawasin where he writes about his own claim to the saying, and also that of Pharaoh (Fir`awn), and that of the Devil (ash-shaytan). He compares Pharaoh’s words (and he said): “I am your Lord Most High,” (79:24) and the saying of the Devil: “I am better than he,” (70:12) (meaning Adam), and his own words: “I say, I am the Absolute Truth. Inside my cloak is nothing but Allah.”

This led to a great deal of controversy about the difference between the I’s of Pharaoh and the Devil, and the beloved of God. An answer came in the revelation from Allah: “Pharaoh saw only himself so he lost Me, and Husayn saw only Me and lost himself.” So that the I of the Egyptian ruler was a word of total unbelief, but the I of Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj was an expression of Grace from Allah.

Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj’s follower, Ibrahim ibn Fatik, said that when his Master was asked: Who is a Sufi? he replied, “He who is single in essence.” (wahdani adh-dhat) In that state he sees only with the Eye of his Reality. He, may Allah be pleased with him, wrote in his Diwan:

“There is no longer between me and the Truth (al-haqq),
Explanation, nor proof, nor signs to convince me.
Here shines out the vision of God, like a flame
Resplendent in its dazzling sovereignty.
Only he knows God to whom He makes Himself known.
The ephemeral, which passes away with time,
Cannot know what is Eternal
So that the Creator can no longer be removed
From what He has created.
Do you not see this temporal being turned away from Him
For the remainder of time?
The proof is His, from Him, towards Him
And in Him the Witness itself,
Of the Reality in a revelation,
Which distinguishes the good from the evil.
His is the proof, from Him, in Him and for Him.
In truth we have found It,
Even as a science in Its outer manifestation.
Such is my existence, my evidence and my conviction.
Such is the Oneness of my proclaiming His Unity, my belief!
Thus do those express themselves who are One in Him,
And who know Him, in secret and in public.
This is the summit of existence of those
Who are intoxicated by Allah, the sons of the People of God, The companions of my soul!”

This was the culmination of the holy life of the Beloved of Allah, Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj, the Martyr of the Love of God. No words are enough to speak of the Beauty and the Majesty of this station, or this case, but Allah Himself is the Love and Encompasses everything. From His Order, and in It, His creation returns to Him. To Him belongs all Praise, the Mighty, the Supreme, for what He creates.

My heart has eyes that see only for you, and it is completely in your hands. [al-Hallaj]

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Shaykh al-Masha’ikh Aftaab-e-Hidaayat, Mahtaab-e-Wilaayat Hadrat Sayyid Meer Ahmad Kalpwi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho is the thirty first Imam and Shaykh of the Silsila Aaliyah Qadiriyah Barakatiyah Ridawiyyah Nooriyah.


He was born in the Kalpi Shareef (India)


His blessed name is Meer Sayyid Ahmed kalpwi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho


His father’s name is Meer Sayyid Muhammad bin Abi Saeed Al Hassani Tirmizi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho.


He was a very well qualified Aalim and Faadhil. He attained his education firstly at the feet of his beloved father. His father then appointed his Khalifa Hadrat Afzal bin Abdur Rahmaan Ilaahabadi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho as his teacher. His teacher loved him dearly and taught him well. He qualified under Hadrat Afzal Ilaahabadi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and graduated to be a very well accomplished teacher. [Wafiyaat al-A’laam, Page186]

He was the Mureed and Khalifa of his father, Hadrat Meer Sayyid Muhammad Kalpwi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. He was allowed to take the position of his father at the age of 24.


He was an embodiment of apparent and hidden knowledge and a great Aabid and Aarif. He was always engrossed in the Ibaadat of Almighty Allah. He possessed wonderful character and was very kind and generous. His entire life was in accordance with the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam.

He had a special connection to the Darbaar of Hadrat Khaja Ghareeb Nawaaz Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. Once whilst in Ajmer Shareef with his father, he attained great spiritual blessings through the Rooh of Hadrat Khaja Ghareeb Nawaaz Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho.

His sight was very powerful. If he placed his spiritual sight on any person, that person would lose control and become physically unconscious. Once a person came to him and said that his heart had become very hard, and even if a close relative of family member passed away, he felt nothing. He requested the Shaykh to place his blessed sight on him. Hadrat held both his hands and then shook them, but he still remained in the same condition.

He did this thrice and on the third time, his heart became soft and tears began to flow from his eyes. When he regained his senses, he immediately took bai’at at the hands of the Shaykh and became from amongst his devotees.



He wrote various books during his lifetime. Some of the books that he wrote are:

  • Jaami’ul Kalam
  • Sharah Asma’ul Husna
  • Risala Mu’aarif
  • Mushaahidaat Sufiyah
  • Diwaan-e-Sher


Almighty Allah blessed him with three sons, who served the Deen-e-Rasool Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam in the footsteps of their beloved father. They were all great Ulama and true servants of Allah. Their names are:

  1. Hadrat Sayyid Shah Fazlullah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
  2. Hadrat Sayyid Shah Sultan Maqsood Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
  3. Hadrat Sayyid Shah Sultan Mahmood Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho


He passed away on a Monday or Thursday, 19th of Safar al-Muzaffar, 1084. His Mazaar Sharif is situated in Kalpi Shareef (India).

Asad al-Din Abu Mahfuz
roof al-Karkhi Radi ALLAHu Anho



Hadrat Asad al-Din Abu Mahfuz Shaykh Ma’roof Ibn Feroz al-Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho is the ninth Imam and Shaykh of the Silsila Aaliyah Qadiriyah Barakatiyah Razaviyah Nooriyah.


Hadrat Ma’roof Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho was born in Karkh.


His name is Asad al-Din and is famously known as Ma’roof Karkhi and Abu Mahfooz.


His father’s name was Feroz. [Safinat al-Awliyah]


He attained all his knowledge under the watchful eye of Hadrat Imam Ali Rida Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho. [Tadhkirat al-Awliya]


Initially, he was a non-Muslim, but even as a child, he had great love for Islam. He used to always spend his time in the company of Muslim children, and often talked to his parents about accepting Islam. His father was not pleased with this, and enrolled him to study under a Christian Priest. The first question the priest asked him was,
“Tell me my son, how many people are there in your family?” He said, “Myself, my father and my mother.” The priest then said, “Very well, now say Esa Alaihis Salam is the third god of three (trinity).” Hadrat Ma’roof Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho says, “Even during my time as a non-Muslim my heart did not accept to say what he commanded me to. When I refused to say this, he began to beat me severely. The more he beat me, the more I rejected his teaching. He finally became weary of me and asked my father to imprison me. I was thus locked in a room for three days and every day, I was given one bread, which I did not even touch. When I was taken out, I ran away. As I was the only child to my parents, they were very sad and they sent a message to me saying that I should return to them and I would have the right to accept whichever faith I wished, and that they too will accept the same faith. I then went to Hadrat Ali Rida Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho and accepted Islam at his hands. I then went home with this most valuable gift of Islam, and alHumdulillah, my parents also accepted Islam.” [Tadhkirat al-Awliya, Page 221]


He became mureed of Hadrat Habeeb Raa’ee Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho and was blessed with Khilafat from Hadrat Habeeb Raa’ee Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho , Hadrat Ali Rida Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho and Hadrat Dawood Taa’ee Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho.


He studied under the care of Hadrat Ali Rida Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho and also attained education from Hadrat Imam al-Aa’zam Abu Hanifa Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho . He attained spiritual training in the care of Hadrat Habeeb Raa’ee Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho .


He was a very pious personality and one of the most distinguished Aarifs of his time. He also served many great personalities such as Hadrat Dawood Taa’ee Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho , who also blessed him with Khilafat. He used to call out the Adhan with true love, and when he would reach the words Ash hadu An Laa Ilaaha illa-Allah, the hair on his body would stand up and his entire beard would become stiff and he would begin to tremble to such an extent in the fear of Allah, that it seemed as if he would fall to the ground.

He would spend lengthy nights in the Masjid making ibaadat, Istighfaar and weeping in the Court of Allah. Hadrat Sirri al-Saqti Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho say, “Whatever I have attained, is through the Sadqa of Hadrat Ma’roof Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho .”

Sayyidi Abdul Wahab Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho says, “I have not seen anyone who divorced himself from the world, like Hadrat Ma’roof Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho . His excellence is such, that even his blessed grave is a means of attaining blessings.” [Kashf al-Mahjoob]


He possessed deep love for the poor and the orphans. Hadrat Sirri al-Saqti Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho says, “I once saw Hadrat Ma’roof Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho gathering dates on the day of Eid, so I stopped and asked the reason for this. He said, ’That young boy is crying because all the other children have new clothes and he has nothing new on Eid day. I thus, decided to collect some dates, sell them and then buy something for him, so that he is kept busy playing and does not feel uncomfortable on the day of Eid.’” Hadrat Sirri Saqti Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho says, “I said, Huzoor there is no need for you to do this, I will make sure he gets something on Eid. I then took the boy with me and bought him a new set of clothes. After I did this, a Noor (light) entered my heart, which caused me great pleasure and my condition became very different.” [Masaalik as-Saalikeen, Vol. 1, Page 287]


Once his wudhu broke, so he immediately made tayammum. Those who saw him do this said, “Huzoor! The river Tigris is right in front of you. Why did you make tayammum?” He said, “It is possible that I may pass away by the time I reach the river Tigris”


Once one of Hadrat Ma’roof Karkhi’s Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho friends asked him the following, “What is it that has caused you to abstain from the world and from the creation of Allah, and remain in seclusion, remembering Almighty Allah? Is it the fear of Death and the grave, or the fear of Hell, or the enthusiasm of attaining Jannat?” Hadrat Ma’roof Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho said, “O My Friend! You discuss such minor things. What are all these worth in front of the creator Almighty Allah? All these are but humble subjects of Almighty Allah. Once you taste the pleasure of his closeness, then you will not think of any of the other things (you have mentioned).”


Hadrat Ma’roof Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho is also a Sahib-e-Karaamat Wali. He has performed many charismatic marvels, of which only a few are being discussed. Once there was a bandit who was captured by the Governor and sentenced to being hanged. As per the command of the governor, the bandit was hanged and died due to hanging. His body was still hanging from the noose, when Hadrat Ma’roof Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho passed by. When he saw this scene, he was very troubled, and began to make dua for forgiveness of the deceased. He said, “O Most Compassionate, Most Merciful! This person has attained his punishment for his actions in this world. O Allah! If you forgive him and bless him with respect in Deen, there it shall cause no shortage in Your Treasures of forgiveness.” Immediately an unseen voice was heard saying, “Whomsoever prays the Janazah Salaah of the man on the noose, shall attain an exalted status in the hereafter.” This voice was heard by the people in the entire town. On hearing this voice, people in town gathered quickly. They removed him from the noose, and gave him proper ghusl and kaffan. Then with much respect, they prayed his Janazah Salaah and buried him. That night a man dreamt that it was the Day of Reckoning, and the man who was hanged, was dressed in the best of clothing and was present in the ranks of the Namaazis. He asked him, how he received such excellence and the man replied, “Almighty Allah accepted the dua of Ma’roof Karkhi and pardoned me.” [Masaalik as-Saalikeen, Vol. 1, Page 288]

Hadrat’s uncle was the Governor of the city. Once he was passing through the jungle, when he saw Hadrat Maroof Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho sitting on the ground eating bread and there was a dog sitting not far away from him also eating bread which he had thrown to it. His uncle saw this and said, “Why are you having your bread so close to the dog?” On hearing this, Hadrat Ma’roof Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho looked up and saw a bird flying in the sky. He commanded it to come and sit on his hand. The bird perched itself on his hand but out of respect and modesty, it covered its face and eyes with its wings. Hadrat said, “See, Everything is modest before a man who is modest before Allah.”

Hadrat Ma’roof Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho and some of his disciples were passing by the River Tigris, when they saw a group of youth who were engrossed in openly committing sin. On seeing this, some of Hadrat’s disciples requested that he make dua for their destruction, so that they evil habits do not pass over to others. Hadrat asked them all to lift their hands and say Aameen to his duas. He then said, “O Allah! Like you have given them the luxuries and freedom of this world, bless them with freedom and luxury in the hereafter.” Everyone was amazed at his dua. He then said, “Do not be hasty. Wait a while and observe.” The disciples saw that after a while, the youth saw Hadrat Maroog Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho and immediately broke their musical instruments and and threw away their alcohol. They all began to weep and came to Hadrat and repented sincerely at his hands. Hadrat then looked at his disciples and said, “Did you see, that which I wished for was fulfilled.”


Some of the names of His famous Khulafa are being quoted below:

  • Hadrat Shaykh Sirri al-Saqti,
  • Hadrat Shah Muhammad,
  • Hadrat Shah Qaasim Baghdadi,
  • Hadrat Uthman Maghribi,
  • Hadrat Hamza Khiramani,
  • Hadrat Abu Nasr Abraar,
  • Hadrat Shah Musta’aani,
  • Hadrat Shah Abu Saeed,
  • Hadrat Abu Ibrahim Daloori,
  • Hadrat Abul Hassan Harooni,
  • Hadrat Shah Jaafar Khalidi,
  • Hadrat Shah Muhammad Roomi,
  • Hadrat Shah Mansoor Aarif Abu Kaatib,
  • Hadrat Shah Abdul Haq Haqaaiq Agah and
  • Hadrat Shah Ali Roodibaar (Ridwaanullahi Ta’ala Alaihim Ajma’een)


Some of the words of great wisdom that Hadrat mentioned are:

  • There are three signs of a true man, to fulfill ones promise, to praise without a motive and to give without being asked to give.
  • Protect the tongue from self praise, like you protect it from sinning.
  • He who is not a faqeer, is not a man of tasawwuf.
  • Close your eyes from all angles even if there is something in front of you.
  • Love is not attained through education and training, but is bestowed by Allah.
  • The solution to hardships and difficulties is to keep it hidden.
  • Even though an Aarif does not keep the bounties, but he is always engulfed by it.
  • Without deeds to hope for paradise is a sin. Without the completion of your sunnah to wish for intercession is a betrayal and boastfulness and without being subservient to have expectations of mercy is ignorance and foolishness.
  • Those that are hungry for wealth will never attain complete satisfaction.
  • To elaborate on a topic that benefits nobody is signs and proofs of being astray.
  • Just as you find it distasteful to listen to bad, so too you should safeguard yourself from singing praises.
  • Whenever the creator wishes well upon his servant he opens the doors of good deeds upon him.
  • Close your eyes to everyone especially never ever look with ill intent towards anybody.
  • Love is such a thing that cannot be shown or taught.
  • When you forsake this World, leave behind everything for if you have in your heart but even an atom of what belongs to the World then even in prostration you should not be able to forget it.
  • Whatever afflicts you from misfortunes and calamities its success is in its secrecy?
  • Open shirk is devotion to speech and hidden shirk is to rely on the creation.
  • Humbleness is when you meet anyone then regard that person as better than you, whether he be big or small, an ‘Alim or a Jahil (ignorant) or a Muslim or a Kafir.
  • An intelligent person is he who would do on the first day that which he would do on the third day when he is struck by misfortune.
  • It had been asked, “What is the remedy for the troubles of the World?” It was said: “Stay far away from the creation and be close to the creator.”
  • It has been said a dervish never is greedy for anything. If somebody gives without asking them he never refuses. When he takes he never hoards or stores.
  • A woman’s mentor is her husband, in the search of truth although he himself is not a seeker of the truth.
  • If anybody betrays or cheats me in the name of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala then I will accept the betrayal.
  • Even if you see an innovator of religion fly in the air then too you should never accept him.
  • Even if a pious person is found committing a sin then too it does not become lawful or permissible.
  • The destruction caused by associating with the rich are beyond the boundaries of writing, safeguard yourself! Safeguard yourself!!
  • Knowledge is male while action is its opposite i.e. female. Religion is obtained by doing work in the World.
  • The person who does a good deed with the intention of rewards in the hereafter is a merchant. The person who does a good deed because of the fear of hell is a slave, just as a slave out of fear of a whipping continues to work. The person who does a good deed for ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala alone is noble and free.
  • To associate with a sinner is to sanction his sins, and to sanction sins is equivalent to committing it.
  • Worship is useless without firm belief.

WISAAL SHARIF: He passed away on a Friday or Saturday, on the 2nd of Muharram, 200 Hijri. After his demise, Hadrat Muhammad bin Abul Hussain Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho says, that he saw Hadrat Ma’roof Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho in his dream and he asked him how Almighty Allah had treated him. He said, Almighty Allah pardoned me, not because of my piety but because of what I heard from Hadrat Samaak Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho in Kufa, when he said, ’He who leaves all ties and turns towards Allah, then Allah Almighty Allah sends his Mercy towards him and he turns all his servants in his direction.’ I followed this advice of his and turned completely towards Allah, and with the exception of the Khidmat of Hadrat Ali Rida Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho I left everything else.

Hadrat Sirri al-Saqti Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho says, “I dreamt that Hadrat Ma’roof Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho was seated totally absorbed in the love of Allah, under the Arsh and Almighty Allah said, ‘O Angels! Who is this?’ the Angels said, O Allah You are All Knowing. There is nothing hidden from You.’ Almighty Allah said, ‘This is Ma’roof Karkhi who is drowned in My love and closeness and until he does not make my Deedar he will not regain his consciousness and neither will he gain contentment without my Deedar.’”

MAZAAR SHARIF: His Mazaar Sharif is in Baghdad Sharif. Hadrat Sirri al-Saqti Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho says, “When you are faced with any difficulty, then say, “O Allah! Assist me through the Sadqa of Ma’roof Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho .” All your problems shall be solved (inshaALLAH).

حضرت شیخ الاسلام غوث بہاؤ الحق و الدین سیدنا زکریا ملتانی سُہروردی علیہ الرحمة
خاندانی حالات و علم و فضل
حضرت مخدوم شیخ بہاﺅالدین زکریا ملتانی رحمة اللہ علیہ خاندان سہروردیہ کے بڑے بزرگ اور عارف کامل گزرے ہیں۔ حافظ‘ قاری‘ محدث‘ مفسر‘ عالم‘ فاضل‘ عارف‘ ولی سب کچھ تھے‘ ۔ شیخ الشیوخ حضرت شہاب الدین سہروردی رحمة اللہ علیہ کے خلیفہ تھے۔ ہندوستان کے اندر آپ ولیوں میں باز سفید کے نام سے مشہور تھے۔ حضرت شیخ بہاؤالدین زکریا ملتانی رحمة اللہ علیہ ساتویں صدی ہجری کے مجدددین میں شمار کئے جاتے ہیں آپ ظاہری و باطنی علوم میں یکتائے روزگار تھے ، اسلام کے عظیم مبلغ تھے. آپ کے جد امجد مکہ معظمہ سے پہلے خوارزم آئے ، پھر ملتان میں مستقل سکونت اختیار کی۔ آپ یہیں پیدا ہوئے۔ آپ رحمة اللہ علیہ نسبتاً قریشی ہیں۔ آپ 578ھ میں پیدا ہوئے۔ یہ عہد خسرو ملک غزنوی کا عہد تھا۔ آپ کی ولادت ملتان سے قریب ایک علاقے کوٹ کہرور ضلع لیّہ میں ٢٧ رمضان المبارک شب جمعہ کو ہوئی۔ آپ کی والدہ نے رمضان کے دنوں میں آپ کو ہر چند دودھ پلانا چاہا مگر آپ نے نہ پیا جو آپ کی کرامت ہے۔ بارہ سال کی عمر تک آپ رحمة اللہ علیہ ملتان میں ہی تعلیم حاصل کرتے رہے۔ اس کے بعد آپ رحمة اللہ علیہ خراسان تشریف لے گئے۔ اسی عمر میں آپ رحمة اللہ علیہ حافظ و قاری ہو گئے تھے۔والد گرامی کے انتقال کے بعد آپ رحمة اللہ علیہ نے محض حصول علم و فن کیلئے پیادہ پا خراسان کا سفر کیا۔ اس کے بعد بلخ بخارا و بغداد اور مدینہ منورہ کے شہرہ آفاق مدارس میں رہ کر سند فضیلت حاصل کی۔ پانچ سال تک مدینہ منورہ ہی میں رہے جہاں حدیث پڑھی بھی اور پڑھائی بھی۔ غرض پندرہ سال اسلام کے مشہور مدارس و جامعات میں رہ کر مقعولات اور منقولات کی تکمیل کی۔ مدینہ منورہ ہی میں حضرت کمال الدین محمد یمنی محدث رحمة اللہ علیہ سے احادیث کی تصحیح کرتے رہے۔ جب پورا تجربہ حاصل ہو گیا تو آپ رحمة اللہ علیہ مکہ معظمہ میں حاضر ہوئے اور یہاںسے بیت المقدس پہنچ کر انبیاءکرام علیہم السلام کے مزارات کی زیارات کیں۔ اس عرصہ میں نا صرف یہ کہ آپ علوم ظاہر کی تکمیل میں مصروف رہے بلکہ بڑے بڑے بزرگان دین اور کاملین علوم باطنی کی صحبتوں سے بھی فیض یاب ہوئے۔ بڑے بڑے مشائخ سے ملے۔ فیوض باطنی حاصل کئے اور پاکبازانہ و متقیانہ زندگی بسر کرتے رہے۔ جس وقت آپ بغداد شریف وارد ہوئے تو ایک جید عالم تھے۔
١٥ سال کی عمر میں حفظِ قرآن ، حسنِ قرأت، علومِ عقلیہ و نقلیہ اور ظاہری و باطنی علوم سے بھی مرصع ہوگئے تھے ۔ آپ کی یہ خصوصیت تھی کہ آپ قرآن مجید کی ساتوں قرأت (سبعہ قرأت) پر مکمل عبور رکھتے تھے۔ آپ نے حصول علم کیلئے خراسان ، بخارا ، یمن، مدینة المنورة ، مکة المکرمة ، حلب، دمشق، بغداد، بصرہ، فلسطین اور موصل کے سفر کر کے مختلف ماہرین علومِ شرعیہ سے اکتساب کیا۔ شیخ طریقت کی تلاش میں آپ ، اپنے زمانہ کے معاصرین حضرت ِ خواجہ فرید الدین مسعود گنجِ شکر، حضرت سید جلال الدین شاہ بخاری (مخدوم جہانیاں جہاں گشت) اور حضرت سید عثمان لعل شاہباز قلندر رحمہم اللہ کے ساتھ سفر کرتے رہے۔
رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے خرقہ خلافت دلایا
بیت المقدس سے مختلف بلاد مشائخ اور مزارات کی زیارت کرتے ہوئے مدینة العلم بغداد میں آئے تو اس وقت حضرت شیخ شہاب الدین عمر سہروردی رحمة اللہ علیہ کا طوطی بول رہا تھا۔ ان کی ذات گرامی مرجع خلائق بنی ہوئی تھے۔ بڑا دربار تھا ‘ بڑا تقدس ۔ آپ رحمة اللہ علیہ ان کی خدمت میں حاضر ہوئے تو دیکھتے ہی فرمایا باز سفید آ گیا۔ جو میرے سلسلہ کا آفتاب ہو گا اور جس سے میرا سلسلہ بیعت وسعت پذیر ہوگا۔ آپ رحمة اللہ علیہ نے ادب سے گردن جھکائی۔ شیخ رحمة اللہ علیہ نے اسی روز حلقہ ارادت میں لے لیا اور تمام توجہات آپ کی طرف مرکوز تھیں۔ صرف سترہ روز بعد درجہ ولایت کو پہنچا کر باطنی دولت سے مالا مال اور خرقہ خلافت عطا کر کے رخصت کر دیا۔
خانقاہ شیخ الشیوخ تو اس وقت دنیا کی سب سے بڑی روحانی یونیورسٹی تھی جس میں ہر وقت اور ہمیشہ درویشوں اور طریقت والوں کا ہجوم رہتا تھا۔ اس وقت اور بھی بہت سے بزرگ ان کی خدمت میں موجود تھے۔ جو مدت سے خرقہ خلافت کا انتظار کر رہے تھے۔ انہوں نے جو دیکھا کہ مخدو م بہاﺅالدین رحمة اللہ علیہ کو آتے ہی خلافت بھی مل گئی اورہم تو برسوں سے خدمت کر رہے ہیں‘ اب تک یہ مرتبہ حاصل نہ ہوا اور یہ نوجوان چند روز ہی میں کمال کو پہنچ گیا۔ حضرت شہاب الدین سہروردی رحمة اللہ علیہ نے الحمد للہ نور باطن سے معلوم کر کے فرمایا کہ تم بہاﺅ الدین رحمة اللہ علیہ کی حالت پر کیا رشک کرتے ہو وہ تو چوبِ خشک تھا جسے فوراً آگ لگ گئی اور بھڑک اٹھی۔ تم چوبِ تَر کی مانند ہو جو سلگ سلگ کر جل رہی ہے اور جلتے جلتے ہی جلے گی۔ پھر سب لوگ سمجھ گئے کہ یہ تمام امور‘ فضل الٰہی پر منحصر ہیں۔
سترھویں شب ہی کو مخدوم صاحب نے خواب میں دیکھا کہ ایک بڑا آراستہ مکان ہے جو انوار تجلیات سے جگمگا رہا ہے ‘ درمیان میں تخت پر حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم جلوہ افروز ہیں۔ دائیں جانب حضرت شیخ الشیوخ دست بستہ مودب کھڑے ہیں اور قریب ہی چند خرقے آویزاں ہیں۔ حضور نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے مخدوم صاحب کو سامنے بلایا اور ہاتھ پکڑ کر اسے حضرت شیخ الشیوخ کے ہاتھ میں دے دیا اور فرمایا کہ میں اسے تمہارے سپرد کرتا ہوں۔ ان خرقوں میں سے ایک خرقہ بہاﺅالدین کو پہنا دو۔ چنانچہ انہوںنے تعمیل حکم کے طور پر آپ کو ایک خرقہ پہنا دیا۔
صبح ہوتی ہے حضرت شیخ الشیوخ نے آپ کو بلایا اور فرمایا کہ رات کو جو خرقہ عطا ہوا ہے وہ تجھے رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی طرف سے عطا ہوا ہے۔ آپ نے وہ خرقہ پہنایا اور حکم دیا کہ اب ملتان پہنچ کر ہدایت خلق میں مصروف ہو جاﺅ ۔ یہ تھا حضرت مخدوم صاحب کا مرتبہ کہ ستر ہ روز میں خلافت ملی ‘ حکم نبوی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم سے ملی‘ سب کچھ دکھا کر ملی ‘ گویا آپ کو خود رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے ملتان میں پنجاب ‘ سندھ اور سرحد میں روشنی پھیلانے کیلئے متعین کیا تھا۔ شیخ کے حکم پر آپ ہندوستان کے علاقہ ملتان میں تبلیغِ دین میں مصروف ہوئے ۔ آپ کے ذریعے ہزاروں ہندو ،مسلمان ہوئے جبکہ لاکھوں مسلمان راہ یاب اور کامیاب ہوئے۔ آپ کے ملفوظات اور مکتوبات طبع ہوچکے ہیں ، جن میں سے یہ ایک جملہ مکمل اسلامی زندگی کا احاطہ کرتا ہے ۔
 جسم کی سلامتی کم کھانے میں ، روح کی سلامتی گناہوں کے ترک میں اور دین کی سلامتی نبی کریم صاحبِ لولاک علیہ الصلوٰة والسلام پر درود بھیجنے میں ہے ۔
دار الاسلام ملتان کا سہروردی مدرسہ
ملتان دارالسلام تھا۔ اتنے عرصہ میں فضا اور بدل چکی تھی۔ حالانکہ آپ یہیں کے رہنے والے تھے مگر پھر بھی چونکہ آپ صاحب ولایت اور بااقتدار اور باکمال ہو کر آرہے تھے اس لئے مشائخین ملتان کو آپ کا ملتان آنا ناگوار گزرا۔ انہوں نے دودھ کا پیالہ آپ کے پاس بھیجا جس کا مقصد یہ اشارہ تھا کہ یہاں کا میدان پہلے ہی سرسبز ہے اور ملتان میں آپ کیلئے کوئی جگہ نہیں۔ آپ نے اشارہ سمجھ کر دودھ کے بھرے پیالے میں ایک گلاب کاپھول ڈال کر بھیج دیا۔ جس سے یہ ظاہر کرنا مقصود تھا کہ گو کہ یہ پیالہ لبالب ہے، یہاں جگہ نہیں مگر میں مثل اس پھول کے یہاں رہوں گا اور میرے رہنے سے نہ کسی کی جگہ پر اثر پڑے گا نہ کسی پر بار رہوں گا۔ آپ 614ھ میں ملتان پہنچے اس وقت آپ کی عمر 36‘37 برس کی تھی۔ آپ نے ملتان پہنچ کر ملتان کا نقشہ ہی بدل دیا۔ اس کی شہرت کو ہمدوش ثریا بنا دیا۔ آپ نے عظیم الشان مدرسہ رفیع المنزلت خانقاہ و عریض لنگر خانہ ‘ پر شکوہ مجلس خانہ اور خوبصورت عالی شان سرائیں اور مساجد تعمیر کرائیں۔
اس وقت ملتان کا مدرسہ ہندوستان کی مرکزی اسلامی یونیورسٹی کی حیثیت رکھتا تھا جس میں جملہ علوم منقول کی تعلیم ہوتی تھی ۔ بڑے بڑے لائق اور وحید العصر معلم پروفیسر اس میں فقہ و حدیث، تفسیر قرآن ‘ ادب‘ فلسفہ و منطق ریاضی و ہیت کی تعلیم دیتے تھے۔نہ صرف ہندوستان بلکہ بلاد ایشیاءعراق شام تک کے طلباءاس مدرسہ میں زیر تعلیم تھے۔ طلباءکی ایسی کثرت تھی کہ ہندوستان میں اس کی کوئی نظیر نہیں تھی۔ لنگر خانہ سے دونوں وقت کھانا ملتا تھا ۔ ان کے قیام کیلئے سینکڑوں حجرے بنے ہوئے تھے۔ اس جامعہ اسلامیہ نے ایشیا کے بڑے بڑے نامور علماءو فضلا پیدا کئے ‘ ملتان کی علمی و لٹریری شہرت کو فلک الافلاک تک پہنچا دیا۔
سیاسیات پر گہر اثر و رسوخ
حضرت صاحب علیہ الرحمة کا قرونِ وسطیٰ کی سیاسیات پر گہر اثر و رسوخ تھا چنانچہ ملتان پر اقتدار قائم رکھنے میں ــ”التمش ” (٦٠٧ ھ /١٢١٠ء تا ٦٣٣ھ /١٢٣٥ء) نے آپ سے ہمیشہ مدد چاہی اور حضرت شیخ نے بھی اس کی دین داری اور رعایا پر وری کو ملاحظہ فرما کر اسے بڑی مدد دی ، ٦٤٤ھ /١٢٤٦ء میں منگولوں کے حملوں سے ملتان کو محفوظ رکھنے میں مؤثر کردار ادا کیا۔ آپ بابا گنج شکر کے خالہ زاد بھائی تھے۔ مشہور شاعر عراقی آپ کا داماد تھا۔ والی سندھ اور ملتان ناصر الدین قباچہ کو آپ سے بہت عقیدت تھی۔
وصال شریف
آپ کی وفات ِحسرت آیات ٧ صفر ٦٦١ ھ/٢١ دسمبر ١٢٦١ء کو ہوئی۔ آپ کا مزار شریف قلعہ محمد بن قاسم کے آخر میں مرجع خلائق ہے، مزار کی عمارت پر کاشی کا کام قابل دید ہے اور سینکڑوں اشعار یاد رکھنے کے لائق ہیں، مزار کا احاطہ ہر قسم کی خرافات سے پاک ہے ۔ عرس کے موقع پر علماء کرام کی تقاریر خلق خدا کی ہدایت کاسامان بنتی ہیں، اندرون سندھ سے مریدین اور معتقدین کے قافلے پا پیادہ حاضر ہوتے ہیں۔
آپ کا وصال ٦٦١ھ میں اٹھاسی سال کی عمر میں ہوا۔ حضرت خواجہ غریب نواز ٦٦٦ھ حضرت قطب الاقطاب ٦٣٣ھ حضرت بابا صاحب ٦٦٦ھ اور حضرت مخدوم صاحب ٦٦٦ھ میں وصال پا گئے، یہ عہد کتنا مبارک عہد تھا۔
(ماخوذ ”دائرہ معارف اسلامیہ ” جلد ٥، صفحہ ٩٤، ٩٥۔۔۔۔۔۔ ”نزہة الخواطر” جلد ١ صفحہ ١٢٠، ١٢١ ۔۔۔۔۔۔ ”تذکرہ اولیائے سندھ ” صفحہ ١٠٩ تا ١١١)

Sirajul ‘Arifeen Zubdat as-SualiHeen, Ghous al-‘Alam Sultan Hadrat  Meer Auhad al-Din Sayyid Makhdoom Ashraf Jahangir Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) is such an eminent and outstanding spiritual personality of the world of mysticism, whose shining sun of spirituality and knowledge (marfat) has illuminated every corner of the world. Let us have a look at his life and works.

Ancestral Tree:

Syed Ashraf s/o Sultan Syed Ibrahim Noor Bakhshi s/o Sultan Syed Imaduddin Noor Bakhshi s/o Sultan Syed Nizamuddin Alisher s/o Sultan Zahiruddin Mohammad s/o Sultan Tajuddin Bahlol, s/o Syed Mohammad Noor Bakshi, s/o Syed Mehdi, s/o Syed kamaluddin, s/o Syed Jamaluddin, s/o Syed Hasan Sharif , s/o Syed Abu Mohammad, s/o Syed Abul Moosa Ali, s/o Syed Ismail Sani, s/o Syed Abul Hasan Mohammad, s/o Syed Ismail Arij, s/o Hadrat Jafar Sadique, s/o Imam Mohammad Baquar, s/o Imam Zainul Abedin, s/o Imam Hussain, s/o Hadrat Ali.

Father: Syed Ibrahim Noor Bakshi was the father of Sultan Syed Asharaf Jahangir Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) He was the king of Simnan, where he ruled with utmost Justice and sincerity for 20 years. He was not only a king , but a proficient scholar of theology, and inwardly inclined to mysticism.(Taswwuf) He respected Islamic savants and patronized Islamic institutions. That is why in his regime, twelve thousand students were gaining education in different institutions. He often met mystics (Sufia) of his time and gained mystical knowledge. He got constructed a Khanquah (an abode for holy men) of Hadrat Shaikh Hasan Sakkak and shrine of Imame Azam (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) He was deeply fond of studying books particularly Tarikhe Tibri was in his regular study. Hadrat Nazame Yamani in Lataefe ashrafi, has mentioned that Hadrat Makhdoom Simnani used to say that twelve thousand Islamic institutions were functioning in his father’s regime.

Mother: Bibi Khadija Begam was the mother of Syed Makhdoom Ashraf simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) She belonged to the dynasty of Khwaja Ahmed Yeswi who was a distinguished Sufi (Mystic) of his time and founder of Yewaisia order. She was brought up in a neat and pure religious surroundings as result of which she was deeply religious minded, pious and godly. She passed most of his time in prayer and recitation of the holy Qurran. She often observed fasting in day and woke up at night to be engrossed in prayer. She was very very punctual to Tahajjud (Prayer said after midnight ) In short, Khadija Begam was the trustworthy of spiritual trusts of her ancestors.

Prophecy of Birth:

He was born in Simnan (Iran) in 708 (A.H). His father, Sultan Ibrahim married with Bibi Khadija Begam at the age of twenty five years. He had only two or three daughters and no son, After the birth of daughters, there was no issue up to eight years. He was grieved at heart. One morning, he and his wife Bibi Khadija Begum were sitting together on prayer mate. All of a sudden Hadrat Ibrahim Majzoob entered in to the palace. Both were astonished to see him. Hadrat sultan Ibrahim stood up and went forward to greet him. He made him sit on the throne and both husband and wife were standing bending their heads before him . Seeing such a noble courtesy meted out to him, he said “ Probably you are desirous of son ”. Hearing it both were extremely glad and said, “ It will be our good luck if you bestow a son ”Ibrahim Majzoob again said, “its price is very much as I will give you an extraordinary thing” . Sultan Ibrahim readily said, “whatever you order, I am ready to fulfill it .”

Ibrahim Majzoob said, “I want one thousand Dinar.” Sultan Ibrahim presented one thousand dinar before him. Ibrahim, Majzoob stood up happily and said, “O Ibrahim (To Himself) you gave hawk (baz) to Sultan Ibrahim and he bought it chief. ” Hadrat Sultan Ibrahim went forward with him as a respect. Turning back, Ibrahim Majzoob saw him and said, “ What do you want more; you have got your son.” It is also narrated that one night Hadrat Mohammad Mustafa (Salallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) came in his dream and predicted that a waliullah (Friend of Allah) was to be born in his house; His name will be Sayyid Ashraf.


When Hadrat Sultan Syed Ashraf Jahangir Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) was four years four months and four days old, his father got performed the tradition of Bismillah Khani (Beginning reading with the name of Allah) by a highly learned and Sufi of his time named Hadrat Imeduddin Tabrezi (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) It is said that Hadrat Syed Ashraf was very intelligent beyond description. He completed Hifz (learn by heart) of the holy Quran with seven types of Querat (recitation) in seven years. After completing it, he got himself engaged in the education of different branches of theology like Tafseer (Commentary) Hadith (Narration of Sayings of the holy prophet) Fiquah (Islamic jurisprudence) and other allied subjects. He obtained full proficiency in all these branches of Islamic education at the age of fourteen years. His name and fame as a proficient Islamic Scholar reached in the Madrasas of Iraque. From the very students life , his extraordinary ability and proficiency had impressed the savants of Bagdadh and they had acknowledged it with admiration , Nizame Yamani in Lataefe Ashrafi described it in a couplet:

“Chuna Mashhoor Ghasht Az Darse Talim
ke Pas Ahle Funun Kardand Taslim”

He had become so famous from his very student life
that the men of letters admitted (His intelligence).

Accession to the throne

After the sad demise of the father, sultan Ibrahim, (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) became the king of Simnan at the age of 15 years. He ruled over Simnan with utmost justice and impartiality for twelve years. He gained popularity as a true , sincere and just king in every corner of simnan. Peace and tranquility prevailed every where. The subjects were prosperous and happy. No citizen dared to tyrannise anyone. Hazarat Nizame Yamani has narrated an incident listening from Hadrat Alauddowla simnani. (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) that Syed Ashraf Jahagir went out for hunting along with his soldiers. He continued hunting in the rural areas for two or three days. He was looking at an animal caught by hawk (Baz). Just at that time an old woman from the village approached him seeking justice. She narrated that one of his soldier had forcibly taken her curd. Syed Ashraf Jahangir Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) asked her to recognize amongst those soldiers who had taken her curd. She said that the culprit was not amongst them. Just at that moment, a soldier appeared coming with a hunting in his land, looking at him the old woman recognized and told that was the very person who had forcibly taken her curd. The soldier denied the allegation but Hadrat Makhdoon Simnani asked him to eat some flies. No sooner did the flies go into his stomach than he vomitted and the curd came out. Hadrat Makhdoon Simnani gave away his horse with saddle to the old woman and beat him black and blue. Hadrat Nizame Yamani has given description of his justice in the following couplets which is translated into English Below.

Chun Aurange Simna Bado Taza Ghast
Jahan Az Adalat pur Awaza Ghasht
Ba Dowrane Adlash Hama Rozgar
Gulsitan shud Adl Awurd Bar
Agar feel Bar Farque More Ghuzar
Kunad mor bar feel Arad Nazar
Ke En Dowre Sultan Ashraf Bowad.
Chuna Zulme Tu Bar Sare Man Rawad.

a. When the throne of Simnan flourished due to him, his justice spread in the world
b. In the period of his justice, whole world turned in to garden and justice bore fruits.
c. If elephants wants to pass through the head of ant, the ant looks at with stiff eyes.
d. That it is the period of sultan Ashraf, how can your tyranny be justified on me.

Relinquishment of Throne

The will of Allah placed the Kingly crown on his head. It is a historical fact that he continued discharging affairs of state with full responsibility but he was instinctively inclined to mysticism and soluk (way to Allah) He often passed his time in the company of holy person of spirituality and sought knowledge about suluk and Marfat (revelation) He felt disgusted with the affairs of state. The fire of excessive love of Allah which was burning in his heart began to increase excessively resulting hate and disgust. with the affairs of kingdom . When he was 23 years old, he dreamt Hadrat Owais Qarnee (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) who educated him Azkare Owaisia (remembrance of Owaisia) without using tongue. He remained minutely engrossed in the Azkare Owaisia for three years as a result of which the hidden fire of love of Allah turned in to blaze and burnt his self. At this stage, he seldom attended the kingly court thinking it to be of no value and use for him, At last, the desired day came and Hadrat Khidir (Alaihissalam) appeared again before him and said, “ O Ashraf, the purpose for which you have come in this world is before you; desert the worldly throne and leave for Indian where Shaikh Alaul Haque Ganje Nabat is anxiously waiting for your in Pandwa , Bengal.

Journey towards India:

As suggested by Hadrat Khwaja Khidr (Alaihissalam) , he made up his mind resolutely to relinquish the throne of Simana and travel towards India in search of spiritual guide (Peer) As a result of his firm decision, he willingly entrusted the affairs of state to his younger brother, Sultan Mohammad Aaraf. He acquinted his mother , Khadija Begam, with the suggestion and direction given by Hadrat Khidr, (Alaihissalam) and sought his permission to leave Simnan and travel towards his destined goal, Pandwa sharif, in India. The pious mother blessed him and said, “ Before your birth Khwaja Almad Yeswi predicted ; “A son will be bestowed whose sun of sanctity (Welayat ) will illuminate the darkness of the world at large” Narrating this, She happily permitted him to make journey towards his fixed goal though it was against the nature of a mother to bid his son farewell for ever; but she knew it before hand that real destination of Hadrat Syed Ashraf Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) was not simnan rather it was Pandawa Sharif in India where he would reach to the peak of spirituality , he left for his destined goal with twelve thousand soldiers. They accompanied him up to three stages; But he asked them to return to the country From there he started Journey only with a servant to some distance and he was also asked to return to simnan after accompanying him for some days. From there he marched towards his cherished place leaving behind even the animal on which he was riding. It is also a historical fact that a renowned Sufi; Hadrat Alauddola Simnani, accompanied him up to some stages and returned seeing him off with this couplet :

Tarke Dunia gir ta Sultan Shawi
Mahrame Asrar ba jana Shawi

(O Ashraf) “Leave this world
so that you become king and intimate friend of Allah”

Meeting with Syed Jalaluddin Bukhari (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

Passing through Bokhara, he arrived at Och Sharif, Multan, Where he met Hadrat Makhdoom Jahanyan Jahan Ghasht Jalal uddin Bukhari (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) who Welcomed him and endowed with spiritual bounties and blessings (Fuyooz-o-Barakat). He bid him farewell and said, “ Congratulation on this journey; Shaikh Alaul Haque Waddin is anxiously waiting for your arrival; don’t be late in the way and read this couplet:

Equamat Dar Rahe Maqusood Hargiz
Nabayad Kard Ta Barasi Badargah

i.e. – “One should not stay in the way
so that one may arrive at the threshold soon.”

After staying for some days and nights, he left for Pandawa Sharif and arrived at the shrine of Hadrat Data Ganj bakhsh Lahouri (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) where he also availed spiritual guidance. From there he reached Delhi where he attended at the Shrines of Hadrat Qutbuddin Bakhteyar Kaki (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) and Hadrat Nizamuddin Mahboobe Ilahi (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) and obtained spiritual blessing and benediction. When he arrived in India , Feeroz Shah Tughlaque was ruling over India.

Hadrat Syed Ashraf Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) at Pandawa Sharif

The spiritual attraction of Hadrat Shaikh Alaul Haque (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) was so great that he did not stay any where for long time rather continued his journey to arrive at his destined goal as early as possible. Passing through large rivers mountains and deserts and facing all sorts of difficulties in the way, he arrived at Bihar Sharif. The day he was arriving at Bihar Sharif, Hadrat Makhdoom Sharfuddin Yahya monairi (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)had left this world. Before his death , he willed that his funeral prayer would be performed by a Syed noble on both sides, (Najibut Tarfain) Hafiz with seven qurats and deserter of throne who would be coming from westward. Hadrat Makhdoom Simrani ( Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) had known it beforehand by revelation (Kashf) Accordingly, keeping the funeral ready, his followers were waiting for the arrival of willed personality . Hadrat Makhdoom Simnani arrived at Bihar Sharif hurriedly in a bewildered State of mind. In humbleness, he did not want to say funeral prayer; but they requested to say funeral prayer in accordance with the will of departed saint of Islam. He said funeral prayer and stayed in the khanquah (abode of holy men) at night where he had a glimpse of Hadrat Makhdoom Bihari who gave him his patched garment (Khirquah). In the morning, he demanded it from the savants (Khuddam) of Shrine. They denied to oblige him . At last it was decided that the patched garment be placed on the holy grave and in whose hands the patched garment would come it self, he would be entitled for that . Accordingly they stretched their hands but failed . In the end, Hadrat Makhdoom Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) Stretched hands and at once the patched garments came in his hands. He put it on as a result of which he lost himself in the world of ecstasy and read this couplet:

Mora Bar Sar Chun Bowad Az Lutf Afsar
Bar Aamad Rast Mara Khirquah Dar bar

When the kingly crown was on my headby his kindness
this patched garments will suit on my body.

He left for Bengal from Bihar Sharif fastly as he was restless due to the attraction of Peero Marshid (Spiritual Guide) Who was also anxiously waiting for him . He arrived at Malda from where he started his journey towards his last and destined destination, pandawa Sharif , when he was nearing Pandawa Sarif , suddenly Hadrat Alaul Haque (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)wokeup and said , “ Syed Ashraf is coming ; let us go to some distance to greet him.” Taking his Doli (a kind of small sadden and Doli of Hadrat Akhi Seraj (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) went out with a large number of his followers to accord warm welcome to him in the way. Every body of that locality was amazed to see him going along with thousands of followers to welcome a personality unknown to them as yet. This shows extraordinary spiritual status of Hadrat Makhdoom Simnani in the eyes of Hadrat Shaikh Alaul Haque Waddin (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) No Sooner did he see his shaikh (spiritual guide) than he placed his head on his feet and tears rolled down his eyes as a result of extreme joy to get cherished goal for which he had left simnan . After a while, he stood up and embraced with his shaikh and sitting on the haunches (Dozanu) read this Couplet :

Che Kush Bashad Bad ke az intazare
Ba omide Rasad Omidware.

What a good that after long waiting,
reaches the hopeful to his destination.

From this outskirts of Pandawa, Hadrat Makhdoom Simnani sitting in the Doli meant for him, leaves for the Khauquah of Shaikh along with his shaikh and large number of disciples. No sooner did he see the Khanquah than he got down from the Doli and bowed down his head on the door with inexpressible joy and respect. Here he was served with meal and Pan (Betel leaf). After the fulfilment of all these rituals, Hadrat Shaikh Alaul Haque waddin made him his disciple in the chishtia and Nizamia order and gave him permission of Salasil (orders). After he got honour of being the disciple of Shaikh and getting everything desired, he was extremely joyful as he got what he had cherished for long. He read this couplet:

Nehadah Taje Doulat Bar Sare Man
Alaul Haque Waddin Ganje Nabat.

Hadrat Alaul Haque wad Din placed the kingly crown on my head.

Departure from Pandawa Sharif

When four years passed in the company of Shaikh, during which period he was attributed with the honour of all secrets of mysticism and spirituality. One day Hadrat Alaul Haque Waddin (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) said O Ashraf, “ I have completed all Haquaequw a Marif(Realities and Knowledge) on you ; I like to set a palce for you where you have to light the candle of rectitude and reformation. Hearing it, tears filled in his eyes as he did not like seperation from his shaikh., So only idea of separation was unbearable for him. However he had to leave Pandawa Saharif for his destined place, Kichowcha Sharif on the direction of Shaikh who showed him the place which would be his permanent place of reformation and eternal abode. He left for Kichowcha Sharif passing through different places of Bihar, Zafara bad and Jaunpur. He stayed at jaunpur for a few days where Sultan Ibrahim Shah Sharqui and Quazi Shahabuddin Dowlat Abadi were highly impressed with him to see his sublime spiritual dignity and purity of character. Form there he marched to his fixed place and arrived at Kichowcha sharif.

Religious and Literary Services

It is an accepted fact that the mystics of Islam have rendered valuable services to the cause of Islam in every period. The religious and literary services, done by Hadrat Makhdoom simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho), is the golden chapter of History of Islam in general, and History of mysticism , in particular. He lighted the candle of reformation and spirituality in the darkness of infidelity at Kichowcha sharif and brought astray people on the right path. It is narrated that twelve thousands non believers accepted Islam being impressed with his purity of character and sublimination of spirituality. He was not only a great mystic but also a renowned savant of Islam having unimaginable proficiency in different branches if Islamic theology. Hadrat Nizame Yamani in his book, lataefe Ashrafi, has written that wherever he went he delivered spiritual lectures in the dialect of that area and wrote4 books in the same dialect and left the written books there for their benefits.

Books by Hadrat Syed Ashraf Jahangir Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

Hadrat Syed Ashraf Jahangir Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) has written a number of books on different subjects which indicate that he was an unparalleled savant of Theology and other related subjects of his time. Books written by him are as follows:

(1) Kanzul Asrar.
(2) Lataefe Ashrafi (a collection of his spiritual sayings)
(3) Maktubate Ashrafi
(4) Sharhe Sikandar Nama
(5) Sirrul Asrar
(6) Sharhe Awereful Marif
(7) Sharhe Fosusul Hakam
(8) Quawaedul Aquaed
(9) Ashraful Ansab
(10) Bahrul Azkar
(11) Ashraful Fawaed
(12) Ashraful Ansab
(13) Fawaedul Ashraf
(14) Tanbihul Akhwan
(15) Bashara Tuzzakerin
(16) Basharatul Ikhwan
(17) Musta Lehate Tasuwwuf
(18) Manaquibe Khulfae Rashedin
(19) Hujjaluzza kerin
(20) Fatwa Ashrafia
(21) Tafseere Noor Bakhhia
(22) Irshadul Ikhwan
(23) Resala Wahdatulwajud
(24) Resala Dar Tajweze tane Yazid
(25) Bahrul Haquaeque
(26) Nahve Ashrafia
(27) Kanzuddaquaeque
(28) Basharatul Mureedin
(29) Diwan–e–Ashraf.


Hadrat Sultan Makhdoom Ashraf Jahangir Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)did not know the geography of the world by going through books rather he knew it by travelling everywhere in the world. He journeyed to the most of countries of the Arab O Azam and brought thousands of astray persons on right path by his preaching and presenting Islamic theology vividly. He had full command on Arabic, Persian and Turkish languages as a result of which he used to deliver the most productive lectures making the audience lost in the world of spirituality and oneness of Allah.


Hadrat Sulatan Syed Ashraf (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) attained the status of Mahbooyat (Belovedhood) i. e Mahboobe Yazdani on 27th Ramdan 782 (A.H.) while he was amongst his disciples at Roohhabad. Suddenley it began to sound from every corner “Ashraf is my Mahboob” This heavenly sound was glad tidings of the status of Mahboobyat (belovedhood) since then, he began to be called “Mahboobe Yazdani” It was the sublime spirituality of Hadrat Sultan Makhdoom Ashraf Jahangir Simnani that he performed morning prayer in Masjide Haram daily. The day he was bestowed with this spiritual honour Hadrat Najmuddin Asfahani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) was in Kaba Sharif. Seeing Sultan Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) coming to say morning prayer in Kaba he said “Come, Come Mahboobe Yazadani; may this title from Allah be fortunate for you.

Ghous al-‘Alam and Jahangir

It is a historical fact that Hadrat Sulatan Makhdoom Simnani was endowed with the dignity of Ghous in the Khanquah of Hadrat Banda Nawaz Gesu Daraz (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) on first Rajab 770 (A.H). Hence forward He is called as Ghous al-‘Alam. The title of Jahangir tagged with his name is also very famous. One day he was in the Khauquah of his Shaikh (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) amongst the disciples. All of a sudden, echo of Jahangir Began to resound from the doors and walls of the Khanquah. Hearing it, Hadrat Shaikh Alaul Haque (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) engrossed in meditation (Moraquba) and after a little while, raised his head and honoured him with the title of Jahangir as it was a heavenly title confirmed on him.

Gems of Wisdom by Hadrat Makhdoom Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

  • Knowledge is the shining sun and skills are its rays.
  • After Iman (Belief) and Touheed, (Unitarianism) it is obligatory on man (Banda) to know injections of Shariat (Revealed Law) and Aquaede Haqeequah (True doctrines)
  • Gain knowledge as illeterate devotee is the follower of Devil.
  • The difference between Islamic Savant and worldly savant is just like the difference between pure and impure silver.
  • Astrayed learned is like the sunken boat which sinks itself and makes others drown.
  • Learned without action is like a glass without tin (Qualai).
  • Don’t be empty handed of actions and conditions; make sure that only Knowledge can not help you.
  • Remembrance of virtuous persons and memoir of mystics is a light that cast shadow on the seeker of guidance.
  • Recollect any word of a holy man; and if it is not possible keep in mind his name; You will be benefited.
  • To know is shariat (Revealed Law) and make practice in accordance with knowledge is Tariquat (Path) and to achieve objectives of both is Haquiquat (Reality).
  • He, who does not follow Shariat (Revealed Law) in tariquat, (path) is deprived of benefits of Tariquat (Path).
  • The man who will be staunch follower of shariat, (revealed law) the way to Tariquat will open automatically; and when he would have obtained Tariquat (path) with shariat (revealed law) the splendour of Haquiquat (reality) will itself be illuminated.
  • In suluk (Holy way) if one commits slightest deviation from the way of obedience to The Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) then it will be impossible to reach desired destination.
  • To create love and affection of Allah in the hearts of Slave (Banda) and get their hearts engrossed in the intimacy of Allah is the work of Mashaekhe Tariquat (Holy persons of path).
  • Shaikh (Elder) is just like a competent and experienced physician who diagnoses medicine suitable to the disease and temperament of the patient.
  • Food is like a seed which takes root in the land of salik’s stomach and grows tree of actions (Aamal) if the food is lawful the tree of good action grows; and if it is unlawful, the tree of disobedience and sin grows; if it is doubtful the tree of vicious ideas and negligence in prayer grows.
  • After performing Faraezo wajebat (Divine command and obligatory) it is essential for seeker of spirituality to pass his valuable life in the company of holy persons as only one meeting with such persons is so much useful that can’t be gained by a number of chillah (sitting in meditation for forty day) and vigorous Mojaheda (Great struggle).
  • A slave (Banda) should pray and merciful (Karim) is worthy of kindness; one should be so engrossed in his prayer that he should forget one’s existence.
  • It is the condition that one should be guarded from sin as is the conditions for The Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) to be guiltless (masum).
  • One of the conditions of wali (Friend of Allah) is that he should be follower of The Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) in his word, action and belief.
  • The condition for wali (Friend of Allah) is that he should be learned not ignorant.
  • Aulia (Friend of Allah) are companion and minister of the Divine court and act according to wishes of Allah. 

Contemporary Mystics and Savants

1. Shaikh Ruknuddin Alauddoula Simnani,
2. Mir Syed Ali Hamdani,
3. Makhdoom Syed Jalal Uddin Bukhari,
4. Khwaja Hafiz Sherazi,
5. Shaikh Najmudin Asfahani,
6. Khwaja Bahauddin Naqushbandi,
7. Syed Shah Badiuddin Madar,
8. Quazi Shahabuddin Doulat Abadi and
9. Gesu Daraz Banda Nawaz
Khulfa (Caliphs):
1. Hadrat Syed Abdur Razzque Noorul Ain
2. Shaikh Kabirul Abbasi
3. Shaikh Darreyatim Sarwarpuri
4. Shaikh Shamsuddin Faryad Ras Awadhy
5. Shaikh Osman
6. Shaikh Suleman Mohaddis
7. Shaikh Maroof
8. Shaikh Ahmad Quttal
9. Shaikh Ruknuddin Shahbaz
10. Shaikh Quayamuddin
11. Shaikh Asiluddin
12. Shaikh Jamiluddin Supid baz
13. Moulana Qauazi Hazzal
14. Shaikh Arif makrani
15. Shaikh Abul Makarim Khujandi
16. Shaikh Abul Makarim Harwi
17. Shaikh safiuddin rudoulwi
18. Shaikh Samauddin Rudoulwi
19. Mulla Karim
20. Shaikh Khairuddin Sudhowri
21. Quazi Muhammad Sudhowri
22. Quazi Abu Muhammad
23. Moulana Abul Mozaaffar Lukhnawi
24. Alamuddin Jaisi
25. Shaikh kamal Jaisi
26. Syed Abdul Wahab
27. Syed Reza
28. Jamshed Beg Qualandor Turk
29. Quazi Shahabuddin Doulat Abadi
30. Moulana Haji Fakhruddin Jaunpuri
31. Moulana Shaikh Daud
32. Moulana Ruknuddin
33. Shaikh Adam Osman
34. Shaikh tajuddin
35. Shaikh Nooruddin
36. Shaikhul Islam Ahmadabad Gujrat
37. Shaikh Mobarak Gujrat
38. Shaikh Hossain Dawezwi
39. Shaikh Safiuddin
40. Masnad Ali Saif khan
41. Shaikh Ahmad kanlouri
42. Moulana Abdullah Dayar Banarsi
43. Moulana Nooruddin Zafarabadi
44. Malik Mahmood, Baba Hossain kitabdar
45. Syed hasan Alam Barada
46. Shaikh Jamaludddin Rawat
47. Hesamuddin Zanzani Punwi
48. Moulana Khaggi Mohamed
49. Shaikh Abubarkar
50. Shaikh Safiuddin Arweli
51. Syed Ali Lahori
52. Shaikh Ludhan
53. Shaikh nizamuddin Brelwi
54. Shaikh Ali Dosti Simnnani
55. Shaikh Omnar
56. Shaikh Abu Said Khigri
57. Khwaja Abdur rahman
58. Khwaja Saduddin Khalid
59. Quazi Shudha Awadhi
60. Shaikh Zahid Noor
61. Shaikh Peer Ali Arlat Tarki
62. Shaikh Nizamuddin Labir
63. Shaikh Ali Simnani
64. Shaikh Ghouhar Ali
65. Shaikh Taquiuddin
66. Moulana SharafullahImam
67. Shaikh Nizamuddin
68. Shaikh Yahya Kaldadar
69. Shaikh Meer Moallah
70. Quazi Beg
71. Shaikh Qutbuddin Yahya
72. Khwaja Nizamuddin Aulla
73. Shaikh Mohiuddin
74. Amir Nangar Quli

Impression of Savants and Holy Man(1) Hadrat Shaykh Abdul Haque Mohoddis Dehlawi:

In his book Akhbarul Akhyar, has mentioned him as a great Sufi (saint) of his time. About his Shrin at Kichowcha Sharif , he has written that it is very effecious to repel Aseb and Zin and for this, it is famous every where. With reference to lataefe Ashrafi, compiled by Hadrat Nizam Yamani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho), he has acknowledged his greatness as a savant of Islam by presenting his theological and philosophical ideas particularly his notion about the belief of Faroah (Firun).

(2) Shaykh Abdur Rahman Jami (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho):

Hadrat Shaikh Abdur Rahman Jami in his world fame book, Nafhat al-Uns, has derived his theological and philosophical saying showing utmost regard to this supreme saint of Islam. The opinion of Hadrat Makhdoom Simnani and Shaikh Abdur Rahman Jami is same about Hafiz Shirazi . In his book, Nafhatulins, he has written that one of the holy saints of chishtia order deems no Diwan (colletion of poems) better than the Diwane Hafiz Shirazi. From “one of the saint of chishtia order “ he means Hadrat Sultan Syed Ashraf jahangir Simnani(Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

(3) Shaykh Abdur Rahman Chishti:

Hadrat Shaikh Abdur Rahman Chisti writes “ He (Syed Ashraf) had khelafat from fourteen order because he has availed the company of all holy saints (Sufis) of his time. After Hadrat Nizamuddin Mehboobe Ilahi, (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) he revived spiritual instructions and reformation ; In the declaration of realities he was the interpreter of words of Allah, Hadith of the prophet (Salallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) and sayings of Hadrat Moula Ali Murtaza (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)

His Mission in India:

It is a historical fact that Hadrat Sultan Syed Ashraf Jahangir Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) made kichowcha Sharif centre of his rectitude (Rushd) and guidance at the intimation of his Shaikh Hadrat Alualhaque Waddin Pandwi. He came here and got constructed. Khauquahe Ashrafia taking part himself in the construction work with his disciples. He also got constructed two mosques: one for gents and second for ladies and a tomb on his private room. At that time, kichowcha sharif was inhabitated by Sadhus (Sairts) and Jogies (Hermits). Consequently, the darkness of infidelity had taken this area in its grip. Hence one can easily assess the difficulties faced by him in settling there and lighting the candle of Islam. But his spiritual eminence and purity of character, which has been the special characteristic of Sufi (Holy Saint), made the non – believers captivated , and in short period , millions of infidels accepted Islam and came in the Silsilae Ashrafia (Order of Ashrafia). In short, his services to the cause of Islam and mysticism are undoubtedly of great value and a landmark in the history of Islam.

Miracles (Karamat):

Hadrat Sultan Syed Ashraf Jahangir Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) was on such a supreme status of mysticism and spirituality that uncountable miracles (Karamat) at different times and at different places are scattered in the pages of History. It is an undeniable fact that every moment of his life was miracle oriented, impressive and effectual, some miracles (Karmat) are stated here:

(A) Once he was travelling in the juridiction of Amir Taimur who was captivated to see him and showed utmost regard to him. Climbing on a hill with Hadrat Makhdoom Simnani; (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) he said , “As far as your eyes see; I will make gift all the areas coming in your sight.” Hadrat Makhdoom Simnani said,” You are not the owner of the area coming in my sight, “ Then he kept his hand on his head and asked as to what he was seeing. He replied that he was seeing Makkah al-Mukarrama and Madina al-Munawwara . Then he again enquired if that area belonged to him . Amir Taimur replied in negative and got ashamed . His firm belief (Aquidat) and supplication (Neyazamandi) increased a good deal to see such a great mystic in whose sight is whole world.

(B) Once a woman, taking his half dead son, came to his Khanquah (an abode for holy man) and entreated with tearful eyes to pray for his life. In the meantime, the boy took his last breath and died before him. She began to weep bitterly and said with folded hands. You are Allahs friend (Waliulah); Bring my son to life.” He said , “ life and death is in the hand of Allah; what a slave (Banda) can do.” Hearing it , the ill-fated woman started weeping with such mournful voice that his heart filled with pity and an astonishing condition prevailed on his face. Solacing the grieved woman , Hadrat Makhdoom Simnani said in full eminence (Jalal), “I give ten years from my life and after ten years this boy will die.” He prayed to Allah for his life and ordered the dead boy to stand up in the name of Allah . The dead boy stood up and got life for ten years. Truly he died after ten years.

When Hadrat Makhdoom Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) came to kichowcha Sharif from Jaunpur , the first man who met him was Malik Mohmood. He visited the round tank with Malik Mahmood and told that was the very place intimated by Shaikh Alaul haque Waddin (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) Malik Mahmood told him that there lived a veteran Jogi (Hermit) with his five hundred disciples who would not tolerate his presence there. Hadrat Makhdoom Simnani asked one of his followers to go and ask the hermit (Jogi) to vacant the place and go elsewhere. The hermit told in reply that it was very difficult to turn him out from there except with the power of miracle.Hearing it, Hadrat Makhdoom Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho)asked Jamal uddin Rawat who had come in the chain of his disciples very day to go and present before the Jogi (Hermit) what he desired . Jamaluddin hesitated a bit but Hadrat Makhdoom (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) called him and put the betel leaf he was chewing in to his mouth as a result of which his condition changed. He went with endowed courage and bounty to face the great Juggler (Shobadah Baz) hermit. The hermit used all his powers of conjurity but failed . At last , he threw his hand stick in the air and Jamaluddin Rawat too sent the stick of his Shaikh in the air. It brought down the stick of the hermit beating harshly . At last the hermit Surrendered and asked to take him before Hadrat Sultan Makhdoom Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) He went there along with his five hundred followers and bowed down his head on his feet and embraced Islam will all his followers.

(C) On his return from Pandawa Sharif one morning he was sitting with his disciples after prayer of Ashraque (Prayer after Sunrise) Some jestlers came there to ridicule him. They brought an alive man wrapped in coffin in the shape of a dead body and requested him to say funeral prayer . When these jesters pressed him much, he asked one of his disciples to say funeral prayer according to their wishes.The disciple said funeral prayer. They were waiting for his standing up but he was actually dead. This astonishing miracle spread just like wild fire in the town and created uproar. Hadrat Nizam Yamani has written a couplet on this incident.

Kase Ku Az Buzurgan Khanda Giraft
Bajuz Girya Azo Digar Che Ayad.

He who ridiculed with elders,
would get nothing except weeping.

Once Hadrat Makhdoom Simnani, (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) with his disciples was passing through Banaras. One of the disciple was fascinated to see an idol in the temple and kept on seeing it. The Karwan of Makhdoom Simnani had marched to some distance; it came to know that a disciple lagged behind and is in the temple. Hadrat Makhdoom simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) asked one of his followers to go and tell the idol to come with him. He went there and told as he was ordered. The idol moved and changed in to a beautiful girl and came before him and embraced Islam. Hadrat Makhdoom Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) got his lover disciple married with the idol.

Truly Hadrat Moulana Room has said :

Aulia Ra Hast Qudrat Azilah
Teere Jasta Baz Gardanadz Rah.

The above stated miracles indicate his mystical and spiritual status and also extraordinary and most valuable services to the cause of Islam. It can be said without fear of contradiction that so long the world exists, The flag of his greatness and supremacy will continue unfurling and candle of spirituality lighted by him will go on showing light to humanity.

Every followers of Ashrafia order should endeavor to follow the doctrines laid down by him so that one may avail the benefits of both world.

Wisaal Sharif:

Hadrat Makhdoom Simnani (Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho) left this world on 27th Muharram 808 (AH) Before his death, he had got prepared his grave. He went on 26th Muharram to visit his grave where he saw pen and paper kept in the side of grave. He sat in the grave and wrote two booklets namely Basharatul Muradin and Resalai Qubria some extracts from Resalai Quabria is presented.

In this short time (how long I stayed in the grave) seventy thousand splendor (Tajalli) of elegance (jamal) of Allah descended on this Faqeer ; and intimate friends (Muqarraban) of Allah showed so much exalting (Ae’zaz) and kindness that can’t be expressed in words; the announcer from the Sublime court of Allah (Bargehe Ilahi) announced inAlam-e-Malakut that “ Ashraf is my beloved (Mahboob) I (Allah) write kindness and forgiveness on the forehead of his disciples; and cares his disciples with absolution (Magferat) and forgiveness (Mafi)”. All praise to Allah this glad lidings for our companions. After that it was the order of Allah, eight thousands angles Thirty thousand of Haramain sharifain , one thousand from baitul Moquaddes , one thousands Abdaal of Maghrib (west) one thousand Rejalud Ghaib of Sarndip and one thousand maradane Ghaib from yaman will perform your bath your funeral prayer will be said in front of baillutulah Sharif and you will be buried in the earth for the benefit of slaves (Banda); he who comes on your grave will get his end and absolution (Maghfirat).

Hadrat Sultan Salah ad-Din Abu al-Afdal
Yusuf ibn al-Ayyub Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho

Sultan SalāH ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb was a Kurdish Muslim who became the Sultan of Egypt and Syria. He led Islamic opposition to the Franks and other European Crusaders in the Levant. At the height of his power, he ruled over Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, Hijaz, and Yemen. He led the Muslims against the Crusaders and eventually recaptured Palestine from the Kingdom of Jerusalem after his victory in the Battle of Hattin. As such, he is a notable figure in Kurdish, Arab, Persian, Turkish and Muslim culture. Hadrat Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi was a strict practitioner of Islam. His chivalrous behavior was noted by Christian chroniclers, especially in the accounts of the siege of Kerak in Moab, and despite being the nemesis of the Crusaders he won the respect of many of them, including Richard the Lionheart; rather than becoming a hated figure in Europe, he became a celebrated example of the principles of chivalry.

Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi was born in the year 532 AH/1137 CE in Tekrit on the West Bank of the Tigris between Mosul and Baghdad, loved dearly by his father, Ayyub. His family was of Kurdish background and ancestry, and had originated from the city of Dvin, in medieval Armenia. His father, Najm ad-Din Ayyub, was banished from Tikrit and in 1139, he and his brother Asad al-Din Shirkuh, moved to Mosul. He later joined the service of Imad ad-Din Zangi who made him commander of his fortress in Baalbek. After the death of Zangi in 1146, his son, Nur ad-Din, became the regent of Aleppo and the leader of the Zengids.
Salahuddin Ayyubi, who now lived in Damascus, was reported to have a particular fondness of the city, but information on his early childhood is scarce. About education, Salahuddin Ayyubi wrote

“Children are brought up in the way in which their elders were brought up.”

According to one of his biographers, al-Wahrani, Salahuddin Ayyubi was able to answer questions on Euclid, the Almagest, arithmetic, and law, but this was an academic ideal and it was study of the Qur’an and the “Sciences of Religion” that linked him to his contemporaries. Several sources claim that during his studies he was more interested in religion than joining the military. Another factor which may have affected his interest in religion was that during the First Crusade, Jerusalem was taken in a surprise attack by the Christians. In addition to Islam, Salahuddin Ayyubi had a knowledge of the genealogies, biographies, and histories of the Arabs, as well as the bloodlines of Arabian horses. More significantly, he knew the Hamasah of Abu Tammam by heart.

According to Imad al-Din, Salahuddin Ayyubi had fathered five sons before he left Egypt in 1174. There are no known details about most of the wives and slaves who bore him children. Salahuddin Ayyubi’s eldest son, al-Afdal was born in 1170 and Uthman was born in 1172 to Shamsa who accompanied Salahuddin Ayyubi to Syria. Al-Afdal’s mother bore Salahuddin Ayyubi another child in 1177. A letter preserved by Qalqashandi records that a twelfth son was born in May 1178, while on Imad al-Din’s list, he appears as Salahuddin Ayyubi’s seventh son. Mas’ud was born in 1175 and Yaq’ub in 1176, the latter to Shamsa. Nur al-Din’s widow, Ismat al-Din Khatun, remarried to Salahuddin Ayyubi in September 1176. Ghazi and Da’ud were born to the same mother in 1173 and 1178, respectively, and the mother of Ishaq who was born in 1174 also gave birth to another son in July 1182.

“No sooner did he assume the overlordship of Egypt the world and its pleasures lost all significance in his eyes”, says ibn Shaddad the Qadi of his army. He renounced the temptations of pleasure and took to a life of sweat and toil, which increased day by day until Allah summoned him to his Mercy. Such are the words of Allah:

“Perhaps you hate a thing while it is good for you and you may love a thing while it is bad for you.”

“When Allah gave me the land of Egypt with so little trouble, I knew that he meant for me the blessed land also, for He Himself implanted the thought in my heart”, said Salahuddin. He soon had the satisfaction of seeing his administration respected and order established in all aspects. He generously spent on the people from the money the Fatimids had been storing up in the palace walls, won the hearts of his people, and brought the faction-ridden country under obedience and his rule. He took great pains to establish the Sunnah more firmly in Egypt with the aid of the ‘Ulama.

People came to visit him from every walk of life and flocked to his court from all parts. He never disappointed the hopes of visitors nor allowed them to depart with empty hands. When the crusaders heard that Salahuddin was ruling successfully they were convinced that he would soon overtake them, lay waste their usurped dwellings and wipe away all traces of their rule. This would most probably have happened but Salahuddin had one substantial obstacle – the disunity of the Muslims. They had immense riches and natural strength in the region and spent most of their time fighting each other rather than the real enemy. It took Salahuddin 18 years to get the attention of the Muslims in order to liberate Muslim lands. During that time Muslims were barely holding out in Egypt and Syria. Yet slowly, Salahuddin as example through persuasion, teaching, time and understanding worked to unite the Muslims. Kurds, Turks, Arabs and Egyptians – they were all Muslims and his servants when he called, Lane writes. “In spite of their differences of race, their national jealousies he had kept them together”

When Salahuddin had finally united the hearts in the core lands of Islam, virtually all the blessed lands returned to Muslim hands within five months. By Friday 27th Rajab/2nd October 1187 C.E. the Muslims were knocking on the door of al-Aqsa Masjid. Allah allowed the Muslims to take the city as a celebration on the anniversary of the Me’raj Sharif, the Prophet Ascension into heaven. Truly, this was a sign that this deed was pleasing to Almighty Allah. “It was a victory of victories, recalls ibn Shaddad. “A testimony of faith to a multitude of people, scholars, noblemen, merchants and masses who were brought there by the news of Salahuddins victories and success in the lands of the Mediterranean coast. All the Ulama came to join Salahuddin, both from Egypt and Syria. There was not a single well-known dignitary but he had come. The joyful shouts of “Allahu Akbar” and “La Ilaha Illallah” reached to the skies. After 90 years Friday prayers were again held in Jerusalem. A huge cross that glittered on the Dome of the Rock was thrown down. It was an indescribable event, the joy of the blessings and the victory of Allah were to be witnessed everywhere on that day.

The non-Muslims of Jerusalem asked for mercy and he gave it. Every man, woman and child was allowed to ransom themselves for a paltry price. He kept order in every street and refused to allow the People of the Book to be verbally abused, much less molested. What a far cry from the victorious Christians of 1099 (and the 1980s) who killed, tortured, shot in cold blood and burnt defenseless Muslims in the streets of Al-Aqsa. “Fortunate were the merciless because they obtained mercy at the hands of the Muslim Sultan”, said Lane. Salahuddin said: “Well, when by Allahs help not one crusader is left on this coast, I intend to divide my territories and to change the successors with my last commands, then, having taken leave from them, I will sail on this sea to its lands across the water until there shall not remain on the face of this earth one unbeliever in Allah or I will die in this attempt”

Letter from Sultan Salah ad-Din to the Muslim Ummah

Following is a letter written by Sultan Salah ad-Din Ayyubi when he started his Jihad against the crusaders more than 9 centuries ago:

“We hope in Allah most high, to whom be praise, who leads the hearts of Muslims to calm what torments them and ruins their prosperity.

Where is the sense of honor of Muslims? The pride of Believers? The Zeal of the Faithful?

We shall never cease to be amazed at how the disbelievers for their part have shown trusts, and it is the Muslims who have been lacking in zeal. Not one of them has responded to the call. Not one intervenes to straighten what is distorted; but observe how far the Franks have gone what unity they have achieved. What aims they pursue. What help they have given. What sums of money they have borrowed and spent. What wealth they have collected and distributed and divided amongst them. There is not a King left in their lands or islands, not a lord or a rich man who has not competed with his neighbors to produce more support and rival his peers in strenuous military efforts. In defense of their religion they consider it a small thing to spend life and soul; and they have kept their infidel brothers supplied with arms and champions of war; and all they have done and all their generosity has been purely out of zeal for him they worship in jealous defense of their faith.

The Muslims on the other hand are weak and demoralized; they have become negligent and lazy, the victims of unproductive stupefaction and completely lacking in enthusiasm. If , Allah forbid, Islam should draw rein, obscure her splendor, blunt her sword, there would be no one, east or west, far or near who would blaze the zeal for Allah’s religion, or choose to come to the aid of truth against error.

This is the moment to cast off laziness, to summon from far and near all those men who have blood in their veins; but we are confident (he speaks about himself and the small party of believers who began with him and then became a large party); but we are confident, thanks to Allah -Alhamdulillah- in the Help that will come from him and entrust ourselves to him in sincerity of purpose and deepest devotion.

In sha Allah, the disbelievers shall perish and the faithful have a sure deliverance.”

— Salahuddin Ayyubi 12 CE

“After I die, you will see these Muslims fall apart in disunity, and you will see the Europeans grow strong. The best thing to do for now is to continue the fight until we drive them from the Coast (of Palestine) or die.”

These are the Ominous words of Sultan Salah ad-Din about our Ummah. Salahuddin Ayyubi stated this after King Richard of England proposed that Salahuddin Ayyubi’s brother, Sayf ad-Dîn (popularly known as “Safadin” in the West), should marry his siter Joanna. So admirable was Salahuddin Ayyubi’s character that his worst enemy who had traveled over 2000 miles to eliminate him, ended up offering his own sister to his family. This is the result of Perfect Islâmic “Ikhlâq” and “’Adab”.

Also, Salahuddin Ayyubi stated in regards to the troubles he endured uniting the entire Muslim world under one banner:

“I do not know what will happen to me, if Allâh wills that the enemy should grow strong. They have established a base from which they can retrieve other lands. you will see these Muslim leaders sitting at the tops of their grandiose towers saying, ‘I shall not come down,’ until the Muslim world will be destroyed.”

How did Salahuddin Ayyubi destroy his enemies, drive the Franks from Jerusalem and most of Palestine, and be written of so well by the European historians whose people he defeated? This is how:

“On July 3 Salâh ad-Dîn performed the Friday prayer in the Mosque of al-Aqsa, He was seen prostrating and repeating his prayers over and over again as his tears soaked the prayer mat.”

On February 20, 1193, Salahuddin Ayyubi rode out to meet the Pilgrims returning from the Hajj in Makkah al-Mukarrama. He had longed to perform the Hajj his entire life, but the constant Jihâd did not allow such. That night he fell ill and broke out into a tempestuous fever. On the fourth day of his illness they had him bled, which was a tradition of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon him). Salahuddin Ayyubi would not stop sweating. On the ninth day of his illness he stopped taking liquids. By March 3 on the eleventh day of his illness, Salahuddin Ayyubi had sweat so much that the bed was soaked and the floor stained. The scholars who witnessed this testified to it being a match to the description of a good death in the Sunnah.
On the morning of March 4, 1193, the Imâm Abû Ja’far was reciting from the Qur’ân as Salahuddin Ayyubi’s son al-Afdal, and his friend and administrator al-Fâdil, as well as others looked on. As the Imâm reached following verse of Sûrat at-Tawbah, the Qur’ânic chapter most associated with Jihâd:

حسبي الله لا إله إلا هو عليه توكلت وهو رب العرش العظيم
“Allah suffices me; there is no worship except for Him; only Him have I trusted, and He is the Lord Of The Great Throne.”

Hadrat Salahuddin Ayyubi smiled from ear to ear, and breathed his last. Since Salahuddin Ayyubi had given most of his money away for charity when they opened his treasury, they found there was not enough money to pay for his funeral. And so Salahuddin Ayyubi was buried in a magnificent mausoleum in the garden outside the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, Syria.

HIS POSITION IN THE SILSILA: Waaqif-e-Rumooz-e-Khafi wa Jali, Hadrat Shaykh Jaafar Abu Bakr Shibli Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho is the twelveth Imam and Shaykh of the Silsila Aaliyah Qadiriyah Barakatiyah Razawiyah Nooriyah.

BIRTH: He was born in Samarrah in the year 247 Hijri [Masaalik as-Saalikeen, Vol. 1, Page 316]

NAME: His name was Jaafar, and he was also known as Abu Bakr. The name Jaafar bin Yunus is engraved on his blessed Shrine. His title was Mujaddid. He was known as shibli, because he came from a place called Shibla or Shabeela. [Masaalik as-Saalikeen]

EDUCATION: He says as follows about himself, “I studied and attained the knowledge of Fiqh and Hadith for thirty years. The sea of knowledge flowed in my heart. I presented my self before many of those who were known as people of great knowledge and learning. I asked them to bless me with the knowledge concerning the journey towards Allah, and yet not one of them knew anything about what I asked. They all said, ‘that the sign of something will be found in something, but there is no sign of Ghaib’ I heard their words and was amazed. I said, you are all in the dark and Alhumdulillah, I am the light. I then thanked Almighty Allah, and then gave my wilaayat to a thief, until he did with me as he did.”

HIS SHAYKH-E-TARIQAT: He is the mureed and Khalifa of Sayyid al-Taaifa Hadrat Junaid al-Baghdadi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho.

HIS EXCELLENCE: He was the Muqallid of Hadrat Imam Maalik Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho and he knew the entire Muwatta of Imam Maalik Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho by heart. He spent most of his time in the Ibaadat of Almighty Allah. He visited all the great Masha’ikh of his era, and spent time with all of them. He gained a very exalted position in spiritualism. His spiritual position had become so great, that the ordinary mind could not understand him. It is stated that for a very long time, he lived under a tree. He would walk around the tree, making the zikr of “Hoo – Hoo” People who saw him, asked him concerning his condition. He said, “There is a dove on this tree which is saying “Koo – Koo” I am thus following its pattern and making the Zikr of Hoo Hoo. Those who saw this noticed that the dove would not remain silent until he stopped his zikr. For as long as he was in Zikr, the dove also went on cooing. [Shahrat al-Kaamileen, Page 206]

HIS POSITION IN THE COURT OF THE BELOVED PROPHET: Hadrat Abu Bakr bin Mujahid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho was a very great saint and a great Imam of Hadith and Fiqh. Many Ulama and Masha’ikh sat in his gatherings to listen to the knowledge he imparted. Once Hadrat Abu Bakr Shibli Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho went to one of his gatherings. On seeing Hadrat Abu Bakr Shibli Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho, he immediately stood up in respect. He embraced him with great love, and then kissed his forehead. A man from those present at the gathering (who did not know Hadrat Abu Bakr Shibli) stood up and said, “Sayyidi! This man is a insane (One who does not seem to be in the right state of mind), why do you treat him with such respect?” Hadrat Abu Bakr ibn Mujahid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho said, “O People! I have done with him as I saw the Prophet Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him do with him.” He then narrated a dream by saying, “I dreamt that it was the most exalted gathering of the Prophet Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him. Then, when Hadrat Abu Bakr Shibli Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho entered the gathering, the Prophet Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him stood up, and kissed his forehead. I said, Ya Rasoolallah Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him, Why such a great amount of love and affection for Shibli? And the Prophet Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him said, ‘After Namaaz, he reads from Laqa Jaa Akum Rasoolun until Azeem, and he then says SallAllahu Alaika Ya Rasoolallah three times.’” [Raah-e-Aqidat, Page 19/20]

Once, Hadrat Imam Abu Bakr Shibli Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho was accused of being insane (as none knew the reality of his spiritual condition). He was admitted to a mental facility for treatment. Some of his disciples and well wishers heard of this and came to meet with him. He asked who they were and they said that they were amongst those who had great love for him. He then launched stones at them, which caused them to run away from him. He said, “If you are from amongst those who love me, then why do you run away from me when I launch stones at you? Those who truly love somebody will not run away from his pain.”

HIS SHAYKH’S LOVE FOR HIM: Once a few disciples of Hadrat Junaid al-Baghdadi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho were seated together praising Hadrat Abu Bakr Shibli. They said, “There is none that is more respected and honest amongst us than Abu Bakr Shibli Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho” As they were having their discussion, Hadrat Junaid al-Baghdadi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho entered and said, “What are you discussing about Abu Bakr Shibli? All that you have said is improper. He is not as good as you all say. Now remove him from the room.” After Hadrat Abu Bakr Shibli Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho left the room, Hadrat Junaid-e-Baghdadi Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho addressed his disciples and said, “I have a hundred times more respect and love for Shibli, compared to that which you were discussing. When you were praising him in his presence, it was like you were striking him with a sword. It was [Masaalik as-Saalikeen, Vol. 1, Page 323]

for this reason, that I had no option but to say what I said, so that it may be a shield against that which you were saying, if not he would have been devastated (for he could not accept being praised, due to his humility).” [Kashf al-Mahjoob, Page 193]

HIS KARAAMATS: Once Hadrat Abu Bakr Shibli Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho had taken very ill. Ali bin Esa informed the Khalifa of this, and the Khalifa sent a Christian doctor to treat Hadrat Abu Bakr Shibli Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho. This doctor was the royal specialist physician. He treated Hadrat Abu Bakr Shibli Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho, but he could not help in making him feel better. The doctor once said to Hadrat, “If I felt that your cure was in a piece of my flesh, then I would not even mind cutting of a piece of flesh.” Hadrat Abu Bakr Shibli Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho said, “My medicine is in something else.” The Doctor said, “In what is it?” Hadrat said, “In this, that you leave kufr and accept Islam.” The doctor immediately read the kalima and accepted Islam. When the Khalifa heard of what had happened, he began to weep. He said, “I thought that I had sent a doctor towards one who was ill. Little did I realize that I had sent one who was ill towards a doctor.”

Hadrat Ambaazi states that once he wore a beautiful shawl and went to visit Hadrat Abu Bakr Shibli Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho. When he reached there, he saw that Hadrat was wearing a very beautiful hat. On seeing the hat, he thought that the hat would be very well suited for him. He wished that the Shaykh would present the hat to him. He was still thinking of this, when Hadrat asked for his shawl. The Shaykh then took both the chaadar and the hat, and threw them into a fire. He said, “With the exception of the Deedar of Almighty Allah, a person should not have any other desire in his heart.” [Tazkirat al-Awliyah]


  • If you come to me on a Friday after one week, and you find that you thought of other than Allah during the week, then you should know that you have the desire of the world in your heart. What can the one who desires the world gather for the hereafter? Thus, for as long as you are in the world, prepare for the hereafter.
  • It has never been such, that I remained hungry for Allah, and Allah had not entered the Noor of secrets into my heart.
  • A Sufi is one who is away from the people and close to Allah.
  • If a person claims to have love, yet he spends his time in other things, then, he does not desire his beloved, but he desires something else, in other words, he is making a mockery of his beloved.
  • Love means, that you should give up everything for the sake of the beloved.
  • Shariah is this, that you should follow it, Tariqah is this, that you should desire and Haqeeqah is this, that you should see.

WISAAL SHARIF: Various highly spiritual incidents occurred during the time of his wisaal. Many people asked him to read the Kalima and one person proclaimed the Shahaadat aloud, so as to remind him. On hearing this, he said, “The dead have come to remind the living.” He passed away on the 27th of Dhul-Hijjah, 334 Hijri on the eve of a Friday, at the age of 88 years.

HIS KHULAFA: The names of only two of the Khulafa of Hadrat Abu Bakr Shibli could be found.

1. Hadrat Khwaja Abdul Waahid Abul Fadhl Tameemi
2. Hadrat Abu al-Hasan Neemalam.

AFTER HIS WISAAL: After his wisaal, a pious man saw him in his dream, and asked, “Sayyidi! What transpired with the Angels of the grave?” He said, “When the angels came to me, and asked about my Lord, I said, ‘It is He, who created Adam Alaihis Salam and commanded the Angels to prostrate before him. All of them prostrated but Iblees, who turned his face away from the command of Allah and showed pride. At that time, I was in the spine of Hadrat Adam Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho.” The Angels said, “He has answered on behalf of all the children of Adam Alaihis Salam.” [Shajrat al-Kaamileen, Page 203]

MAZAR SHARIF: His Mazaar Shareef is in Saamarrah, which is in Baghdad Shareef (Iraq).

Sultan al-Suharward; Shahab ul-Din
Abu Hafs Umar Bin Muhammad Suhrawardi

The Founder of the famous Sufi Order, “Suhrawardi” is Shaykh al-Shayyukh Shahab al-Din Abu Hafs ‘Umer Bin Muhammad al-Bakari Al-Suhrawardi, al-Shafi’i, Mohadith Baghdadi. He was born in “Suhraward” A town at that time situated near Zanjan in Iran, Unfortunately today it is impossible to even identify the site of this ancient town for certain. His date of birth is most probably at the end of “Rajab”(7th Islamic month) or the beginning of “Sha’ban” (8th month) in 539/1145.

His lineage starts from Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique (the first caliph of Islam). According to “Munaqib-e-Ghawthia” his parents did not have a child. Disappointed enough one day his mother took an opportunity and reached the holy “khanaqah” (Sufi centre) of Shaykh Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani al-Hasani popularly known as Ghawth al-Azam (the founder of “Qadri” Sufi order D.561/1167), and requested him to pray to God for her to bear a child. At this the Shaykh made a prediction about a very special son for her. According to another assumption Shaykh also suggested the good name of the child as Shihab al-Din Umer.

Shihab al-Din Umer took his early education at home, Like his uncle Shaykh Dia al-Din Abu al-Najib Abd al-Qahir Bin Abdullah al-Bakari al-suhrawardi (D.563/1165), in his Child hood he traveled to Baghdad for studies. There he had an apportunity to study The Quran (The holy book of Islam), Hadith (sayings of Prophet), Fiqh (juridco-canonical system of Islam) and other on going subjects which were essential at that time, from famous, authentic, skillful and centrally figured teachers of that age, including his uncle. After the completion of his studies, he then came under his uncle’s supervision for spiritual knowledge and the development of his inner-self. He also had Shaykh Abd al- Qadir al-Gilani as his spiritual benefactor, and he wore the khirqah-e-khilafat (khirqa:a dervish’s patched garment, symbol of his vows of obidience to the rule of his order, khilafa: vicarship) in Qadria, from shaykh Abd’al-Qadir al-Jilani in 560/1162. On the other hand According to “Qala ‘d al-Jawahir” “He is one who has been approached by the Great Shaykh Jilani himself who said ‘O, Omar! you will be well renowned in the later saints of Iraq.’

Apart from these two great sufis he also benefacted from many other “Musha’ikhs” (Sufis) of that certain age. For many days he spent his time with “Abdals” (a categary of saints) in the island of ‘Abbadan’ (Persian Gulf). He also had the opportunity to acompany” Khidr”. (a Prophet or saint immortalized by the fountain of life). He performed the “Hajj” (pilgrimage) on a number of occasions. And in 628/1231 he performed his last “Hajj”, while in Mecca (the holy place of Muslims, situated in Saudi Arabia, where they perform Hajj) he met the great Egyptian poet and Sufi ” Shaykh Abu Hafs Umar bin ali known as Ibn al-Farid.D.632/1235. On that occasion the two sons of Ibn al-Farid “Shaykh Kamal al-Din Muhammad & Shaykh Abd al-Rehman”, with the permission of their father, took “Bay’a” (oath of allegiance) and wore “Khirqa” (patched frock, sign of a dervish) from Shaykh al-Shayyukh.

After the sad demise of his uncle in 563/1165, he became his successor in his uncle’s “khanaqah”(Sufi center). He established three more “Ribats”(religous hostel) (1) Ribat-e-Nasri, (2) Ribat-e-Bistami, (3) Ribat-e-Mamoonia, for the students.

His Bounty spread all over the world, due to his wide spread popularity, people across the globe came to benefit from his kind-self. A good story is told of the practical wisdom which lay underneath his spirituality light, a Sufi wrote to him, “I gave up working, I find my self inclined to a life of idleness, where as if I work I am overcome with pride: which had I better do? “He replied briefly and to the point ” work and ask God’s forgiveness for your pride”. He spent most of his life in Baghdad were he enjoyed the favour of then caliph al-nasir: He was appointed “Shayakh al-Shayyukh” (master of masters) by the caliph. There he received visitors & letters from all parts of the Muslim world.

On many occasions he became the ambassador of peace between Muslim emperors. He was respected evenly throughout the Muslim world by each and everyone. Ibn-e-Khalikan [608-681H.D.] (The Historian of the time of Shaykh Suharawardi) wrote “In his last age no body was able to compete with him”. Every day millions presented “Nazranas” (a gift by the wealthy people to their spiritual master) which was distributed among the poor and needy in the evening. He led an absolutely simple life, although millions came into his hand. Even when he died, there were no sufficient funds for his funeral.

He had love and affection for Sufis of other “Tariqahs” (Sufi orders) and was well respected by those Sufis as well, like Hadrat Mu’in al-Din Hasan Sijzi Chishti [D.633/1235] (the founder of Chishti Sufi order in the subcontinent), Shaykh Abu al-Janab Najm al-Din Ahmed Bin Omar al-Kubra entitled as Shaykh-e-Wali Trash (D.618/1221)[the founder of kubraviyyah, Firdawsiyyah Sufi order], Shaykh Baha al-Din Walad [D.628/1231.(Father of famous Persian Sufi poet Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi) and many others. Hadrat Farid al-Din Masood Gunj-e-kkar[D.664/1265] (famous Chishti Sufi of the subcontinent). traveled to Baghdad for Shaykh al-Suhrawardi and lived many days in his khanaqah, and gained sacred fortunes through his personality.

Imam Yafi’i (D.678/1367) has written in his book that Ibn ‘Arabi (D.638/1240) accidentally met with Shaykh al-Suharwardi, they had eye contact with each other and separated with out uttering a single word. Later somebody enquired about Skaykh Suhrawardi from Ibn ‘Arabi, answering he said “he (Shaykh Surawardi) is a person who, from top to toe is filled with SUNNA (traditions, customs) of the Holy Prophet”. And, when Shaykh Suhrawardi was asked about his opinion of Ibn ‘Arabi, he replied, ” He is an ocean of realities”. In “Risala Iqbaia” it is stated that people asked Shaykh Sa’d al-Din Hamuya (D.650/1252), how he describes Ibn ‘Arabi in his words, at this his answer was that ” He can be compared with a stormy ocean with who’s area is infinite”. Then again was asked about Shaykh Suhrawardi, he replied, “The noor (light) of Prophets Following on his forehead is in such a manner which is quite a different thing”.

Due to his motivation many great mystics merged on the scene. Sufi’s from all over the world flocked to his Khanaqah to obtain initiation from him. He sent his vicegerents to all parts of the world.In “Akhbar al-Akhiyar-Fi-Asrar al-Ibrar” it happened to be Shaykh Suhrawardi’s statement that ‘In the subcontinent I have many vicegerents’. According to my latest research he sent approximately 20 vicegerents in the subcontinent. Some of his renowned vicegerents in the Subcontinent are “Sheykh al-Islam Sayyid Nur al-Din Mubarak bin Abd ‘Allah bin Sharf al-Hussaini al-Ghaznavi, entitled as Mir-e-Dehli (D.632/1234) who was shaykh al-Islam of Dehli in the period of Sultan al-Tutmish (D.633/1236), Shaykh al-Islam Baha al-Din Abu Mohammad Zakaria Multani (D.661/1262), Shaykh Qadi Hamid al-Din Muhammad Bin Atta Al-Faruqi Nagauri (D.643/1274), Shaykh Jalal al-Din Muhammad Tabrazi (D.642/1244), Shaykh Nuh Bhakari sindhi, Shaykh sayyid Ahmad known as Sultan Sakhi Sarwar (D.577/1181), Shaykh Dia al-D in Rumi(D.721/1323), shaykh Majd al-Din Muhammad Haji Jajermi (D.623/1226), Shams al-Aarfeen Shah Turkaman Bia’bani Dehlvi, Shaykh sayyid Qadi Shihab al-Din bin Muhammad al-Hussaini known as “Jagjote”(nur.e.alam, light of world, D.666/1267-68, he is the maternal grand father of shaykh Sharf al-Din Ahmed bin yahya Munyari.D.872/1380 ), Shaykh sayyid mo’iz al-Din sandailvi “Abdal”, Shaykh Mir sayyid Ila al-Din jawarri, Shaykh Sharaf al-Din Iraqi, Shaykh Muhammad Ibrahim Ansari, Shaykh Ahmad Bin Zain Multani, Shaykh Sulaman Bin Abd ‘allah Al-abasi Al-Hashmi etc. He also sent his vicegerents in other parts of the world. Few of his vicegerents are: The famous persian poet Shaykh Muslihuddin Sa’di of Shiraz (D.691/1292) (sheraz-Iran), Shaykh Najib al-Din Ali Bin Buzghush Sherazi (D.678/1279) (sheraz-Iran)

Shaykh Shams al-Din Safi Sherazi (sheraz-Iran), Shaykh sayyid Muhammad Shujah Mashadi (Mashhad-Iran), Shaykh shah Sharf al-Din Mehmood Bin Husain Tustri (shoukara-Iran). Shaykh Muhammad Yemni (yeman), Shaykh Ahmed of Damascus(Damascus-Syria), Shaykh Najam al-Din al-taflissi(baghdad-Iraq), Shaykh sayyid Muhammad Baghdadi (Baghdad-Iraq), Shaykh Rasheed al-Din Abu abd Allah Muhammad bin Abu al-Qasim Al-Maqri al-Sufi al-Baghdadi (baghdad-Iraq), Shaykh Ahmed al-Faruqi al-Kabuli (Kabul, Afghanistan), Shaykh Izz ‘al-Din Abu al-Abass Ahmed Faruqi etc. According to some books, famous Persian Poet Shams al-Din Muhammad Hafiz of Sheraz(D.791-92/1389) (if this date of death is correct then it is not possible) and Shaykh Ahmed Al-alvi Al-Yassvi (D.562/1166)(founder of Yasviyya Sufi order) are also the vicegerents of Shaykh Suhrawardi. Till now through latest research only the names of his three sons have been discovered. One of them is Shaykh Zain al-Din, second is shaykh Imad al-Din Mohammad (D.655/1257), he became his successor after him, he was his companion in his last pilgrimage in 628/1231 and third is Shaykh jamal al-Din.

He wrote several books on different topics in his life. The famous German Orientalist Brockelmann in his book “Geschichte der arabischen literature” tells us about the 21 books written by the Shaykh. One of them is “Awa’rif al-Ma’arif” (Bounties of divine knowledge) which for centuries has been very popular amongst the Sufi’s. And taught it to their disciples. It was written in Mecca, Shaykh narrates that whenever he faced any difficulty in writing, he turned towards Allah, had “Tawaf” (circumambulation around the Ka’ba) of the “Bait Ullah”. The book is written in Arabic, and in every period it was translated in different languages. Famous Suharawardi Sufi Shaykh Sayyid Jalal al-Din Hussain bin Ahmad Kabir known as Makhdum-i-Jahaniyan Jahan gusht (D.785/1384) spoke many times about this book “if somebody does not have a “Murshid” (Spiritual Master) and if he reads this book “Awa’rif al-Ma’arif” carefully and abides by it, he will become a perfect Sufi.”

According to some books, in his last age he became blind and he passed away in 1st Muharam 632/1234 in Baghdad.The Imam of his Janaza prayer was Hadrat ohd al-Din Hamid bin abu al-Fakher kimani(D.635/1238), and he gave him last Ghussal (bath), clothed him “Ka’fan (shroud)” also according to some books Hadrat kirmani also benificted from Hadrat suhrawardi and vicegerent of Hadrat suhrawardi in suhrawardi sufi order.

He is burried in the grave yard of “Vardia”. His shrine is situated near Bab-e-Wustani. This tomb is one of the oldest in Vardia and is surrounded by graves. In 1273/1856 Ismael Pasha, Governer of Shehroze modernized the tomb and decorated it. In 1320/1902 some parts of the tomb which were damaged were renovated. On his grave there stands a tomb build by the “Salguuk” style of construction.

Note: It is to be noted that there are two different personalities by the names of Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi. One of them is he who is described above and is the founder of the “Surawardi Sufi Taraqah” and the other one named Shaykh Shihab al-Din Abu ‘al-Futuh Ahmad (Or Yahya) Ibn Habaish (or Ya’ish) Ibn Amirak called al-Maqtul (D, 578/1191). Also called Shaykh Al-Ishraq. He was one of the greatest master and presenter of the philosophy of “Illumination”. According to Some books he (Shaykh Suhrawardi Maqtul) was the nephew of the great Shaykh Shihab al-Din Suhrawardi, but it is doubted that this is correct.

Golden Lineage 

Hadrat Syyidna Imam al-Anbia MUHAMMAD Ibn Abd Allah

Hadrat Syyidna Imam al-A’ima, Ali al-Murtada

Hadrat Syyidna Imam Hussain bin Ali al-Murtada

Hadrat Syyidna Imam Zayn al-Abidin Ali bin Imam Hussain

Hadrat Syyidna Imam Mohammad al-Baqir

Hadrat Syyidna Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq

Hadrat Syyidna Imam Musa al-Kazim

Hadrat Syyidna Imam Ali al-Rida

Hadrat Syyidna Abu al-Mehfooz Asad al-Din Ma’ruf al-Karkhi

Hadrat Syyidna Abu al-Hasan Sari bin Mughalas al-Saqti

Hadrat Syyid al-Taifa Abu al-Qasim Junaid bin Mohammad al-Khurraz al-Baghdadi

Hadrat Syyidna Abu Bakr Jahfar bin Yunas al-Shibbli

Hadrat Syyidna Rahim al-Din Ayad

Hadrat Syyidna Abd al-Aziz bin Harith bin Asad al-Yemani al-Tamimi

Hadrat Syyidna Abu al-Farah Mohammad Yusaf bin

Abd Allah bin Yunas al-Tartusi

Hadrat Syyidna Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Ahmad

Hadrat Syyidna Abu Sa’id Mubarak bin Ali al-Mukharrimih

Hadrat Syyidna Muhyi al-Din Shaykh Abd al-Qadir bin Mosa al-Gilani al-Hasani

Hadrat Syyidna Shaykh al-Shayyukh Shahab al-Din Abu Hafs Umar bin Mohammad al-Bakri al-Suhrawardi

[Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam / Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho]

شیخ محقق علی الاطلاق حضرت شاہ عبد الحق محدث دہلوی رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ بن سیف الدین بن سعد اللہ بن شیخ فیروز بن ملک موسی بن ملک معز الدین بن آغا محمد ترک بخاری کی ولادت ماہ محرم ۹۵۸ھ /۱۵۵۱ء کو دہلی میں ہوئی ۔یہ سلیم شاہ سوری کا زمانہ تھا ، مہدوی تحریک اس وقت پورے عروج پر تھی جسکے بانی سید محمد جونپوری تھے ۔ شیخ کی ابتدائی تعلیم وتربیت خود والد ماجد کی آغوش ہی میں ہوئی ۔والد ماجد نے انکو بعض ایسی ہدایتیں کی تھیں جس پر آپ تمام عمر عمل پیرا رہے ، قرآن کریم کی تعلیم سے لیکر کافیہ تک والد ماجد ہی سے پڑھا۔

شیخ سیف الدین اپنے بیٹے کی تعلیم خود اپنی نگرانی میں مکمل کرانے کیلئے بے چین رہتے تھے ، انکی تمنا تھی کہ وہ اپنے جگر گوشہ کے سینہ میں وہ تمام علوم منتقل کر دیں جو انہوں نے عمر بھر کے ریاض سے حاصل کئے تھے ، لیکن انکی پیرانہ سالی کا زمانہ تھا ، اس لئے سخت مجبور بھی تھے کبھی کتابوں کا شمار کرتے اور حسرت کے ساتھ کہتے کہ یہ اور پڑ ھالو ں ۔پھر فرماتے ۔

مجھے بڑ ی خوشی ہوتی ہے جس وقت یہ تصور کرتا ہوں کہ اللہ تعالیٰ تجھ کو اس کمال تک پہونچادے جو میں نے خیال کیا ہے ۔

حضرت شخ رحمة اللہ تعالیٰ علیہ نے صر ف تین ماہ میں پورا قرآن پاک مکمل قواعد کے ساتھ اپنے والد ماجد سے پڑھ لیا۔ اورایک ماہ میں کتابت کی قدرت اور انشاء کا سلیقہ حاصل ہو گیا اٹھارہ سال کی عمر میں آپ نے تمام علوم عقلیہ اور نقلیہ اپنے والد ماجد سے حاصل کر لیے ۔اس دوران آپ نے جید علماء کرام سے بھی اکتساب علم کیا ۔

شیخ محدث خود بے حد ذہین تھے ، طلب علم کا سچا جذبہ تھا ، بارہ تیرہ برس کی عمر میں شرح شمسیہ اورشرح عقائد پڑ ھ لی اور پندرہ برس کی عمر ہو گی ، کہ مختصر ومطول سے فارغ ہوئے ، اٹھا رہ برس کی عمر میں علوم عقلیہ ونقلیہ کا کوئی گوشہ ایسا نہ تھا جسکی سیر نہ کر چکے ہوں ۔

عربی میں کامل دستگاہ اور علم کلام ومنطق پر پورا عبور حاصل کرنے کے بعد شیخ محدث نے دانشمندان ماوراء النہر سے اکتساب کیا ۔شیخ نے ان بزرگوں کے نام نہیں بتائے ، بہرحال ان علوم کے حصول میں بھی انکی مشغولیت اور انہماک کا یہ عالم رہا کہ رات ودن کے کسی حصہ میں فرصت نہ ملتی تھی ۔

شیخ نے پاکئی عقل وخرد کے ساتھ ساتھ عفت قلب ونگاہ کا بھی پوراپورا خیال رکھا ، بچپن سے انکو عبادت وریاضت میں دلچسپی تھی ، انکے والد ماجد نے ہدایت کی تھی ۔

ملائے خشک ونا ہموار نباشی

چنانچہ عمر بھر انکے ایک ہاتھ میں جام شریعت رہا اور دوسرے میں سندان عشق ۔والد ماجد نے ان میں عشق حقیقی کے وہ جذبات پھونک دیئے تھے جو آخر عمر تک انکے قلب وجگر کو گرماتے رہے ۔

اس زمانہ میں شیخ محدث کو علماء ومشائخ کی صحبت میں بیٹھنے اور مستفید ہونے کا بڑ ا شوق تھا ، اپنے مذہبی جذبات اور خلوص نیت کے باعث وہ ان بزرگوں کے لطف وکرم کا مرکز بن جاتے تھے ۔
شیخ اسحاق متوفی ۹۸۹ھ سہروردیہ سلسلہ کے مشہور بزرگ تھے اور ملتان سے دہلی سکونت اختیار کر لی تھی ، اکثر اوقات خاموش رہتے لیکن جب شیخ انکی خدمت میں حاضر ہوتے تو بے حد التفات و کرم فرماتے ۔

شیخ نے تکمیل علم کے بعد ہندوستان کیوں چھوڑا اسکی داستان طویل ہے ، مختصر یہ کہ اپ کچھ عرصہ فتح پور سیکری میں رہے ، وہاں اکبر کے درباریوں نے آپکی قدر بھی کی لیکن حالات کی تبدیلی نے یوں کروٹ لی کہ اکبر نے دین الہی کا فتنہ کھڑا کر دیا۔ ابو الفضل اور فیضی نے اس دینی انتشار کی رہبری کی ، یہ دیکھ کر آپکی طبیعت گھبرا گئی ، ان حالات میں ترک وطن کے سوا کوئی چارہ نہ تھا ، لہذا آپ نے غیرت دینی سے مجبور ہوکر حجاز کی راہ لی ۔

۹۹۶ھ میں جبکہ شیخ کی عمر اڑ تیس سال تھی وہ حجاز کی طرف روانہ ہوگئے ۔وہاں پہونچ کر آپ نے تقریباً تین سال کا زمانہ شیخ عبدالوہاب متقی کی خدمت میں گذرا ۔انکی صحبت نے سونے پر سہاگے کا کام کیا ، شیخ نے علم کی تکمیل کرائی اور احسان وسلوک کی را ہوں سے آشنا کیا ۔

شیخ عبدالوہاب متقی نے آپکو مشکوة کا درس دینا شروع کیا ، درمیان میں مدینہ طیبہ کی حاضری کا شرف بھی حاصل ہوا اور پھر تین سال کی مدت میں مشکوة کا درس مکمل ہوا ۔

اسکے بعد آداب ذکر ، تقلیل طعام وغیرہ کی تعلیم دی اور تصوف کی کچھ کتابیں پڑ ھائیں ۔ پھر حرم شریف کے ایک حجرہ میں ریاضت کیلئے بٹھادیا ۔شیخ عبدالوہاب متقی نے اس زمانہ میں انکی طرف خاص توجہ کی ۔ ان کا یہ دستور تھا کہ ہر جمعہ کو حرم شریف میں حاضر ہوا کرتے تھے ۔ جب یہاں آتے تو شیخ عبدالحق سے بھی ملتے اور انکی عبادت وریاضت کی نگرانی فرماتے ۔

فقہ حنفی کے متعلق شیخ محدث کے خیالات قیام حجاز کے دوران بدل گئے تھے اور وہ شافعی مذہب اختیار کرنے کا ارادہ رکھتے تھے ، شیخ عبدالوہاب کو اس کا علم ہوا تو مناقب امام اعظم پر ایسا پرتاثیر خطبہ ارشاد فرمایا کہ شیخ محدث کے خیالات بدل گئے اور فقہ حنفی کی عظمت ان کے دل میں جاگزیں ہوگئی ۔حدیث ، تصوف فقہ حنفی اور حقوق العباد کی اعلی تعلیم در حقیقت شیخ عبدالوہاب متقی کے قدموں میں حاصل کی ۔

علم وعمل کی سب وادیوں کی سیر کرنے کے بعد شیخ عبدالوہاب متقی نے شیخ عبدالحق محدث دہلوی کو ہندوستان واپس جانے کی ہدایت کی اور فرمایا ۔اب تم اپنے گھر جاؤ کہ تمہاری والدہ اور بچے بہت پریشان حال اورتمہارے منتظر ہونگے ۔

شیخ محدث ہندوستان کے حالات سے کچھ ایسے دل برداشتہ ہو چکے تھے کہ یہاں آنے کو مطلق طبیعت نہ چاہتی تھی ۔لیکن شیخ کا حکم ماننا ازبس ضروری تھا ، شیخ نے رخصت کرتے وقت حضرت سیدنا غوث اعظم شیخ عبدالقادر جیلانی رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ کا ایک، پیراہن مبارک عنایت فرمایا ۔

آپ ۱۰۰۰ھ میں ہندوستان واپس آئے ۔ یہ وہ زمانہ تھا جب اکبر کے غیر متعین مذہبی افکار نے دین الہی کی شکل اختیار کر لی تھی ۔ملک کا سارا مذہبی ماحول خراب ہو چکا تھا ۔شریعت وسنت سے بے اعتنائی عام ہوگئی تھی ۔دربار میں اسلامی شعار کی کھلم کھلا تضحیک کی جاتی تھی ۔

حجاز سے واپسی پر شیخ عبدالحق نے دہلی میں مسند درس وارشاد بچھادی ۔شمالی ہندوستان میں اس زمانہ کا یہ پہلا مدرسہ تھا جہاں سے شریعت وسنت کی آواز بلند ہوئی ۔درس وتدریس کا یہ مشغلہ آپ نے آخری لمحات تک جاری رکھا ۔انکا مدرسہ دہلی ہی میں نہیں سارے شمالی ہندوستان میں ایسی امتیازی شان رکھتا تھا کہ سیکڑ وں کی تعداد میں طلبہ استفادہ کیلئے جمع ہوتے اور متعدد اساتذہ درس وتدریس کاکام انجام دیتے تھے ۔

یہ دارالعلوم اس طوفانی دور میں شریعت اسلامیہ اور سنت نبویہ کی سب سے بڑ ی پشت پناہ تھا ، مذہبی گمراہیوں کے بادل چاروں طرف منڈلائے ، مخالف طاقتیں باربار اس دارالعلوم کے بام ودرسے ٹکرائیں لیکن شیخ محدث کے پائے ثبات میں ذرابھی لغزش پید انہ ہوئی ۔آپنے عزم واستقلال سے وہ کام انجام دیا جو ان حالات میں ناممکن نظر آتا تھا ۔

شیخ نے سب سے پہلے والد ماجد سے روحانی تعلیم حاصل کی تھی اور انہیں کے حکم سے حضرت سید موسی گیلانی کے حلقہ مریدین میں شامل ہوئے ۔ یہ سلسلہ قادریہ کے عظیم المرتب بزرگ تھے ۔مکہ معظمہ سے بھی سلسلہ قادریہ ، چشتیہ ، شاذلیہ اور مدینیہ میں خلافت حاصل کی ۔

ہندوستان واپسی پر حضرت خواجہ باقی باللہ کے فیوض وبرکات سے مستفید ہوئے ۔ حضرت خواجہ باقی باللہ کی ذات گرامی احیاء سنت اور اماتت بدعت کی تمام تحریکوں کا منبع و مخرج تھی ۔انکے ملفوظات ومکتوبات کا ایک ایک حرف انکی مجد دانہ مساعی ، بلندی فکرونظر کا شاہد ہے ۔

شیخ کا قلبی اور حقیقی تعلق سلسلہ قادریہ سے تھا ، انکی عقیدت وارادت کا مرکز حضرت سیدنا غوث اعظم رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ تھے ۔ انکے دل ودماغ کا ریشہ ریشہ شیخ عبدالقادر جیلانی قدس سرہ کے عشق میں گرفتار تھا ، یہ سب کچھ آپکی تصانیف سے ظاہر وباہر ہے ۔

حضرت شیخ محدث دہلوی رحمة اللہ تعالیٰ علیہ کوسرکار دوعالم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم سے بے حد عقیدت ومحبت تھی ۔اسی عقیدت ومحبت کی بناء پر اپنے محبوب صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم سے نسبت رکھنے والی ہر شے سے محبت رکھتے تھے آپ رحمة اللہ تعالیٰ علیہ جب بھی مدینہ شریف حاضر ہوتے تو اپنے جوتے اتار دیتے اور ننگے پائوں رہتے ۔آپ نے تین سال حجاز مقدس میں قیام فرمایا ۔آپ رحمة اللہ تعالیٰ علیہ چار مرتبہ سرکاردوعالم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی زیارت سے مشرف ہوئے ۔
شیخ عبدالحق محدث دہلوی سلیم شاہ بنوری کے عہد میں پیدا ہوئے اور شاہجہاں کے سنہ جلوس میں وصال فرمایا ۔

اکبر ، جہانگیر اور شاہجہاں کا عہد انہوں نے اپنی آنکھوں سے دیکھا اور حالات کا بغور مطالعہ کیا تھا لیکن انہوں نے کبھی سلاطین یا ارباب حکومت سے کوئی تعلق نہ رکھا ۔عمر بھر گوشہ تنہائی میں رہے۔

وصال شریف

۲۱ ربیع الاول ۱۰۵۲ھ کو یہ آفتاب علم جس نے چورانوے سال تک فضائے ہند کو اپنی ضو فشانی سے منور رکھا تھا غروب ہو گیا ۔انا للہ وانا الیہ راجعون ۔ آپ کی وصیت کے مطابق حوض شمسی کے کنارے سپرد خاک کیا گیا۔

شیخ عبد الحق محدث دہلوی کی دعا

اے اﷲ! میرا کوئی عمل ایسا نہیں جسے تیرے دربار میں پیش کرنے کے لائق سمجھوں، میرے تمام اعمال فساد نیت کا شکار ہیں البتہ مجھ فقیر کا ایک عمل محض تیری ہی عنایت سے اس قابل (اور لائق التفات) ہے اور وہ یہ ہے کہ مجلس میلاد کے موقع پر کھڑے ہو کر سلام پڑھتا ہوں اور نہایت ہی عاجزی و انکساری، محبت و خلوص کے ساتھ تیرے حبیب پاک صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم پر درود و سلام بھیجتا ہوں۔

اے اﷲ! وہ کون سا مقام ہے جہاں میلاد پاک سے بڑھ کر تیری طرف سے خیر و برکت کا نزول ہوتا ہے؟ اس لئے اے ارحم الراحمین مجھے پکا یقین ہے کہ میرا یہ عمل کبھی رائیگاں نہیں جائے گا بلکہ یقیناً تیری بارگاہ میں قبول ہو گا اور جو کوئی درود و سلام پڑھے اور اس کے ذریعے سے دعا کرے وہ کبھی مسترد نہیں ہوسکتی۔ (اخبار الاخیار : 624)


آپکی تصانیف سوسے زائد شمار کی گئی ہیں ، المکاتیب والرسائل کے مجموعہ میں ۶۸رسائل شامل ہیں ، انکو ایک کتاب شمار کرنے والے تعداد تصنیف پچاس بتاتے ہیں ۔

آپ نے بیسوں موضوعات پر لکھا لیکن آپ کا اصل وظیفہ احباء سنت اور نشر احادیث رسول تھا ، اس لئے اس موضوع پر آپنے ایک درجن سے زیادہ کتابیں تصنیف فرمائیں ، چند کتابیں نہایت مشہور ہیں ۔

اشعة اللمعات ۔ اشعة اللمعات فارسی زبان میں مشکوة کی نہایت جامع اور مکمل شرح ہے ۔ شیخ محدث نے یہ کارنامہ چھ سال کی مدت میں انجام دیا ۔

لمعات التنقیح ۔ عربی زبان میں مشکوة کی شرح ہے ، دوجلدوں پر مشتمل ، فہرست التوالیف میں شیخ نے سر فہرست ا سکا ذکر کیا ہے ، اشعة اللمعات کی تصنیف کے دوران بعض مضامین ایسے پیش آ ئے جن کی تشریح کو فارسی میں مناسب نہ سمجھاکہ یہ اس وقت عوام کی زبان تھی ، بعض مباحث میں عوام کو شریک کرنا مصلحت کے خلاف تھا ، لہذا جو باتیں قلم ا انداز کر دی تھیں وہ عربی میں بیان فرمادیں ۔لمعات میں لغوی ، نحوی مشکلات اور فقہی مسائل کو نہایت عمدہ گی سے حل کیا گیا ہے ۔علاوہ ازیں احادیث سے فقہ حنفی کی تطبیق نہایت کامیابی کے ساتھ کی گئی ہے ۔ اسی طرح دوسری تصانیف حدیث واصول پر آپکی بیش بہا معلوما ت کا خزانہ ہیں ۔

اخبار الاخیار ۔ حضرت شیخ عبدالخق محدث دہلوی کی مشہور و معروف تصنیف اخبار الاخیار میں ہند و پاک کے تقریباً تین سو اولیائے کرام و صوفیائے عظام کا مشہور و مستند تذکره ہے جس میں علماء و مشائخ کی پاکیزه زندگیوں کی دل آویز داستانیں پوری تحقیق سے لکهی گئی ہیں

ان کے علاوہ

مدارج النبوة
ما ثبت من السنة
جمع البحرین ذاد المتیقین
شرح اسماء الرجال بخاری وغیرہ

شیخ کی علمی خدمات کے ساتھ عظیم خیانت

شیخ کی علمی خدمات کا ایک شاندار پہلو یہ ہے کہ انہوں نے تقریباً نصف صدی تک فقہ وحدیث میں تطبیق کی اہم کو شش فرمائی ۔ بعض لوگوں نے اس سلسلہ میں انکی خدمات کو غلط رنگ میں پیش کیا ہے ۔

مثلا نواب صدیق حسن خاں نے لکھا :۔


فقیہ حنفی وعلامہ دین حنفی است ، اما بمحدث مشہور است
شیخ محقق فقہاء احناف سے تھے اور دین حنیف کے زبر دست عالم لیکن محدث مشہور ہیں۔

یعنی یہ تاثر دینے کی کوشش کی ہے کہ شہرت واقعی نہ تھی ، گویا محدث ہونا اسی صورت میں متصور ہوتا ہے جب کسی امام کی تقلید کا قلادہ گردن میں نہ ہو۔

مزید لکھا : ۔


دستگاہش درفقہ بیشتر ازمہارت درعلوم سنت سنیہ ست ۔ولہذا جانب داری اہل رائے جانب اوگرفتہ ۔معہذا جاہا حمایت سنت صحیحہ نیز نمودہ ۔طالب علم راباید کہ درتصانیف وے ’’ خذما صفا ودع ماکدر ‘‘ پیش نظر دارد وزلات تقلید اورابر محامل نیک فرود آرد۔از سوء ظن در حق چنیں بزرگواراں خود را دور گرداند ۔
شیخ علم فقہ میں بہ نسبت علوم سنت زیادہ قدرت رکھتے تھے ، لہذا فقہاء رائے زیادہ تر انکی حمایت کرتے ہیں ، ان تمام چیزوں کے باوجود انہوں نے سنن صحیحہ کی حمایت بھی کی ہے ۔ لہذا طالب علم کو چاہیئے کہ انکی صحیح باتیں اختیار کرے اور غیر تحقیق باتوں سے پرہیز کرے ۔لیکن انکے تقلید ی مسائل کو اچھے مواقع ومحامل پر منطبق کرنا چاہیئے ۔اسے بزرگوں سے بد گمانی اچھی چیز نہیں ۔

اہل علم پر واضح ہے کہ یہ رائے انصاف ودیانت سے بہت دور اور پر تشدد خیالات کو ظاہر کرتی ہے ۔

شیخ محدث کا اصل مقصد یہ تھا کہ فقہ اسلامی کو عزت واحترام کی نگاہ سے دیکھا جانا چاہیئے ۔ اس لئے کہ ا سکی بنیاد قرآن وحدیث پر ہے اور وہ ایک ایسی روح کی پید اوار ہے جس پر اسلامی رنگ چبڑ ہا ہوا ہے ، خاص طور پر فقہ حنفی پر یہ اعتراض کہ وہ محض قیاس اور رائے کا نام ہے بالکل بے بنیاد ہے ، ا سکی بنیاد مستحکم طور پر احادیث پر رکھی گئی ہے ۔مشکوة کا گہرا مطالعہ فقہ حنفی کی بر تریت کو ثابت کرتا ہے ۔

ایسے دور میں جبکہ مسلمانوں کا سماجی نظام نہایت تیزی سے انحطاط پذیر ہورہا تھا ۔ جب اجتہاد گمراہی پھیلانے کا دوسرا نام تھا ، جب علماء سوکی حیلہ بازیوں نے بنی اسرائیل کی حیلہ ساز فطرت کو شرمادیا تھا ، سلاطین زمانہ کے درباروں میں اور مختلف مقامات پر لوگ اپنی اپنی فکر ونظر میں الجھ کر امت کے شیرازہ کو منتشر کر رہے تھے تو ایسے وقت میں خاص طور پر کوئی عافیت کی راہ ہو سکتی تھی تو وہ تقلید ہی تھی ، اس لئے کہ :۔

مضمحل گرددچو تقویم حیات
ملت از تقلید می گیر د ثبات

رہا علم حدیث تو ا سکی اشاعت کے سلسلہ میں شیخ محقق کا تمام اہل ہند پر عظیم احسان ہے خواہ وہ مقلد ین ہوں یا غیر مقلدین ۔بلکہ غیر مقلدین جو آج کل اہل حدیث ہونے کے دعوی دا رہیں انکو تو خاص طور پر مرہون منت ہونا چاہیئے کہ سب سے پہلے علم حدیث کی ترویج واشاعت میں نمایاں کردار شیخ ہی نے اداکیا بلکہ اس فن میں اولیت کا سہرا آپ ہی کے سرہے ۔ آج کے اہل حدیث خواہ ا سکا انکار کریں لیکن انکے سرخیل مولوی عبدالرحمن مبارکپوری مقد مہ شرح ترمذی میں لکھتے ہیں ۔


حتی من اللہ تعالیٰ علی الہند بافاضة ہذا العلم علی بعض علمائھا ، کالشیخ عبدالحق بن سیف الدین الترک الدہلوی المتوفی سنة اثنتین وخمسین والف وامثالھم وھو اول من جاء بہ فی ھذالاقلیم وافاضہ علی سکانہ فی احسن تقویم ۔ثم تصدی لہ ولدہ الشیخ نورالحق المتوفی فی سنة ثلاث وسبعین والف ، وکذلک بعض تلامذتہ علی القلة ومن سن سنة حسنة فلہ اجرھا واجرمن عمل بھا ، کما اتفق علیہ اھل الملة ۔
یہاں تک کہ اللہ تعالیٰ نے ہندوستان پر احسان فرمایا کہ بعض علماء ہند کو اس علم سے نوازا ۔ جیسے شیخ عبدالحق محدث دہلوی متوفی ۱۰۵۲ ھ وغیرہ ۔یہ پہلے شخص ہیں جو اس ہندوستان میں یہ علم لائے اور یہاں کے باشندگان پر اچھے طریقے سے اس علم کا فیضان کیا ۔ پھر انکے صاحبزادے شیخ نورالحق متوفی ۱۰۷۳ھ نے ا سکی خوب اشاعت فرمائی۔ اسی طرح آپکے بعض تلامذہ بھی اس میں مشغول ہوئے ۔لہذا جس نے اچھا طریقہ ایجاد کیا ا سکو ا سکا اجر ملے گا اور بعد کے ان لوگوں کا بھی جو اس پر عمل پیرا رہے ، جیسا کہ اہل اسلام کا اس پر اتفاق ہے۔

غرض یہ بات واضح ہو چکی کہ شیخ محقق علی الاطلاق محدث دہلوی نے علم حدیث کی نشرواشاعت کا وہ عظیم کارنامہ انجام دیا ہے جس سے آج بلا اختلاف مذہب ومسلک سب مستفید ہیں ، یہ دوسری بات ہے کہ اکثر شکر گذا رہیں اور بعض کفران نعمت میں مبتلا ہیں ۔

آپکی اولاد امجاد اور تلامذہ کے بعد اس علم کی اشاعت میں نمایاں کردار ادا کرنے والے آپکے صاحبزادگان ہیں جنکی علمی خدمات نے ہندوستان کو علم حدیث کے انوار وتجلیات سے معمور کیا۔ (شیخ محدث دہلوی۔ مقدمہ اخبار الاخیار)


— — —

اولئك كتب في قلوبهم الايمان وايدهم بروح منه ويدخلهم جنات تجري من تحتها الانهار خالدين فيها

یہ ہیں جن کے دلوں میں اللہ نے ایمان نقش فرما دیا اور اپنی طرف کی روح سے ان کی مدد کی
اور انہیں باغوں میں لے جائے گا جن کے نیچے نہریں بہیں ان میں ہمیشہ رہیں

حضرت سید ابو محمد عبد اللہ الاشتر
(المعروف) عبد اللہ شاہ غازی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ

98ھ میں حضرت سید محمد نفس ذکیہ کے ہاں اسلام کے ایک درخشاں ستاری نے مدینہ منورہ میں آنکھ کھولی۔ یہ تھے حضرت عبد اللہ شاہ غازی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ۔ آپ حسنی حسینی سید ہیں۔ یہ بات آپ کے شجرہ مبارک سے ثابت ہے۔

شجرہ نسب:

آپ کے شجرہ مبارک پر نظر ڈالنے سے معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ حضرت عبداللہ شاہ غازی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کتنی قدیم ہستیوں میں سے ہیں۔ آپ ہیں سید ابو محمد عبداللہ الاشتر (عبداللہ شاہ غازی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) بن سید محمد ذوالنفس الزکیہ بن سید عبداللہ المحض بن سید مثنیٰ بن سیدنا حضرت امام حسن رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ بن حضرت سیدنا امیر المومنین علی ابن ابی طالب کرم اللہ وجہہ الکریم۔ حضرت سیدنا حسن مثنیٰ کی شادی حضرت سیدہ فاطمہ صغریٰ بنت سیدنا حضرت امام حسین سے ہوئی اسی وجہ سے آپ حسنی حسینی سید ہیں۔


تحقیقات سے پتہ چلا ہے کہ آپ کی تعلیم و تربیت آپ کے والد صاحب کے زیر سایہ مدینہ منورہ میں ہی ہوئی۔ آپ علم حدیث پر عبور رکھتے تھے۔ اور کچھ مورخین نے تو آپ کو محدث تک بھی لکھا ہے۔

سندھ آمد:

بنو امیہ کی حکومت زوال پذیر ہوچکی تھی جب 138ھ میں آپ کے والد صاحب نے مدینہ منورہ سے علوی خلافت کی تحریک شروع کی اور اپنے بھائی حضرت ابراہیم بن عبداللہ کو اس ضمن میں بصرہ روانہ کیا اس زمانے میں سادات کے ساتھ انتہائی ظلم کا رویہ روا رکھا گیا تھا۔ اس ظلم کے کئی ایک واقعات معروف ہیں جن میں حضر ت بن ابراہیم کا واقعہ خاص طور پر مشہور ہے۔ جب آپ کو انتہائی بے دردی کے ساتھ دیوار میں زندہ چن دیا گیا۔ یہ دیوار آج بھی بغداد میں مشہور ہے۔ حضرت بن ابراہیم انتہائی وجیہ اور حسین و جمیل تھے جس کی وجہ سے آپ کا لقب دیباج مشہور ہوا۔ عبداللہ شاہ غازی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کے والد صاحب نے آپ کو اپنے بھائی حضرت ابراہیم کے پاس بصرہ بھیجا اور آپ وہاں سے ہوتے ہوئے سندھ کی جانب روانہ ہوئے۔ تاریخ الکامل’ جلد پنجم میں لکھا ہے کہ آپ خلیفہ منصور کے دور میں سندھ تشریف لائے۔ تحفتہ الکریم کے مصنف شیخ ابو تراب نے آپ کی سندھ میں موجودگی خلیفہ ہارون رشید کے دور سے منسوب کی ہے۔

آپ کی سندھ آمد کے ضمن میں دو قسم کے بیان تاریخ سے ثابت ہیں۔ ایک یہ کہ آپ تبلیغ اسلام کیلئے تشریف لائے تھے اور دوسرے یہ کہ آپ علوم خلافت کے نقیب کی حیثیت سے (ملاحظہ ہو تاریخ الکامل لا بن الشت’ ابن خلدون’ طبری اور میاں شاہ مانا قادری کی تحریریں) تاجر کے روپ میں آئے تھے۔ تاجر اس لئے کہا گیا کہ آپ جب سندھ آئے تو اپنے ساتھ بہت سے گھوڑے بھی لائے تھے۔ آپ نے یہ گھوڑے اپنے کم و بیش بیس مریدوں کے ہمراہ کوفہ سے خریدے تھے۔ آپ کی آمد پر یہاں کے مقامی لوگوں نے آپ کو خوش آمدید کہا اور سادات کی ایک شخصیت کواپنے درمیان پاکر بہت عزت اور احترام کا اظہار کیا۔ آپ بارہ برس تک اسلام کی تبلیغ میں سرگرداں رہے اور مقامی آبادی کے سینکڑوں لوگوں کو مشرف با اسلام کیا۔

یہ تو ہے کہانی ظاہری حالات کی جن کو تاریخ الکامل لابن الشتر اور ابن خلدون’ طبری وغیرہ میں قلمبند کیا ہوا ہے لیکن ایک عظیم ہستی جو حسنی حسینی سید ہے۔ حضرت علی کرم اللہ وجہہ کی اولاد ہے باطنی شاہسواری سے کیسے خالی ہوسکتی تھی۔ ایک زمانہ کب سے ان کے فیض سے سیراب ہورہا ہے۔ ان کی باطنی زندگی پر ابھی کسی نے کچھ نہیں لکھا شاید اس وجہ سے کہ ان کی اپنی تحریریں یا ان کے کسی ہم عصر کی ان کے بارے میں کوئی تحریریں دستیاب نہیں ہیں اور شاید اس وجہ سے کہ وہ بہت پہلے کے اولیائے کرام میں سے ہیں اور دوسرے اس وجہ سے بھی کہ اس زمانے میں سلسلہ ہائے تصوف آج کی طرح نہیں تھی۔ تصوف کے سلسلوں کی زیادہ شہرت اور تشہیر حضرت عبدالقادر جیلانی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ اور حضرت معین الدین چشتی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ اور دیگر بزرگوں کے آنے کے بعد ہوئی۔ ان کا مزار پر انوار مرجع خلائق بنا ہوا ہے یہ ویسے تو نہیں ہے ولایت تو حضرت علی کرم اللہ وجہہ کی مرہون منت ہے۔ وہی اس کا منبع ہیں یہ کسی نے نہیں لکھا اور نہ کہا کہ وہ جو امانت حضرت علی کرم اللہ وجہہ سے سینہ بسینہ چلی وہ ان کے حصہ میں نہیں آئی۔ شہادت ان کے آباؤ اجداد میں چلی آرہی ہے ۔ حضرت علی کرم اللہ وجہہ الکریم سے لے کر غازی شاہ رحمتہ اللہ علیہ صاحب کے والد اور چچا شہید ہوئے۔ خود آپ نے بھی شہادت کا رتبہ پایا اپنی جان سے زیادہ کیا چیز ہے جو اللہ تعالیٰ کی راہ میں قربان کی جاسکتی ہے یہ تو شہادت جلی ہے مگر کیا کسی نے لکھا ہے کہ وہ شہید خفی بھی ہیں؟ جب وہ حق ہوچکے تو راہ حق میں شہید ہوئے دولت سرمدی کا متحمل وہی ہوسکتا ہے جس کو فطرت اس کا اہل سمجھتی ہے۔

والد کی شہادت:

حضرت عبداللہ شاہ غازی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کے سندھ قیام کے دوران گورنر سندھ کو خبر آئی کہ آپ رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کے والد صاحب نے مدینہ منورہ میں اور ان کے بھائی حضرت ابراہیم نے بصرہ میں عباسی خلافت کے خلاف بغاوت کردی ہے۔ 145ھ میں یہ اطلاع آئی کہ آپ کے والد حصرت سید محمد نفس ذکیہ مدینہ منورہ میں 15 رمضان المبارک کو اور اسی سال آپ کے چچا حضرت ابراہیم بن عبداللہ 25 ذیقعد (14فروری 763ء) کو بصرہ میں شہید کردیئے گئے۔

گورنر سندھ کی بیعت اور آپ کی تعظیم:

حضرت عبداللہ شاہ غازی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کے والد صاحب اور چچا کی شہادت کے بعد عباسی خلافت کے مرکز (خلیفہ منصور) سے آپ کی گرفتاری کے احکامات بھی صادر ہوئے۔ مگر چونکہ آپ کے حصے میں میدان جنگ میں شہادت لکھی گئی تھی لہذا آپ کی گرفتاری تو عمل میں نہیں آسکی۔ حضرت حفص بن عمر گورنر سندھ آپ کی گرفتاری کے معاملے کو مسلسل ٹالتے رہے۔ ان کا خیال تھا کہ اس طرح کچھ وقت گزر جائے گا اور خلیفہ منصور غازی شاہ رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کی گرفتاری کے معاملے کو بھول جائے گا مگر جو لوگ اقتدار سے لگاؤ رکھتے ہیں وہ کسی طرح کا خطرہ مول نہیں لیتے بلکہ چھوٹے سے چھوٹے خطرے کو بھی برداشت کرسکتے۔ چنانچہ خلیفہ منصور کے دل سے ہرگز بھی عبداللہ شاہ غازی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کی گرفتاری کا خیال ماند نہیں پڑا۔ حالانکہ گورنر سندھ حضرت حفص بن عمر نے اہل بیت سے محبت کے جذبے کے تحت یہ بھی خلیفہ کو کہا کہ حضرت عبداللہ شاہ غازی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ میری مملکت کی حدود میں نہیں ہیں لیکن خلیفہ کو اس پر بھی اطمینان نہیں ہوا۔

ساحلی ریاست آمد:

گورنر سندھ حضرت حفص نے اپنی محبت’ عقیدت اور سادات سے لگاؤ اور بیعت کرلینے کے بعد آپ کو بحفاظت ایک ساحلی ریاست میں بھیج کر وہاں کے راجہ کا مہمان بنایا۔ یہ راجہ اسلامی حکومت کا اطاعت گزار تھا۔ اس نے آپ کی آمد پر آپ کو خوش آمدید کہا اور انتہائی عزت اور قدر و منزلت سے دیکھا۔ آپ کو چار سال یہاں ان کے مہمان رہے۔ اس عرصہ میں آپ نے پہلے کی طرح اسلام کی تبلیغ جاری رکھی اور سینکڑوں لوگوں کو اسلام سے روشناس کرایا۔ لاتعداد لوگ آپ کے مریدین بن کر آپ کے ساتھ ہوگئے۔

سندھ میں اسلام کی تبلیغ:

کہاں سندھ کہاں سعودی عرب ۔ کتنی مسافت ہے۔ کتنا لمبا سفر ہے۔ صحابہ کرام کے بعد کوئی اسلام کی تعلیم دینے یا تبلیغ کرنے کیلئے سندھ نہیں آیا تھا۔ یہ بات بھی تاریخ ہی سے ثابت ہوتی ہے کہ اس کے بعد سندھیوں کے بنجر دل کی زمین میں سب سے پہلے حضرت عبداللہ شاہ غازی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ نے ہی اسلامی بیج بویا پھر اس کی آبیاری کی اور محبت’ اخوت اور بردباری سے دلوں کو گرمایا اور ایمان کی زرخیزی سے روشناس کروایا۔ اس لئے کہ جو کام ان کے ذمہ تھا وہ صرف ظاہر سے نہیں ہوسکتا تھا۔ تاریخ کو رخ عطا کرنے والے ظاہر کے ساتھ باطن کی دنیا کے شاہسوار بھی ہوتے ہیں۔ جن کا ظاہر پر کم اور باطن پر زیادہ زور اور توجہ ہوتی ہے۔

اسباب غیب:

دراصل ان ہستیوں کیلئے اس دارلعمل میں جس جگہ کا انتخاب کیا ہوتا ہے وہاں ان کیلئے اسباب بھی مہیا ہوتے ہیں۔ (گورنر سندھ حضرت عمر بن حفص کا مطیع ہونا۔ اور آپ رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کی گرفتاری کے خلیفہ منصور کے احکامات ٹالنا۔ آپ کو بحفاظت دوسری ریاست میں بھیجنا یہ سب غیبی اعانت تھی اور آپ کے عمل کی تائید تھی) اگرچہ عباسی خلیفہ منصور آپ سمیت تمام سادات کے قتل کے در پہ تھا اس نے اطلاع ملنے پر بارہا حضرت عبداللہ شاہ غازی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کو گرفتار کرنے کے احکامات دیئے لیکن قدرت نے جو کام آپ سے لینا تھا اس کیلئے پورا پورا اہتمام کیا ہوا تھا۔ ایک ایسا گورنر سندھ میں متعین تھا جو آپ کی تعظیم اور خیال کرتا تھا اور کسی قیمت پر آپ کو تکلیف نہ پہنچانا چاہتا تھا بلکہ ان نیک بخت گورنر یعنی عمر بن حفص نے آپ کے ہاتھ پر بیعت بھی کرلی تھی اور در پردہ آپ کی حمایت کرتا تھا۔

سیر و شکار:

تاریخ سے ثابت ہے کہ اس زمانے میں جب آپ سیر اور شکار کی غرض سے کہیں جاتے تھے تو شان و شوکت اور کروفر سے اور سازو سامان بھی ساتھ ہوتا تھا جس سے آپ کی شان و شوکت کا اظہار ہوتا تھا۔ کیوں نہ ہو حضرت عبداللہ شاہ غازی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کس نسب کے چشم و چراغ تھے۔ یہ غالباً اس لئے بھی تھا کہ آپ کی درویشی پر امارت کا پردہ بھی پڑا رہے۔ اورجو امانت آپ کے سپرد تھی آ پ کے سینے میں محفوظ و مخفی رہے۔


یہ بھی باور کرانا ضروری ہے کہ آپ کے علاوہ آپ کے ایک دوسرے بھائی بھی ہیں وہ بھی بہت بڑے ولی تھے۔ انہوں نے بھی اسلام کی گراں قدر خدمات انجام دیں ہیں۔ آپ کا مزار مراکش میں ہے اور وہاں کا سب سے معروف مزار ہے۔ اور وہاں مرجمع’ خلائق بنا ہوا ہے۔ اس کا تذکرہ بھی تاریخ اسلام میں موجود ہے۔


حکومت دو قسم کی ہوتی ہے ایک خطہ پر اور دوسری حکومت جو حقیقی حکومت ہے وہ قلوب پر ہوتی ہے عبداللہ شاہ غازی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کی حکومت ظاہر و باطن دونوں پر قائم ہے۔ سارے دفتر ان کے ہیں جہاں تمام زائرین کی مرادوں اور دعاؤں کی عرضیاں موصول کی جاتی ہیں اور پھر ان پر احکامات صادر ہوتے ہیں۔ ثبوت یہ ہے کہ اگر زائرین کی مرادیں پوری نہ ہورہی ہوں تو پھر یہ جم غفیر کیسا۔ جوہر آنے والے دن کے ساتھ بڑھ رہا ہے۔ جمعرات کو تو آپ رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کے مزار کی سیڑھیاں بھی چڑھنا دشوار ہوتا ہے۔ عام ایام میں بھی زائرین کا تانتا بندھا رہتا ہے ۔ عبداللہ شاہ غازی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کی باطنی حکومت کا حال کہاں سے معلوم ہوگا کس نے اس پر لکھا ہے کس لائبریری اور دفتر سے یہ تفصیل موصول ہوگی سرکار دو عالم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی حدیث مبارک ہے آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے فرمایا کہ میرے امتی بنی اسرائیل کے نبیوں کے ہم مرتبہ ہونگے۔

یہ وہی ہیں جنہوں نے اپنی زندگی امت محمدی صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کیلئے وقف کی ہوگی۔ یہ وہی ہیں جن کو غم امت لاحق ہوگا۔ نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی پیروی میں انہوں نے وہی کچھ کیا ہوگا جو نبیوں نے کیا۔


۲۰ ذی الحج ١٥١ھ میں آپ علیہ الرحمہ پردہ فرما کر اپنے خالق حقیقی سے جا ملے۔ انا للہ وانا الیہ راجعون۔ کراچی کے ساحلی علاقے کلفٹن میں آپ علیہ الرحمہ کا مزار پر انوار مرجع ہر خاص و عام ہے اور اپنی نورانیت اور برکت سے اس شہر کو خصوصا اور پورے پاکستان کو عموما اپنی رحمت میں لیے ہوئے ہے۔

Blessed Birth

Hadrat Baba Farid al-Din Ganj-e-Shakar Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho was born on the 29th Sha’ban in 569 A.H. [April 4, 1179 C.E.] in Khotwal, a village near Lahore . He is the direct descendant of Hadrat Umar Farooq Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho, the second Caliph of Islam.

Genealogy tracing back to Hadrat Umar Ibn al-Khattab

1. Hadrat Umar Bin Khattab, second Caliph
2. Hadrat Abdullah Ibn Umar
3. Nasir
4. Sulaiman
5. Adham, King of Balkh and Bukhara
6. Ibrahim Bin Adham aka Abou Ben Adham
7. Ishaq
8. Abul Fatah
9. Abdullah Waa’iz Kobra
10. Abdullah Waa’iz Soghra
11. Masood
12. Sulaiman
13. Ishaq
14. Muhammad
15. Naseeruddin
16. Farrukh Shah Kabuli, King of Afghanistan
17. Shahabuddin Kabuli
18. Muhammed
19. Yousuf
20. Ahmed, died fighting Hulaku Khan
21. Shoaib
22. Jamaluddin Sulaiman
23. Baba Fareed Gunj Shakar


It is narrated that a miracle occurred before his birth proving his Saintship. One day, during the pregnancy of his mother, she wanted to pluck some plums from her neighbour’s tree without his permission, but the child in her womb (Hadrat Baba Farid) created a severe pain in her stomach that forced her to abandon the idea of plucking. After a few years after Hadrat Baba Farid’s Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho birth, his mother lovingly expressed: “My dear son, during your confinement I never ate anything which was unlawful.” Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho, however, smiled and said, “But, my dear mother, you wanted to pluck some plums from our neighbour’s tree without his permission when I had created a severe pain in your stomach which saved you from this unlawful act.”

Hadrat Shaikh Nizamud Deen says that once while Hadrat Shaykh Faridud Deen’s mother was performing Salaat, a thief entered. When he gazed at her, he immediately became blind. The thief cried out: “I came with the intention of stealing and have become blind. I pledge never to steal again.”

At this time Hadrat’s age was approximately 6 years. He made dua and the man’s sight was restored. In the morning he came with his entire family and accepted Islam. He was named Abdullah. He remained in Hadrat’s service to the end.

Early Education

After he had completed his early religious education at the age of 7 in Khotwal, his mother sent him for higher education to Multan. Here he stayed in a masjid where he learnt the Holy Qur’an by heart and studied Hadith, Fiqh, Philosophy and Logic under the tutorship of Mawlana Minhajuddin.

Under Spiritual Guidance of Khwaja Qutbuddin Baktiar Kaki Alaihir raHmah

During his studies, Hadrat Khwaja Qutbuddin Baktiar Kaki Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho of Delhi visited Multan where Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho became his Murid (disciple) in the Chishtiyya Silsila. Upon the instructions of his Pir-o-Murshid, he undertook a tour of Islamic countries, for about 18 years from 593 A.H. to 611 A.H. [1196 C.E. to 1214 C.E.] he traveled to Ghazni, Baghdad Sharif, Jerusalem, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Makkah Mukarrama and Madinah al-Munawwarah meeting many great saints and Sufis. After the demise of Hadrat Khwaja Qutbuddin Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho the mantle of spiritual leadership in the Chishtiyya Silsila fell on the shoulders of Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho when Khwaja Qutbuddin Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho nominated him to be his Khalifa or spiritual successor.

Baba Farid’s Sufi Order

1. Hasan al-Basri
2. Abdul Waahid Bin Zaid
3. Fudhail Bin Iyadh
4. Ibrahim Bin Adham
5. Huzaifah Al-Mar’ashi
6. Abu Hubairah Basri
7. Mumshad Dinawari
8. Abu Ishaq Shami
9. Abu Ahmad Abdal
10. Abu Muhammad Bin Abi Ahmad
11. Abu Yusuf Bin Saamaan
12. Maudood Chishti
13. Shareef Zandani
14. Usman Harooni
15. Moinuddin Chishti
16. Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki
17. Fariduddin Ganj Shakar

Journeys and Mujahida

It is narrated that when Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho visited Madina Sharif he was spiritually commanded by the Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam to visit Baghdad Sharif and meet Hadrat Abdul Wahab, son of Hadrat Ghaus-al-Azam Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho. He was to receive some sacred relics from him. Accordingly, when he reached Baghdad Sharif, he received a box from Hadrat Abdul Wahab Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho which contained the following holy relics: Two flag-poles which were used by the Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam in some of the battles fought by him; one wooden bowl in which the Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam used to eat from; one pair of scissors and one turban which was used by the holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam.

Because of political upheavals in Delhi, he was obliged to shift the centre of the Chishtiyya mission from Delhi to Ajodhan now known as “Pak Patan”. The Khanqah of Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho, with his patronage, became a great university of “moral and spiritual training.” Thousands of aspirants, scholars, dervishes and Sufis reaped benefit from this spiritual university. Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho reached the pinnacle of spiritual glory through extremely hard Mujahidas (spiritual striving) to gain mastery over the Nafs.

Why Called “Ganj Shakar”?

There are several views for him being known by his famous title of Shakar Ganj. When he decided on mujaahidah, his Shaikh advised hunger. He therefore began fasting. After three days a man came and presented some bread. Thinking this to be by divine direction, he accepted and ate the bread. Within a few moments he became nauseous and vomited out whatever he had eaten. He reported this incident to his Shaykh who said:

“After three days you ate the food of a drunkard. Shukr unto Allah that the food did not remain in your stomach. Now remain hungry for another three days and then eat what comes from the Ghaib.”

After three days nothing came. He was overcome by weakness. On account of the extreme hunger he put some pebbles into his mouth. The pebbles turned into sugar. Fearing that this may be some deception, he spat it out. A short while later, the extreme hunger again constrained him to put pebbles into his mouth. These too became sugar which he again spat out. This happened again for a third time. In the morning he reported to his Shaykh who said:

“It would have been good if you had ate it.”

Since that day he was called Shakar Ganj.

It is also narrated that once a trader was taking a caravan of camels laden with sugar from Multan to Delhi. When he was passing through Ajodhan, Hadrat Baba Fariduddin Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho enquired casually as to what he was carrying on his camels. The trader sarcastically replied, “It is salt.” Hadrat Baba Fariduddin Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho also affirmed, “Yes, it may be salt.” When the trader reached Delhi, he was awfully perturbed to find that all his bags of sugar had turned to salt. He immediately returned to Ajodhan and apologized before Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho. Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho said: “If it is sugar then it shall be sugar.” The trader returned to Delhi and was pleased to find that the salt had turned back to sugar by the Grace of Almighty Allah. This is how Hadrat Baba Sahib Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho received the title of “Ganj-e- Shakar.”

An staunch devotee of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam

He fasted throughout his life and maintained his nightly prayers and devotions. Fear of Allah always dominated him. He was an staunch devotee of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam and dedicated his entire life to the veneration of the beloved Prophet’s Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam immortal glory. At the mention of the Holy Prophet’s Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam character he would often weep out of his love and devotion. Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho avoided kings, government officials and the rich. He also warned his Khalifas, devotees and Murids to avoid their company. He was a living picture of humility. Whatever he received was spent in the name of Allah and his chest overwhelmed with mercy and forgiveness. Many miracles are attributed to him during his lifetime and after his passing away.


Anecdotes of Hadrat Baba Farid

One of the devotees of Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho named Mohammed Nishapuri lived in Gujrat and was going to Delhi with three other companions. On their way through the jungle, robbers encountered them. Mohammed Nishapuri and his companions had no weapons to defend themselves. In such a helpless state, Mohammed Nishapuri remembered his Pir, Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho, and also offered prayers seeking Allah’s help in their predicament. Surprisingly, the robbers threw away their weapons and offered an apology to the party and went away.


One day some poor people came from Arabia to see Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho and said that they were strangers to the land and that all their money was spent before the end of the journey. Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho gave them some dried dates which were lying in front of him at the moment and said, “Take them and go. Your journey shall be completed by the Grace of Allah.” Apparently, these persons were very disappointed with such a “cheap gift”. After leaving the Khanqah, they wanted to throw away the dates, but just as they were about to do so, to their amazement, the dates turned into gold. Regretting their thoughts, these people left happily uttering their heartfelt gratitude and prayers for Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho.


Once seven hundred holy men were sitting together. An inquirer put them four questions to which Baba Farid replied.

Q.1 Who is the wisest of men?
A.1 He who refrain from Sin.

Q.2 Who is the most intelligent?
A.2 He who is not disconcerted at anything.

Q.3 Who is most independent?
A.3 He who practices contentment.

Q.4 Who is the most needy?
A.4 He who practice it not.


Once an old woman came to Baba Fairid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho and said that her son had disappeared some twenty years ago and that his whereabouts had not been traced since then. She requested him to pray for her son’s return. Baba Farid Radi Allah Anhu went into a trance and after some contemplation told to the old woman:” Go, your son has reached home.” The old woman was overjoyed to learn this and met her son on her way home.


The Officer-in charge of Lahore sent Baba Fairid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho one hundred Dinars through someone. The man kept fifty Dinars for himself and offered the remaining fifty to him. Accepting the fifty Dinars he told him: “Indeed, you have divided them equally well.” The man was ashamed. Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho returned the fifty Dinars to the man too, warning him that criminal breach of trust is a sin that render’s all prayers futile and ineffective.


Once, due to utter weakness, Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho helped himself to walk with the aid of a staff. But after a few steps, the colour of his face suddenly became purple, as if he was under heavy pressure. He threw away the staff. When Hadrat Khwaja Nizamuddin Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho, who was escorting him, inquired the reason for this, Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho replied, “I wanted to take help of the staff, but Allah’s Displeasure frowned upon me for depending on other’s help instead of His. I, therefore, threw away the staff and felt highly ashamed of this weakness in my faith in Lord, the Almighty.”

A man came to Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho once and submitted that he had no son, and requested Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho to pray for one. Thereupon, Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho said that he had given him seven sons. After some years, the person came to him again, but this time, He was not alone, but accompanied by his seven sons.

Journey to other World

On the 5th of Muharram, during the Isha prayer while in the act of Sajdah, he uttered “Ya Haiyyu Ya Qauyum” [O Self-Subsisting, O Eternal] and with these words on his lips his soul disappeared into the eternal bliss of his Lord Almighty.

An old woman that was one of the devotees of the Saint presented a piece of cloth for the kaffan of Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho. She implored:

“I have not spun even a single thread of this cloth without having Wudu . I had prepared it for my own coffin but if it is accepted for the kaffan of this great Saint, I feel confident, Allah would be pleased with to pardon my sins and grant me salvation.”

Hadrat Baba Farid’s Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho son accepted this cloth as the Kaffan.

Mazar Sharif

His Mazar Sharif is in Pak Patan, Pakistan. Hadrat Sabir Pak, Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya and Hadrat Jamaluddin Hansi rehmatulla alaihim are among his favorite Murids and Khalifas. It is generally recognized that he had three wives and many children. Hadrat Baba Farid Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho was indeed one of the most brilliant stars of the Chishtiyya Order and is held in high esteem by one and all.

My restlessness has reached such a level – I spend morning and evening in your love.
Look upon me now with a merciful eye! Salutations to you, do now make my heart pleased, O Faridudeen Gunj e Shakar!


Golden Words of Wisdom
by Baba Farid al-Din Mas’ud Ganj-e-Shakar Alaihir raHmah


  • Stay away from jealousy if you want tranquility in your heart.
  • The termination of self consciousness occurs with that ibaadah in which both the head and heart bow down.
  • Only that heart can become the treasury of wisdom and intellect in which there is no love for this World.
  • That which people regard as trouble is but only a gift from the beloved Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala, regard it as a demand made by love.
  • The completion of man occurs with 3 things – Fear, Expectation and Love. The fear of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala stops one from sin. Expectation keeps on steadfast on following commands and orders. Love makes one see only the pleasing of the beloved.
  • A Dervish is that person who keeps his eyes, mouth and ears closed, i.e. He hears, sees or speaks no evil.
  • Never forget Death under any circumstances.
  • Avoid all quarrelling & polemics.
  • Non-violence is the most beautiful ornament of Peaceful life.
Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of Allah’s love.
There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

Al-Hasan ibn Abi al-Hasan al-Basri was born at Madina al-Munawwarah in 21 (642), the son of a slave captured in Maisan who afterward became a client of the Prophet Mohammad’s Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him secretary Zaid ibn Thabit. Brought up in Basra, he met many Companions of the Prophet including, it is said, seventy of those who fought at the Battle of Badr. He grew up to become one of the most prominent figures of his generation, being famous for his uncompromising piety and outspoken condemnation of worldliness in high places. Whilst the Mo’tazelite theologians claim him as the founder of their movement (and ‘Amr ibn ‘Obaid and Wasel ibn ‘Ata’ are counted amongst his pupils), in Sufi hagiography he is revered as one of the greatest saints of early Islam. He died at Basra in 110 (728). Many of his speeches —he was a brilliant orator— and sayings are quoted by Arab authors and not a few of his letters have been preserved.

The conversion of Hasan of Basra

The beginning of Hasan of Basra’s conversion was as follows. He was a jewel merchant and was called Hasan of the Pearls. He traded with Byzantium, and had to do with the generals and ministers of Caesar. On one occasion, going to Byzantium he called on the prime minister and conversed with him a while.

“We will go to a certain place,” the minister told him, “if you are agreeable.”

“It is for you to say,” Hasan replied. “I agree.”

So the minister commanded a horse to be brought for Sayyiduna Hasan al-Basri. He mounted with the minister, and they set out. When they reached the desert Hasan perceived a tent of Byzantine brocade, fastened with ropes of silk and golden pegs, set firm in the ground. He stood to one side. Then a mighty army, all accoutered in the panoply of war, came out; they circled the tent, said a few words, and departed. Philosophers and scholars to the number of nigh four hundred arrived on the scene; they circled the tent, said a few words, and departed. After that three hundred illumined elders with white beards approached the tent, circled it, said a few words, and departed. Thereafter more than two hundred moon-fair maidens, each bearing a plate of gold and silver and precious stones, circled the tent, said a few words, and departed.

Sayyiduna Hasan relates that, astonished and filled with wonder, he asked himself what this might be.

“When we alighted,” he went on, “I asked the minister. He said that the Caesar had a son of unsurpassable beauty, perfect in all the branches of learning and unrivaled in the arena of manly prowess. His father loved him with all his heart.”

Suddenly he fell ill so Hasan related on the authority of the minister. All the skilled physicians proved powerless to cure him. Finally he died, and was buried in that tent. Once every year people come out to visit him. First an immense army circles the tent, and they say: “O prince, if this circumstance that has befallen thee had come about in war, we would have all sacrificed our lives for thee, to ransom thee back. But the circumstance that has befallen thee is at the hand of one against whom we cannot fight, whom we cannot challenge.” This they say, and then return.

The philosophers and the scholars come forward, and say: “This circumstance has been brought about by one against whom we cannot do anything by means of learning and philosophy, science and sophistry. For all the philosophers of the world are powerless before him, and all the learned are ignorant beside his knowledge. Otherwise we would have contrived devices and spoken words which all in creation could not have withstood.” This they say, and then return.

Next the venerable elders advance, and say: “O prince, if this circumstance that has befallen thee could have been set right by the intercession of elders, we would all have interceded with humble petitions, and would not have abandoned thee there. But this circumstance has been brought upon thee by one against whom no mortal man’s intercession profits anything.” This they say, and depart.

Now the moon-fair maidens with their plates of gold and precious stones advance, circle the tent, and say: “Son of Caesar, if this circumstance that has befallen thee could have been set right by wealth and beauty, we would have sacrificed ourselves and given great moneys, and would not have abandoned thee. But this circumstance has been brought upon thee by one on whom wealth and beauty have no effect.” This they say, and return.

Then Caesar himself with his chief minister enters the tent, and says: “O eye and lamp of thy father, O fruit of the heart of thy father, O dearest beloved of thy father, what is in thy father’s hand to perform? Thy father brought a mighty army, he brought philosophers and scholars, intercessors and advisers, beautiful maid-ens, wealth and all manner of luxuries; and he came himself. If all this could have been of avail, thy father would have done all that lay in his power. But this circumstance has been brought about by one before whom thy father, with all this apparatus, this army and retinue, this luxury and wealth and treasure, is power-less. Peace be upon you, till next year!” This he says, and returns.

These words of the minister so affected Hasan that he was beside himself. At once he made arrangements to return. Coming to Basra, he took an oath never to laugh again in this world, till his ultimate destiny became clear to him. He flung himself into all manner of devotions and austerities, such that no man in his time could exceed that discipline.

Hasan of Basra and Abu Amr

It is related that Abu Amr, the leading authority on the reading of the Qur’an al-Karim, was teaching the Quran one day when suddenly a handsome boy arrived to join his class. Abu Amr gazed at the child improperly, and immediately he forgot the whole Quran, from the Alif of “al-Hamd” to the Seen of “wa al-Naas”. A fire possessed him, and he lost all self-control. In this state he called on Hasan of Basra and described to him his predica-ment.

“Master,” he wept bitterly, “such is the situation. I have forgotten the whole Quran.”

Sayyiduna Hasan was most distressed to hear of his situation. “Now is the season of the pilgrimage,” he said. “Go and perform the pilgrimage. When you have done that, repair to the mosque of Khaif. There you will see an old man seated in the prayer-niche. Do not spoil his time, but let him be until he is disengaged. Then ask him to say a prayer for you.”

Abu Amr acted accordingly. Seated in a corner of the mosque, he observed a venerable elder and about him a circle of people seated. Some time passed; then a man entered, clad in spotless white robes. The people made way before him, greeted him, and conversed together. When the hour of prayer arrived, the man departed and the people departed with him, so that the elder remained alone.

Abu Amr then approached and saluted him. “In Allah’s name, help me,” he cried.

And he described his predicament. The elder, much concerned, raised his eyes to heaven.

“He had not yet lowered his head,” Abu Amr recounted, “when the Quran came back to me. I fell down before him for joy.”

“Who recommended me to you?” the elder asked. “Hasan of Basra,” Abu Amr replied.

“Anyone who has an Imam like Hasan,” the old man commented, “what need has he of another? Well, Hasan has exposed me. Now I will expose him. He rent my veil, and I will rend his as well. That man,” he went on, “in the white robes who entered after the afternoon prayer and left before the rest, and the others did him reverence — that man was Hasan. Every day he prays the afternoon prayer in Basra and then comes here, converses with me, and returns to Basra for the evening prayer. Anyone who has an Imam like Hasan, why should he ask me for a prayer?”

Hasan of Basra and the Fire-worshiper

Hasan had a neighbor named Simeon who was a fire-worshiper. Simeon fell ill and was at death’s door. Friends begged Hasan to visit him; he called, to find him in bed, blackened with fire and smoke.

“Fear God,” Hasan counseled him. “You have passed all your life amid fire and smoke. Accept Islam, that God may have mercy on you.”

“Three things hold me back from becoming a Muslim,” the fire-worshiper replied. “The first is, that you speak ill of the world, yet night and day you pur-sue worldly things. Secondly, you say that death is a fact to be faced, yet you make no preparation for death. In the third place, you say that God’s face shall be seen, yet today you do everything contrary to His good pleasure.”

“This is the token of those who know truly,” Hasan commented. “Now if believers act as you describe, what have you to say? They acknowledge the unity of God; whereas you have spent your life in the worship of fire. You who have worshiped fire for seventy years, and I who have never worshiped fire — we are both carried off to Hell. Hell will consume you and me. God will pay no regard to you; but if God so wills, the fire will not dare so much as to burn one hair of my body. For fire is a thing created by God; and the creature is subject to the Creator’s command. Come now, you who have wor-shipped fire for seventy years; let us both put our hands into the fire, then you will see with your own eyes the impotence of fire and the omnipotence of God.”

So saying, Hasan thrust his hand into the fire and held it there. Not a particle of his body was affected or burnt. When Simeon saw this he was amazed. The dawn of true knowledge began to break.

“For seventy years I have worshiped fire,” he groaned. “Now only a breath or two remains to me. What am I to do?”

“Become a Muslim,” was Hasan’s reply.

“If you give it me in writing that God will not pun-ish me,” said Simeon, “then I will believe. But until I have it in writing, I will not believe.”

Hasan wrote it down.

“Now order just witnesses of Basra to append their testimony.”

The witnesses endorsed the document. Then Simeon wept many tears and proclaimed the faith. He spoke his last testament to Hasan.

“When I die, bid them wash me, then commit me to the earth with your own hands, and place this document in my hand. This document will be my proof.”

Having charged Hasan thus, he spoke the attestation of faith and died. They washed his body, said the prayer over him, and buried him with the document in his hand. That night Hasan went to sleep pondering what he had done.

“How could I help a drowning man, seeing that I am drowning myself? Since I have no control over my own fate, why did I venture to prescribe how God should act?”

With this thought he fell asleep. He saw Simeon in a dream glowing like a candle; on his head a crown, robed in fine raiment, he was walking with a smile in the garden of Paradise.

“How are you, Simeon?” Hasan inquired.

“Why do you ask? You can see for yourself,” Simeon answered. “God Almighty of His bounty brought me nigh His presence and graciously showed me His face. The favours He showered upon me surpass all description. You have honoured your guarantee; so take your document. I have no further need of it.”

When Hasan awoke, he saw that parchment in his hand.“Lord God,” he cried, “I know well that what Thou doest is without cause, save of Thy bounty. Who shall suffer loss at Thy door? Thou grantest a Guebre of seventy years to come into Thy near presence because of a single utterance. How then wilt Thou exclude a believer of seventy years?”

Gems of Wisdom by Sayyiduna Imam Hasan al-Basri Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho

  • That work that is free from wisdom becomes a burden. That silence that is free from wisdom is inattentiveness. That sight that is free from wisdom is disgraceful.
  • The magnificence of knowledge is with tolerance and that of tolerance is with knowledge.
  • The person who lives in the World safeguarding himself from the love of the World, has benefited himself and others.
  • Sorrow gives the soul strength.
  • The freedom of sight and tongue imprisons the soul.
  • Whoever ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala wished to disgrace becomes engrossed in the search of wealth.
  • Those people are truly afraid who are truly afraid of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala.
  • The punishment of this World is that your heart becomes dead.
  • There is no greater or bigger animal that is more foul mouthed ruder and harsher than the Nafs.
The Writer of Dalail al-Khayrat Sharif
Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Sulayman al-Jazuli

Al-Qutb al-Kamil, Al-Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Abdur Rahman Ibn Abi Bakr Ibn Suleiman Al-Jazuli Simlali al-Hassani al-Maghribi (d. 869/1454). Referred to his grandfather, he is called shortly Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Suleiman al-Jazuli. He belonged to the Berber tribe of Jazula which is settled in the Sus area of Morocco between the Atlantic and the Atlas Mountains. Although the date of Imam al-Jazouli’s birth is not known, enough information exists to provide a rough outline of his origins and background. His nisbah (Attributional Name) tells us the he came from the Simlala tribe, one of the most important Sanhaja Berber groups in Jazula. The turbulent political environment of Simlala in the fifteenth century forced the Shaykh to leave his homeland because its culture of violence made serious scholarship impossible. As it turned out, the young sharif had to travel all the way to Fez to get an education, since the insufficient intellectual resources of Marrakech (Morocco), the usual destination for students from central and southern-Saharan Morocco, made study in that city impossible as well.He studied locally and then travelled to the Madrasat as-Saffareen in Féz, the spiritual capital of Morocco where his room is still pointed out to visitors. In Fez, He memorized the four volumes Mudawwana of Imam Malik and met scholars of his time such as Ahmad Zarruq, and Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah Amghar, who became his Shaykh in the Tariqah or Sufi path. After setting a tribal feud he left the area and spent the next forty years in Makkah Mukarrama, Madina Munawwarah and Jerusalem. After this, he returned to Fez where he completed Dala’il al-Khayrat.

He took the Shadiliya Path from Shaykh Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Amghar as-Saghir, one of the Ashraaf (Descendants of the Prophet) of Bani Amghar village. He spent fourteen years in Khalwa (seclusion) and then went to Safi where he gathered around him many followers. The governor of Safi felt obliged to expel him and as a result, Jazuli called down Allah’s wrath on the town and it subsequently fell into the hands of the Portugese for forty years According to a tradition, it was the governor of Safi who poisoned Jazuli and caused his death, whilst engaged in prayer, in 869 AH (or 870 or 873)

When he became a Complete Shaykh, he headed towards the town of Safi where he gathered many disciples around him. Later on, Sidi al-Jazuli moved to Afwiral, a Sus village in Morocco, where he established his zawiya that became a centre of spirituality attracting 12665 disciples of his. His Tariqa was mainly based on making prayers upon Sayyiduna Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) as indicates his book: (Dalail al-Khayrat), which he published in Féz after spending forty years in Makkah Mukarramah, Madina Munawwarah and Jerusalem. Dalail al-Khayrat or “ad-Dalil” as Moroccans prefer to call it, is considered as an exclusive source to make prayers upon Sayyiduna Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him), as well as a correct and innovative piece of work ever published on the issue.

It is said that Sidi Muhammad Al-Jazuli once went on a journey, when in great need of water for making ablutions; he came upon a well but could not reach the water without a bucket and rope which he did not have. He became very worried. A young girl saw this and came to his assistance. She spat into the well whereupon the water rose to the top of its own accord. Seeing this miracle, he asked the girl “And how is that possible?” She replied “I was able to do this through my asking for blessings upon the Prophet, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon the him.” Having thus seen the benefit of asking for blessings upon the Prophet, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, he decided to write Dalail al-Khayrat.

The Dala’il al-Khayrat is the most celebrated manual of Blessings on the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) in history. In fact, the book of Dalail al-Khayrat was welcomed by the Ummah east and west. Many scholars concentrated to explain some of its meanings and benefits such as Sidi Suleiman al-Jamal Shafi’i, Sidi Hasan al-Adwi al-Misri, Sidi Abd al Majid Sharnubi who call his book (Manhaj as-Sa’adah), Sidi Muhammad al-Mahdi Ibn Ahmad al-Fasi who call his book (Matalia al-Masaraat Bi jalaa Dalail Al Khayrat), and the famous Savant of Allah Sidi Ahmad Zaruk; the disciple of his Shaykh Sidi al-Jazuli (may Allah lighten his tomb).

Sidi Abu Abdullah Muhammad Al-Jazuli passed away in 869 AH and was buried inside his Zawiya in Afwiral. Seventy-seven (77) years after his demise, his body was exhumed for removal to Marrakech (Morocco) and found to be uncorrupted. [Adapted from The Encyclopedia of Islam, 1957 Leiden]

He became one of the Seven Men of Marrakech (Morocco) in addition to Sidi Qadi Ayaad, Sidi al-Abbas Sabti, Sidi Joussouf Ben Ali, Sidi Abdul Aziz, Sidi Moul al-Ksour, and Sidi al-Soheyli (may Allah be pleased with all of them).

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اولئك كتب في قلوبهم الايمان وايدهم بروح منه ويدخلهم جنات تجري من تحتها الانهار خالدين فيها
It is these upon whose hearts Allah has ingrained faith, and has aided them with a Spirit from Himself;
and He will admit them into Gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding in them forever
غوث اعظم شیخ عبد القادر جیلانی رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کے مختصر حالات
سلسلہ نسب و ولادت
قطب الاقطاب فرد الاحباب استاذ شیوخ ، عالمِ اسلام و المسلمین حضرت محی الدین ابو محمد عبدالقادر الحسنی و الحسینی رضی اللہ عنہ، نجیب الطرفین ہیں۔ والدہ ماجدہ کی طرف سے حسینی اور والد ماجد کی جانب سے حسنی تھے۔ یہ شرافت و بزرگی بہت ہی کم بانصیب لوگوں کو حاصل ہوتی ہے۔ والد ماجد کا نام سید ابو صالح اور والدہ ماجدہ کا اسم گرامی ام الخیر فاطمہ بنت ابو عبداللہ صومعی الحسینی تھا۔ رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہما۔ آپ ایران کے مشہور قصبہ جیل میں یکم رمضان المبارک ٤٧٠ھ کو پیدا ہوئے۔
آپ مادر زاد ولی تھے
یہ بات نہایت ہی مشہور و معروف ہے کہ سیدنا حضرت غوثِ اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ، ایام رضاعت میں ماہِ رمضان المبارک میں دن کے وقت اپنی والدہ ماجدہ کا دودھ نہیں پیا کرتے تھے۔ یہ بات لوگوں میں پھیل گئی کہ فلاں شریف گھرانے میں ایک ایسا بچہ پیدا ہوا ہے جو رمضان شریف میں دن کے وقت ماں کا دودھ نہیں پیتا۔ اور روزہ سے رہتا ہے۔؛ اس سے ثابت ہوا کہ آپ مادر زاد ولی تھے ۔
ایک دفعہ لوگوں نے پوچھا کہ آپ کو یہ کیسے معلوم ہوا کہ آپ ولی اللہ ہیں؟ فرمایا میں دس برس کا تھا کہ گھر سے مدرسے جاتے وقت دیکھا کہ فرشتے میرے ساتھ چل رہے ہیں۔ پھر مدرسہ میں پہنچنے کے بعد وہ فرشتے دوسرے بچوں سے کہتے کہ ”ولی اللہ ” کیلئے جگہ دو ، فرماتے ہیں کہ ایک دن مجھے ایک ایسا شخص نظر آیا جسے میںنے پہلے کبھی نہیں دیکھا تھا اس نے ایک فرشتہ سے پوچھا کہ یہ کون لڑکا ہے ؟ جس کی اتنی عزت کرتے ہو؟ اس فرشتہ نے جواب دیا کہ یہ ولی اللہ ہے جو بڑے مرتبے کا مالک ہوگا۔ راہِ طریقت میں یہ وہ شخصیت ہے جسے بغیر روک ٹوک کے نعمتیں دی جارہی ہیں اور بغیر کسی حجاب کے تمکین و قرار عنایت ہو رہا ہے ۔ اور بغیر کسی حجت کے تقربِ الٰہی مل رہا ہے۔ الغرض چالیس سال کی عمر میں میں نے پہچان لیا کہ وہ پوچھنے والا شخص اپنے وقت کا ابدال تھا۔
آپ کا حلیہ شریف
آپ نحیف البدن ، میانہ قد، کشادہ سینہ لمبی چوڑی داڑھی، گندمی رنگ، ابرو پیوستہ، بلند آواز تھے۔ آپ علم کامل اور اثر کامل کے حامل تھے۔
آپ کا علم و فضل
سیدنا غوثِ اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ، علم ظاہری اور باطنی کے ایک متبحر عالم فاضل تھے۔ ایک دن آپ کی مجلس میں ایک قاری نے قرآن کریم کی ایک آیت تلاوت کی۔ آپ نے اس کی تفسیر بیان کرنی شروع کی ۔ پہلے ایک تفسیر پھر دوسری، اور پھر تیسری یہاں تک کہ حاضرین کے علم کے مطابق اس آیک کی گیارہ تفاسیر بیان فرمائیں۔یہاں تک کہ چالیس وجوہ بیان کیں ار ہر معنی اور تفسیر کی علیحدہ علیحدہ تفصیل سے سند اور دلیل اس طرح دی کہ حاضرین دم بخود رہ گئے۔
تمام علمائے عراق بلکہ دنیا کے تمام طلب گارانِ حال و قال کے آپ مرجع و وسیلہ تھے۔ دنیا کے ہر گوشہ سے آپ کے پاس فتوے آیا کرتے تھے جن پر فوراً بغیر مطالعہ کتب اور غور و فکر جواب لکھتے ۔ کسی بڑے سے بڑے حاذق فاضل عالم کو آپ کے جواب کے خلاف لکھنے یا کہنے کی طاقت نہ تھی۔
آپ کی ریاضت و عبادت
سیدنا غوثِ اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ، کا طریقہئ سلوب بے انتہاء مشکل اور بے نظیر تھا۔ آپ کے کسی ہمعصر شیخ میں اتنی مجال نہ تھی کہ آپ جیسی ریاضت و مجاہدہ میں آپ کی ہمسری کرسکے۔ آپ کا قاعدہ تھا کہ اپنے ہر عضو کو اس کی طاقت کے موافق عبادت میں سپرد کردیا کرتے تھے۔ اور قوتِ قلب کے موافق مجایئ اقداء میں روح و نفس کا ظاہراً و باطناً ذکر کیا کرتے تھے ۔ غائب و حاضر دونوں حالتوں میں نفس کی صفات کو علیحدہ کرکے نفع و نقصان اور دور ونزدیک کا فرق مٹادیا کرتے ۔ کتاب و سنت کی پیروی میں مطابقت ایسی تھی کہ آپ ہر حالت میں ہر وقت اللہ تعالیٰ کا ذکر کرتے اور حضور قلب کے ساتھ توحید الٰہی میں مشغول رہتے۔
آپ کے اخلاقِ کریمہ
سیدنا حضرت شیخ عبدالقادر جیلانی رضی اللہ عنہ، نہایت پاکیزہ اور خوش اخلاق تھے۔ آپ اپنی طاہری شان و شوکت اور وسیع علم کے بوجود کمزوروں اور ضعیفوں میں بیٹھتے ۔ فقیروں سے عاجزی کے ساتھ پیش آتے ۔ بڑوں کی عزت کرے اور چھوٹوں پر شفقت و مہربانی فرماتے ۔ سلام کرنے میں پہل کرتے اور مہمانوں اور طالب علموں کی مجلسوں میں نشست کرتے اور ان کی لغزشوں سے درگزر کرتے جو کوئی آپ کے سامنے کتنی ہی جھوتی قسم کیوں نہ کھاتا آپ اس کا یقین کرلیتے اور اپنے علم و کشف کو اس پر ظاہر نہ فرماتے۔ اپنے مہمانوں اور ہم نشستوں کے ساتھ دوسروں کی بہ نسبت بہت خوش خلقی اور کشادہ روئی سے پیش آتے ۔ سرکشوں ۔ ظالموں ۔ مال داروں اور فاسقوں اور اللہ تعالیٰ کے نافرمانوں کی تعظیم کے لئے کھڑے نہ ہوتے۔ کسی امیر و وزیر کے گھر نہ جاتے ۔ آپ کے کسی ہم عصر مشائخ کو آپ جیسا حسن خلق ۔ کشادہ سینہ ، کرمِ نفس حفاظت و امانت میں برابری کی قوت و طاقت نہ تھی۔
آپ کی مریدوں پر شفقت
مشائخین کی ایک جماعت کا بیان ہے کہ حضور غوث اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ، نے فرمایا کہ قیامت تک میں اپنے تمام مریدوں کا ضامن ہوں کہ ان کی موت توبہ پر واقع ہوگی۔ یعنی بغیر توبہ نہ مریں گے۔ چند مشائخ نے حضور سے پوچھا کہ اگر کوئی شخص آپ کے ہاتھ پر بیعت نہ کرے اور نہ ہی آپ کے ہاتھ سے خرقہ پہنا ہو ، بلکہ صرف آپ کا ارادتمند ہو اور آپ کی طرف اپنے کو منسوب کرتا ہو تو کیا اسیے شخص کو آپ کے اصحاب میں شمار کیا جاسکتا ہے؟ اور آیا ایسا شخص ان فضیلتوں میں شریک ہوگا جو آپ کے مریدوں کو حاصل ہوگی؟ حضور غوث اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ، نے فرمایا کہ جس شخص نے اپنے آپ کو میری طرف منسوب کیا اور مجھ سے ارادت و عقیدت رکھی تو اللہ تعالیٰ اس کو قبول کرے گا۔ اس پر اپنی رحمتیں نازل کرے گا اور اس کو توبہ کی توفیق دے گا اگرچہ اس کے طریق مکروہ ہوں۔ اور ایسے شخص کا شمار میرے مریدوں اور اصحاب میں ہے ۔ اللہ تعالیٰ نے اپنے فضل و کرم کے صدقہ وعدہ کیا ہے کہ میرے دوستوں ، میرے اہلِ مذہب، میرے راہ پر چلنے والے ،میرے مریدوں ار مجھ سے محبت کرنے والے کو جنت مرحمت فرمائے گا۔
آپ کے تعلیم کردہ نوافل
آپ رضی اللہ عنہ، فرماتے ہیں کہ جو کسی تکہلیف میںمجھ سے امداد چاہے یا مجھے آواز دے اور پکارے اس کی تکلیف دور کی جائے گی ، جو کوئی میرے وسیلہ سے اللہ تعالیٰ سے مانگے اس کی ضرورت پوری کی جائے گی۔ اور جو کوئی دو رکعت نماز اس طرح پڑھے کہ ہر رکعت میں سورہئ فاتحہ کے بعد گیارہ مرتبہ سورہئ اخلاص پڑھے اور پھر سرور عالم ا پر درود شریف پڑھے اس طرح دونوں رکعتیں ختم کرکے سلام پھیرنے کے بعد درود شریف پڑھے ۔ اور عراق کی جانب گیارہ قدم چلے اور میرا نام لے کر اپنی مراد اللہ تعالیٰ سے مانگے تو اللہ تعالیٰ اس کی مراد اپنے فضل و کرم سے پوری کرے گا۔
عداوت غوث کا انجام
جو شخص حضرت پیر دستگیر غوث اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ، سے تھوڑی سی بھی عداوت رکھے گا یا ان کی ادنیٰ سی بھی بے ادبی کرے گا تو دنیا میں ذلیل و رسوا ہوگا۔ اور ذلت کی موت مرے گا۔
ایک مرتبہ آپ کا خادم ابو الفضل بزاز کے پاس گیا اور کہا کہ مجھے وہ کپڑا درکار ہے جو ایک اشرفی فی گز ہو کم نہ ہو۔
بزاز نے پوچھا ، کس کے لئے خریدتے ہو؟
خادم نے جواب دیا کہ اپنے آقا سیدنا حضرت شیخ عبدالقادر جیلانی رضی اللہ عنہ، کیلئے درکار ہے۔
یہ سن کربزاز کے دل میں آیا کہ شیخ نے بادشاہ وقت کے لئے بھی کپڑا نہیں چھوڑا۔ اور بزاز کے دل میں ابھی یہ خیال پورا ہی نہیں ہوا تھا کہ غیب سے اس کے پاؤں میں ایک کیل چبھی ار ایسی چبھی کہ مرنے کے قریب ہو گیا۔ لوگوں نے پاؤں سے کیل نکالنے کی بہت کوشش کی لیکن مطلب براری نہ ہوسکی۔ آخر کار لوگ بزاز کو اٹھا کر حضرت غوثِ پاک رضی اللہ عنہ، کے پاس لے گئے۔ آپ نے اسے دیکھ کر فرمایا،
اے ابو الفضل! تم نے اپنے دل میں ہم پر اعتراض کیوں کیا ۔ فرمایا مجھے اپنے معبود کی عزت کی قسم کہ اللہ جل شانہ، نے حکم دیا کہ اے عبدالقادر وہ کپڑا پہنو جس کی قیمت فی گز ایک اشرفی ہو
مزید فرمایا کہ ابو الفضل! یہ کپڑا میت کا کفن ہے ۔ اور میت کا کفن عمدہ اور نفیس ہونا چاہئے جو ہزار موت کے بعد نسیب ہوتا ہے۔ پھر آپ نے اپنا دست اقدس ابوالفضل کی تکلیف کے مقام پر رکھا ۔ آپ کے ہاتھ رکھتے ہی تکلیف اس طرح جاتی رہی گویا بالکل تھی ہی نہیں ۔ پھر اس کے بعد فرمایا ۔ ابو الفض کا اعتراض ہمارے پاس پہنچا اور کیل کی صورت میں اسکے پاس لوٹ کر جو کچھ چاہا کیا۔
حضرت غوثِ اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ، کا وعظ و نصیحت
آپ کی مجلس وعظ میں چار سو اشخاص قلم دوات لئے آپ کی نصیحتیں قلمبند کرتے رہتے تھے۔ آپ نے فرمایا کہ ابتدائی زمانہ میں سرورِ عالم ا اور سیدنا حضرت مولا علی المرتضیٰ کرم اللہ وجہہ الکریم کو میں نے خواب میں دیکھا جنہوں نے مجھے وعظ کرنے کا حکم دیا اور میرے منہ میں اپنا لعاب دہن ٹپکایا اور مجھ پر ابواب سخن کھول دیے۔
حاضرینِ وعظ
ایک شیخ کا بیان ہے کہ حضرت غوث اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ، جب وعظ کرنے کیلئے منبر پر بیٹھتے تو پہلے الحمد اللہ کہتے تاکہ اللہ تعالیٰ کا ہر ولی جو غائب ہو یا حاضر خاموش ہوجائے۔ اور پھر دوسری مرتبہ الحمد للہ کہتے اور دونوں کے درمیان تھوڑی دیر کیلئے سکوت فرماتے اس عرصہ میں فرشتے اور تمام اولیاء اللہ آپ کی مجلس میں حاضر ہوجاتے ۔ جتنے لوگ آپ کی مجلس میں دکھائی دیتے اس سے زیادہ نظر نہ آنے والے جنات ہوتے۔
آپ کے ہم عصر ایک شیخ کا بیان ہے کہ میںنے اپنی عادت کے موافق جنات کی حاضری کے لئے عزیمت پڑھی لیکن کوئی جن حاضر نہ ہوا ۔ میں بہت دیر تک عزیمت پڑھتا رہا ۔ پھر حیران ہوا کہ جنات کی حاضری کیوں نہیں ہورہی ہے؟ ان کے نہ آنے کا سبب کیا ہے؟ تھوڑی دیر بعد کچھ جن حاضر ہوئے تو میں نے ان سے دیر سے آنے کی وجہ پوچھی تو انہوں نے کہا کہ حضرت شیخ عبدالقادر جیلانی رضی اللہ عنہ، وعظ فرمارہے تھے ار ہم سب جنات وہاں حاضر تھے۔ آپ آئیندہ ہم کو اس وقت طلب کریں جب کہ شیخ عبدالقادر جیلانی رضی اللہ عنہ، وعظ نہ فرمارہے ہوں ورنہ ہماری حاضری میں تاخیر ہوگی۔ میں نے پوچھا کیاتم لوگ حضرت شیخ کی مجلس میں وعظ مں حاضر ہوتے ہو؟ اس پر جنات نے نے جواب دیا کہ شیخ کی مجلس میں انسانوں کی نسبت ہماری تعداد بہت زیادہ ہے۔ ہم جنات سے اکثر قبائل حضرت شیخ کے ہاتھ پر اسلام لائے ہیں اور توبہ و استغفار میںمشغول ہیں۔ آپ رضی اللہ عنہ، کی مجلس وعظ میں اولیائے عظام اور انبیائے کرام علیہم الصلوٰۃ والسلام بھی شریک ہوتے ہیں ار خود محبوب رب العالمین ا بھی تربیت و تائید کیلئے تشریف لایا کرتے تھے۔ اور سیدنا حضرت خضر علیہ السلام بھی شریک ہوتے۔
مواعظ کا اثر
آپ کا وعظ بڑا پر تاثیر ہوتا تھا۔ حاضرین مجلس مضطرب اور بے چین ہوجاتے اور ان پر وجد و حال کی کیفیت طاری ہو جاتی ۔ کوئی گریہ و فریاد کرتا۔ کوئی اپنے کپڑے پھاڑ کر جنگل کی طرف بھاگ جاتا۔ کوئی بے ہوش ہو کر جان دے دیتا ۔ آپ کی مجلس وعظ سے اکثر لوگوں کے جنازے نکلتے۔ جس کا سبب یہ تھا کہ وہ آپ کے ذوق و شوق، ہیبت و تصرف ، عظمت و جلال کی تاب نہ لاسکتے اور دم توڑ دیتے تھے۔ پانچ سو سے زیادہ یہودی اور عیسائی لوگوں نے اسلام قبول کیا۔ اور ایک لاکھ سے زیادہ ڈاکوؤں اور بدمعاشوں نے آپ کے ہاتھ پر توبہ کرکے بدکرداریوں سے باز آئے۔ اس کے علاوہ عام مخلوق کی فیض یابی کی تعداد بے انتہا ار بے شمار ہے۔
آپ کا وصال مبارک
آپ نے نوے (٩٠) سال کی عمر میں بتاریخ ١١ ربیع الآخر ٥٦١ھ مطابق ١١٨٢ء میں داعی اجل کو لبیک کہا۔ نماز جنازہ میں بے شمار لوگ حاضر ہوئے۔ کثرتِ ہجوم کے باعث رات کے وقت آپ کے مدرسہ میں سائبان کے نیچے آپ کا جسم اقدس سپردِ خاک کیا گیا۔ بغداد شریف میں آپ کا مزار مبارک مرجع خلائق ہے۔
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تحریر: علامہ نسیم احمد صدیقی قادری مدظلہ عالی
پیشکش: انجمن ضیائے طیبہ، کراچی ، پاکستان
  • Though I be in the west and my disciple in the East, if a world goes to attack him, I know. I will save him.
  • Look towards that person who looks towards you. Love that person that loves you, listen to that person that listens to you and give your hands in his hands that are prepared to grasp it.
  • A mans position in life is such that though he is mortal he is reborn with pleasure in the winds of afflictions. It is that very same life whose consequence is not death. It is that very same comfort which has no extreme anguish.
  • That person who has enmity against a well to do companion, he totally rejects the wisdom and foresight of the sustainers.
  • Many wealthy people because of greed are poor and needy, in reality the brave person is he who wrestles and defeats the devil of greed and thereafter becomes independent and without want of need from this material World.
  • The person who backbites and speaks ill of us are actually our success because they pay homage to us by writing their good deeds into our deed books.
  • Look carefully at the previous graves lying in ruin. How the sands of beautiful people are turning bad.
  • If you do not find the sweetness of doing a good deed then be aware that you have not done that deed.
  • Disrespect earns the displeasure of the creator and the creation.
  • To please the enemies of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala is beyond comprehension and wisdom.
  • O! Gifts do not imprison me so that I become unmindful to the benefactor.
  • O! Doers of good deeds giving birth to sincerity in your deeds can never be a wasted effort.
  • Among the creation, silence is not bravery but rather impatience.
  • The person who cannot educate his own soul, then how is he going to educate others.
  • The love of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam is intertwined in poverty and starvation.
  • The love of the World generally blinded the eyes, those eyes which should have been used to identify the specialties of the Almighty Creator.
  • The person who becomes aware of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala then he becomes hospitable towards the creation.
  • Preach only in accordance to religion otherwise remaining dumb is better.
  • To adopt anonymity and unwholesomeness relative to it is peaceful.
  • As long as there remains on this earth one person in your heart whom you fear or have high expectations of, then until then your Faith is not complete.
  • Until you still possess arrogance and anger you cannot classify yourself amongst the learned.
  • That sustenance whose extent is expansive but no thanks is given for it and that means of livelihood which is difficult but no patience is shown for it become a source of revolt and mischief.
  • Always hold the best opinions about others and think ill of yourself.
  • O! ‘Alim do not soil your knowledge by sitting in the company of Worldly people.
  • Your speech will tell what is in your heart.
  • An oppressor destroys the World of the oppressed, and his own in the hereafter.
  • To start something good is your job and to see it completed is the work of your creator.
  • A wise person first question his heart thereafter speaks with his mouth.
  • To remain alone is protection and safety and to every sin there is a period of execution.
  • Except for the needs of your children and family do not leave the house unnecessarily.
  • Endeavor not to start a conversation and your speaking becomes necessary only to answer a question.
  • Keep your mouth closed from answering unnecessary questions so that you can remain safe from unnecessary talk.
  • That person who is never distressed, has no virtue.
  • Material people chase the World while the World chases the friends of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala .
  • This World is a World of exertion for a Mo’min while the hereafter is a World of relaxation.
  • Suspicion closes all the benefits to be accrued.
  • An understanding person finds no joy in anything, for it has accountability, for being lawful or a punishment for it being unlawful.
  • To make the soul receive the truth is its existence while making it receive failures, errors, falsehood and wrongdoings is its annihilation.
  • Those who belong to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala carry out his commands and even their hearts are reinforced by it. You carry on committing sin then to you have no fear. This is obvious evidence of betrayal. Beware; safeguard yourself for you may be caught out unawares when your allotted time is up.
  • A disrespectful becomes the object of displeasure and wrath of both the creator and the creation.
  • Iman (Faith) is the root while deeds and actions are its branches. Therefore stay away from associating with your Iman and sin with your actions.
  • First there is ignorance, thereafter knowledge, then follows practice upon your knowledge, thereafter sincerity upon that action and finally comes understanding and wisdom in the heart.
  • If you do not have patience then poverty and sicknesses become a misfortune and if you adopt patience then it becomes nobility and graciousness.
  • To gain the happiness of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala is impossible if you cannot make a poor person happy. The treatment for afflictions upon oneself is to gain the happiness and pleasure of the poor.
  • Whosoever asks of the creation is blind to the doors of the creator.
  • You are busy in fulfilling the desires and wishes of the soul (nafs) while the nafs is busy in destroying you.
  • That person is close to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala who is kind and affectionate towards the creation.
  • Rejection (kufr) of the divine blessings and providence is contrary to achieving closeness to the truth.
  • Hundreds of thousands of people just like you have been fattened and then swallowed by this World.
  • Do not be fooled by your youthful appearance for very soon it would be taken away from you.
  • Poverty saves one from sin and wealth is a trap for sins regard poverty as your protector.
  • To make a poor person happy makes one the inheritor of and undisclosed amount of reward.
  • What are you going to do by taking the bounties? Take the merciful and compassionate one. Every pious person is from the progeny and following of Muhammad SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam.
  • He whose fate is ultimately death then what is the need for happiness.
  • People do not regard you with respect because you are proud and vain but rather they look up to you when you are polite and hospitable.
  • Keep your hearts open only for Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and to busy yourself in earning a means of livelihood for your family is also following the commands.
  • To remember death is the best treatment for all ailments.
  • Worship and prayers breaks unwanted habits and should not be but a habit only.
  • The person who wishes to tame his soul should bridle it with silence and good etiquettes.
  • Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala asks a loan of his servants and the messengers of this are the beggars.
  • For the whole period I spent in the companionship of my sheikh (spiritual guide) I have never seen the whiteness of his teeth.
  • Whenever it is possible reform each morsel for the foundations of good deeds lies in it.
  • The creation are like children in relation to the saints of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala .
  • It is a lie if one says by sitting in the company of those women with whom relationships are lawful and young boys; one has absolutely no inclination towards them. Islamic principles (Shari‘ah) is neither definitely not in agreement nor does a sound mind allow for such conformities and this is total rejection of Shariat for Shari‘ah has never given anyone exemption from this.
  • When the angels do not enter a house in which there are images pictures then how do you expect Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala to enter your heart which is full of thousands of statues and idols. Anything else besides Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala presence in the heart is images and idols.
  • A visit to the pious person communicates the condition of the person.
  • The key to the closeness to the truth is in private consultations and journeys.
  • Do not become subservient to the gifts in such a manner that you forget the bestowal of the gifts.
  • The provisions and luggage undoubtedly is modesty, such that, because of it, the doors of sovereignty and reality seem closed.
  • It is not becoming of a mo’min to sleep until he has kept his will and testimony ready.
  • The obedience of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala is by asking and not by desiring.
  • You are busy in building mansions and palaces for others to stay in while; its accountability rests entirely on you.
  • O! Children of Adam Alaihis Salaam be modest towards Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala as you would be modest towards your religious neighbor.
  • When a person commits a sin, he closes the doors, draws the veils and hides from the creation and goes against the commands of the creator in private, and then the creator says, O! Son of Adam Alaihis Salaam you have regarded me the least amongst those that can see you because you found it necessary to hide yourself from the creation yet you have not shown modesty and shame even equivalent to that of the creation towards me.
  • It is not beneficial to be a master at speech when you are immature at heart.
  • Be obedient with a direction; don’t become obedient to the masses.
  • Do not become a polytheist by regarding your wealth as absolute and total power of assistance.
  • O! You who make fun of others very soon you will know the answer to your own fate.
  • O! Munafiqa (Hypocrites) very soon you will see the punishment of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala descending upon you in this World and the hereafter. The times are pregnant and very soon you will see what it gives birth to.
  • Your actions are proof of your belief and your exterior appearance is a sign of your interior condition.
  • To turn your face towards the creation is to turn your back towards Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala .
  • Empty desires are the jungle of stupidity and folly and only the foolish hustle and bustle aimlessly within it.
  • Make silence your habit, anonymity you clothing, escape from the creation your aim and if it is possible then dig the hole and sit down in it. This habit should stay with you until such time that you Iman (Faith) has reached an age of maturity and is unquestionable.
  • Those that wish the approval of the creation should show patience of the oppression of the created.
  • Do not turn away from the creator because of some misfortune, because he may be testing you with it.
  • Moderation is half of one’s sustenance (livelihood) and good manners is half of religion (Deen).
  • O Doers of good deeds! Adopt sincerity otherwise it is wasted effort.
  • If you are afraid of your destination then whichever way or wherever you look at, you will find that you are surrounded by ferocious beasts.
  • Good deeds are done in privacy and not in public except that which is Fard (compulsory) which is performed in exposure.
  • Everything that you rely on, every person you afraid of or you keep that trust in, becomes your God.
  • 1. Special testimony 2. Making the commands of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala compulsory upon yourself 3. Not to fear or trust anyone 4. To make all your needs aware only to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and put your Faith in him, To ask of him alone and never put your trust in anyone except Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala .
  • A seeker is not truthful until he places the needs of sustenance of his companions over and above the sustenance of his soul and desires.
  • Remain honourable among the people, for by revealing your poverty you will fall in status in their eyes.
  • Meet the wealthy and rich with dignity ad prevalence and the poor with humility and humbleness.
  • Your keeping the company of careless and negligent people is a sigh of your carelessness and negligence.
  • To love of the creations is in its well wishing.
  • To give is better than to receive.
  • That person who is generous with the creation then he is close to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala .
  • A residence that is fit to be called a house, clothes that cover the body, a stomach full of sustenance and a wife is not regarded as Worldly but to face towards the Worldly while showing your back to your creator is Worldly.
  • Even if you have said Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala aloud, then even then you would be interrogated whether it was said in sincerity or in show.
  • When the remembrance of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala finds a place in the heart then for servant to remember Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala continuously becomes continuous and everlasting even though the lips are closed.
  • Carry out the rights that the ruler has upon you and do not question that which is obligatory upon you.
  • There is greater dignity in the remembrance of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala than in death; at the time of cutting someone short by razing them to the ground and thereafter realising it was fruitless to sow the seeds of hate.
  • Hide your troubles and you will receive closeness to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala .
  • A mo’min leaves his family in the care of the creator while a munaafiq leaves his family in the care of his dirham and dinaars (wealth).
  • There are 3 types of creation 1. Angels 2. The Devil 3. Man. The Angels are entirely good and the devil is entirely bad. Man is a mixture of good and bad. Whoever is overcome with good he can be likened to an Angel and whoever is overcome with evil he can be likened to the devil.
  • Do not laugh with those that are laughing but cry with those that are crying.
  • If your thoughts are with the creator then you are subservient to the creator. If your thoughts are with the creation then you are subservient to the creation.
  • Give priority to the hereafter over the World and you will benefit in both, but priority is given to the World over the hereafter then you would suffer losses in both.
  • Do not spend even one night in the hate and malice of anybody.
  • The sign of your sincerity is that you praise the creation and you do not turn your attention towards derogatory remarks nor do you show greed and avarice towards their wealth but you give your lord his right and your deeds are for your benefactor and not for the gifts, for the king and not for the kingdom and for the truth and not for falsehood.
  • As long as the doors of good health are open to you then regard it as a blessing for very soon it will be closed upon you. So as long as you have the strength and power to do good deeds regard it as a blessing.
  • It is wrong to claim respect towards your creator as long as you have no respect whatsoever for his creation.
  • When an ‘Alim is not an ascetic then, he is a punishment upon those that follow him.
  • A Mu’min, as he grows older Faith becomes stronger.
  • To search for good fortune is an unnecessary trouble and to search for that which is not your destiny is to anger Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and disgraceful.
  • You do not concern yourself in making the creator angry by pleasing the creation. In exchange for Worldly mansions and building you destroy your hereafter. Very soon you will be caught. He will definitely catch you whose imprisonment is very, very fearful.
  • What, you do not become ashamed ordering him to change your fate? Are your more commanding, more just and merciful than him? You and the entire creation are his servants. It becomes compulsory upon you to adopt, peace, solitude and silence.
  • Saying without deeds and deeds without sincerity are not worthy of acceptance.
  • A person once came to the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam and said that he loves him (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) very much. The Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam said to him “lay down a cloth or spread a cloth for Poverty.” Another person said that he loves Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala , The Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam said “spread a cloth for misfortune, for the love of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam is intertwined with poverty and misfortunes.”
  • You are busy accumulating that which you would not be able to eat. You desire for that which you cannot attain. Construct those buildings in which you will not stay. All this makes you blind to the status of your creator.
  • Be happy in the changes and choices that the creator made for you. If you stay in this manner with him then he will definitely change your fears and horrors.
  • Adopt patience for this World is an assembly of troubles and calamities.
  • When somebody approaches carrying tales or gossiping or informing you about what another has said to him about you then admonish him and tell him that he is worst than that person that was gossiping about you for that person spoke behind your back while he is telling it straight to your face. That person has not made you listen yet he made you listen to it.
  • What an unfortunate person is he who had not been given the habit of being merciful in his heart for all living things?
  • Your biggest enemies are those that are your biggest supporters.
  • The sum total of all the essence of good is to seek knowledge, practice upon it and teaching it to somebody.

Blessed Genealogy of Sayedna Ghous Al Aazam

Prophetic Supervision, Alavi star, Batooli Boon … Hussain’s light in Hasan’s Moon
Sayyiduna’sh-Shaykh Muhyyi’d-din ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, al-Hasani, al-Husaini Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho (may Allah be well pleased with him!) Born 470 A.H., Passed away 561 A.H. [1077 – 1166 C.E.]

Raza! Imagine how unique is that garden of compassion;
Where in the bud is Zahra, and Flowers are Hussain and Hasan

His “Nisbah” or Blessed Genealogy:
From Exalted Father:

The Supreme Helper, the Lordly Cardinal Pole, the everlasting edifice, the radiantly shining lamp, the Sultan of the Saints and the Masters of Direct Knowledge, the proof of the chosen and those who have reached their spiritual destination, Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala’s Gray Falcon, our patron, our master and our exemplary guide to Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala , the noble highborn patrician, the chieftain,

– Shaykh Muhyi ‘d-Din ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani al-Hasani al-Husaini [may Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala sanctify his splendid innermost being, and may He illuminate his noble mausoleum],
– son of Imam Sayyid Abu Swalih Musa Jangi Dost Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid ‘Abdullah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid Yahya az-Zahid Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid Muhammad Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid Da’ud Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid Musa Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid Abdullah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid Musa al-Jawn Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid Abdullah al-Mahd Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Sayyid al-Hasan al-Muthanna Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam al-Humam Sayyid al-Hasan as-Sibt Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of our chief and our patron, the Commander of the Believers, Abul-Husain ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib [may Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala be well pleased with them all].

From Exalted Mother:

On his mother’s side of the family, the line of descent of our revered master and patron, Shaykh Muhyi’d-Din ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani [may Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala the Exalted be well pleased with him], is as follows:

– He is Sayyid Shaykh Muhyi ‘d-Din ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani [may Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala sanctify his luminous innermost being],
– son of Sayyidah Umm al-Khayr Amat al-Jabbar Fatima Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anha,
– daughter of Sayyid ‘Abdullah as-Sawma’i az-Zahid Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Sayyid Abu ‘Abdi’llah Jamal ad-Din Muhammad Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Sayyid Mahmud Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Sayyid Abul-‘Ata’ ‘Abdullah Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Sayyid Kamal ad-Din ‘Esa Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Sayyid Imam Abu ‘Abdi’llah ‘Ala’ ad-Din Muhammad al-Jawad Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Sayyid Imam ‘Ali ar-Rida Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Sayyid Imam Musa al-Kazim Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam Zain al-‘Abidin ‘Ali Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho,
– son of Imam al-Humam al-Husain, the Martyr of Karbala,
– son of Imam al-Humam, the Commander of the Believers, our master ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho [may Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala be well pleased with him, and with them all].

Your illustrious antecessors are Hussain and Hasan;
Both traditions in your personality have become one

Prophetic Rain, Alavi Crop, Batooli Bower … Hussain’s Fragrance in Hasan’s Flower
